Quaddafi is costing you money!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Is this acceptable, that a madman/crank is causing every American to pay much more money on gas, food, etc.?

Why do Rightwingers support this dependency, instead of getting behind alternative energy?

When will Republicans put America first instead of the oil companies?
Is this acceptable, that a madman/crank is causing every American to pay much more money on gas, food, etc.?

Why do Rightwingers support this dependency, instead of getting behind alternative energy?

When will Republicans put America first instead of the oil companies?

age has not withered nor custom staled, your infinite stupidity.*

* apologies to willie s.
Is this acceptable, that a madman/crank is causing every American to pay much more money on gas, food, etc.?

Why do Rightwingers support this dependency, instead of getting behind alternative energy?

When will Republicans put America first instead of the oil companies?

I guess Michael Savage was right, liberalism is a mental illness. Now the libs are blaming republicans for the high price of gas when democrats have prevented the US from being independent of foreign oil for decades. THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE ENERGY. Trains and boats and planes run on petro products. Libs whine about the decadence of Saudi princes. It's oil stupid. Oil is power. Someday the private sector might find an alternate source of energy but IT AIN'T GONNA BE TOMORROW AND IT AIN'T GOING TO BE TEN OR TWENTY YEARS FROM NOW. While bi-polar lefties are enjoying all the comforts that the American lifestyle provides they whine about the the energy that supports the lifestyle. If we continue to believe the fool in the white house we will be living like a 3rd world country before you know it.
Is this acceptable, that a madman/crank is causing every American to pay much more money on gas, food, etc.?

Why do Rightwingers support this dependency, instead of getting behind alternative energy?

When will Republicans put America first instead of the oil companies?

age has not withered nor custom staled, your infinite stupidity.*

* apologies to willie s.
Typical del: nothing in your own brain, so you need to use someone else's words.

Refute the OP, Einstein.
Is this acceptable, that a madman/crank is causing every American to pay much more money on gas, food, etc.?

Why do Rightwingers support this dependency, instead of getting behind alternative energy?

When will Republicans put America first instead of the oil companies?

I guess Michael Savage was right, liberalism is a mental illness. Now the libs are blaming republicans for the high price of gas when democrats have prevented the US from being independent of foreign oil for decades. THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE ENERGY. Trains and boats and planes run on petro products. Libs whine about the decadence of Saudi princes. It's oil stupid. Oil is power. Someday the private sector might find an alternate source of energy but IT AIN'T GONNA BE TOMORROW AND IT AIN'T GOING TO BE TEN OR TWENTY YEARS FROM NOW. While bi-polar lefties are enjoying all the comforts that the American lifestyle provides they whine about the the energy that supports the lifestyle. If we continue to believe the fool in the white house we will be living like a 3rd world country before you know it.

Another mental midget chimes in.

Study what Jimmy Carter tried to do regarding America's energy, junior, then come back . . . and say more stupid shit! It's all anyone expects from you.
Is this acceptable, that a madman/crank is causing every American to pay much more money on gas, food, etc.?

Why do Rightwingers support this dependency, instead of getting behind alternative energy?

When will Republicans put America first instead of the oil companies?

Blame the speculators. Not the idiot in Libya.
drill baby drill.
Is this acceptable, that a madman/crank is causing every American to pay much more money on gas, food, etc.?

Why do Rightwingers support this dependency, instead of getting behind alternative energy?

When will Republicans put America first instead of the oil companies?

Blame the speculators. Not the idiot in Libya.
drill baby drill.
Would you prohibit speculation, legislatively?
Is this acceptable, that a madman/crank is causing every American to pay much more money on gas, food, etc.?

Why do Rightwingers support this dependency, instead of getting behind alternative energy?

When will Republicans put America first instead of the oil companies?

