Putin to Deploy New Weapons to Counter US Missile Shield


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Putin just continues to thump Obama at every opportunity

He knows Obama is a joke like we all do.


MOSCOW (AP) -- Russia will counter NATO's U.S.-led missile defense program by deploying new strike weapons capable of piercing the shield, President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday.

Putin told defense officials that by developing defenses against ballistic missiles Washington aims to "neutralize" Russia's strategic nuclear deterrent and gain a "decisive military superiority."

He said that Moscow will respond by developing "strike systems capable of penetrating any missile defenses."

His statement comes amid a severe strain in Russia's relations with the U.S. and its NATO allies, which have plunged to the lowest point since the Cold War over the crisis in Ukraine.

News from The Associated Press
What is happening right now is far more serious than the American people realize, Geaux4it. The situation in the South China Sea is deadly serious. Russia and China are "thick as thieves" as the saying goes. This is all going some where. The timing of Kasparov coming out with his interview on his book, Winter is coming. Very suspicious. FIDE said he is a great chess player and a better liar. I believe Bobby Fischer was right about him. As a chess player one must wonder why he left out anything concerning South China Sea, Putin & China. Something isn't right.

In the interview Kasparov goes out of his way to make Putin look bigger than life.
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Here are some links to give you the picture of what I'm telling you about Kasparov. It's amazing what great health he is in for someone who is an enemy of Putin. Laventinko was poisoned while Kasparov has announced a special dinner invitation for the launch of his new book.

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov comments on the interview of Garry Kasparov
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov comments on the interview of Garry Kasparov
Tuesday, 14 July 2015 14:51

On 2nd of July, FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov visited Lviv ( Ukraine ) and had a meeting with the President of Ukraine, Petr Poroshenko and the Mayor of Lviv, A.Sadoviy. It was announced that the Women's World Championship Match between the Women World Champion Ukrainian, Maria Muzychuk and the Chinese challenger, Hou Yifan will be organized in Lviv. In an interview published on the Ukrainian website obozrevatel.com, the 13th World Champion, Garry Kasparov expresses his serious doubts about the goals of the meeting. The FIDE President gives his comments on this issue:

In one interview Garry Kasparov has succeeded to insult everybody – the President of Ukraine, Petr Poroshenko, the government of Lviv, including its Mayor Andrey Sadoviy, the President of the Ukrainian Chess Federation, Viktor Kapustin, the current Women's World Champion, Maria Muzychuk, the President of FIDE and of course FIDE itself.

>>Kasparov lost the FIDE elections in 2014 but still does his best to damage chess by mixing chess and politics and inventing fairy tales to support his political agenda. He has become professional in this attitude but this is Garry. He doesn't care about chess, but only about himself and his political goals.

Garry is a great player and a better liar! He says that FIDE has huge financial problems and that normally FIDE pays to organize FIDE events. The information of our budget is opened to everybody and Garry knows very well that FIDE is in a good financial situation. Above this he knows that FIDE always tries to find sponsors and organizers for World Championship events and for years we have succeeded to organize all of them without spending any money from the FIDE budget. I should also say that for me the most important is who is the organizer, and for the Women’s World Championship Match, we have an excellent organizer.

Bobby Fischer believed that Kasparov was an a KGB Agent.

Fischer Settles In - The Daily Dirt Chess News Blog

From an Icelandic magazine recapping the Fischer saga, the last paragraph has something of an update:

Meanwhile, Fischer seems to be adjusting well to life in Iceland. He frequently goes to an antiquarian bookstore and has been seen sipping beer at local bar. He has not played chess, but he did give a lecture on the world chess championships between Russian masters Kasparov and Karpov, which he claims were fixed. The audience did not embrace those claims, but grandmaster Johann Hjartarson, Icelands highest rated chess player said that it was interesting to meet the legend and to hear him speak about chess.
This is an ironic twist because most of the Icelanders who brought him there never really expected Fischer to stay in Iceland. They expected him to take his new passport and head somewhere where he'd be less conspicuous, perhaps back to Hungary or to Serbia.

The Kasparov-Karpov match fixing accusations have been a Fischer staple for quite a long time and seem a natural extension via paranoia of the very real arranged Soviet draws that he denounced in his playing days. In 1996 Fischer claimed that he had proof of the K-K fixing in copious notebooks that had disappeared when his storage locker was emptied.

Fischer had repeatedly made claims that he had a file on the games played between Karpov and Kasparov that proved they had pre-planned the games and cheated. He said the files were stolen. Only a Grandmaster like Fischer would have been able to detect such a thing. Is it possible that Kasparov was an agent and the entire story of his fight for human rights / clash with Putin are all disinformation? It certainly has opened doors for him to top people in the US and other world leaders.


