Questions NOT Asked at Democratic Debate


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Remember the first Republican debate? Why were these questions not asked at the Democratic Debate?

1. Hillary's lies about her secret email server. Instead, her claim that she has been "transparent" was left unchallenged. Compare this to the attack on Trump for not promising to support the other GOP candidates.

2. Late term abortions. GOP candidates were grilled over saving the life of the mother. Why weren't the Dems asked to specify their positions on late term abortions and harvesting baby parts?

3. Religion. GOP candidates were asked about their religious beliefs and how that might affect their decisions. Why weren't the Dems asked the same question?

I agree with Hillary that there is a vast conspiracy in this country to hoodwink the American public. However, it is not coming from the Right.
Specifically, how are they going to pay for the hundreds of billions of dollars of free shit they promised and how high will the deficit climb? One of those stupid clowns bragged about how he'd raise taxes $42 billion dollars while proposing $500 billion in new spending. They spent the tax increase on the 'rich' several times over.
Specifically, how are they going to pay for the hundreds of billions of dollars of free shit they promised and how high will the deficit climb? One of those stupid clowns bragged about how he'd raise taxes $42 billion dollars while proposing $500 billion in new spending. They spent the tax increase on the 'rich' several times over.

Oh that will be easy. As soon as they take the right wing's guns and put you in FEMA work camps making all that shit. It won't be a problem.
Other questions worth asking:

- What really happened to Vince Foster?

- Do you think that Bill needs professional intervention to stop him from being a sexual predator?

- How much did you and Bill have to pay that boy to marry and impregnate that ugly ass daughter of yours? Follow up: did you pay him personally or did the money originate in Saudi Arabi?

- Do you and Bill fuck anymore or is the marriage a sham that exists for political show?

- What happened over the past 20 years to make you go from a fringe leftist to a full-on stinking socialist?

- Was Amb. Stephens travel itinerary for his time in Libya contained in an email on your server, thereby making it pretty much available to any half-assed hacker? Follow-up what other sensitive information did you expose to hack and dissemination to our enemies?

- Have you lost one moment of sleep due to a troubled conscience from what happened in Benghazi, or are you just as much of a sociopath as Bill?

- How much of that Clinton Foundation money has gone into your campaign and how much of it has gone into your pocket and into the pockets of Bill's rape victims as hush money?

Why did those FBI files on political enemies of yours turn up in the White House, where they do not belong, during Bill's reign?

We all know that Bill has been disbarred. Have you also been disbarred for your unethical conduct?

- Do you still actively gamble on cattle futures and other derivatives?

- Were you fucking Vince Foster?

-How many women did Bill sexually assault in the White House?

If elected will you steal a lot of shit from the White House when you leave office like you and Bill did when he left office?

Were you involved with Bill in selling our missile technology secrets to the Chinese?

- Why in the world should any sane person believe one word out of your mouth?
Other questions worth asking:

- What really happened to Vince Foster?

- Do you think that Bill needs professional intervention to stop him from being a sexual predator?

- How much did you and Bill have to pay that boy to marry and impregnate that ugly ass daughter of yours? Follow up: did you pay him personally or did the money originate in Saudi Arabi?

- Do you and Bill fuck anymore or is the marriage a sham that exists for political show?

- What happened over the past 20 years to make you go from a fringe leftist to a full-on stinking socialist?

- Was Amb. Stephens travel itinerary for his time in Libya contained in an email on your server, thereby making it pretty much available to any half-assed hacker? Follow-up what other sensitive information did you expose to hack and dissemination to our enemies?

- Have you lost one moment of sleep due to a troubled conscience from what happened in Benghazi, or are you just as much of a sociopath as Bill?

- How much of that Clinton Foundation money has gone into your campaign and how much of it has gone into your pocket and into the pockets of Bill's rape victims as hush money?

Why did those FBI files on political enemies of yours turn up in the White House, where they do not belong, during Bill's reign?

We all know that Bill has been disbarred. Have you also been disbarred for your unethical conduct?

- Do you still actively gamble on cattle futures and other derivatives?

- Were you fucking Vince Foster?

-How many women did Bill sexually assault in the White House?

If elected will you steal a lot of shit from the White House when you leave office like you and Bill did when he left office?

Were you involved with Bill in selling our missile technology secrets to the Chinese?

- Why in the world should any sane person believe one word out of your mouth?

Thank you. It's good to see a long list of crazy unfounded accusations that have been made over the years about Hillary by the childish right wing. It makes her even more impressive when you consider all the crap she has had to put up with.
Specifically, how are they going to pay for the hundreds of billions of dollars of free shit they promised and how high will the deficit climb? One of those stupid clowns bragged about how he'd raise taxes $42 billion dollars while proposing $500 billion in new spending. They spent the tax increase on the 'rich' several times over.

