Putin 'wins' election--Democracy, Russian style


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Russian vote problems: Ballot stuffing, coercion, gimmicks

How can anyone ever believe that Putin is anything other than a tacit Dictator--ruling over Russia like a modern-day Czar.

"Social networks buzzed all day Sunday with videos, photos and firsthand accounts of voting violations in Russia's presidential election.

Election authorities said they will investigate all irregularities and annul results where needed. But the breadth of the reports was striking, and they may cast a shadow on the victory by incumbent Vladimir Putin.

Video authenticated by The Associated Press showed some of the apparent irregularities and also was reported by observers including representatives of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, the Golos monitoring group and ordinary Russians. Some examples:


CCTV footage of a voting station in the Moscow suburb of Lyubertsy shows a woman taking a ballot from a table, looking around to see if anyone is watching, then putting it in the box. She repeats the action, again and again. Another woman, apparently a colleague at the station, joins her.

A video from Ilskhan-Yurt in Chechnya shows a man in a white cap repeatedly putting ballots in the same box.

In the Primorsky region of the Far East, a woman pulls papers from her jacket and stuffs them in the box.

Dozens of other examples of apparent ballot box stuffing were posted online.

The regional election commission said the results from the Lyubertsy station would be invalidated. Authorities sealed a ballot box in the southern city of Rostov-on-Don where ballot stuffing was reported, and are investigating similar allegations in Artyom in the far east.


Video from a polling station in Makhachkala in the Caucasus Mountains republic of Dagestan showed local official Magomet Rasulov appearing to punch observer Malik Butaev before being led out by police.

Aida Mirmaksumova, who is collecting violations in Makhachkala, said burly men dressed in black dragged an observer for Communist Party candidate Pavel Grudinin on the ground as he shouted, "Help!" Others yelled: "Get out of here!" Amid the melee, people were seen stuffing what appeared to be ballots into a ballot box.

Zukhrab Omarov, an observer for liberal candidate Grigory Yavlinsky, said he was dragged away by police as he was trying to shoot video of violations in Makhachkala.

"They asked me to show my passport with my registrations, they were asking what I were doing and why, and they said that they would break my nose. They asked me why we were filming and they destroyed all the videos of the violations that we had taken, but some of them are already online," Omarov said, displaying bruises and ripped pants from the incident.


Residents in Perm, Yekaterinburg and Moscow showed the AP messages from employers pressuring workers to vote and requiring them to report on when and where they cast ballots. One worker said he feared he wouldn't get his monthly bonus if he didn't.

In Kudrovo in the Leningradsky region outside St. Petersburg, observer Sergei Dzhus discovered people apparently bused in to a traditionally low-turnout area to boost participation.

"From the very beginning, there were many, many people who came to our polling station," he told the AP. He followed one group getting on a bus, but as he filmed, he said members of the group tried to shield their identities from the camera and refused to answer his questions.

Central Election Commission deputy chief Nikolai Bulayev defended the practice of busing voters to voting stations as "help" for those in remote areas poorly served by public transport.


There also were turnout-boosting gimmicks and state-funded campaigns, which were not technically illegal but tacitly helped the incumbent.

In Moscow, health officials offered cancer screening and discounted food products at polling stations. Some towns staged dancing, sports competitions and clown acts.

Prizes were offered at some polls for voters who wore the best costumes, and some people came dressed as bears, folk characters and medieval knights.

In the Leningradsky region, one man was photographed dressed as a Sarmat ballistic missile — perhaps hoping to capture the attention of the Kremlin as it expands its nuclear arsenal."
so what , Russia does things their way is all it is EEFleegle !!
Not that different to the way we do things.
When the most important aspect of electioneering is raising the most money, the politicians and, ultimately, the votes, are bought by shadowy oligarchs, who own the Government.
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Russian vote problems: Ballot stuffing, coercion, gimmicks

How can anyone ever believe that Putin is anything other than a tacit Dictator--ruling over Russia like a modern-day Czar.

"Social networks buzzed all day Sunday with videos, photos and firsthand accounts of voting violations in Russia's presidential election.

Election authorities said they will investigate all irregularities and annul results where needed. But the breadth of the reports was striking, and they may cast a shadow on the victory by incumbent Vladimir Putin.

