Race Apparently More Important Than Morality In Black Churches


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

This morning on Fox News they featured a black reverend (I didn't catch his name because I hadn't had my coffee yet) who said he was deeply disturbed about Obama coming out for same-sex marriage. He said that many of his parish were thinking of not voting this year in protest. He said that many of them were highly upset about the way that Obama first floated a trial balloon on the subject by sending out the VP, then making a big production of supporting same-sex marriage.

The good reverend went to great lengths so state the danger he felt this posed to the community. He said they would be in our schools teaching our children this new stance of the president. It would be a pervasive part of our society. However when asked if he felt it was right for black voters to sit this one out, he said that he would personally encourage his church members to vote. When asked if he would support Mitt Romney he said he didn't trust him. At the end of the interview, regardless of all of his reservations, he felt Obama was the better choice.

It seemed to me that it didn't matter what Obama said or did, he was gonna support him. I find this extremely hypocritical. Christians should have principles and should base their choices on morality, not on race. If he feels Obama's political views are really so dangerous to the black community why does he still support him??


I remember hearing the same kind of thing from some blacks before Obama was elected POTUS. I was talking to somebody and after listening to him for almost an hour brow-beat Obama, pointing out his flaws, I asked him if he would support John McCain. He said nope. He was voting for Obama. I asked why. He said because McCain is a warmonger.


I think we all know what the real reason is blacks want to vote for Obama. It's an easy choice for them. If it comes down to an election between a black man and a white man they'll pick the black man no matter what because all they need is a reason supplied to them by the black man that the white man is untrustworthy, and Obama had done that. Bain Capital is that reason. It doesn't matter that Obama is in over his head and hasn't done his job since he lost the House last year. All he's done is campaign against Congress and "The Rich". Even Bill Clinton admitted yesterday that taxing them 100% wouldn't balance the budget.


Rumors have been coming out of Democrat meetings that they're going to attempt to attach racial tones to everything the GOP or Mitt Romney does from here on out. They'll claim it's all a secret racist code that the right uses all of the time. They're going to rationalize just about anything they say or do and turn it into racism. Democrats are prepared to use the racecard repeatedly to make sure that blacks don't stay home.

These pastors know that the government- sanctioned destruction of the family unit is the single most devastating blight on black America.

They are standing up against Obama's call to encourage people to live like dogs.

Obama's not going to lose any black vote over this. Cafeteria Christians are Cafeteria Christians, skin color is irrelevant.


I know some Christians that won't vote for Romney because he's a Mormon.

Personally I think it's bigotry more than anything else.

Most evangelicals don't support Obama because of his abortion policies.

I think evangelicals are being left behind as far as politics is concerned. But black churches are much more political than white churches. Church and state are one in the same to many of them.
What? People wont vote for Romney over ONE issue. For shame, how dare the blacks do that!

Oh yeah, please stop with the "what black people think" bullshit, just ask a black person. But understanding isnt your "thing", demonization is right Saul?

Amazing and incredibly laughable reading what people who don't know shit about black people have to say about us.

Guess they're looking for God to win an election for them. :lol:

Oh Lawd .. please make the dark people stay at home during the election. :lol:

African-Americans have lots of reasons to be mad at Obama .. but homophobia ain't (eb) one of them. :0)
Obama will not lose the black vote. Wouldn't matter if he was Satan himself, he knew this when he "came out". Nothing Obama does is by chance, it's all calculated by his team. He might loose a couple of Pastors that have strong beliefs on the matter but the congregations will hold their nose and slip in to the abyss of the private voting booth. ;)
It's just a fact of life.

Black's are going to vote for the black candidate.

Obama could get arrested in a motel room with prostitutes and lines of cocaine on the table.

And they would still vote for him!!

Oops....... bad example.....something like that already happened to another black politician.

Anyway, blacks vote based on skin color........ everything else is secondary. :doubt:
Ignorance and bigotry isn't dominated by whites. It's all over.
Amazing and incredibly laughable reading what people who don't know shit about black people have to say about us.

Fair enough, but then the opposite holds true as well. If I dare to say something negative about a black person, we all know what often follows from many other blacks: A description of my opinion of blacks in general. Usually including a word that begins with the letter "r".


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Blacks love Obama more than they hate gays


About time something woke many of us up from our religious ignorance.

God hate gays?

Who the fuck was King James? :lol:

Always been a thought of mine to stand up in church and scream, WHO THE FUCK WAS KING JAMES? :0)

Answer: A homosexual and pedophile who thought Jesus was in love with John .. who also was called by God to rewrite the bible and he commissioned two non-christians to do it .. Shakesphere and Bacon .. and in his version of the bible he removed the word "slave" and replaced it with nebulous terms like "handmaiden" and "bondsman" instead.

Oh yeah, in this made-up bible African-Americans are so loyal to, it also has a passage from God, Leviticus 25:44, where God declares, "You may take your slaves from the heathen nations around you" .. and goes on to say, "And you may will then to your children like cattle." That same nasty bible then goes on to tell you how to beat, rape, and punish your slaves.

