Question to Pro-Choice murders.Do you not afraid Hell?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
How can you kill so sweet human beings?Do you not afraid Hell?
Your body does not belong to you, but to God who decides about it.





Look where you are going to


Read here:

The Truth About Hell

Way to play into the leftarded proabot's claim tbat anyone who opposes abortion is just pushing their religious views onto other.
How can you kill so sweet human beings?Do you not afraid Hell?
Your body does not belong to you, but to God who decides about it.
None of the babies you pictured could legally killed anywhere in the US. And that is a good thing no one would dispute.

On the other hand you don't even know if this microscopic cell should be protected or not:

Way to play into the leftarded proabot's claim tbat anyone who opposes abortion is just pushing their religious views onto other.

A Murder is a Murder.
The highway to Hell and everlasting damnation!

If you are going to do religion... I wish you would at least do it with John 3:17 in mind.

Ecclesiastes 10:2
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.
How can you kill so sweet human beings?Do you not afraid Hell?
Your body does not belong to you, but to God who decides about it.
None of the babies you pictured could legally killed anywhere in the US. And that is a good thing no one would dispute.

On the other hand you don't even know if this microscopic cell should be protected or not:

Regardless of any unfavorable images you might present. If it is a human being, It should be protected.

Your own body was once that small and deniable. As was mine.
How can you kill so sweet human beings?Do you not afraid Hell?
Your body does not belong to you, but to God who decides about it.
None of the babies you pictured could legally killed anywhere in the US. And that is a good thing no one would dispute.

On the other hand you don't even know if this microscopic cell should be protected or not:

Regardless of any unfavorable images you might present. If it is a human being, It should be protected.

Your own body was once that small and deniable. As was mine.
Unfavorable? Human or not, this zygote is indistinguishable from that of any other other animal. What makes it different is the heritage of its' DNA. That is what you want to protect, 23 strands of protein.
How can you kill so sweet human beings?Do you not afraid Hell?
Your body does not belong to you, but to God who decides about it.
None of the babies you pictured could legally killed anywhere in the US. And that is a good thing no one would dispute.

On the other hand you don't even know if this microscopic cell should be protected or not:

Regardless of any unfavorable images you might present. If it is a human being, It should be protected.

Your own body was once that small and deniable. As was mine.
Unfavorable? Human or not, this zygote is indistinguishable from that of any other other animal. What makes it different is the heritage of its' DNA. That is what you want to protect, 23 strands of protein.

It is not "indistinguishable" at all.

That is where your comment is misleading.

Human beings do not take their photographs of embryos into abortion clinics to have them killed and removed.

They take themselves and tgere ia no doubt, scientifically, about what tgey are pregnant with.

You even acknowledged as much in the other thread.
How can you kill so sweet human beings?Do you not afraid Hell?
Your body does not belong to you, but to God who decides about it.
None of the babies you pictured could legally killed anywhere in the US. And that is a good thing no one would dispute.

On the other hand you don't even know if this microscopic cell should be protected or not:

Regardless of any unfavorable images you might present. If it is a human being, It should be protected.

Your own body was once that small and deniable. As was mine.
Unfavorable? Human or not, this zygote is indistinguishable from that of any other other animal. What makes it different is the heritage of its' DNA. That is what you want to protect, 23 strands of protein.


It is not "indistinguishable" at all.

That is where your comment is misleading.

Human beings do not take photographs of embryos into abortion clinics to have them killed and removed.

They take themselves; and there ia no doubt, scientifically, about what they are pregnant with.

You acknowledged as much in the other thread.
How can you kill so sweet human beings?Do you not afraid Hell?
Your body does not belong to you, but to God who decides about it.
None of the babies you pictured could legally killed anywhere in the US. And that is a good thing no one would dispute.

On the other hand you don't even know if this microscopic cell should be protected or not:

Regardless of any unfavorable images you might present. If it is a human being, It should be protected.

Your own body was once that small and deniable. As was mine.
Unfavorable? Human or not, this zygote is indistinguishable from that of any other other animal. What makes it different is the heritage of its' DNA. That is what you want to protect, 23 strands of protein.

