Putting a face on who it was we wasted 20 years on


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2014
well, yeah who would have ever thought a place like Afghanistan would ever have such a thing as women governors?
Like this fighter who is probably now captured and tortured. For those who say we have accomplished nothing, I say no... we kept Alqueda at bay and on the run for 20 years, we kept them from staging more attacks over here and in the west.
We also enabled women like this one to achieve freedom in a place where they are treated worse than cattle. It was a beginning that was still evolving into wider freedoms... unfortunately it took time and patience of which our self engrossed leaders have none of... and want nothing of it, if it doesn't get them elected to office. If i could puke in their bed slippers I would. We can see now Afghan resistance has actually taken back portions of provinces and still trying to promote the idea of Afghanistan as a country...... only now without the support of U.S. intelligence and air support they are doomed to fail. Which leads me to wonder, how much better would they have done if the Biden administration actually had a plan to set them up to succeed instead of fail? Obviously they are fighting now that they have overcome the shock of the ill planned U.S. withdrawal.
I just also have to think how sad it is for women like the one in the O.P.... who had come pretty damn far and had the will to make a better place in Afghanistan, that they could not count on the West to just help them a little bit ongoing.
Just enough to prevent what we are seeing now.


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