Quick update on GOP and WHITE House disasters


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
GOP trying to bribe Senators from Alaska and Maine to vote for bill which would take healthcare away from tens of millions of Americans.

GOP still trying to pass the rape of healthcare so they can take the money and give it to their billionaire donors.

Police dragging cripples and people missing arms and legs and in wheelchairs away because those people were scared because the GOP wants to ruin their lives.

North Korea said Donald Trump has declared war on them and they will shoot down aircraft even if it's not in their air space.

Donald Trump WHITE House insisting a line is crossed when blacks protest against police shooting unarmed blacks. That the protests should only happen quietly and someplace no one can see.

Puerto Rico is begging for help so Trump sent them a bureaucrat to look at stuff.

I think that about covers it. I'll update in a few minutes if something else happens.
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Letting people opt out of a bad deal is how Progressives say "taking away"
What do Republicans have except "bad deals". Go ahead. Tell us a GOP "good deal".

Using the IRS to force people to buy insurance is a good deal -- if you're a Progressive
That's it? That's your GOP "good idea"? Pretty pathetic, don't you think?

I happen to agree with you here, Dean, the current GOP plan blows and should be rejected. ObamaCare should be replaced with Medical Savings accounts and free market, cross border GEICO style medical insurance
Letting people opt out of a bad deal is how Progressives say "taking away"
What do Republicans have except "bad deals". Go ahead. Tell us a GOP "good deal".
Killing all liberals would be a good start.
Now here is a typical 'Consevative'. The fucking little coward would run at the sight of a liberal that was his own size, but states his desire to kill them. Ah yes, such lovely sentiments, kill anyone that disagrees with you politically. What a sick little fuck. And, course, the cocksuck probably has an arsenal in the basement.
Letting people opt out of a bad deal is how Progressives say "taking away"
What do Republicans have except "bad deals". Go ahead. Tell us a GOP "good deal".
Killing all liberals would be a good start.
Now here is a typical 'Consevative'. The fucking little coward would run at the sight of a liberal that was his own size, but states his desire to kill them. Ah yes, such lovely sentiments, kill anyone that disagrees with you politically. What a sick little fuck. And, course, the cocksuck probably has an arsenal in the basement.
I never stated I wanted to kill anyone liar and i don't have a basement, liar. As far as cocksucking, hows business?
What we have at present is a fucking stupid senile bastard in the White House. Spending hours tweeting over the NFL, and failing to aid 3 and 1/2 million Americans in dire straights in Puerto Rico. The Navy should have been there as soon as the hurricane was past the island.
Letting people opt out of a bad deal is how Progressives say "taking away"
What do Republicans have except "bad deals". Go ahead. Tell us a GOP "good deal".
Killing all liberals would be a good start.
Now here is a typical 'Consevative'. The fucking little coward would run at the sight of a liberal that was his own size, but states his desire to kill them. Ah yes, such lovely sentiments, kill anyone that disagrees with you politically. What a sick little fuck. And, course, the cocksuck probably has an arsenal in the basement.
I never stated I wanted to kill anyone liar and i don't have a basement, liar. As far as cocksucking, hows business?
"Killing all liberals would be a good start."

I see, so having someone else doing your dirty work is your modus operandi. Figures that you would be a coward.
Letting people opt out of a bad deal is how Progressives say "taking away"
What do Republicans have except "bad deals". Go ahead. Tell us a GOP "good deal".
Killing all liberals would be a good start.
Now here is a typical 'Consevative'. The fucking little coward would run at the sight of a liberal that was his own size, but states his desire to kill them. Ah yes, such lovely sentiments, kill anyone that disagrees with you politically. What a sick little fuck. And, course, the cocksuck probably has an arsenal in the basement.
I never stated I wanted to kill anyone liar and i don't have a basement, liar. As far as cocksucking, hows business?
"Killing all liberals would be a good start."

I see, so having someone else doing your dirty work is your modus operandi. Figures that you would be a coward.
Yeah faggot, I'm a coward. Come get some.
Letting people opt out of a bad deal is how Progressives say "taking away"
What do Republicans have except "bad deals". Go ahead. Tell us a GOP "good deal".

Using the IRS to force people to buy insurance is a good deal -- if you're a Progressive
That's it? That's your GOP "good idea"? Pretty pathetic, don't you think?

I happen to agree with you here, Dean, the current GOP plan blows and should be rejected. ObamaCare should be replaced with Medical Savings accounts and free market, cross border GEICO style medical insurance
Except it would take someone poor a thousand years to save enough for a "Medical Savings Account". So they should just die?
GOP trying to bribe Senators from Alaska and Maine to vote for bill which would take healthcare away from tens of millions of Americans.

GOP still trying to pass the rape of healthcare so they can take the money and give it to their billionaire donors.

Police dragging cripples and people missing arms and legs and in wheelchairs away because those people were scared because the GOP wants to ruin their lives.

North Korea said Donald Trump has declared war on them and they will shoot down aircraft even if it's not in their air space.

Donald Trump WHITE House insisting a line is crossed when blacks protest against police shooting unarmed blacks. That the protests should only happen quietly and someplace no one can see.

Puerto Rico is begging for help so Trump sent them a bureaucrat to look at stuff.

I think that about covers it. I'll update in a few minutes if something else happens.
So the police arrested 181 cripples Republicans want dead.

6 members of the Trump White House use private emails for government business.

And the night isn't over.

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