Quite a few verified facts in Steele's dossier


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
What has become the Trump acolytes' "favorite" punching bag in attacking the FBI and defend the nitwit-in-chief, has been the Steele dossier [series of memos.] Of course,we should all be reminded that Steele was a trustworthy spy for the UK MI 6 and that our own FBI had used Steele to gather information on Russian thugs since Steele had established reliable sources within the shady world of Russian ex-KGB oligarchs.

That stated, there are several verified facts (and some not YET verified) that appeared in the dossier and based on these facts the FBI had an UNDISPUTED responsibility to see if the Russians had indeed co-opted several folks that worked in the Trump campaign......to NOT have done so, would have been a dereliction of duty and actually the FBI (Comey) should be thanked by Trump for not revealing that an investigation of the Trump campaign was on-going before the election (as Comey did with his letter that clearly sabotaged Clinton's campaign .....)

Anyway, here are 3 verified facts that Steele reported in his dossier and prompted a much warranted investigation of the Trump campaign:

Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

The dossier claimed Page held secret meetings in Moscow with Igor Sechin, a Putin ally who is the head of Rosneft. Page vehemently denied that he met with Sechin. But in November, the House Intelligence Committee released a transcript of Page’s congressional testimony revealing he had in fact met with other Rosneft officials, including Sechin's subordinate Andrey Baranov, during a trip to Moscow in 2016.

According to the dossier, Rosneft officials used their meeting with Page to push for the U.S. to lift sanctions on Russia for its support of armed separatist groups in eastern Ukraine. It is now known that the Trump administration sought to water down a proposed Republican Party commitment to send “lethal weapons” to Ukraine’s army to fight off the Russian-backed separatists.

The Trump administration later showed little enthusiasm for implementing or renewing sanctions against Russia. In response, Congress eventually passed a law limiting Trump's ability to lift sanctions, which the president reluctantly signed after issuing a statement condemning it.

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.

The dossier said educated youth and swing voters were a central target in the Kremlin's campaign of fake news and social media chaos, with the hope of cultivating their anti-establishment anger against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. This has been proven by congressional investigations into Russia’s misinformation campaigns during the election, which also showed the cyber attacks were broadly aimed at a variety of voters, with the intent to sow divisions on heated political topics.

The Kremlin also successfully tricked American activists on the far-right and left into attending protests and signing up for self-defense classes in an effort to accentuate social discord, according to numerous media reports and analysis of Russian social media posts.

Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

The dossier said Azeri businessman Araz Agalarov knew the details about business bribes Trump had allegedly paid in Russia, as well as Trump's alleged sexual exploits there. Evidence of the bribes and sexual activities has never surfaced, but the connections between Trump and fellow billionaire are now well-established. Agalarov and his pop singer son Emin have known Trump for years, and both men worked with Trump on the Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow in 2013.

Emails released in July revealed that Agalarov’s publicist Rob Goldstone had written to Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., to set up a meeting with a Russian lawyer who supposedly had dirt on Hillary Clinton, as part of what Goldstone called "Russia and its government’s support for Mr Trump."

Trump Jr. attended a Trump Tower meeting with the lawyer in June 2016 along with Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner. That meeting has become a major focus of the investigations into the Trump campaign. Goldstone allegedly organized the meeting at Emin Agalarov's behest.

How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims
3 verified facts were just posted.
Its all bullshit bought and paid for by the dems...how many times have we seen a post like this with a link that turns out to be nonsense? we see them here and on CNN everyday...one day its the Gods honest truth and Trump is going to prison and the next day it disappears into a cloud of dust....
They will spin spin spin on what they did............Truth is coming out no matter how hard they tried to hide it.

Poor things.
None of it can be or has been verified...even Comey the Clown is saying that....
3 verified facts were just posted.

Try to keep up.

Ooooooh. "verified" facts that anyone doing a google search could have found out for themselves. And, more to the point, the same "facts" apply to the shrilary as well.
None of it can be or has been verified...even Comey the Clown is saying that....
3 verified facts were just posted.

Try to keep up.

