r "dumb" europeans welcome here?


Dec 31, 2017
i'm interested in politics so i decided to join. however, i did not even notice the 'us' in the title :'(( (yes i'm that dumb) however, am i still welcome as a european ahah? sryy if question is dumb, but gotta ask!!
i'm interested in politics so i decided to join. however, i did not even notice the 'us' in the title :'(( (yes i'm that dumb) however, am i still welcome as a european ahah? sryy if question is dumb, but gotta ask!!

Well, you're welcome until someone decides your arguments are too good, and then they'll hit you with the "you're European, you don't get an opinion" because they've got nothing else.

Why would you think you're any different than any of the other foreigners on this board?

i'm interested in politics so i decided to join. however, i did not even notice the 'us' in the title :'(( (yes i'm that dumb) however, am i still welcome as a european ahah? sryy if question is dumb, but gotta ask!!
The forum or flooding our country (USA)?
All European countries, especially the UK should adopt the US tax law. That way we Europeans could start making money, science, engineering, and everything else.
i'm interested in politics so i decided to join. however, i did not even notice the 'us' in the title :'(( (yes i'm that dumb) however, am i still welcome as a european ahah? sryy if question is dumb, but gotta ask!!
Hello, i am from France been here for a year and more good place to hang around .
Welcome at the forum
No, Europeans can´t read or even post here. Read the disclaimer:

USMessageBoard.com was founded in 2003 with the intent of allowing all voices to be heard (except European). With a wildly diverse community (free of Europeans) from all sides of the political spectrum (no Europeans), USMessageBoard.com continues to build on that tradition. We welcome everyone (but Europeans) despite political and/or religious beliefs, and we continue to encourage the right to free speech (except for Europeans).

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