Question for my fellow gun enthusiasts.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
The incident recently in Chicago where the cop shot the thug and is now being charged with murder.

Something doesn't sound right here but no one in any media is making anything of it. They claim the cop shot the perp 16 times. What sidearm has a 16 round mag? If there aren't any, then the cop would have had to drop the 1st clip, grab the second full clip, insert it and fire 8 more times.

I tried this minutes ago and the fastest I could do it is 13 seconds. This doesn't seem to jive with the video that was released.

Anyone have any knowledge on this?
The incident recently in Chicago where the cop shot the thug and is now being charged with murder.

Something doesn't sound right here but no one in any media is making anything of it. They claim the cop shot the perp 16 times. What sidearm has a 16 round mag? If there aren't any, then the cop would have had to drop the 1st clip, grab the second full clip, insert it and fire 8 more times.

I tried this minutes ago and the fastest I could do it is 13 seconds. This doesn't seem to jive with the video that was released.

Anyone have any knowledge on this?

Glock 17 standard magazine holds 17 9mm rounds.
If the officer's weapon had 16 rounds it was either 9mm or .40 S&W.

Am assuming like most officers he wasn't carrying condition 3 but condition 2 (manual or trigger-actuated safety enabled.) So 15 rounds in the magazine, 1 in the chamber. Glock 17 would be 17+1. 15 round magazines are standard in .40 S&W, not unusual for 9mm as well though.

What might end up damning the officer is if 16 rounds actually hit the subject indicating aimed calm firing. I've never heard of a police-involved shooting where 16 or 16 shots hit.
My Springfield XD carries 16rnds of .40 in the mag, and Glocks can carry 19 rounds of 9mm from what I know.

I had heard something about PCP in the kid's system. That can make 16 shots necessary to stop them.

I would never take a cop's job in a region with a lot of bed wetters in the government.

Eventually no one else will either, and anarchy will develop.

Thanks guys. I'm only an expert on the guns I have. I appreciate having some people to ask. Wow, 16 rounds of 40 S&W! That has to be a huge heavy weapon.

Not really, it's no heavier or bigger than a 1911 really. It's one of my favorite guns. I also have an XD in .45ACP that holds 13 rounds. IMO it's the best double stack .45 you can get. Every other one I've picked up feels like you're gripping a baseball bat by the wrong end.

Thanks guys. I'm only an expert on the guns I have. I appreciate having some people to ask. Wow, 16 rounds of 40 S&W! That has to be a huge heavy weapon.

Not really, it's no heavier or bigger than a 1911 really. It's one of my favorite guns. I also have an XD in .45ACP that holds 13 rounds. IMO it's the best double stack .45 you can get. Every other one I've picked up feels like you're gripping a baseball bat by the wrong end.

I have an XD compact 40.
Feels like it was made to fit my hand
Thanks guys. I'm only an expert on the guns I have. I appreciate having some people to ask. Wow, 16 rounds of 40 S&W! That has to be a huge heavy weapon.

The FNX holds 16 rounds of .45 with one in the pipe.
I have a 40 S&W High Point. It's huge but I never intended it for concealed carry so I don't care. It's a nice weapon, pretty damned accurate too.

A lot of "gun snobs" look down on High Points, but I have had a couple Carbines. One got stolen by a druggie "friend" and pawned, the other was lost last month in a wildfire that took our house.

Both guns were very accurate and NEVER choked. I do think the pistols are ugly, but for the price they can't be beat. Cheap accurate and reliable beats expensive and finicky anyway you slice it.

I have a 40 S&W High Point. It's huge but I never intended it for concealed carry so I don't care. It's a nice weapon, pretty damned accurate too.

A lot of "gun snobs" look down on High Points, but I have had a couple Carbines. One got stolen by a druggie "friend" and pawned, the other was lost last month in a wildfire that took our house.

Both guns were very accurate and NEVER choked. I do think the pistols are ugly, but for the price they can't be beat. Cheap accurate and reliable beats expensive and finicky anyway you slice it.