Ooooooh. "verified" facts that anyone doing a google search could have found out for themselves. And, more to the point, the same "facts" apply to the shrilary as well.
Do you know why they are easy to find on Google?

Because they've been verified!

Clinton has nothing to do with any of this. She is long past irrelevant.
None of it can be or has been verified...even Comey the Clown is saying that....
3 verified facts were just posted.

Try to keep up.

Ooooooh. "verified" facts that anyone doing a google search could have found out for themselves. And, more to the point, the same "facts" apply to the shrilary as well.
Do you know why they are easy to find on Google?

Because they've been verified!

Clinton has nothing to do with any of this. She is long past irrelevant.

They're easy to find on google because those "facts" have been common knowledge for YEARS! We have known that Russians have been meddling in our electoral process for almost 100 years. You act as if it is new. That only shows how completely oblivious to reality you truly are.
None of it can be or has been verified...even Comey the Clown is saying that....
3 verified facts were just posted.

Try to keep up.

Ooooooh. "verified" facts that anyone doing a google search could have found out for themselves. And, more to the point, the same "facts" apply to the shrilary as well.
Do you know why they are easy to find on Google?

Because they've been verified!

Clinton has nothing to do with any of this. She is long past irrelevant.

They're easy to find on google because those "facts" have been common knowledge for YEARS! We have known that Russians have been meddling in our electoral process for almost 100 years. You act as if it is new. That only shows how completely oblivious to reality you truly are.

You didn't read the op, did you.
None of it can be or has been verified...even Comey the Clown is saying that....
3 verified facts were just posted.

Try to keep up.

Ooooooh. "verified" facts that anyone doing a google search could have found out for themselves. And, more to the point, the same "facts" apply to the shrilary as well.
Do you know why they are easy to find on Google?

Because they've been verified!

Clinton has nothing to do with any of this. She is long past irrelevant.

They're easy to find on google because those "facts" have been common knowledge for YEARS! We have known that Russians have been meddling in our electoral process for almost 100 years. You act as if it is new. That only shows how completely oblivious to reality you truly are.

You didn't read the op, did you.

The more you post, the dumber you seem to be. How about you read the OP, then read my responses, and then come back to the discussion when you have a point to make.
What has become the Trump acolytes' "favorite" punching bag in attacking the FBI and defend the nitwit-in-chief, has been the Steele dossier [series of memos.] Of course,we should all be reminded that Steele was a trustworthy spy for the UK MI 6 and that our own FBI had used Steele to gather information on Russian thugs since Steele had established reliable sources within the shady world of Russian ex-KGB oligarchs.

That stated, there are several verified facts (and some not YET verified) that appeared in the dossier and based on these facts the FBI had an UNDISPUTED responsibility to see if the Russians had indeed co-opted several folks that worked in the Trump campaign......to NOT have done so, would have been a dereliction of duty and actually the FBI (Comey) should be thanked by Trump for not revealing that an investigation of the Trump campaign was on-going before the election (as Comey did with his letter that clearly sabotaged Clinton's campaign .....)

Anyway, here are 3 verified facts that Steele reported in his dossier and prompted a much warranted investigation of the Trump campaign:

Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

The dossier claimed Page held secret meetings in Moscow with Igor Sechin, a Putin ally who is the head of Rosneft. Page vehemently denied that he met with Sechin. But in November, the House Intelligence Committee released a transcript of Page’s congressional testimony revealing he had in fact met with other Rosneft officials, including Sechin's subordinate Andrey Baranov, during a trip to Moscow in 2016.

According to the dossier, Rosneft officials used their meeting with Page to push for the U.S. to lift sanctions on Russia for its support of armed separatist groups in eastern Ukraine. It is now known that the Trump administration sought to water down a proposed Republican Party commitment to send “lethal weapons” to Ukraine’s army to fight off the Russian-backed separatists.

The Trump administration later showed little enthusiasm for implementing or renewing sanctions against Russia. In response, Congress eventually passed a law limiting Trump's ability to lift sanctions, which the president reluctantly signed after issuing a statement condemning it.

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.