I guess Michael Savage was right, liberalism is a mental illness. Now the libs are blaming republicans for the high price of gas when democrats have prevented the US from being independent of foreign oil for decades. THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE ENERGY. Trains and boats and planes run on petro products. Libs whine about the decadence of Saudi princes. It's oil stupid. Oil is power. Someday the private sector might find an alternate source of energy but IT AIN'T GONNA BE TOMORROW AND IT AIN'T GOING TO BE TEN OR TWENTY YEARS FROM NOW. While bi-polar lefties are enjoying all the comforts that the American lifestyle provides they whine about the the energy that supports the lifestyle. If we continue to believe the fool in the white house we will be living like a 3rd world country before you know it.

If we'd gone into Iraq for the right reason, OIL, we'd have all we need. Don't blame it on liberals. Blame it on those who chose to waste lives and money on nation-building, instead of our REAL national interest.
Is this acceptable, that a madman/crank is causing every American to pay much more money on gas, food, etc.?

Why do Rightwingers support this dependency, instead of getting behind alternative energy?

When will Republicans put America first instead of the oil companies?

I guess Michael Savage was right, liberalism is a mental illness. Now the libs are blaming republicans for the high price of gas when democrats have prevented the US from being independent of foreign oil for decades. THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE ENERGY. Trains and boats and planes run on petro products. Libs whine about the decadence of Saudi princes. It's oil stupid. Oil is power. Someday the private sector might find an alternate source of energy but IT AIN'T GONNA BE TOMORROW AND IT AIN'T GOING TO BE TEN OR TWENTY YEARS FROM NOW. While bi-polar lefties are enjoying all the comforts that the American lifestyle provides they whine about the the energy that supports the lifestyle. If we continue to believe the fool in the white house we will be living like a 3rd world country before you know it.

If we'd gone into Iraq for the right reason, OIL, we'd have all we need. Don't blame it on liberals. Blame it on those who chose to waste lives and money on nation-building, instead of our REAL national interest.
We did go for oil, and we got it. All of the oil companies have signed long (20-30 years) contracts with the Baghdad government (such as it is). Some were signed back in 2006.
Is this acceptable, that a madman/crank is causing every American to pay much more money on gas, food, etc.?

Why do Rightwingers support this dependency, instead of getting behind alternative energy?

When will Republicans put America first instead of the oil companies?

We're paying Americans for about 7 million barrels per day of oil. Is this acceptable?

Why aren't Leftwingers behind Americans producing more oil at home? Keep our dollars here, keep our jobs here, keep the economic activity and revenues here.

That's what I call putting Americans first.

Obama and most Democrats see otherwise. Stop deepwater drilling in the Gulf, put public lands and waters off limits, spread misinformation and lies about hydraulic fracturing, propose tens of billionsof dollars in new taxes on the oil and gas industries.

Drill here. Drill now. Save jobs and money.
Is this acceptable, that a madman/crank is causing every American to pay much more money on gas, food, etc.?

Why do Rightwingers support this dependency, instead of getting behind alternative energy?

When will Republicans put America first instead of the oil companies?

We're paying Americans for about 7 million barrels per day of oil. Is this acceptable?

I don't know what you are saying - please explain.

Why aren't Leftwingers behind Americans producing more oil at home? Keep our dollars here, keep our jobs here, keep the economic activity and revenues here.

That's what I call putting Americans first.

Obama and most Democrats see otherwise. Stop deepwater drilling in the Gulf, put public lands and waters off limits, spread misinformation and lies about hydraulic fracturing, propose tens of billionsof dollars in new taxes on the oil and gas industries.

Drill here. Drill now. Save jobs and money.

Because - for the umpteenth time - we consume 25% of the oil, yet only possess 2% of the reserves. We cannot drill our way to independence.

Why is this so damn hard for some people to understand?
Is this acceptable, that a madman/crank is causing every American to pay much more money on gas, food, etc.?

Why do Rightwingers support this dependency, instead of getting behind alternative energy?

When will Republicans put America first instead of the oil companies?

We're paying Americans for about 7 million barrels per day of oil. Is this acceptable?

I don't know what you are saying - please explain.

Why aren't Leftwingers behind Americans producing more oil at home? Keep our dollars here, keep our jobs here, keep the economic activity and revenues here.

That's what I call putting Americans first.

Obama and most Democrats see otherwise. Stop deepwater drilling in the Gulf, put public lands and waters off limits, spread misinformation and lies about hydraulic fracturing, propose tens of billionsof dollars in new taxes on the oil and gas industries.

