Racer-X: Capitalism Interview (Danger)


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a commerce-inquiry fictional Charlie Rose interview with 'modernism-capitalism anti-hero' Racer-X (a daredevil-guru from the iconic anime-cartoon Speed Racer, recently adapted into an American film starring John Goodman and Susan Sarandon).

This exchange was inspired by the films Ruthless People and Downhill Racer.



CHARLIE ROSE: Now, you've been studying capitalism theory and racing all your life, which should have given you a serious perspective on the 'complexity' of competitive behavior.

RACER-X: Competition is very cool, but it can become terribly savage. Capitalism theory tells us there are 'parametrics of competitive games' (especially when multiple parties can profit), but often you see the intrigue of becoming a pirate (e.g., U.S. vs. Microsoft). I suppose thinking about all this has made me very pensive about the 'danger' of victory...

CHARLIE ROSE: I'm sure you heard the news of the Vegas shooting (recent). Do you think gambling adds a 'complex' spice to the 'cauldron' (as you seemed to characterize 'capitalism-gaming') of modern economics (and simulated 'courage')?

RACER-X: That's a terrific question. I did hear of the Vegas shooting (and I was disturbed by it indeed). I think gambling has an almost 'storied' tradition in capitalism-America (when you think of glorified bank-robbers such as Bonnie and Clyde or the sheer 'romanticism' associated with the establishment of the gaming/casino city of Las Vegas by the iconic 'American gangster' Bugsy), so I do believe that gambling 'allure' had given modern economics an almost 'seafaring' or even 'Viking-esque' face. Maybe Bugsy is the new Thomas Edison...

CHARLIE ROSE: If Bugsy is the new Edison, who is the new Alexander Hamilton (first U.S. Treasurer)?

RACER-X: I know about Hamiltonian Federalism and studied it (quite a lot!), and I really like what Hamilton suggested about the 'power' of economic advocacy in a capitalism state, which, by definition, is constantly 'redefining' or 'developing' itself. I'd say that Jerry Springer is the new Alexander Hamilton, simply because Americans are very interested in 'pedestrianism-engaged' intellectualism, even when it seems otherwise 'low-brow' (e.g., MTV, Wall Street films, Richie Rich comics, Vegas video-games and tournaments on ESPN, etc.). Yeah, definitely Jerry Springer!

CHARLIE ROSE: If you went on a 'crusade' to protect the 'spiritual veil' of capitalism (e.g., Vegas, Wall Street, MTV, Facebook, etc.), what would you need to do/defend?

RACER-X: That's also a terrific (but complicated question). You really have to balance what you can disclose and what the people simply don't want to think about while 'shopping.' For example, we know of the landmark modernism cases involving Enron and Napster, but to really get involved in a 'crusade,' someone would have to actually veil the American public (and arguably the global commercial community) from the 'temptations' of capitalism victories such as (I think). I think it'd be dangerous to say things like 'The Gulf War was a boasting-trophy for the American people!'

CHARLIE ROSE: What about Vegas showgirls? Is that 'culture' or 'candy,' in your opinion?

RACER-X: When I think of my younger brother Cruise (aka, 'Speed Racer') who is incredibly headstrong but also very idealistic, I realize that modern Americans actually *like* glorifying the triumphs of the 'youthful heart,' and maybe that's alright. However, I would say that if we want to tell fundamentalist Muslims (e.g., terrorists/ISIS) that Vegas showgirls are not to be frowned upon (metaphysically) when compared to veiled women of Islam or even Muslim belly-dancers 'veiled' in customs-controlled 'hospitality tents,' we'd have to appreciate why Las Vegas is a trophy for immigrants (daydreaming about fortune)...not a 'showcase' for untempered arrogance (or the charity of gamblers only). But I love cheering on Speed Racer!

CHARLIE ROSE: That's great. So, what about comic book media (very popular recently) glorifying daredevil courage and outright risk-fantasies?

RACER-X: I like Daredevil (Marvel Comics) and the new Ben Affleck film. I think these fantastic stories/characters speak to the American Dream and why/how people who indulge in 'fortune-daydreams' and fantasies about 'destroying evil' represent new age 'American Utopianism.'

CHARLIE ROSE: What is true evil in a capitalism state?

RACER-X: When the pure ambition of capitalism is not 'checked' by empathy (or even outright pity for the homeless), savage governance can seem...almost practical. We don't want capitalism to become another 'key-word' for cannibalism for dystopian philosophers/writers.

CHARLIE ROSE: Are you a fan of Orwell?

RACER-X: Orwell is obviously a visionary, but I also like writers who explore problems relevant to 'everyday people' such as shoppers and priests. I like Stephen King's Needful Things and Steven Spielberg's The Post represent true 'modernism paranoia.' I think Orwellian visions are somehow related to a pre-Industrial premonition-paranoia (I think).

CHARLIE ROSE: What's your opinion of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

RACER-X: I watch the Indian version (with Bollywood-star Amitabh Bachan as host), and I like it. It's a cool show, and it's fun for everyday people thinking about the modern media's presentation of 'consumerism-friendly games.' It's interesting to me that the iconic capitalism real-estate board game Monopoly (Parker Brothers) is now a popular app for the iPhone.

CHARLIE ROSE: When is capitalism poison?

RACER-X: The 'term' poison refers to etiquette-disintegration, and I think capitalism becomes poison when consumers and politicians equally neglect Consumer Reports (e.g., FDA concerns).

CHARLIE ROSE: Thank you for doing this interview with us. You seem to be very thoughtful about 'capitalism destiny' (which is great news for Speed Racer)!

RACER-X: I look forward to cheering on Speed Racer in the upcoming race at the Autobahn and watching the new capitalism-confusion film American Made (Tom Cruise).



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