It is not "indistinguishable" at all.

That is where your comment is misleading.

Human beings do not take their photographs of embryos into abortion clinics to have them killed and removed.

They take themselves and tgere ia no doubt, scientifically, about what tgey are pregnant with.

You even acknowledged as much in the other thread.
I can't distinguish what it is.

Our fundamental disconnect is that you see that zygote as a human being while I see it as the blueprint of a human being that it may one day become. To me it lacks the one thing that distinguishes it from any other animal, and that is a human brain. That miracle of nature.
How can you kill so sweet human beings?Do you not afraid Hell?
Your body does not belong to you, but to God who decides about it.
None of the babies you pictured could legally killed anywhere in the US. And that is a good thing no one would dispute.

On the other hand you don't even know if this microscopic cell should be protected or not:

Regardless of any unfavorable images you might present. If it is a human being, It should be protected.

Your own body was once that small and deniable. As was mine.
Unfavorable? Human or not, this zygote is indistinguishable from that of any other other animal. What makes it different is the heritage of its' DNA. That is what you want to protect, 23 strands of protein.

It is not "indistinguishable" at all.

That is where your comment is misleading.

Human beings do not take their photographs of embryos into abortion clinics to have them killed and removed.

They take themselves and tgere ia no doubt, scientifically, about what tgey are pregnant with.

You even acknowledged as much in the other thread.
I can't distinguish what it is.

Our fundamental disconnect is that you see that zygote as a human being while I see it as the blueprint of a human being that it may one day become. To me it lacks the one thing that distinguishes it from any other animal, and that is a human brain. That miracle of nature.

That is a shortcoming on your part.

Biology does not require that an organism have a brain. Especially at the first stages of that organism's life cycle.
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I can't distinguish what it is.

Our fundamental disconnect is that you see that zygote as a human being while I see it as the blueprint of a human being that it may one day become. To me it lacks the one thing that distinguishes it from any other animal, and that is a human brain. That miracle of nature.
That is a shortcoming on your part.

Biology does not require that an organism have a brain. Especially at the first stages of that organism's life cycle.
It is biology that makes us human beings. I like to think it is more than biology that makes us human. I like to think we are more than the sum of our parts.
I can't distinguish what it is.

Our fundamental disconnect is that you see that zygote as a human being while I see it as the blueprint of a human being that it may one day become. To me it lacks the one thing that distinguishes it from any other animal, and that is a human brain. That miracle of nature.
That is a shortcoming on your part.

Biology does not require that an organism have a brain. Especially at the first stages of that organism's life cycle.
It is biology that makes us human beings. I like to think it is more than biology that makes us human. I like to think we are more than the sum of our parts.

Well thank goodnees that sort of ignorance has alreadybbeen defeated by the passing if our fetal HOMICIDE laws.
Well thank goodnees that sort of ignorance has alreadybbeen defeated by the passing if our fetal HOMICIDE laws.
You may want to wait until those chickens actually hatch.

Each and every time someone is charged and convicted of murder for killing a "child in the womb" during a criminal act, the personhood status of the child or children killed becomes further established.

Those eggs are already hatching.
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How can you kill so sweet human beings?Do you not afraid Hell?
Your body does not belong to you, but to God who decides about it.
None of the babies you pictured could legally killed anywhere in the US. And that is a good thing no one would dispute.

On the other hand you don't even know if this microscopic cell should be protected or not:

Regardless of any unfavorable images you might present. If it is a human being, It should be protected.

Your own body was once that small and deniable. As was mine.
Unfavorable? Human or not, this zygote is indistinguishable from that of any other other animal. What makes it different is the heritage of its' DNA. That is what you want to protect, 23 strands of protein.
It is a specific human being. One that has never existed before and will never exist again.

But for the record most babies are not aborted as zygotes and the last time I checked 10% of abortions were D&E procedures.

But putting all that aside what you just did there was literally dehumanize human life. Albeit human life in the earliest stage of the human life cycle which begins at conception and ends at death.

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