Putting Police Before A Jury Isn’t Necessarily A Bad Thing...


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
For years, and Years we’ve been taught that we are a nation “For the People, of the People, and by the People.” Yet look how far we’ve fallen...
For decades, if not generations we free people have abrogated our authority, to councils, commissions, and appointees. And we have been, and currently are paying the price for this apathy. The current troubles we face now are all but a foregone conclusion, and a sobering example of what happens when free men cede liberty, and authority to others; the hopes of gaining safety, and security. Real life however doesn’t work that way. Power, and authority can only be satiated with one thing. “More”.
Many of the “free people” (and I use this phrase loosely, if not mockingly) of our nation have finally begun to tell this beast “No”. “No more”. And the response has been nothing short of a full blown psychotic tantrum from the beast. With responses ranging from hard core beat downs, to complete dismissiveness. The classic passive/aggressive strategy... But I digress...
In a nation “of the People, for the People, and by the People”; the only righteous authority comes from the consent of the “governed”. And under such rule we may find it convenient to empower certain citizens to act as instruments of the public will. However in life certain events are so sobering, serious, and permanent, that the very concept of self governance demands that judgment of this event must be drawn directly from the people. Not an elected official. Not an appointee. Not a committee.

Such a situation exists when one amongst us, takes the life of another. For too long have we allowed Governmental instruments to decide for us, whether a killing was “justified”, or worthy of our scrutiny. That apathy being so firmly entrenched that it has become accepted policy, is what got us here. Only by seizing back our authority to be the judge in such a serious event... Every time. For everyone. NO EXCEPTIONS! Only then can we again brag about being a nation “of the People, for the People, and by the People.
Not accepting that the "system" was investigating the "system" is something many have been condemning for a long time. Simply allowing for a jury decide while good is still not enough.

While the "system" is no longer automatically determining innocent in every case now, it still needs to be completely taken out of their hands.
It is a bad thing because the judges are nearly all political....They will tell the jury what evidence they may or may not consider, and how they may or may not rule.

This is going to be a major shit show.

True, there are bad judges just like there are bad cops, but whaddya gonna do? It ain't nearly a perfect system, anytime you have human beings involved you're going to have injustices. The only thing I can see is to require judges and everyone else from the police chief to the mayor be responsible to the voters. And if the voters do not make them accountable then I guess you get the gov't you deserve.
Even if the cops walks free it'll cost him a million $ in lawyer fees.

He'll be bankrupt...he'll have to sell his house & car & anything he owns.
Not accepting that the "system" was investigating the "system" is something many have been condemning for a long time. Simply allowing for a jury decide while good is still not enough.

While the "system" is no longer automatically determining innocent in every case now, it still needs to be completely taken out of their hands.
It is a Judges place to conduct the court room. “Jury Instructions” Have no place in a court “of the People, for the People, and by the People”. As such it is encumbent upon all of us, to educate our own children (because we know the Systems “Education” Department won’t) the very concept and righteous nature of “jury nullification”. In a country of the people; the people are the final word...

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Even if the cops walks free it'll cost him a million $ in lawyer fees.

He'll be bankrupt...he'll have to sell his house & car & anything he owns.
Another issue well past time to be addressed. For the government shall not deprive us of life, liberty, or property without due process; and if that process finds the defendant not guilty, the government owes the formerly accused full recompense.
Not accepting that the "system" was investigating the "system" is something many have been condemning for a long time. Simply allowing for a jury decide while good is still not enough.

While the "system" is no longer automatically determining innocent in every case now, it still needs to be completely taken out of their hands.
It is a Judges place to conduct the court room. “Jury Instructions” Have no place in a court “of the People, for the People, and by the People”. As such it is encumber upon all of us, to educate our own children (because we know the Systems “Education” Department won’t) the very concept and righteous nature of “jury nullification”. In a country of the people; the people are the final word...

View attachment 351605

I won't say that every instruction is bad BUT yes, that can be a problem.
Even if the cops walks free it'll cost him a million $ in lawyer fees.

He'll be bankrupt...he'll have to sell his house & car & anything he owns.

Just like millions of others before him.
Idk if you've ever been witness to a jury selection..but lemme tell ya. It is not weighted towards the defendant.
2/3 weighted towards the DA, whether right or wrong.
Idk if you've ever been witness to a jury selection..but lemme tell ya. It is not weighted towards the defendant.
2/3 weighted towards the DA, whether right or wrong.

