Quantum teleportation record broken: Can life imitate Star Trek?


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Physicists broke the record for quantum teleportation this week, transferring information from one photon to another across 60 miles of fiber-optic cable.

In their paper published in Optica, researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), outline how their newly designed photon detectors allow accurate measurements to be taken even when the light particles emit weak signals.
Quantum teleportation record broken: Can life imitate Star Trek?

I wish they would hurry up. Teleporting people would be handy.
Physicists broke the record for quantum teleportation this week, transferring information from one photon to another across 60 miles of fiber-optic cable.

In their paper published in Optica, researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), outline how their newly designed photon detectors allow accurate measurements to be taken even when the light particles emit weak signals.
Quantum teleportation record broken: Can life imitate Star Trek?

I wish they would hurry up. Teleporting people would be handy.
Or bags of weed...
Physicists broke the record for quantum teleportation this week, transferring information from one photon to another across 60 miles of fiber-optic cable.

In their paper published in Optica, researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), outline how their newly designed photon detectors allow accurate measurements to be taken even when the light particles emit weak signals.
Quantum teleportation record broken: Can life imitate Star Trek?

I wish they would hurry up. Teleporting people would be handy.
Or bags of weed...

Screw weed. I bet if you smoke enough you can teleport yourself almost anywhere.
This isn't the same as star trek and in fact if it was there's be no way to tell if you're, you on the other side.

Star trek = your molecules beamed across space and reput back together on the other side. This of course would take a computer bigger and faster then anything humanity could put together.

Quantum teleportation = well, your molecules are copied then a "exact" clone shows up in another spot. At least as we know now in physics.
Physicists broke the record for quantum teleportation this week, transferring information from one photon to another across 60 miles of fiber-optic cable.

In their paper published in Optica, researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), outline how their newly designed photon detectors allow accurate measurements to be taken even when the light particles emit weak signals.
Quantum teleportation record broken: Can life imitate Star Trek?

I wish they would hurry up. Teleporting people would be handy.

Trouble with teleportation for living things is to record the quantum state of the thing teleporting kills it. You're in effect destroying the thing, then recreating it at the destination. It's a perfect copy, but for living things the individual is gone it seems like. If I did, even if everything that makes me me is recreated, I'm still gone. Can't copy the soul or something going on.

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