Rachel Maddow


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Rachel Maddow just totally nailed Senator Coburn. She showed a clip of Coburn today on FOX saying that the 9/11 responders health care bill was being rammed through hastily, and that it hadn't even been to committee yet, or even held a meeting.

Rachel showed video of the Congressional meeting from back in July and highlighted Coburn's empty seat - he didn't bother to show up!

Video when it becomes available.
Damn she got him! I mean look at that guy trying to bring down this whole country with crap like that.

I mean damn! That is the most important piece of legislation out there right now!

Honestly if the meeting 6 months ago was about the same bill today then she got him. She's not exactly going to get a Pulitzer Prize or anything.
Rachel Maddow. That dude is ugly. She also happens to be one of the biggest liars in America. She fits in perfectly with MSNBC morons like Olbermann, Chris "I Have A Thrill Up My Leg" Matthews and that fat sack of shit Schultz.

Remember the time not too long ago Maddow accused a Republican politician of knowing in advance of the Oklahoma City Bombing? She said he knew of it in advanced, kept quiet and personally consigned 160 innocent people to their deaths.

Turns out Maddow, as usual, was lying through her teeth. The truth emerged that this politician did indeed receive a fax about the bombing. Problem is it came through 30 minutes after the attack. He immidiately contacted the FBI. The Feds confirmed the story.

Maddow needs to just go away. She's a lying. scum-sucking, bottom-feeding, methane-breather. Her balls are getting too big for MSNBC.
Rachel Maddow just totally nailed Senator Coburn. She showed a clip of Coburn today on FOX saying that the 9/11 responders health care bill was being rammed through hastily, and that it hadn't even been to committee yet, or even held a meeting.

Rachel showed video of the Congressional meeting from back in July and highlighted Coburn's empty seat - he didn't bother to show up!

Video when it becomes available.

Coburn doesn't have a leg to stand on if what you said is true.

But that is doubtful when you consider that the source is some biased idiot bulldyke.
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Rachel Maddow just totally nailed Senator Coburn. She showed a clip of Coburn today on FOX saying that the 9/11 responders health care bill was being rammed through hastily, and that it hadn't even been to committee yet, or even held a meeting.

Rachel showed video of the Congressional meeting from back in July and highlighted Coburn's empty seat - he didn't bother to show up!

Video when it becomes available.

Coburn doesn't have a leg to stand on if what you said is true.

But that is doubtful when you consider that the source is some biased idiot bulldyke.

I suspect you're afflicted by micropenis. It'd explain why you're so insecure and afraid that Rachel Maddow is more Man than you could ever be.
Rachel Maddow just totally nailed Senator Coburn. She showed a clip of Coburn today on FOX saying that the 9/11 responders health care bill was being rammed through hastily, and that it hadn't even been to committee yet, or even held a meeting.

Rachel showed video of the Congressional meeting from back in July and highlighted Coburn's empty seat - he didn't bother to show up!

Video when it becomes available.

Coburn doesn't have a leg to stand on if what you said is true.

But that is doubtful when you consider that the source is some biased idiot bulldyke.

I suspect you're afflicted by micropenis.
You are projecting.
And there you have it.

Men and women making up lies about a woman who does nothing but report the truth.

Did coburn say this shit even though it was a lie?


But what the true to spirit righties on here refuse to deal with the facts at hand and perfer to reduce Ms Madow to a sex gag line.

Attack the reporter instead of your lying sack of shit politician who was just proven to be a liar.
Rachel Maddow just totally nailed Senator Coburn. She showed a clip of Coburn today on FOX saying that the 9/11 responders health care bill was being rammed through hastily, and that it hadn't even been to committee yet, or even held a meeting.

Rachel showed video of the Congressional meeting from back in July and highlighted Coburn's empty seat - he didn't bother to show up!

Video when it becomes available.

No Republican wants to deny 911 responders their just due, but the bill does need to be debated. There are still questions about how it's budgeted. It needs to go through a committee.
This is what they do and how they opperate.

No holding their own assholes responsible for ANYTHINHG.
Why is finding $6B in a $3.5T budget, to pay for it, so impossible?

Is there anything Democrats want to spend more on that they are willing to cut elsewhere for?

The answer is "no."

I didn't know Coburn was a Democrat.

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