Putin 'to mobilise 600k troops every year indefinitely' in long game plot to end Ukraine


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Putin 'to mobilise 600k troops every year indefinitely' in long game plot to end Ukraine

EXCLUSIVE: Military analysts have spoken to Express.co.uk about the anticipated Russian major offensive in the spring, explaining that it will be carried out using a "rolling" strategy with tens of thousands of soldiers arriving intermittently.

Remote : Fri, 10 Feb 2023 20:00:00 +0000
Local : 2023-02-10(Friday) 21 : 00 : 00

Found via World Headlines on nicer.app
i think we're going to need some kinda leverage, possibly even including a threat of regime change by NATO towards Russia (assuming we can defeat their remaining ICBMs) (which would also be a direct death threat against Putin with the full backing of all of the NATO+AUKUS+EU armies), to prevent an endless war or a decades-long war in Ukraine.
and as the party among the Western allied countries group that promotes the spread of democracy the loudest and most brazen, the US is responsible, together with their militarily and diplomatically closest allies vis-a-vis Russia, for arranging and executing that prevention tactic.
It would probably cost a lot less just to crush these bastards right now with pushing russia completely out of ukraine.
Putin 'to mobilise 600k troops every year indefinitely' in long game plot to end Ukraine

EXCLUSIVE: Military analysts have spoken to Express.co.uk about the anticipated Russian major offensive in the spring, explaining that it will be carried out using a "rolling" strategy with tens of thousands of soldiers arriving intermittently.

Remote : Fri, 10 Feb 2023 20:00:00 +0000
Local : 2023-02-10(Friday) 21 : 00 : 00
Found via World Headlines on nicer.app
i think we're going to need some kinda leverage, possibly even including a threat of regime change by NATO towards Russia (assuming we can defeat their remaining ICBMs) (which would also be a direct death threat against Putin with the full backing of all of the NATO+AUKUS+EU armies), to prevent an endless war or a decades-long war in Ukraine.
and as the party among the Western allied countries group that promotes the spread of democracy the loudest and most brazen, the US is responsible, together with their militarily and diplomatically closest allies vis-a-vis Russia, for arranging and executing that prevention tactic.
This is all the end result of making China a super power. They are both playing the long game, indirectly Russia is using Western corporations money as it sells oil to China. We played ourselves unfortunately.
It would probably cost a lot less just to crush these bastards right now with pushing russia completely out of ukraine.
The US military has a remarkable track record of never succeeding in pushing anybody anywhere .

And the EU is broke . As is the US .

A 200000 Ukey plus US and NATO force got pushed backwards by Russia using around 20% of its own troops ...

Once the US body bags get counted all CIA and Pentagon hopes and plans are worth nothing .
Wagner owner says war in Ukraine will drag on for years


Remote : Sat, 11 Feb 2023 05:31:38 EST
Local : 2023-02-11(Saturday) 11 : 31 : 38

Found via English News headlines on nicer.app
Bombshell leaked docs suggest Putin is mobilising UK army of ‘kamikaze’ spies to wreak havoc in Britain

VLADIMIR Putin has ordered Russian intelligence agencies to ramp up the recruitment of “kamikaze” spies in Britain, leaked documents suggest.

Former UK intelligence officials said Britain is currently a “major” target – and Russia will be doing everything it can to “get access to people and turn agents in useful places”.
APRussian President Vladimir Putin[/caption]
Former Russian spy Boris Karpichkov, 62, previously claimed there are at least four Russian agents currently working in Westminster.

MPs and their staff have been urged to stay alert as tensions ratchet up with Moscow over the war in Ukraine.

In emails now seen by The Sun Online, a Russian intelligence source close to the Kremlin suggested Moscow will “intensify undercover work with secret informants” across Britain.

“Another direction – to intensify undercover work with secret informants in all spheres of society in Britain, mainly among civil servants and politicians of all ranks – including those who sit in Parliament and members of the Lords,” the email said.

“The emphasis is on finding scumbags ready to commit self-sacrifice under any pretext. We need ‘kamikaze-torpedoes’ who would agree to participate in sabotage.

“Particular attention must be paid to activists from international student youth movements, trade unions, and leaders of various religious communities.”