Drill here. Drill now. Save jobs and money.

Because - for the umpteenth time - we consume 25% of the oil, yet only possess 2% of the reserves. We cannot drill our way to independence.

Why is this so damn hard for some people to understand?

Ok- I see what you're saying. Unrest in Libya caused a spike in oil prices. My bad.
Well, prices dropped another $4/bbl today, so they are at about what they were before the whole Libya thing started.

Sure- we consume 25% of the world's oil production but the U.S. accounts for 25% of the world's GDP. And yes, there's a connection between oil use and economic output.

And for my umpteenth time- no one but a complete moron would propose that the U.S. could "drill" its way to independence. That has never been the contention of the domestic petroleum industry. At least not in the 34 years I've been studying it.

What the industry does propose, however, is that there is no reason to penalize it for success- either through taxes or moratoria or denial of access to public lands and waters. And every additional barrel of oil produced here is less oil that we need to import. Regardless of the price of oil, we should support the industry, not hammer it into submission. Jobs for Americans, energy for Americans, economic growth and revenues for Americans.

The End. :D
Is this acceptable, that a madman/crank is causing every American to pay much more money on gas, food, etc.?

Why do Rightwingers support this dependency, instead of getting behind alternative energy?

When will Republicans put America first instead of the oil companies?

I guess Michael Savage was right, liberalism is a mental illness. Now the libs are blaming republicans for the high price of gas when democrats have prevented the US from being independent of foreign oil for decades. THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE ENERGY. Trains and boats and planes run on petro products. Libs whine about the decadence of Saudi princes. It's oil stupid. Oil is power. Someday the private sector might find an alternate source of energy but IT AIN'T GONNA BE TOMORROW AND IT AIN'T GOING TO BE TEN OR TWENTY YEARS FROM NOW. While bi-polar lefties are enjoying all the comforts that the American lifestyle provides they whine about the the energy that supports the lifestyle. If we continue to believe the fool in the white house we will be living like a 3rd world country before you know it.

If we'd gone into Iraq for the right reason, OIL, we'd have all we need. Don't blame it on liberals. Blame it on those who chose to waste lives and money on nation-building, instead of our REAL national interest.

The right reason??? Lefties complained that we went into Iraq for oil and now they complain that we didn't get the oil. I rest my case, Michael Savage was right.
Is this acceptable, that a madman/crank is causing every American to pay much more money on gas, food, etc.?

Why do Rightwingers support this dependency, instead of getting behind alternative energy?

When will Republicans put America first instead of the oil companies?

We're paying Americans for about 7 million barrels per day of oil. Is this acceptable?

I don't know what you are saying - please explain.

Why aren't Leftwingers behind Americans producing more oil at home? Keep our dollars here, keep our jobs here, keep the economic activity and revenues here.

That's what I call putting Americans first.

Obama and most Democrats see otherwise. Stop deepwater drilling in the Gulf, put public lands and waters off limits, spread misinformation and lies about hydraulic fracturing, propose tens of billionsof dollars in new taxes on the oil and gas industries.

Drill here. Drill now. Save jobs and money.
Because - for the umpteenth time - we consume 25% of the oil, yet only possess 2% of the reserves. We cannot drill our way to independence.

Why is this so damn hard for some people to understand?

But we CAN 'drill' our way into lower pump prices.
Our beloved speculators look at longe range presumed prices.
By merely lifting the bans, today, these same speculators would see a future increase in supply.
Thus lowering the price.
As we stand, now, we're going into a high demand summer travel season with a limited supply.

31 rigs off the coast of LA.
ONE explodes.
We shut down all 30 of the others.
Our own government inspectors go in and inspect the other 30 and give them passing grades.
Yet we STILL can't drill.WTF?!?!

Just a mere hint of the possibility of us tapping into it managed to stop the steep increase.
Nevermind that I hate the idea of our reserves.
It's like buying a Snickers bar for a quarter, putting it in the fridge, and then selling it back to yourself for a dollar.
We've already paid for these reserves.

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