I have a Hi Point carbine and pistol in 40.

Now, my eyes are in great shape, and my hands a tad shaky.

But I can hit the gong at 100yds 8 out of 10 times with the carbine, standing, no support.

and Hi Point has great customer service.
The incident recently in Chicago where the cop shot the thug and is now being charged with murder.

Something doesn't sound right here but no one in any media is making anything of it. They claim the cop shot the perp 16 times. What sidearm has a 16 round mag? If there aren't any, then the cop would have had to drop the 1st clip, grab the second full clip, insert it and fire 8 more times.

I tried this minutes ago and the fastest I could do it is 13 seconds. This doesn't seem to jive with the video that was released.

Anyone have any knowledge on this?
My M&P 40 carries 16 rounds – 15 round magazine with one round chambered.

And of course the M&P 40 is issued to many LE agencies.
The incident recently in Chicago where the cop shot the thug and is now being charged with murder.

Something doesn't sound right here but no one in any media is making anything of it. They claim the cop shot the perp 16 times. What sidearm has a 16 round mag? If there aren't any, then the cop would have had to drop the 1st clip, grab the second full clip, insert it and fire 8 more times.

I tried this minutes ago and the fastest I could do it is 13 seconds. This doesn't seem to jive with the video that was released.

Anyone have any knowledge on this?

this might help...a quick search........they may carry a .40 Smith and Wesson

Department Approved Semiautomatic Pistols and Ammunition

Semiautomatic pistols will be:
  • 1. chambered in 9mm Luger (Parabellum), .40 caliber S&W, or .45 ACP caliber.
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I have a 40 S&W High Point. It's huge but I never intended it for concealed carry so I don't care. It's a nice weapon, pretty damned accurate too.

A lot of "gun snobs" look down on High Points, but I have had a couple Carbines. One got stolen by a druggie "friend" and pawned, the other was lost last month in a wildfire that took our house.

Both guns were very accurate and NEVER choked. I do think the pistols are ugly, but for the price they can't be beat. Cheap accurate and reliable beats expensive and finicky anyway you slice it.

Mine is very accurate and smooth as silk to shoot. Many women I have taken shooting like it because it's easy to shoot yet powerful.
But do cops carry them?

Depending on the Dept, some cops might. I know some Depts only allow cops to carry issued weapons like Glocks, while some allow them to carry whatever they want, within reason. Usually a cop has a choice as long as it's within a certain caliber, usually 9mm, .40, .45 and I think they're allowed back up guns which are usually small framed .38 revolvers.

Bucs90 would probably know a lot more than I.

I have a 40 S&W High Point. It's huge but I never intended it for concealed carry so I don't care. It's a nice weapon, pretty damned accurate too.

A lot of "gun snobs" look down on High Points, but I have had a couple Carbines. One got stolen by a druggie "friend" and pawned, the other was lost last month in a wildfire that took our house.

Both guns were very accurate and NEVER choked. I do think the pistols are ugly, but for the price they can't be beat. Cheap accurate and reliable beats expensive and finicky anyway you slice it.

I have a Hi Point carbine and pistol in 40.

Now, my eyes are in great shape, and my hands a tad shaky.

But I can hit the gong at 100yds 8 out of 10 times with the carbine, standing, no support.

and Hi Point has great customer service.

I have a High Point 40 and my main carry is a Kel Tek P3AT. I get grief from gun snobs all the time.
The incident recently in Chicago where the cop shot the thug and is now being charged with murder.

Something doesn't sound right here but no one in any media is making anything of it. They claim the cop shot the perp 16 times. What sidearm has a 16 round mag? If there aren't any, then the cop would have had to drop the 1st clip, grab the second full clip, insert it and fire 8 more times.

I tried this minutes ago and the fastest I could do it is 13 seconds. This doesn't seem to jive with the video that was released.

Anyone have any knowledge on this?
My M&P 40 carries 16 rounds – 15 round magazine with one round chambered.

And of course the M&P 40 is issued to many LE agencies.

I was unaware that the magazine held that many.

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