The Russian security services insider said potential agents could be found “by increasing surveillance of diplomatic personnel from the Russian embassy and consulates”.

Annie Machon, a former MI5 intelligence officer, said she had “no doubts” the Russians will be trying to infiltrate Britain – and warned there will be an “urgency” to do so in light of the Ukraine war.

She told The Sun Online: “The threat has been increasing, but once you’re on a vague war footing, of course the intelligence activity is going to ramp up and try and get access to people and turn agents in useful places.”

Annie said Russian intelligence agencies will most likely try to draw agents in by using money, ideology, compromise and ego.

The former MI5 officer said they will be looking for people who are sympathetic to the Russian cause – and typically offer huge sums of cash and sell the “exciting” lifestyle of spying.

“People who are targeted will have access to things like NATO, things like the military and the civil service, and of course, politicians,” she said.

“Also weapons manufacturers and technologists, things like that.

“If I were the Russians and I were paranoid like Putin and everything is going badly in the war in Ukraine – effectively a very strong proxy war – I would be doing all I can do gather up as much influence and power and information from the perceived Western enemies as I could.

“And Britain has been front and centre in supporting the Ukrainians in this struggle, so Britain would be a natural target.”

Annie also warned about the potential rise of financial spying in the UK after a major sanctions crackdown.

“So many Russian oligarchs have been sanctioned and booted out,” she said.

“There must be a huge amount of bad feeling at the top of the Russian society about the loss of their assets, about the loss of their access, the loss of access to money laundering facilities.

“So there might be a lot of financial spying going on too.”
Britain has been front and centre in supporting the Ukrainians in this struggle, so Britain would be a natural target
Annie Machon
The leaked documents suggest Russian intelligence agencies will also be trying to recruit from within activist groups and religious communities.

Annie explained the Russians might be resorting to “Cold War” tactics.

She said: “It might be a return to the bad old days of the Cold War when Britain, for example, was investigating hundreds of thousands of British citizens for political subversion.

“The justification for that was usually that the activist group was receiving money from Moscow in order to get out there and campaign and cause political pain.

“That would be one aim – just getting people out on the streets making a noise. Recruiting people in those groups would be a blend of money and ideology.”

Annie also warned Russian intelligence agencies could blackmail “compromised” individuals.

She said: “This could be a Brit in Russia working at the embassy or somewhere like that, or they are actually set up by the intelligence agency so it looks like they’re going to be prosecuted and then a friendly person comes along and says ‘we can make all this go away, but this is what we want in return’.

“That has been used quite effectively. Usually it’s kinky MPs caught in brothels.”

But MPs will be warned about “honeytraps”, particularly when they go abroad, Annie said.

“They are given very specific instructions about what they can and can’t use technologically, what they should and shouldn’t do if they are approached by a very beautiful woman or beautiful boy in a bar,” she said.

“Another tactic is to get someone on holiday and then someone goes and meets them and says ‘here’s some cash, come and work with us’.”
We are in a situation with increased hostility with Russia, so the intelligence activity will be very aggressive
Sir Richard Dearlove
Sir Richard Dearlove, the former head of MI6, said Russian intelligence agencies will be looking for people who are sympathetic to Russia – or people who are vulnerable.

“We would be a major target – because we have a major supporter of Ukraine,” he told The Sun Online.

“They will very much focus on the UK… in order to have insight into what’s going on at the heart of government, our attitude towards the Ukraine war, our relations with the Ukrainians.

“We are in a situation with increased hostility with Russia, so the intelligence activity will be very aggressive.

“We have seen evidence of that already with the man who was arrested in Norway who came from Canada, who worked in a strategic think tank… and turned out to be working the military intelligence part of the GRU.

“If they recruit a really sensitive source in the establishment, they would almost certainly be very careful how they meet.

“They would meet in a third country, such as Cyprus or Italy, or maybe somewhere in central Europe.”

He added: “Because of the moral issues around the war, they will find it pretty difficult to acquire new sources. But maybe they have already got them.”

It comes just months after Westminster was rocked by a major spying scandal after MI5 accused a Labour donor of being a suspected Chinese agent targeting MPs.

The Security Services issued an alert and picture of Chinese national Christine Lee and accused her of “facilitating financial donations to serving and aspiring politicians”.