The dossier said educated youth and swing voters were a central target in the Kremlin's campaign of fake news and social media chaos, with the hope of cultivating their anti-establishment anger against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. This has been proven by congressional investigations into Russia’s misinformation campaigns during the election, which also showed the cyber attacks were broadly aimed at a variety of voters, with the intent to sow divisions on heated political topics.

The Kremlin also successfully tricked American activists on the far-right and left into attending protests and signing up for self-defense classes in an effort to accentuate social discord, according to numerous media reports and analysis of Russian social media posts.

Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

The dossier said Azeri businessman Araz Agalarov knew the details about business bribes Trump had allegedly paid in Russia, as well as Trump's alleged sexual exploits there. Evidence of the bribes and sexual activities has never surfaced, but the connections between Trump and fellow billionaire are now well-established. Agalarov and his pop singer son Emin have known Trump for years, and both men worked with Trump on the Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow in 2013.

Emails released in July revealed that Agalarov’s publicist Rob Goldstone had written to Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., to set up a meeting with a Russian lawyer who supposedly had dirt on Hillary Clinton, as part of what Goldstone called "Russia and its government’s support for Mr Trump."

Trump Jr. attended a Trump Tower meeting with the lawyer in June 2016 along with Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner. That meeting has become a major focus of the investigations into the Trump campaign. Goldstone allegedly organized the meeting at Emin Agalarov's behest.

How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims

First these are not new.. I don't think any of this shit is real. but lets look at

Trump Jr met in Trump tower...with the adoption lawyer......no shit.....
The second one is hilarious.....

The Kremlin also successfully tricked American activists on the far-right and left into attending protests and signing up for self-defense classes in an effort to accentuate social discord, according to numerous media reports and analysis of Russian social media posts.

I love this, the right doesn't protest, we never once stole hilarys mic or showed up at her rallies......I mean they only had like 20 people at each one anyway. So they were tricked, which means it wasn't collusion. Do you even understand logic?

And Carter Page may have gone to Russia, so what??? He's imposed tougher sanctions...you guys really are not that smart.
And then the golden showers.....I mean, this thing is so fake.

What has become the Trump acolytes' "favorite" punching bag in attacking the FBI and defend the nitwit-in-chief, has been the Steele dossier [series of memos.] Of course,we should all be reminded that Steele was a trustworthy spy for the UK MI 6 and that our own FBI had used Steele to gather information on Russian thugs since Steele had established reliable sources within the shady world of Russian ex-KGB oligarchs.

That stated, there are several verified facts (and some not YET verified) that appeared in the dossier and based on these facts the FBI had an UNDISPUTED responsibility to see if the Russians had indeed co-opted several folks that worked in the Trump campaign......to NOT have done so, would have been a dereliction of duty and actually the FBI (Comey) should be thanked by Trump for not revealing that an investigation of the Trump campaign was on-going before the election (as Comey did with his letter that clearly sabotaged Clinton's campaign .....)

Anyway, here are 3 verified facts that Steele reported in his dossier and prompted a much warranted investigation of the Trump campaign:

Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

The dossier claimed Page held secret meetings in Moscow with Igor Sechin, a Putin ally who is the head of Rosneft. Page vehemently denied that he met with Sechin. But in November, the House Intelligence Committee released a transcript of Page’s congressional testimony revealing he had in fact met with other Rosneft officials, including Sechin's subordinate Andrey Baranov, during a trip to Moscow in 2016.

According to the dossier, Rosneft officials used their meeting with Page to push for the U.S. to lift sanctions on Russia for its support of armed separatist groups in eastern Ukraine. It is now known that the Trump administration sought to water down a proposed Republican Party commitment to send “lethal weapons” to Ukraine’s army to fight off the Russian-backed separatists.

The Trump administration later showed little enthusiasm for implementing or renewing sanctions against Russia. In response, Congress eventually passed a law limiting Trump's ability to lift sanctions, which the president reluctantly signed after issuing a statement condemning it.

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.