Video authenticated by The Associated Press showed some of the apparent irregularities and also was reported by observers including representatives of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, the Golos monitoring group and ordinary Russians. Some examples:


CCTV footage of a voting station in the Moscow suburb of Lyubertsy shows a woman taking a ballot from a table, looking around to see if anyone is watching, then putting it in the box. She repeats the action, again and again. Another woman, apparently a colleague at the station, joins her.

A video from Ilskhan-Yurt in Chechnya shows a man in a white cap repeatedly putting ballots in the same box.

In the Primorsky region of the Far East, a woman pulls papers from her jacket and stuffs them in the box.

Dozens of other examples of apparent ballot box stuffing were posted online.

The regional election commission said the results from the Lyubertsy station would be invalidated. Authorities sealed a ballot box in the southern city of Rostov-on-Don where ballot stuffing was reported, and are investigating similar allegations in Artyom in the far east.


Video from a polling station in Makhachkala in the Caucasus Mountains republic of Dagestan showed local official Magomet Rasulov appearing to punch observer Malik Butaev before being led out by police.

Aida Mirmaksumova, who is collecting violations in Makhachkala, said burly men dressed in black dragged an observer for Communist Party candidate Pavel Grudinin on the ground as he shouted, "Help!" Others yelled: "Get out of here!" Amid the melee, people were seen stuffing what appeared to be ballots into a ballot box.

Zukhrab Omarov, an observer for liberal candidate Grigory Yavlinsky, said he was dragged away by police as he was trying to shoot video of violations in Makhachkala.

"They asked me to show my passport with my registrations, they were asking what I were doing and why, and they said that they would break my nose. They asked me why we were filming and they destroyed all the videos of the violations that we had taken, but some of them are already online," Omarov said, displaying bruises and ripped pants from the incident.


Residents in Perm, Yekaterinburg and Moscow showed the AP messages from employers pressuring workers to vote and requiring them to report on when and where they cast ballots. One worker said he feared he wouldn't get his monthly bonus if he didn't.

In Kudrovo in the Leningradsky region outside St. Petersburg, observer Sergei Dzhus discovered people apparently bused in to a traditionally low-turnout area to boost participation.

"From the very beginning, there were many, many people who came to our polling station," he told the AP. He followed one group getting on a bus, but as he filmed, he said members of the group tried to shield their identities from the camera and refused to answer his questions.

Central Election Commission deputy chief Nikolai Bulayev defended the practice of busing voters to voting stations as "help" for those in remote areas poorly served by public transport.


There also were turnout-boosting gimmicks and state-funded campaigns, which were not technically illegal but tacitly helped the incumbent.

In Moscow, health officials offered cancer screening and discounted food products at polling stations. Some towns staged dancing, sports competitions and clown acts.

Prizes were offered at some polls for voters who wore the best costumes, and some people came dressed as bears, folk characters and medieval knights.

In the Leningradsky region, one man was photographed dressed as a Sarmat ballistic missile — perhaps hoping to capture the attention of the Kremlin as it expands its nuclear arsenal."

so what , Russia does things their way is all it is EEFleegle !!

and they're trying to make it happen here.

or haven't you figured that out?
--------------------------------------------------------- its the RUSSIANS job to meddle in American politics and elections . Heck , even 'english subjects' did a letter writing campaign to Americans to tell Americans to vote for 'algore' over 'gwb' in 2000 . 'mrobama' tried to get rid of 'bibi netanyahu' a few years ago when he meddled in 'bibis' campaign in Israel for 'bibis' opposition . And back to the Russians , Russians are supposed to meddle in American politics and elections if they can as that is their job . ------------------------------- And it is the USA Intelligence services job to guard against Russian meddling in American elections Jillian .
and i think that 'mrobama' was aware of Russian meddling in USA elections in 2016 but he didn't do anything about it Jillian .
Russian vote problems: Ballot stuffing, coercion, gimmicks

How can anyone ever believe that Putin is anything other than a tacit Dictator--ruling over Russia like a modern-day Czar.

"Social networks buzzed all day Sunday with videos, photos and firsthand accounts of voting violations in Russia's presidential election.

Election authorities said they will investigate all irregularities and annul results where needed. But the breadth of the reports was striking, and they may cast a shadow on the victory by incumbent Vladimir Putin.