In light of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, MP Chris Bryant said there have been no recent warnings to MPs about the presence of Russian agents.
Anna Chapman is one of the most famous Russian spies to have been caught
Maria Butina was caught and deported back to Russia from the US in 2018
But he previously told The Sun Online it was likely there were a “handful” of Russian moles inside Parliament.

He said those working inside Westminster should be more vigilant as Putin ramps up the war rhetoric against the UK over its support for Ukraine.

“If the war is prolonged then I think we will see Russia reverting back to old Cold War-style spying techniques,” he said.

He said those working inside Westminster should be more vigilant as Putin ramps up the war rhetoric against the UK over its support for Ukraine.

While Russian spies operating in the West may feel like something from a James Bond film, the US – Britain’s closest ally – has found itself rooting out agents working for Putin.

Maria Butina was found to have been acting as a spy and attempting to steer US politics as she embedded herself in Washington DC.

She was jailed in 2018 before being deported back to Russia, where she is now a member of Putin’s parliament – the State Duma.

And then Russian model Anna Chapman, the daughter of a KGB official, was arrested in 2010 after she is suspected to have worked as an agent in the US.

She was given back to the Kremlin regime as part of a spy swap deal along with nine other suspected agents.

Britain has also been targeted by Russia agents in recent years – the most infamous case being the nerve agent attack on Sergei and Yulia Skripal.

Putin’s men – Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov – managed to fly into London Gatwick and catch the train to Salisbury where they attempted to kill the defector and his daughter.

Government sources said “Russia remains a top national security priority”.

They said the “government has undertaken a range of activity to protect the UK from malign Russian activity”.

Back in 2018, the UK kicked out 23 Russian diplomats who were understood to have been identified as undeclared intelligence officers.

Remote : Sat, 11 Feb 2023 10:38:02 +0000
Local : 2023-02-11(Saturday) 11 : 38 : 02

Found via World Headlines on nicer.app
Putin 'to mobilise 600k troops every year indefinitely' in long game plot to end Ukraine

EXCLUSIVE: Military analysts have spoken to Express.co.uk about the anticipated Russian major offensive in the spring, explaining that it will be carried out using a "rolling" strategy with tens of thousands of soldiers arriving intermittently.

Remote : Fri, 10 Feb 2023 20:00:00 +0000
Local : 2023-02-10(Friday) 21 : 00 : 00
Found via World Headlines on nicer.app
i think we're going to need some kinda leverage, possibly even including a threat of regime change by NATO towards Russia (assuming we can defeat their remaining ICBMs) (which would also be a direct death threat against Putin with the full backing of all of the NATO+AUKUS+EU armies), to prevent an endless war or a decades-long war in Ukraine.
and as the party among the Western allied countries group that promotes the spread of democracy the loudest and most brazen, the US is responsible, together with their militarily and diplomatically closest allies vis-a-vis Russia, for arranging and executing that prevention tactic.
Pretty soon they will be decreeing that all women should have as many kids as possible, married or not.
For historical background, recommended is Chapman Pincher, Too Secret Too Long.
NATO’s Stoltenberg calls for long-term confrontation with Russia

Jens Stoltenberg expressed his certainty that the 30 member states still aim to support Ukraine and ship weapons and ammunition to Kiev

Remote : Thu, 16 Feb 2023 19:26:57 +0300
Local : 2023-02-16(Thursday) 17 : 26 : 57
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either the intelligence birds are tweeting the same tune as i and the newspapers sung last week,
or Stoltenberg is *really* up to no good.

i thought we had enough warmongers in the fields already!
Pompeo, Cheney, Trump, Haley, now Stoltenberg too?!


i DEMAND a legitimate, open, honest, firm, persistent diplomatic effort from my own governments in ALL dealings with foreign governments or alliances made up of foreign governments and/or groups and/or companies.
Last edited:

Spiegel: Moscow is able to mobilize another million people
German magazine Spiegel reports that Russia could mobilize another million troops. The publication refers to data from the Federal Intelligence Service (BND). In fact, according to the publication, Moscow has “enormous resources” that have not yet been used in Ukraine. Some 300,000 people were mobilized and recruited last fall, some still in training and others […]

The post Spiegel: Moscow is able to mobilize another million people appeared first on The Eastern Herald.