The dossier said educated youth and swing voters were a central target in the Kremlin's campaign of fake news and social media chaos, with the hope of cultivating their anti-establishment anger against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. This has been proven by congressional investigations into Russia’s misinformation campaigns during the election, which also showed the cyber attacks were broadly aimed at a variety of voters, with the intent to sow divisions on heated political topics.

The Kremlin also successfully tricked American activists on the far-right and left into attending protests and signing up for self-defense classes in an effort to accentuate social discord, according to numerous media reports and analysis of Russian social media posts.

Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

The dossier said Azeri businessman Araz Agalarov knew the details about business bribes Trump had allegedly paid in Russia, as well as Trump's alleged sexual exploits there. Evidence of the bribes and sexual activities has never surfaced, but the connections between Trump and fellow billionaire are now well-established. Agalarov and his pop singer son Emin have known Trump for years, and both men worked with Trump on the Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow in 2013.

Emails released in July revealed that Agalarov’s publicist Rob Goldstone had written to Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., to set up a meeting with a Russian lawyer who supposedly had dirt on Hillary Clinton, as part of what Goldstone called "Russia and its government’s support for Mr Trump."

Trump Jr. attended a Trump Tower meeting with the lawyer in June 2016 along with Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner. That meeting has become a major focus of the investigations into the Trump campaign. Goldstone allegedly organized the meeting at Emin Agalarov's behest.

How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims

Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

Verified: Not a crime

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.

Verified: Nothing to do with Trump

Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

Verified: Not a crime
3 verified facts were just posted.

Try to keep up.

Ooooooh. "verified" facts that anyone doing a google search could have found out for themselves. And, more to the point, the same "facts" apply to the shrilary as well.
Do you know why they are easy to find on Google?

Because they've been verified!

Clinton has nothing to do with any of this. She is long past irrelevant.

They're easy to find on google because those "facts" have been common knowledge for YEARS! We have known that Russians have been meddling in our electoral process for almost 100 years. You act as if it is new. That only shows how completely oblivious to reality you truly are.

You didn't read the op, did you.

The more you post, the dumber you seem to be. How about you read the OP, then read my responses, and then come back to the discussion when you have a point to make.
Wait, your the one who can't seem to understand "verified" but I'm dumb?

All I can do is SMH.
What has become the Trump acolytes' "favorite" punching bag in attacking the FBI and defend the nitwit-in-chief, has been the Steele dossier [series of memos.] Of course,we should all be reminded that Steele was a trustworthy spy for the UK MI 6 and that our own FBI had used Steele to gather information on Russian thugs since Steele had established reliable sources within the shady world of Russian ex-KGB oligarchs.

That stated, there are several verified facts (and some not YET verified) that appeared in the dossier and based on these facts the FBI had an UNDISPUTED responsibility to see if the Russians had indeed co-opted several folks that worked in the Trump campaign......to NOT have done so, would have been a dereliction of duty and actually the FBI (Comey) should be thanked by Trump for not revealing that an investigation of the Trump campaign was on-going before the election (as Comey did with his letter that clearly sabotaged Clinton's campaign .....)

Anyway, here are 3 verified facts that Steele reported in his dossier and prompted a much warranted investigation of the Trump campaign:

Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

The dossier claimed Page held secret meetings in Moscow with Igor Sechin, a Putin ally who is the head of Rosneft. Page vehemently denied that he met with Sechin. But in November, the House Intelligence Committee released a transcript of Page’s congressional testimony revealing he had in fact met with other Rosneft officials, including Sechin's subordinate Andrey Baranov, during a trip to Moscow in 2016.

According to the dossier, Rosneft officials used their meeting with Page to push for the U.S. to lift sanctions on Russia for its support of armed separatist groups in eastern Ukraine. It is now known that the Trump administration sought to water down a proposed Republican Party commitment to send “lethal weapons” to Ukraine’s army to fight off the Russian-backed separatists.

The Trump administration later showed little enthusiasm for implementing or renewing sanctions against Russia. In response, Congress eventually passed a law limiting Trump's ability to lift sanctions, which the president reluctantly signed after issuing a statement condemning it.

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.