Video authenticated by The Associated Press showed some of the apparent irregularities and also was reported by observers including representatives of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, the Golos monitoring group and ordinary Russians. Some examples:


CCTV footage of a voting station in the Moscow suburb of Lyubertsy shows a woman taking a ballot from a table, looking around to see if anyone is watching, then putting it in the box. She repeats the action, again and again. Another woman, apparently a colleague at the station, joins her.

A video from Ilskhan-Yurt in Chechnya shows a man in a white cap repeatedly putting ballots in the same box.

In the Primorsky region of the Far East, a woman pulls papers from her jacket and stuffs them in the box.

Dozens of other examples of apparent ballot box stuffing were posted online.

The regional election commission said the results from the Lyubertsy station would be invalidated. Authorities sealed a ballot box in the southern city of Rostov-on-Don where ballot stuffing was reported, and are investigating similar allegations in Artyom in the far east.


Video from a polling station in Makhachkala in the Caucasus Mountains republic of Dagestan showed local official Magomet Rasulov appearing to punch observer Malik Butaev before being led out by police.

Aida Mirmaksumova, who is collecting violations in Makhachkala, said burly men dressed in black dragged an observer for Communist Party candidate Pavel Grudinin on the ground as he shouted, "Help!" Others yelled: "Get out of here!" Amid the melee, people were seen stuffing what appeared to be ballots into a ballot box.

Zukhrab Omarov, an observer for liberal candidate Grigory Yavlinsky, said he was dragged away by police as he was trying to shoot video of violations in Makhachkala.

"They asked me to show my passport with my registrations, they were asking what I were doing and why, and they said that they would break my nose. They asked me why we were filming and they destroyed all the videos of the violations that we had taken, but some of them are already online," Omarov said, displaying bruises and ripped pants from the incident.


Residents in Perm, Yekaterinburg and Moscow showed the AP messages from employers pressuring workers to vote and requiring them to report on when and where they cast ballots. One worker said he feared he wouldn't get his monthly bonus if he didn't.

In Kudrovo in the Leningradsky region outside St. Petersburg, observer Sergei Dzhus discovered people apparently bused in to a traditionally low-turnout area to boost participation.

"From the very beginning, there were many, many people who came to our polling station," he told the AP. He followed one group getting on a bus, but as he filmed, he said members of the group tried to shield their identities from the camera and refused to answer his questions.

Central Election Commission deputy chief Nikolai Bulayev defended the practice of busing voters to voting stations as "help" for those in remote areas poorly served by public transport.


There also were turnout-boosting gimmicks and state-funded campaigns, which were not technically illegal but tacitly helped the incumbent.

In Moscow, health officials offered cancer screening and discounted food products at polling stations. Some towns staged dancing, sports competitions and clown acts.

Prizes were offered at some polls for voters who wore the best costumes, and some people came dressed as bears, folk characters and medieval knights.

In the Leningradsky region, one man was photographed dressed as a Sarmat ballistic missile — perhaps hoping to capture the attention of the Kremlin as it expands its nuclear arsenal."
There is no way he can ever lose an election; he controls the ballot boxes. The idea of him being 'elected' is a complete farce.
so what , Russia does things their way is all it is EEFleegle !!
The idiot Trump considers Putin a ‘friend’ and ‘ally,’ when in fact Putin is an anti-democratic dictator and autocrat.

That you and others on the right have no problem with Trump mollycoddling a dictator and autocrat who seeks to disrupt and interfere with Americans elections comes as no surprise.
Many Americans (including me) could not care less about Russian dishonest elections.

We live in a country in which most states do NOT require voters to prove that they are citizens.

Common sense tells us that undocumented immigrants are casting votes.

The American media do not care, for they assume (rightly) that those fraudulent votes are being cast for Democratic candidates.


Hundreds of thousands of American boys have died in wars from the Revolution to the mess in Afghanistan.

They gave their lives in order to protect our democracy.

Voter fraud is an insult to their sacrifice.
Many Americans (including me) could not care less about Russian dishonest elections.

We live in a country in which most states do NOT require voters to prove that they are citizens.

Common sense tells us that undocumented immigrants are casting votes.

The American media do not care, for they assume (rightly) that those fraudulent votes are being cast for Democratic candidates.


Hundreds of thousands of American boys have died in wars from the Revolution to the mess in Afghanistan.

They gave their lives in order to protect our democracy.