Oh that will be easy. As soon as they take the right wing's guns and put you in FEMA work camps making all that shit. It won't be a problem.

If you think that is going to happen I challenge YOU to make the personal attempt to do it. Are you going to man up or be one of the pussies on the left that says you'll let the government do it.
Look at the hosts of all the Dem debates. CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, Univision, and PBS. You won't see them face Fox or even take random questions from citizens. Everything is prearranged to make them look competent and presidential. Not one of them will ask Hillary, Bernie, or Biden anything other than softball questions. There won't be any embarrassing questions or holding anyone's feet to the fire, of that you can be sure.
Remember the first Republican debate? Why were these questions not asked at the Democratic Debate?

1. Hillary's lies about her secret email server.

No one gives a shit about that.

2. Late term abortions.
GOP candidates were grilled over saving the life of the mother. Why weren't the Dems asked to specify their positions on late term abortions and harvesting baby parts?

The GOP has made a lot of noise about Planned Parenthood, so of course they were going to be asked about Planned Parenthood. They WANT to be asked about it.

3. Religion.

Same thing. The GOP made a lot of noise about Kim Davis and homosexuals. They WANT to be asked about it.

The Democrats have made a lot of noise about the rich and free tuition and gun control and climate change, so that's what they were asked about.
Republican candidates are like children and so are asked childish questions, which they still manage to not answer satisfactorily.

The Democrat candidates are adults and are therefore asked about policy.
Specifically, how are they going to pay for the hundreds of billions of dollars of free shit they promised and how high will the deficit climb? One of those stupid clowns bragged about how he'd raise taxes $42 billion dollars while proposing $500 billion in new spending. They spent the tax increase on the 'rich' several times over.

Oh that will be easy. As soon as they take the right wing's guns and put you in FEMA work camps making all that shit. It won't be a problem.

If you think that is going to happen I challenge YOU to make the personal attempt to do it. Are you going to man up or be one of the pussies on the left that says you'll let the government do it.

What's wrong dumb ass, no sense of humor? since all of you Hillary supporters feel the email server thing is nothing but a right wing conspiracy.....

I dare one of you to answer this very basic none of you give an answer that makes sense....prove me wrong.....

Why did she set up a separate server?
Specifically, how are they going to pay for the hundreds of billions of dollars of free shit they promised and how high will the deficit climb? One of those stupid clowns bragged about how he'd raise taxes $42 billion dollars while proposing $500 billion in new spending. They spent the tax increase on the 'rich' several times over.

Oh that will be easy. As soon as they take the right wing's guns and put you in FEMA work camps making all that shit. It won't be a problem.

If you think that is going to happen I challenge YOU to make the personal attempt to do it. Are you going to man up or be one of the pussies on the left that says you'll let the government do it.

What's wrong dumb ass, no sense of humor?

So the answer from the coward is no. Seems it became a "joke" when you realized you weren't man enough to do it. since all of you Hillary supporters feel the email server thing is nothing but a right wing conspiracy.....

I dare one of you to answer this very basic none of you give an answer that makes sense....prove me wrong.....

Why did she set up a separate server?
Nobody cares.
you see...many of you don't understand the law. It is not always the end result....many times it is the motive and intent.

So tell me....why did she have a separate server? since all of you Hillary supporters feel the email server thing is nothing but a right wing conspiracy.....

I dare one of you to answer this very basic none of you give an answer that makes sense....prove me wrong.....

Why did she set up a separate server?
Nobody cares.
You don't speak for everybody. since all of you Hillary supporters feel the email server thing is nothing but a right wing conspiracy.....

I dare one of you to answer this very basic none of you give an answer that makes sense....prove me wrong.....

Why did she set up a separate server?
Nobody cares.
yeah...they have you convinced of that.

No one should care that the possible next president did something unusual with no explanation for it.

Think...what could have been her intent for having a separate server? since all of you Hillary supporters feel the email server thing is nothing but a right wing conspiracy.....

I dare one of you to answer this very basic none of you give an answer that makes sense....prove me wrong.....

Why did she set up a separate server?
Nobody cares.
You don't speak for everybody.
Trust me. :D

Nobody cares. Except hacks.
didn't think anyone of you would answer.

That is why they call you sheeple. They tell you not to you don't. since all of you Hillary supporters feel the email server thing is nothing but a right wing conspiracy.....

I dare one of you to answer this very basic none of you give an answer that makes sense....prove me wrong.....

Why did she set up a separate server?
Nobody cares.
You don't speak for everybody.
Trust me. :D

Nobody cares. Except hacks.
regardless of whether or not you care....why do you think she did it?

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