Question about this ongoing race war.


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Does anyone think this latest brouhaha crap is going to push whites to push back by joining KKK and other "racist" organizations? After all, they have the black panthers. They are the ones doing to shoving and rioting and bullshit to keep the hate alive. One can only bend so much before flat out breaking.

Black Miss America
White Men Can't Jump and other assorted movies
Losing a job for saying the N word
Losing a job for calling someone black
Black Only parties, circles, proms & it not being considered racist
Black Panthers
Announcing to media and world to BURN THIS TOWN DOWN
etc etc etc

If caucasians did HALF of the crap being done now, all hell would be breaking loose. Oh. Wait. It is breaking loose but it's been changed in favor of looting, thuggery, bottle throwing, murders, rioting, etc. and anyone that tries to fight back...well. We all know what happens then. The name calling. The accusations of racism. The MONEY being paid out. Yadda yadda.
I know I get truly frustrated about it all. And angry. But I have never thought about "joining" a "white power" club or group or whatever and the reason I haven't even considered it is because hate just begets more hate so what is the purpose? It's kinda like the snake eating itself. There is no beginning and no end. BUT, the more the bad blacks keep this stoked, the more frustrated and angry I get. Until someone black comes along and speaks out against it ALL. Not just against whites...but against blacks as well even though they are dismissed as Uncle Toms. Regardless of what other blacks think of those speaking against this division, THEY are the ones that keep the scales almost balanced. Not all the way, but tippy toppy tippy toppy. When the scales hold still tilted...we are ALL fucked.
In response to your question in the OP, Gracie:

Yes, you should join the KKK. It's clear that that's where your alligence lies, you'll be surrounded by your kind, and everyone else will know not to take anything you have to say seriously
You have a legitimate point, Gracie, and fuckwads like doc can only respond with insults. He sets a great example for this forum, doesn't he? Anyway, yes, there IS a race war going on in this country and it's being fueled by our president and his sycophants on the left are only too happy to accommodate him in his efforts. Whites will find support from groups that will start up to deal with the aggression. It's not racist to recognize who the combatants are and whites have every right to meet the threat.
I know I get truly frustrated about it all. And angry. But I have never thought about "joining" a "white power" club or group or whatever and the reason I haven't even considered it is because hate just begets more hate so what is the purpose? It's kinda like the snake eating itself. There is no beginning and no end. BUT, the more the bad blacks keep this stoked, the more frustrated and angry I get. Until someone black comes along and speaks out against it ALL. Not just against whites...but against blacks as well even though they are dismissed as Uncle Toms. Regardless of what other blacks think of those speaking against this division, THEY are the ones that keep the scales almost balanced. Not all the way, but tippy toppy tippy toppy. When the scales hold still tilted...we are ALL fucked.
I understand what you are saying, Gracie. I know loads of black folks who disagree with this whole bullshit crap that is going on. But as long as the media, and our so-called government leadership" keeps fomenting the racist agenda/script, and so many buy into it, we are lost.
You have a legitimate point, Gracie, and fuckwads like doc can only respond with insults. He sets a great example for this forum, doesn't he? Anyway, yes, there IS a race war going on in this country and it's being fueled by our president and his sycophants on the left are only too happy to accommodate him in his efforts. Whites will find support from groups that will start up to deal with the aggression. It's not racist to recognize who the combatants are and whites have every right to meet the threat.

Why is it only white people who think there's a "race war" going on?

Is it part of the whole persecution complex thing you guys have going on?

Isn't it soooo hard to be white in America today?
In response to your question in the OP, Gracie:

Yes, you should join the KKK. It's clear that that's where your alligence lies, you'll be surrounded by your kind, and everyone else will know not to take anything you have to say seriously
You are an embarrassment for this board being a staff member. Mainly because you have your head buried in the sand and are part of the problem...and your reading comprehension skills are very poor. Must suck to be you.
Does anyone think this latest brouhaha crap is going to push whites to push back by joining KKK and other "racist" organizations? After all, they have the black panthers. They are the ones doing to shoving and rioting and bullshit to keep the hate alive. One can only bend so much before flat out breaking.