Voter fraud is an insult to their sacrifice.
You are incorrect...provably so. Common sense/ I think not--more like bitter cultural angst and a propensity to play the victim at all costs. You've bought the line--hook and all. Now all they do is reel you in. Voter fraud is rare in this country..and seldom has any impact at all.

Not that that has anything to do with the subject of the thread But hey..deflect from Putin if you like---I'd just like folks to remember that Putin is not a democratically elected anything...and he is an enemy of the US--we should start treating him as such.
Not that different to the way we do things.
When the most important aspect of electioneering is raising the most money, the politicians and, ultimately, the votes, are bought by shadowy oligarchs, who own the Government.
The far-left's idea of a proper election is one similar to China. You get one party, theirs. You get to pick from the candidates out of that only party which they approve of.
If you would object, the far-left would simply do as they do in China, arrest you and make you disappear.....until you change your mind.....or never return at all.
Ahhh, Antifa's and the far-left's politics at its best.
How can anyone ever believe that Putin is anything other than a tacit Dictator--ruling over Russia like a modern-day Czar.
Communists also had elections where opponents were not allowed to participate and the results were known before the vote, and people were force to vote.
Russian vote problems: Ballot stuffing, coercion, gimmicks

How can anyone ever believe that Putin is anything other than a tacit Dictator--ruling over Russia like a modern-day Czar.

"Social networks buzzed all day Sunday with videos, photos and firsthand accounts of voting violations in Russia's presidential election.

Election authorities said they will investigate all irregularities and annul results where needed. But the breadth of the reports was striking, and they may cast a shadow on the victory by incumbent Vladimir Putin.

Video authenticated by The Associated Press showed some of the apparent irregularities and also was reported by observers including representatives of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, the Golos monitoring group and ordinary Russians. Some examples:


CCTV footage of a voting station in the Moscow suburb of Lyubertsy shows a woman taking a ballot from a table, looking around to see if anyone is watching, then putting it in the box. She repeats the action, again and again. Another woman, apparently a colleague at the station, joins her.

A video from Ilskhan-Yurt in Chechnya shows a man in a white cap repeatedly putting ballots in the same box.

In the Primorsky region of the Far East, a woman pulls papers from her jacket and stuffs them in the box.

Dozens of other examples of apparent ballot box stuffing were posted online.

The regional election commission said the results from the Lyubertsy station would be invalidated. Authorities sealed a ballot box in the southern city of Rostov-on-Don where ballot stuffing was reported, and are investigating similar allegations in Artyom in the far east.


Video from a polling station in Makhachkala in the Caucasus Mountains republic of Dagestan showed local official Magomet Rasulov appearing to punch observer Malik Butaev before being led out by police.

Aida Mirmaksumova, who is collecting violations in Makhachkala, said burly men dressed in black dragged an observer for Communist Party candidate Pavel Grudinin on the ground as he shouted, "Help!" Others yelled: "Get out of here!" Amid the melee, people were seen stuffing what appeared to be ballots into a ballot box.

Zukhrab Omarov, an observer for liberal candidate Grigory Yavlinsky, said he was dragged away by police as he was trying to shoot video of violations in Makhachkala.

"They asked me to show my passport with my registrations, they were asking what I were doing and why, and they said that they would break my nose. They asked me why we were filming and they destroyed all the videos of the violations that we had taken, but some of them are already online," Omarov said, displaying bruises and ripped pants from the incident.


Residents in Perm, Yekaterinburg and Moscow showed the AP messages from employers pressuring workers to vote and requiring them to report on when and where they cast ballots. One worker said he feared he wouldn't get his monthly bonus if he didn't.

In Kudrovo in the Leningradsky region outside St. Petersburg, observer Sergei Dzhus discovered people apparently bused in to a traditionally low-turnout area to boost participation.

"From the very beginning, there were many, many people who came to our polling station," he told the AP. He followed one group getting on a bus, but as he filmed, he said members of the group tried to shield their identities from the camera and refused to answer his questions.

Central Election Commission deputy chief Nikolai Bulayev defended the practice of busing voters to voting stations as "help" for those in remote areas poorly served by public transport.


There also were turnout-boosting gimmicks and state-funded campaigns, which were not technically illegal but tacitly helped the incumbent.

In Moscow, health officials offered cancer screening and discounted food products at polling stations. Some towns staged dancing, sports competitions and clown acts.

Prizes were offered at some polls for voters who wore the best costumes, and some people came dressed as bears, folk characters and medieval knights.