Don't know whose "god" that is .. but it's obvious that he doesn't give a fuck about black people. :0)

This is the same "god" who sent his armies to destroy entire villages and ordered them to kill every person, including children .. except the "women unknown to man" .. the virgins. They could kill everybody else, but they could keep the virgins for themselves .. BUT, they must give a few of those virgins to God.

Proof positive that God has a dick. :0)

Proof positive that religion is for morons.
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What? People wont vote for Romney over ONE issue. For shame, how dare the blacks do that!

Oh yeah, please stop with the "what black people think" bullshit, just ask a black person. But understanding isnt your "thing", demonization is right Saul?

It's obvious you didn't read the OP, because if you had you'd know that I did ask, PERSONALLY, as well as point out one of their conflicting veiwpoints.

Stop blurting out your anger at thread titles like a troll.

Amazing and incredibly laughable reading what people who don't know shit about black people have to say about us.

Guess they're looking for God to win an election for them. :lol:

Oh Lawd .. please make the dark people stay at home during the election. :lol:

African-Americans have lots of reasons to be mad at Obama .. but homophobia ain't (eb) one of them. :0)

It's a black thing. Lol

That excuse is outdated.
Blacks love Obama more than they hate gays


About time something woke many of us up from our religious ignorance.

God hate gays?

Who the fuck was King James? :lol:

Always been a thought of mine to stand up in church and scream, WHO THE FUCK WAS KING JAMES? :0)

Answer: A homosexual and pedophile who thought Jesus was in love with John .. who also was called by God to rewrite the bible and he commissioned two non-christians to do it .. Shakesphere and Bacon .. and in his version of the bible he removed the word "slave" and replaced it with nebulous terms like "handmaiden" and "bondsman" instead.

Oh yeah, in this made-up bible African-Americans are so loyal to, it also has a passage from God, Leviticus 25:44, where God declares, "You may take your slaves from the heathen nations around you" .. and goes on to say, "And you may will then to your children like cattle." That same nasty bible then goes on to tell you how to beat, rape, and punish your slaves.

Don't know whose "god" that is .. but it's obvious that he doesn't give a fuck about black people. :0)

This is the same "god" who sent his armies to destroy entire villages and ordered them to kill every person, including children .. except the "women unknown to man" .. the virgins. They could kill everybody else, but they could keep the virgins for themselves .. BUT, they must give a few of those virgins to God.

Proof positive that God has a dick. :0)

Proof positive that religion is for morons.

Hebrews were enslaved by Egypt 4000 years ago. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. Jews had slaves while Jesus was alive. The slave trade in Africa was a result of Islam and their relgious cleansing practices. Slavery is alive and well in the Middle East today.

What is my point?

Blacks are not the only ones that have a right to complain.

Amazing and incredibly laughable reading what people who don't know shit about black people have to say about us.

Guess they're looking for God to win an election for them. :lol:

Oh Lawd .. please make the dark people stay at home during the election. :lol:

African-Americans have lots of reasons to be mad at Obama .. but homophobia ain't (eb) one of them. :0)

It's a black thing. Lol

That excuse is outdated.

:0) Laughable

I'm not interested in your dates ..or what you think is outdated .. or your child-like characterizations.

Simply put, your premise is ignorant .. but I'm real sure you know more about black people and what motivates us than I do. :lol:

I have no doubt that you can articulate a more thorough understanding of the relationship between the black church and African-American societal and political movement in this country than I can. :lol:

Of course, understanding and intelligent conversation isn't what you were looking for, was it mr. whistle?
Blacks love Obama more than they hate gays


About time something woke many of us up from our religious ignorance.

God hate gays?

Who the fuck was King James? :lol:

Always been a thought of mine to stand up in church and scream, WHO THE FUCK WAS KING JAMES? :0)

Answer: A homosexual and pedophile who thought Jesus was in love with John .. who also was called by God to rewrite the bible and he commissioned two non-christians to do it .. Shakesphere and Bacon .. and in his version of the bible he removed the word "slave" and replaced it with nebulous terms like "handmaiden" and "bondsman" instead.

Oh yeah, in this made-up bible African-Americans are so loyal to, it also has a passage from God, Leviticus 25:44, where God declares, "You may take your slaves from the heathen nations around you" .. and goes on to say, "And you may will then to your children like cattle." That same nasty bible then goes on to tell you how to beat, rape, and punish your slaves.

Don't know whose "god" that is .. but it's obvious that he doesn't give a fuck about black people. :0)

This is the same "god" who sent his armies to destroy entire villages and ordered them to kill every person, including children .. except the "women unknown to man" .. the virgins. They could kill everybody else, but they could keep the virgins for themselves .. BUT, they must give a few of those virgins to God.

Proof positive that God has a dick. :0)

Proof positive that religion is for morons.

Hebrews were enslaved by Egypt 4000 years ago. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. Jews had slaves while Jesus was alive. The slave trade in Africa was a result of Islam and their relgious cleansing practices. Slavery is alive and well in the Middle East today.

What is my point?

Blacks are not the only ones that have a right to complain.

I never suggested that.

Both Islam and Christianity carry the smell of slavery and ungodly ignorance.

Ask the Founders. :0)

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