Rabbi sends Letter to Nick Sandman of Covington Catholic

well he is innocent and quite a Brave kid as he stood his ground in the face of a 'hostile' a couple or 3 times his age . It is amazing with his looks though as he looks like a baby to me Penny .
well he is innocent and quite a Brave kid as he stood his ground in the face of a 'hostile' a couple times his age . It is amazing with his looks though as he looks like a baby to me Penny .

So innocent, without his racist hat on. The school knew what they were doing when they let all the boys wear Tshirts and hats boasting Trump and MAGA.
well he is innocent and quite a Brave kid as he stood his ground in the face of a 'hostile' a couple times his age . It is amazing with his looks though as he looks like a baby to me Penny .

So innocent, without his racist hat on. The school knew what they were doing when they let all the boys wear Tshirts and hats boasting Trump and MAGA.
Good Allah you're messed up. But then you are liberal.
[chuckle] , MAGA hats are fine and dandy and very legal and part of Free Speech Penny .
Yet another partisan, using some kid in a maga hat as a badge of honor, to hide all his hate for America behind , not quite what one would expect from a 'man of the cloth'

Yet another partisan, using some kid in a maga hat as a badge of honor, to hide all his hate for America behind , not quite what one would expect from a 'man of the cloth'

Bet you think the American flag is a symbol of hate.

~ D~
Where in the hell were the Chaperones. White privilege at its best, I wonder if that had been all black boys. All white boys is what I saw.
Thing i like is that the RABBI's letter and point of view is the point of view and opinion of most Americans so i like seeing it and advertising it Penny .
Yet another partisan, using some kid in a maga hat as a badge of honor, to hide all his hate for America behind , not quite what one would expect from a 'man of the cloth'

Bet you think the American flag is a symbol of hate.
[chuckle] , MAGA hats are fine and dandy and very legal and part of Free Speech Penny .

No they are not. They should of had school hats on. I have yet to see A maga hat in a lone person at a convivence store or at a grocery store, only in groups does one see them.
17 years old , i know that i didn't need a baby sitter at 17 years of age and quite a bit earlier. The kid is a Young MAN , no need for any babysitters Penny .
Thing i like is that the RABBI's letter and point of view is the point of view and opinion of most Americans so i like seeing it and advertising it Penny .

Well the orthodox jew (rabbi) probably has no problem with sucking circumcision , so what does that mean, nothing.
White privilege at its best, I wonder if that had been all black boys
What you saw was white boys and girls taking ABUSE from the dark races and turning the other cheek when they shouldn't have to. You are disgusting to continue to attack these innocent kids.
Yet another partisan, using some kid in a maga hat as a badge of honor, to hide all his hate for America behind , not quite what one would expect from a 'man of the cloth'

Bet you think the American flag is a symbol of hate.
[chuckle] , MAGA hats are fine and dandy and very legal and part of Free Speech Penny .

No they are not. They should of had school hats on. I have yet to see A maga hat in a lone person at a convivence store or at a grocery store, only in groups does one see them.
------------------------------------- so what , kid is an INDIVIDUAL American and looks like wears what he likes . ------- its a FREE Country Penny .
I am suppose to have respect for his opinion, not on your life:

Besides, how could you even know what or who he is? An Indian? But he does not even look like Elizabeth Warren.

Nick, this country became a very nasty place during the Wasted Obama Decade. Obama destroyed something precious that we Americans had. We had become a post-racial society where people finally were not being judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Obama destroyed that, but as you know he never quite impacted northeastern Kentucky. That indeed is why so many of us hope that somehow we will yet be able to make America great again. You got a taste of how nasty it can get when you leave Covington and walk into the swamp of Washington, D.C. But we got a taste by watching your dignified stance of what the Other America is, the America we remember from before the Obama Wasted Decade.
thing thats funny is that there were just the day before the MAGA Boys there were quite a few 'females' wearing representations of human female genital Hats . Now thats pretty disgusting Penny .
17 years old , i know that i didn't need a baby sitter at 17 years of age and quite a bit earlier. The kid is a Young MAN , no need for any babysitters Penny .

But quite the need for an education , as that age is easily coerced


17 years old , i know that i didn't need a baby sitter at 17 years of age and quite a bit earlier. The kid is a Young MAN , no need for any babysitters Penny .

But quite the need for an education , as that age is easily coerced


Yes, the left has mastered indoctrination quite well as you prove with the National SOCIALIST photo.
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17 years old , i know that i didn't need a baby sitter at 17 years of age and quite a bit earlier. The kid is a Young MAN , no need for any babysitters Penny .

But quite the need for an education , as that age is easily coerced


thankyou as your post just above in post number 18 makes you look silly Sparky !!

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