In the Leningradsky region, one man was photographed dressed as a Sarmat ballistic missile — perhaps hoping to capture the attention of the Kremlin as it expands its nuclear arsenal."
Majority rules in Russian elections. That's how liberal wants elections determined here.
Russian vote problems: Ballot stuffing, coercion, gimmicks

How can anyone ever believe that Putin is anything other than a tacit Dictator--ruling over Russia like a modern-day Czar.

"Social networks buzzed all day Sunday with videos, photos and firsthand accounts of voting violations in Russia's presidential election.

Election authorities said they will investigate all irregularities and annul results where needed. But the breadth of the reports was striking, and they may cast a shadow on the victory by incumbent Vladimir Putin.

Video authenticated by The Associated Press showed some of the apparent irregularities and also was reported by observers including representatives of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, the Golos monitoring group and ordinary Russians. Some examples:


CCTV footage of a voting station in the Moscow suburb of Lyubertsy shows a woman taking a ballot from a table, looking around to see if anyone is watching, then putting it in the box. She repeats the action, again and again. Another woman, apparently a colleague at the station, joins her.

A video from Ilskhan-Yurt in Chechnya shows a man in a white cap repeatedly putting ballots in the same box.

In the Primorsky region of the Far East, a woman pulls papers from her jacket and stuffs them in the box.

Dozens of other examples of apparent ballot box stuffing were posted online.

The regional election commission said the results from the Lyubertsy station would be invalidated. Authorities sealed a ballot box in the southern city of Rostov-on-Don where ballot stuffing was reported, and are investigating similar allegations in Artyom in the far east.


Video from a polling station in Makhachkala in the Caucasus Mountains republic of Dagestan showed local official Magomet Rasulov appearing to punch observer Malik Butaev before being led out by police.

Aida Mirmaksumova, who is collecting violations in Makhachkala, said burly men dressed in black dragged an observer for Communist Party candidate Pavel Grudinin on the ground as he shouted, "Help!" Others yelled: "Get out of here!" Amid the melee, people were seen stuffing what appeared to be ballots into a ballot box.

Zukhrab Omarov, an observer for liberal candidate Grigory Yavlinsky, said he was dragged away by police as he was trying to shoot video of violations in Makhachkala.

"They asked me to show my passport with my registrations, they were asking what I were doing and why, and they said that they would break my nose. They asked me why we were filming and they destroyed all the videos of the violations that we had taken, but some of them are already online," Omarov said, displaying bruises and ripped pants from the incident.


Residents in Perm, Yekaterinburg and Moscow showed the AP messages from employers pressuring workers to vote and requiring them to report on when and where they cast ballots. One worker said he feared he wouldn't get his monthly bonus if he didn't.

In Kudrovo in the Leningradsky region outside St. Petersburg, observer Sergei Dzhus discovered people apparently bused in to a traditionally low-turnout area to boost participation.

"From the very beginning, there were many, many people who came to our polling station," he told the AP. He followed one group getting on a bus, but as he filmed, he said members of the group tried to shield their identities from the camera and refused to answer his questions.

Central Election Commission deputy chief Nikolai Bulayev defended the practice of busing voters to voting stations as "help" for those in remote areas poorly served by public transport.


There also were turnout-boosting gimmicks and state-funded campaigns, which were not technically illegal but tacitly helped the incumbent.

In Moscow, health officials offered cancer screening and discounted food products at polling stations. Some towns staged dancing, sports competitions and clown acts.

Prizes were offered at some polls for voters who wore the best costumes, and some people came dressed as bears, folk characters and medieval knights.

In the Leningradsky region, one man was photographed dressed as a Sarmat ballistic missile — perhaps hoping to capture the attention of the Kremlin as it expands its nuclear arsenal."

Democracy...democrat style.
According to the orders and actions of Navalny in the light of the tragedy in Kemerovo. He is not only a political corpse, but with some probability of a real corpse, if one of the parents of the victims before him gets.
Let's stop criticizing the honesty of other countries' elections. We are in NO position to criticize others, not even President Putin.


It's an open secret that non-citizens are voting in our country.

No one will stop it, lest they be called the dreaded R-word.

President Trump wanted to investigate the matter, but the powers that be stopped him.

(Thanks to non-citizen votes, the Democrats will sweep the House in November.)

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