The dossier said educated youth and swing voters were a central target in the Kremlin's campaign of fake news and social media chaos, with the hope of cultivating their anti-establishment anger against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. This has been proven by congressional investigations into Russia’s misinformation campaigns during the election, which also showed the cyber attacks were broadly aimed at a variety of voters, with the intent to sow divisions on heated political topics.

The Kremlin also successfully tricked American activists on the far-right and left into attending protests and signing up for self-defense classes in an effort to accentuate social discord, according to numerous media reports and analysis of Russian social media posts.

Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

The dossier said Azeri businessman Araz Agalarov knew the details about business bribes Trump had allegedly paid in Russia, as well as Trump's alleged sexual exploits there. Evidence of the bribes and sexual activities has never surfaced, but the connections between Trump and fellow billionaire are now well-established. Agalarov and his pop singer son Emin have known Trump for years, and both men worked with Trump on the Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow in 2013.

Emails released in July revealed that Agalarov’s publicist Rob Goldstone had written to Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., to set up a meeting with a Russian lawyer who supposedly had dirt on Hillary Clinton, as part of what Goldstone called "Russia and its government’s support for Mr Trump."

Trump Jr. attended a Trump Tower meeting with the lawyer in June 2016 along with Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner. That meeting has become a major focus of the investigations into the Trump campaign. Goldstone allegedly organized the meeting at Emin Agalarov's behest.

How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims
/——/ You forgot about Trump having lunch at the Russian Tea Room in 1976.
You forgot about Trump having lunch at the Russian Tea Room in 1976.

Thanks for the reminder........and let me remind you of this.....lol

Trump denies business dealings with Russia - The Washington Post
Jan 11, 2017


Eric trump once said, ‘Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’

Trump Jr.'s love affair with Moscow - POLITICO

Trump Jr.’s love affair with Moscow
Jul 12, 2017 - At the conference, he showed a deep familiarity with the Moscow real estate market and the Russian economy.

We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” he said of Trump Organization properties. “There's indeed a lot of money coming for new-builds and resale reflecting a trend in the Russian ...
What has become the Trump acolytes' "favorite" punching bag in attacking the FBI and defend the nitwit-in-chief, has been the Steele dossier [series of memos.] Of course,we should all be reminded that Steele was a trustworthy spy for the UK MI 6 and that our own FBI had used Steele to gather information on Russian thugs since Steele had established reliable sources within the shady world of Russian ex-KGB oligarchs.

That stated, there are several verified facts (and some not YET verified) that appeared in the dossier and based on these facts the FBI had an UNDISPUTED responsibility to see if the Russians had indeed co-opted several folks that worked in the Trump campaign......to NOT have done so, would have been a dereliction of duty and actually the FBI (Comey) should be thanked by Trump for not revealing that an investigation of the Trump campaign was on-going before the election (as Comey did with his letter that clearly sabotaged Clinton's campaign .....)

Anyway, here are 3 verified facts that Steele reported in his dossier and prompted a much warranted investigation of the Trump campaign:

Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

The dossier claimed Page held secret meetings in Moscow with Igor Sechin, a Putin ally who is the head of Rosneft. Page vehemently denied that he met with Sechin. But in November, the House Intelligence Committee released a transcript of Page’s congressional testimony revealing he had in fact met with other Rosneft officials, including Sechin's subordinate Andrey Baranov, during a trip to Moscow in 2016.

According to the dossier, Rosneft officials used their meeting with Page to push for the U.S. to lift sanctions on Russia for its support of armed separatist groups in eastern Ukraine. It is now known that the Trump administration sought to water down a proposed Republican Party commitment to send “lethal weapons” to Ukraine’s army to fight off the Russian-backed separatists.

The Trump administration later showed little enthusiasm for implementing or renewing sanctions against Russia. In response, Congress eventually passed a law limiting Trump's ability to lift sanctions, which the president reluctantly signed after issuing a statement condemning it.

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.

The dossier said educated youth and swing voters were a central target in the Kremlin's campaign of fake news and social media chaos, with the hope of cultivating their anti-establishment anger against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. This has been proven by congressional investigations into Russia’s misinformation campaigns during the election, which also showed the cyber attacks were broadly aimed at a variety of voters, with the intent to sow divisions on heated political topics.