I was dismissed because I had a job and young kids. It was a murder trial and they were concerned that it would go long and I wouldn't want to sit through it and lost wages. They didn't even ask if I would.
For years, and Years we’ve been taught that we are a nation “For the People, of the People, and by the People.” Yet look how far we’ve fallen...
For decades, if not generations we free people have abrogated our authority, to councils, commissions, and appointees. And we have been, and currently are paying the price for this apathy. The current troubles we face now are all but a foregone conclusion, and a sobering example of what happens when free men cede liberty, and authority to others; the hopes of gaining safety, and security. Real life however doesn’t work that way. Power, and authority can only be satiated with one thing. “More”.
Many of the “free people” (and I use this phrase loosely, if not mockingly) of our nation have finally begun to tell this beast “No”. “No more”. And the response has been nothing short of a full blown psychotic tantrum from the beast. With responses ranging from hard core beat downs, to complete dismissiveness. The classic passive/aggressive strategy... But I digress...
In a nation “of the People, for the People, and by the People”; the only righteous authority comes from the consent of the “governed”. And under such rule we may find it convenient to empower certain citizens to act as instruments of the public will. However in life certain events are so sobering, serious, and permanent, that the very concept of self governance demands that judgment of this event must be drawn directly from the people. Not an elected official. Not an appointee. Not a committee.

Such a situation exists when one amongst us, takes the life of another. For too long have we allowed Governmental instruments to decide for us, whether a killing was “justified”, or worthy of our scrutiny. That apathy being so firmly entrenched that it has become accepted policy, is what got us here. Only by seizing back our authority to be the judge in such a serious event... Every time. For everyone. NO EXCEPTIONS! Only then can we again brag about being a nation “of the People, for the People, and by the People.
This is beyond political but it is political. The men and women who work for the police/corrections/judicial fiefdom put the fiefdom ahead of us. The honor, integrity and character goes to the fiefdom. Everyone affected by these people know it. There are those who will go to their graves hoping for vengeance. They have screwed over families. You will not get finality with reforms that start now. We mut be able to get back a few decades at least. Bring the guilty to the forefront. Take from them. Imprison if necessary. Take what they left to their children and their children's children. There will be no peace as we see now from BLM. Having people laugh at you. Mock you. Have others told perceptions and have those say things to you is something that ruins lives. Well they deserve to have their lives ruined. And some of their lives were not good in the first place. You have not seen any stand up to take an blame for anything they did to others have you? And the ones who pass messages on some of the people affected. There is a special place in hell for them. Scorched earth would not suffice for them. Progs need to collapse the housing market and collapse the pensions to get near full affect and payback for those who were messed with. Look at them now. Lil Diks, pu**ies. and c**ts. This nation can tear itself apart the way it is going. Surveillance and the loss of dignity from it is a double edged sword that will destroy all of us at some point. lci own up
It is a bad thing because the judges are nearly all political....They will tell the jury what evidence they may or may not consider, and how they may or may not rule.

This is going to be a major shit show.

True, there are bad judges just like there are bad cops, but whaddya gonna do? It ain't nearly a perfect system, anytime you have human beings involved you're going to have injustices. The only thing I can see is to require judges and everyone else from the police chief to the mayor be responsible to the voters. And if the voters do not make them accountable then I guess you get the gov't you deserve.
Nearly all of them are bad, since nearly all are political....And elected judges almost never get removed, no matter how bad and/or corrupt they are.

Our way out is fully informed juries, which no judicial oligarch wants.

Fully Informed Jury Association
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Idk if you've ever been witness to a jury selection..but lemme tell ya. It is not weighted towards the defendant.
2/3 weighted towards the DA, whether right or wrong.
They're weighted toward selecting jurors who are compliant little dopes, who don't know their rights as jurors.

In fact, many people have been bullied by the oligarchy for passing out FIJA pamphlets that apprise jurors of their rights.

Not accepting that the "system" was investigating the "system" is something many have been condemning for a long time. Simply allowing for a jury decide while good is still not enough.

While the "system" is no longer automatically determining innocent in every case now, it still needs to be completely taken out of their hands.
It is a Judges place to conduct the court room. “Jury Instructions” Have no place in a court “of the People, for the People, and by the People”. As such it is encumbent upon all of us, to educate our own children (because we know the Systems “Education” Department won’t) the very concept and righteous nature of “jury nullification”. In a country of the people; the people are the final word...

View attachment 351605
Idk if you've ever been witness to a jury selection..but lemme tell ya. It is not weighted towards the defendant.
2/3 weighted towards the DA, whether right or wrong.
They're weighted toward selecting jurors who are compliant little dopes, who don't know their rights as jurors.

In fact, many people have been bullied by the oligarchy for passing out FIJA pamphlets that apprise jurors of their rights.

Something very basic that should be a requirement in any civics class.

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