Rachel's Challenge and other Solutions that work: post yours here


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Former Columbine principal breaks down during interview as details of Florida shooting unfolded

Instead of complaining about problems and things that don't work to prevent crime and violence,
I'm starting this thread in honor of Rachel Scott and people who have inspired solutions that work.

Please post links to any program PROVEN to stop bullying, violence, crime and yes even school shootings.
Rachel's challenge has led to students stopping plans for shootings, bullying etc. and changed school communities and cultures around.


In Houston, John Gable of Listen to the Cries of the Children has helped students walk away from gangs and get help to stay away from trouble, as he got into which led to him getting shot and paralyzed. www.houstonprogressive.org/johngable.html

Devon Wade who aspired to change the criminal justice system, and help poor communities break the cycle of incarceration, was working with No More Victims Inc before he was killed by gunfire in a domestic dispute.
Smiley High grad who beat odds wins national award

In addition to No More Victims, there's also Prison Fellowship, Workfaith Connection, and Alternatives to Violence Project www.avpusa.org that help people recover from crime addition and incarceration and teach and mentor others to do the same, so the positive support multiplies to break the cycle at a growing rate exponentially over time.

What solutions have you found that work so well, you would recommend all districts adopt and model their schools after these programs? Please post here!
RE: Stopping threads on a subject Because to many?

Simple RetiredGySgt and bear513
You start a thread like this one, calling for agreement on proven working solutions,
and boom the thread dies. No responses. While threads attacking and criticizing
others, posting blame and problems back and forth with no focus on solving anything
can multiply exponentially.

This is in response to RGS thread posting about the problem
but not presenting any solutions.

The solution is to identify each area that people are bitching about,
and solve each one. NOT compete to make gun control or mental illness the bigger issue,
but to address ALL OF THEM.

2aguy started a thread where people COULD have answered and posted a solution.
I will try to reply there too. but if my SOLUTIONS get lost in all the slamming and blaming
back and forth, I will ask 2aguy to accept my response posted here instead where
I can at least find posts and hold a serious conversation instead of getting lost in political slams going nowhere.

My solution is to focus on the same training, oath to defend the Constitutional laws process and procedures
and mental h ealth screening required for police and vets and apply that to ALL citizens.
so this would address both the mental illness screening and treatment for dangerous sick people
who would get diagnosed before worse dangers or risks are imposed; and would address
the issue of legal responsibility on using arms for law enforcement and not abusing them for violating laws.

That's the solution I see coming out of this.
I will post it on 2aguy's thread also, but his is already overrun with slams back and forth
not seeking any serious solution much less anything that people from all sides might actually unite around.

God bless America and unite us to reinforce and fulfill the
laws and principles we were designed and destined to establish.
May we all put our conflicts aside and use our different ideas
to come up with the ideal most effective and unifying solutions,
in honor of those who came before us and those who will follow after.

In Jesus Christ name who brings Restorative Justice and Peace,
thank you for all that you are doing to contribute to a better world.

Yours truly, Emily

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