R-Jordan Gives Damning List Of What The Oversight Committee Has Discovered So Far


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
What the Oversight Committee and Chairman Jordan have reportedly learned / exposed so far:

Nov. 18, 2021 – FBI whistleblower discloses to the House Judiciary Committee that the FBI created a “threat tag” for parents voicing their concerns at school board meetings.

April 26, 2022 – FBI whistleblower discloses FBI agents being run out of the bureau for attending conservative political events.

May 11, 2022 – FBI whistleblower discloses dozens of parents, whose names had the threat tag attached to them, were investigated by the FBI. The same whistleblower says FBI leadership is “rotted at its core.” His clearance has been revoked, and he’s been suspended.

June 7, 2022 – FBI whistleblower retaliated against after giving feedback on an anonymous survey.

July 27, 2022 – FBI whistleblower says agents were pressured to reclassify cases as “domestic violence extremism” cases to hit their performance metrics.

September 14, 2022 – FBI whistleblower discloses that the FBI views the Betsy Ross flag as a terrorist symbol.

September 19, 2022 – FBI whistleblower says Washington field office is deliberately manipulating Jan. 6 case files to suggest that domestic violence extremism is on the rise. He’s been suspended.

Nov. 4, 2022 – FBI whistleblower discloses that the FBI accesses private user information from Facebook without the user’s consent, and information is only from the conservative side of the political spectrum.

"Jordan said this was only a “sampling” of what they had been told.

“In my time in Congress, I have never seen anything like this,” Jordan declared. “Dozens and dozens of whistleblowers, FBI agents coming to us, talking to us about what’s going in the political nature at the Justice Department.” It was not him or Republicans saying this, Jordan explained, it was “good, brave FBI agents who were willing to come forward and give us the truth.

The FBI, again, is leaking like a screen door on a submarine, as brave former and current FBI Agents come forward to expose how the FBI has been politically partisanly weaponized and criminally abused under FBI Directors Mueller, Comey, and now Wray.

The Oversight Committee and Chairman Jordan are kickin' ass ... and they aren't done by a long shot.

Hopefully republicans have protection for these whistleblowers. They need to be out there demanding protections and warning democrats any form of intimidation will not be tolerated. They need to have attacks against any and all democrats who try and discredit what these whistleblowers disclose about FBI corruption.
So you don't want to let the Dems face their accusers?
Facing their is accusers and retaliating against them is something else.

If you actually watch the video of the emotional testimony given by the female FBI agent she gives 1st-hand account information of FBI Agents being driven out of the FBI just for attending Conservative events.

Such a partisanly weopnized FBI against its own agents, I am betting, would probably not treat kindly any agent who 'attended' such a 'Conservative Event' as this Oversight Committee as a whistleblower.
If DOJ will not cooperate I hope they have their funding cut by 25% for starters.....Time to play hardball with those assholes.....If they don't comply, cut them another 25% during their next funding request.

It's one "defunding" I can stand four-square behind and not lose a minute's sleep over.

Give them a choice between investigating PTA members pissed (peacefully) at a leftist school board or going after the real criminals.....Gut them like a fish till they see the light.

BTW......The FBI spent 10.50 Billion in 2022.
Wait until we get a real macho man Republican -- like Trump -- in there! He'll clean house, fershure
The Democrat Party's political weaponization of the DOJ and FBI is tinhorn banana republic type of abuse of power.
They are creating a Stalin type of one party police state.
It's the Democrats who are the real threat to our 'democracy'.

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