Black Miss America
White Men Can't Jump and other assorted movies
Losing a job for saying the N word
Losing a job for calling someone black
Black Only parties, circles, proms & it not being considered racist
Black Panthers
Announcing to media and world to BURN THIS TOWN DOWN
etc etc etc

If caucasians did HALF of the crap being done now, all hell would be breaking loose. Oh. Wait. It is breaking loose but it's been changed in favor of looting, thuggery, bottle throwing, murders, rioting, etc. and anyone that tries to fight back...well. We all know what happens then. The name calling. The accusations of racism. The MONEY being paid out. Yadda yadda.

White men cant jump was a great movie, nothing wrong with that
You have a legitimate point, Gracie, and fuckwads like doc can only respond with insults. He sets a great example for this forum, doesn't he? Anyway, yes, there IS a race war going on in this country and it's being fueled by our president and his sycophants on the left are only too happy to accommodate him in his efforts. Whites will find support from groups that will start up to deal with the aggression. It's not racist to recognize who the combatants are and whites have every right to meet the threat.

Why is it only white people who think there's a "race war" going on?

Is it part of the whole persecution complex thing you guys have going on?

Isn't it soooo hard to be white in America today?
Is that a fact?

An Inevitable Race War Is Coming.

Liberty News SHOCK VIDEO Extremely Racist Black Woman Openly Calls for Race War With Whites

Payback The Black on White Race War The Black Sphere
In response to your question in the OP, Gracie:

Yes, you should join the KKK. It's clear that that's where your alligence lies, you'll be surrounded by your kind, and everyone else will know not to take anything you have to say seriously
You are an embarrassment for this board being a staff member. Mainly because you have your head buried in the sand and are part of the problem...and your reading comprehension skills are very poor. Must suck to be you.


Oh lordy, a racist clown on a message board doesn't like me. Whatever shall I do?

You, and everyone who agrees with you, are a fucking embarrassment to humanity itself.
You have a legitimate point, Gracie, and fuckwads like doc can only respond with insults. He sets a great example for this forum, doesn't he? Anyway, yes, there IS a race war going on in this country and it's being fueled by our president and his sycophants on the left are only too happy to accommodate him in his efforts. Whites will find support from groups that will start up to deal with the aggression. It's not racist to recognize who the combatants are and whites have every right to meet the threat.

Why is it only white people who think there's a "race war" going on?

Is it part of the whole persecution complex thing you guys have going on?

Isn't it soooo hard to be white in America today?
Is that a fact?

An Inevitable Race War Is Coming.

Good for you, you found some random blogger.


That guy is just as much of fucking disgrace to this country as you are.
You have a legitimate point, Gracie, and fuckwads like doc can only respond with insults. He sets a great example for this forum, doesn't he? Anyway, yes, there IS a race war going on in this country and it's being fueled by our president and his sycophants on the left are only too happy to accommodate him in his efforts. Whites will find support from groups that will start up to deal with the aggression. It's not racist to recognize who the combatants are and whites have every right to meet the threat.

Why is it only white people who think there's a "race war" going on?

Is it part of the whole persecution complex thing you guys have going on?

Isn't it soooo hard to be white in America today?
Is that a fact?

An Inevitable Race War Is Coming.

Good for you, you found some random blogger.


That guy is just as much of fucking disgrace to this country as you are.
Not as much of a disgrace as you are to this board.
In response to your question in the OP, Gracie:

Yes, you should join the KKK. It's clear that that's where your alligence lies, you'll be surrounded by your kind, and everyone else will know not to take anything you have to say seriously
You are an embarrassment for this board being a staff member. Mainly because you have your head buried in the sand and are part of the problem...and your reading comprehension skills are very poor. Must suck to be you.


Oh lordy, a racist clown on a message board doesn't like me. Whatever shall I do?

You, and everyone who agrees with you, are a fucking embarrassment to humanity itself.
Link where I said I didn't like you. I like all the staff. Some I don't TRUST very much, of which you are one but that has nothing to do with "liking".

I asked a legit question. Saying there is no race war going on is you being blind. I also explained my stance, which you ignored and immediately decided to slap the Racist label on me. Therefore, you are not only ignorant, you are also suffering from tunnel vision. It is because of people like YOU that this mess has gone on as long as it has..and will only get worse.

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