The Kremlin also successfully tricked American activists on the far-right and left into attending protests and signing up for self-defense classes in an effort to accentuate social discord, according to numerous media reports and analysis of Russian social media posts.

Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

The dossier said Azeri businessman Araz Agalarov knew the details about business bribes Trump had allegedly paid in Russia, as well as Trump's alleged sexual exploits there. Evidence of the bribes and sexual activities has never surfaced, but the connections between Trump and fellow billionaire are now well-established. Agalarov and his pop singer son Emin have known Trump for years, and both men worked with Trump on the Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow in 2013.

Emails released in July revealed that Agalarov’s publicist Rob Goldstone had written to Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., to set up a meeting with a Russian lawyer who supposedly had dirt on Hillary Clinton, as part of what Goldstone called "Russia and its government’s support for Mr Trump."

Trump Jr. attended a Trump Tower meeting with the lawyer in June 2016 along with Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner. That meeting has become a major focus of the investigations into the Trump campaign. Goldstone allegedly organized the meeting at Emin Agalarov's behest.

How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims
What has become the Trump acolytes' "favorite" punching bag in attacking the FBI and defend the nitwit-in-chief, has been the Steele dossier [series of memos.] Of course,we should all be reminded that Steele was a trustworthy spy for the UK MI 6 and that our own FBI had used Steele to gather information on Russian thugs since Steele had established reliable sources within the shady world of Russian ex-KGB oligarchs.

That stated, there are several verified facts (and some not YET verified) that appeared in the dossier and based on these facts the FBI had an UNDISPUTED responsibility to see if the Russians had indeed co-opted several folks that worked in the Trump campaign......to NOT have done so, would have been a dereliction of duty and actually the FBI (Comey) should be thanked by Trump for not revealing that an investigation of the Trump campaign was on-going before the election (as Comey did with his letter that clearly sabotaged Clinton's campaign .....)

Anyway, here are 3 verified facts that Steele reported in his dossier and prompted a much warranted investigation of the Trump campaign:

Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

The dossier claimed Page held secret meetings in Moscow with Igor Sechin, a Putin ally who is the head of Rosneft. Page vehemently denied that he met with Sechin. But in November, the House Intelligence Committee released a transcript of Page’s congressional testimony revealing he had in fact met with other Rosneft officials, including Sechin's subordinate Andrey Baranov, during a trip to Moscow in 2016.

According to the dossier, Rosneft officials used their meeting with Page to push for the U.S. to lift sanctions on Russia for its support of armed separatist groups in eastern Ukraine. It is now known that the Trump administration sought to water down a proposed Republican Party commitment to send “lethal weapons” to Ukraine’s army to fight off the Russian-backed separatists.

The Trump administration later showed little enthusiasm for implementing or renewing sanctions against Russia. In response, Congress eventually passed a law limiting Trump's ability to lift sanctions, which the president reluctantly signed after issuing a statement condemning it.

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.

The dossier said educated youth and swing voters were a central target in the Kremlin's campaign of fake news and social media chaos, with the hope of cultivating their anti-establishment anger against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. This has been proven by congressional investigations into Russia’s misinformation campaigns during the election, which also showed the cyber attacks were broadly aimed at a variety of voters, with the intent to sow divisions on heated political topics.

The Kremlin also successfully tricked American activists on the far-right and left into attending protests and signing up for self-defense classes in an effort to accentuate social discord, according to numerous media reports and analysis of Russian social media posts.

Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

The dossier said Azeri businessman Araz Agalarov knew the details about business bribes Trump had allegedly paid in Russia, as well as Trump's alleged sexual exploits there. Evidence of the bribes and sexual activities has never surfaced, but the connections between Trump and fellow billionaire are now well-established. Agalarov and his pop singer son Emin have known Trump for years, and both men worked with Trump on the Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow in 2013.