Remote : Wed, 22 Feb 2023 07:19:00 +0000
Local : 2023-02-22(Wednesday) 08 : 19 : 00

Found via World Headlines on nicer.app
Putin 'to mobilise 600k troops every year indefinitely' in long game plot to end Ukraine

EXCLUSIVE: Military analysts have spoken to Express.co.uk about the anticipated Russian major offensive in the spring, explaining that it will be carried out using a "rolling" strategy with tens of thousands of soldiers arriving intermittently.

Remote : Fri, 10 Feb 2023 20:00:00 +0000
Local : 2023-02-10(Friday) 21 : 00 : 00
Found via World Headlines on nicer.app
i think we're going to need some kinda leverage, possibly even including a threat of regime change by NATO towards Russia (assuming we can defeat their remaining ICBMs) (which would also be a direct death threat against Putin with the full backing of all of the NATO+AUKUS+EU armies), to prevent an endless war or a decades-long war in Ukraine.
and as the party among the Western allied countries group that promotes the spread of democracy the loudest and most brazen, the US is responsible, together with their militarily and diplomatically closest allies vis-a-vis Russia, for arranging and executing that prevention tactic.
Ironic post from someone named peacefan

Tell Ukraine, “Make peace, you fools!”
Ironic post from someone named peacefan

Tell Ukraine, “Make peace, you fools!”
already tried that.
NATO command (aka Biden) wants to keep backing Ukraine in their fight against Russia.

so now i'm trying to see if Biden has the balls to really put the fire to Putin's feet.
because i don't want to see the ordinary people of Ukraine and the soldiers of both Russia and Ukraine suffer any more than they already have.

i believe it's time to bring some Machiavellian tactics into this "game".
already tried that.
NATO command (aka Biden) wants to keep backing Ukraine in their fight against Russia.

so now i'm trying to see if Biden has the balls to really put the fire to Putin's feet.
because i don't want to see the ordinary people of Ukraine and the soldiers of both Russia and Ukraine suffer any more than they already have.

i believe it's time to bring some Machiavellian tactics into this "game".
Now Ukrainian soldiers want to start shooting their leaders. Unfortunately, they're not talking about Soros, Schwab and the WEF
I'm glad this war is far away and doesn't affect me. My guess is, most Americans feel the same.
Right. it's None of our Business.. Let's get US into a Nuclear War for their Civil War
THIS^ I feel like the world is sleepwalking into an existential mistake. Those who casually say "let's do whatever it takes" or "crush them because they're evil" actually cause me chills. Those with that kind of attitude likely know little of history and NOTHING about the psychology of the Russian people.
Putin 'to mobilise 600k troops every year indefinitely' in long game plot to end Ukraine

EXCLUSIVE: Military analysts have spoken to Express.co.uk about the anticipated Russian major offensive in the spring, explaining that it will be carried out using a "rolling" strategy with tens of thousands of soldiers arriving intermittently.

Remote : Fri, 10 Feb 2023 20:00:00 +0000
Local : 2023-02-10(Friday) 21 : 00 : 00
Found via World Headlines on nicer.app
i think we're going to need some kinda leverage, possibly even including a threat of regime change by NATO towards Russia (assuming we can defeat their remaining ICBMs) (which would also be a direct death threat against Putin with the full backing of all of the NATO+AUKUS+EU armies), to prevent an endless war or a decades-long war in Ukraine.
and as the party among the Western allied countries group that promotes the spread of democracy the loudest and most brazen, the US is responsible, together with their militarily and diplomatically closest allies vis-a-vis Russia, for arranging and executing that prevention tactic.

Maybe he's playing a numbers game. Russia is four times larger, the Ukraine is going to run out of men much quicker than Russia.

Then if he takes over the Ukraine, he'll have 100 million women, and five men left.

Putin probably thinks he can seed the lot of them.
Maybe he's playing a numbers game. Russia is four times larger, the Ukraine is going to run out of men much quicker than Russia.

Then if he takes over the Ukraine, he'll have 100 million women, and five men left.

Putin probably thinks he can seed the lot of them.
nah, he'll just export the women (same thing happened after WW2), and use them to spread Russia's influence.
poor Russian men. i wouldn't wanna be among them right now.

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