Race Relations under Obama - POLL


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Question posed by the NY Times......."Have race relations improved under President Obama?"

People indicating "Yes"??

10% :coffee::rofl::rofl::rofl:

My only ? is.......how is it even 10%?

In fact, most people would argue that this guy purposefully has increased division between races as evidenced by the work of this phoney attorney general.......first thing he does when Furgeson breaks out is call Al Sharpton. So c'mon.......lets call a spade a spade here!!:biggrin:
At first I didn't believe the report that the White House called Al Sharpton. I figured that couldn't possibly be true.
But...it is.
And that is all you need to know about how our President feels about justice and race relations both.
At first I didn't believe the report that the White House called Al Sharpton. I figured that couldn't possibly be true.
But...it is.
And that is all you need to know about how our President feels about justice and race relations both.

You can tell that is a very old pic, both have gray hair now...Sharpton is very gray and looks feeble...emaciated...
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I don't think race relations will ever improve much beyond what they are right now because no one really wants them to. Everyone keeps saying we need to have a honest conversation about race that is very hard to do though when anytime someone says something on the subject we disagree with they get vilified and demonized.
I don't think race relations will ever improve much beyond what they are right now because no one really wants them to. Everyone keeps saying we need to have a honest conversation about race that is very hard to do though when anytime someone says something on the subject we disagree with they get vilified and demonized.

They will in 1 or 2 generations once the assholes have died off.

Why do you think Irish people, Italian people, German people, Chinese people, etc. are now accepted?
They've certainly gotten worse, Obama got off on the wrong foot almost immediately with his portrayal of how the Cambridge Police "acted stupidly".
Then of course, his "if I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon" comments.

Race relations were steadily getting worse IMO, even before Obama. He's stepped it up however with his divisiveness.
I don't think race relations will ever improve much beyond what they are right now because no one really wants them to. Everyone keeps saying we need to have a honest conversation about race that is very hard to do though when anytime someone says something on the subject we disagree with they get vilified and demonized.

They will in 1 or 2 generations once the assholes have died off.

Why do you think Irish people, Italian people, German people, Chinese people, etc. are now accepted?

Because they're not a burden on the rest of the population. The IQ gap is not going to be closed, the socioeconomic gap won't be closed, there will be wealth transfers and as the proportion of whites in the population declines the burden on whites grows and so too will resentment.
Because they're not a burden on the rest of the population. The IQ gap is not going to be closed, the socioeconomic gap won't be closed, there will be wealth transfers and as the proportion of whites in the population declines the burden on whites grows and so too will resentment.

They were. Your kind will be dead and gone one day. Thank goodness for the future of humanity :thup:
Because they're not a burden on the rest of the population. The IQ gap is not going to be closed, the socioeconomic gap won't be closed, there will be wealth transfers and as the proportion of whites in the population declines the burden on whites grows and so too will resentment.

They were. Your kind will be dead and gone one day. Thank goodness for the future of humanity :thup:

When everyone is a shade of brown and have black hair, in 150 years, racism will be gone.
I don't think race relations will ever improve much beyond what they are right now because no one really wants them to. Everyone keeps saying we need to have a honest conversation about race that is very hard to do though when anytime someone says something on the subject we disagree with they get vilified and demonized.

They will in 1 or 2 generations once the assholes have died off.

Why do you think Irish people, Italian people, German people, Chinese people, etc. are now accepted?
I will be long dead by then and I fear we will just have a new generation of assholes to replace the old one.
Because they're not a burden on the rest of the population. The IQ gap is not going to be closed, the socioeconomic gap won't be closed, there will be wealth transfers and as the proportion of whites in the population declines the burden on whites grows and so too will resentment.

They were. Your kind will be dead and gone one day. Thank goodness for the future of humanity :thup:

Some things are fundamental to humanity and not wanting to support strangers is one of those things. I wasn't around when you oldster's had your Civil Rights marches, I came into the world you created, the world created by the 60s hippies, those 60s civil rights fighters are today's TEA party supporters.

If things are getting worse it's like because the cost to white society of supporting social dysfunction is climbing higher. Back when you guys walked on your marches the cost of uplifting one black minority fell onto seven white people. Today the cost of uplifting one minority falls on 1.6 white people. The cost of social dysfunction is high today and as the white population decreases the costs of supporting Third World Americans will only increase, thus increasing discord. My passing away half a century in the future won't change the tone of society.
Because they're not a burden on the rest of the population. The IQ gap is not going to be closed, the socioeconomic gap won't be closed, there will be wealth transfers and as the proportion of whites in the population declines the burden on whites grows and so too will resentment.

They were. Your kind will be dead and gone one day. Thank goodness for the future of humanity :thup:

When everyone is a shade of brown and have black hair, in 150 years, racism will be gone.

How's that again?


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