Emails released in July revealed that Agalarov’s publicist Rob Goldstone had written to Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., to set up a meeting with a Russian lawyer who supposedly had dirt on Hillary Clinton, as part of what Goldstone called "Russia and its government’s support for Mr Trump."

Trump Jr. attended a Trump Tower meeting with the lawyer in June 2016 along with Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner. That meeting has become a major focus of the investigations into the Trump campaign. Goldstone allegedly organized the meeting at Emin Agalarov's behest.

How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims
None of the claims that would support the Federal Government Spying on American citizens were verified.

AG Barr: It’s not ‘entirely speculative’ that the Steele dossier was part of a Russian disinformation campaign

“…that is one of the areas that I’m reviewing.”
Wow! A "so what", a "no duh", and a "who cares?" qualifies as "quite a few verified facts"?

Your TDS is showing - again. :laughing0301:
What has become the Trump acolytes' "favorite" punching bag in attacking the FBI and defend the nitwit-in-chief, has been the Steele dossier [series of memos.] Of course,we should all be reminded that Steele was a trustworthy spy for the UK MI 6 and that our own FBI had used Steele to gather information on Russian thugs since Steele had established reliable sources within the shady world of Russian ex-KGB oligarchs.

That stated, there are several verified facts (and some not YET verified) that appeared in the dossier and based on these facts the FBI had an UNDISPUTED responsibility to see if the Russians had indeed co-opted several folks that worked in the Trump campaign......to NOT have done so, would have been a dereliction of duty and actually the FBI (Comey) should be thanked by Trump for not revealing that an investigation of the Trump campaign was on-going before the election (as Comey did with his letter that clearly sabotaged Clinton's campaign .....)

Anyway, here are 3 verified facts that Steele reported in his dossier and prompted a much warranted investigation of the Trump campaign:

Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

The dossier claimed Page held secret meetings in Moscow with Igor Sechin, a Putin ally who is the head of Rosneft. Page vehemently denied that he met with Sechin. But in November, the House Intelligence Committee released a transcript of Page’s congressional testimony revealing he had in fact met with other Rosneft officials, including Sechin's subordinate Andrey Baranov, during a trip to Moscow in 2016.

According to the dossier, Rosneft officials used their meeting with Page to push for the U.S. to lift sanctions on Russia for its support of armed separatist groups in eastern Ukraine. It is now known that the Trump administration sought to water down a proposed Republican Party commitment to send “lethal weapons” to Ukraine’s army to fight off the Russian-backed separatists.

The Trump administration later showed little enthusiasm for implementing or renewing sanctions against Russia. In response, Congress eventually passed a law limiting Trump's ability to lift sanctions, which the president reluctantly signed after issuing a statement condemning it.

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.

The dossier said educated youth and swing voters were a central target in the Kremlin's campaign of fake news and social media chaos, with the hope of cultivating their anti-establishment anger against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. This has been proven by congressional investigations into Russia’s misinformation campaigns during the election, which also showed the cyber attacks were broadly aimed at a variety of voters, with the intent to sow divisions on heated political topics.

The Kremlin also successfully tricked American activists on the far-right and left into attending protests and signing up for self-defense classes in an effort to accentuate social discord, according to numerous media reports and analysis of Russian social media posts.

Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

The dossier said Azeri businessman Araz Agalarov knew the details about business bribes Trump had allegedly paid in Russia, as well as Trump's alleged sexual exploits there. Evidence of the bribes and sexual activities has never surfaced, but the connections between Trump and fellow billionaire are now well-established. Agalarov and his pop singer son Emin have known Trump for years, and both men worked with Trump on the Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow in 2013.

Emails released in July revealed that Agalarov’s publicist Rob Goldstone had written to Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., to set up a meeting with a Russian lawyer who supposedly had dirt on Hillary Clinton, as part of what Goldstone called "Russia and its government’s support for Mr Trump."

Trump Jr. attended a Trump Tower meeting with the lawyer in June 2016 along with Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner. That meeting has become a major focus of the investigations into the Trump campaign. Goldstone allegedly organized the meeting at Emin Agalarov's behest.

How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims
Nate your delusional

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