Fischer accused Kasparov and Karpov of prearranging matches repeatedly. He was preparing to do a book about it he said - this is years ago ------------

"I studied that first Karpov-Kasparov match for a year and a half before I cracked it, what they were doing, and discovered that it was all prearranged move-by-move. There's no doubt of it in my mind."
-Bobby Fischer, 1999

"I was going to do a book about the first prearranged Karpov-Kasparov match, '84-'85. But the _______Jews have stolen my entire file on that."
-Bobby Fischer, 2002

He was speaking about Russian Jews - agents for the KGB most likely -
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I have a difficult time picturing him as a Liventinko. The pictures of him and his wife tell a different story:


Garri Kasparov, his wife 7th annual Cinema for Peace Award and Charity gala at the Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt - inside Berlin Film Festival 2008 (Berlinale)
He retired from the game at the age of 41. This story reports that he cheated a 17 yr. old girl named Polgar out of a game she won - she said nothing because she was intimidated - she went on to become a world champion chess player -the best in the world -I do not believe he is as good as the Russians would have us believe he is - he's been reported to be a liar and a cheat - according to FIDE report - I posted the link for you above - that is not a good sign - could he be KGB as Fischer believed? Anything is possible. I read his interview today and what he didn't say you could drive a truck through.

Bottom line - he was never as great a player as Bobby Fischer. Bobby Fischer is the greatest chess player who ever lived. Not Kasparov.

- Cheating at chess has long, dark history
Cheating at chess has long, dark history
Published: Thu, 2011-06-16 23:10
Carl Jacobs

In Trini parlance, Milan Matulovic was obviously “trying ah ting.” At the Sousse Interzonal chess tournament in 1967, the Yugoslav Grandmaster played a losing move against Istvan Bilek and quickly took it back after announcing “j’adoube”. Amusingly enough, the experienced Yugoslav champion was able to get away with this obvious attempt at cheating. An outraged Bilek complained to the arbiter but, for whatever reason, Matulovic’s illegal “gambit” was allowed to stand. Even the non-playing reader would know that in chess, as in other board or table games, taking back moves is a dishonest no no. The phrase “j’adoube”, French for “I adjust”, is used simply as a courtesy before adjusting pieces on their particular squares and not as a way to cancel moves already played.

For trying and getting away with this piece of trickery, Matulovic, a prolific competitor in international tournaments in the 60s and 70s, earned for himself the nickname “J’adoubovic”. This episode, however, is far from being an isolated one, and cheating in the royal game, even among the most celebrated players, is just as frequent and furtive as in any other sport. One famous incident, in fact, involves world champion Garry Kasparov who, it is reported, illegally changed an apparently losing knight move against Judit Polgar during the elite 1994 Linares super tournament.

Almost immediately he realised the dire consequences of the move and quickly placed the knight on another square. He eventually won the game. Tournament officials had a video tape of the play showing that Kasparov’s hand had, in fact, left the piece, however briefly, but they refused to release the evidence which would have given Polgar the game. However, against the rising woman GM was the fact that she waited one full day before registering her complaint when, according to the rules, such a claim should have been made during the game. Polgar, who was 17 at the time, eventually became the greatest female chessplayer ever, the first woman to compete for the World Chess Championship title in 2005. After the Kasparov incident, she explained: “I was playing the world champion and I didn’t want to cause any unpleasantness during my first invitation to such an important event. I was also afraid that if my complaint was overruled, I would be penalised on the clock when we were in time pressure.”

Cheating at chess has a long and dark history dating back to the 18th century when members of the public were hoaxed by “automatons”, such as the famous “Turk,” claiming to be ‘miraculous’ chess playing machines which, in fact, were contraptions operated by skilled players hidden inside their box-like structures. Oddly enough, the most recent cases of dishonesty in the sport involve something of the opposite, surreptitious attempts by players to reproduce the “skill” of machines, namely expertly programmed computers. Assisted by the easy person-to-person communication provided by omnipresent cellphones, the temptation among some chessplayers to use this technology for cheating seems to becoming more and more irresistible.

This, in fact, comprised the stratagem used by 23-year-old FM Christoph Natsidis to gain an illegal advantage at last month’s German Championship, a “gambit” which resulted in his disqualification. Natsidis admitted to cheating after he was caught consulting a chess programme on his cellphone during the penultimate game of the tournament. The IM norm, which he had scored even before the final round, was also rendered invalid. An even more elaborate stratagem for cheating was apparently devised by three top French players at the Olympiad in Siberia last September. The three, GM Sebastien Feller, 19, Cyril Marzolo and captain Arnaud Hauchard were subsequently suspended by the French Chess Federation for “violating sporting ethics.”

More here.
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Putin just continues to thump Obama at every opportunity

He knows Obama is a joke like we all do.


MOSCOW (AP) -- Russia will counter NATO's U.S.-led missile defense program by deploying new strike weapons capable of piercing the shield, President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday.

Putin told defense officials that by developing defenses against ballistic missiles Washington aims to "neutralize" Russia's strategic nuclear deterrent and gain a "decisive military superiority."

He said that Moscow will respond by developing "strike systems capable of penetrating any missile defenses."

His statement comes amid a severe strain in Russia's relations with the U.S. and its NATO allies, which have plunged to the lowest point since the Cold War over the crisis in Ukraine.

News from The Associated Press
I posted the story on Kasparov because after reading the articles - the interview - and the plans for his book - I get the feeling the Russians are laughing at us. It's really disturbing to me. If Kasparov is a double agent and is feeding the CIA disinformation? It's just more humiliation - Putin is making a fool out of us. If Putin was really after Kasparov do we seriously believe he couldn't find him? He's announcing his dinner gala event for his book - he's the toast of New York! Something does not add up with this picture!

Everyone knows that the "missile shield" is propaganda and the U.S. lost that advantage when Barry Hussein took his world apology tour shortly after he was elected. .The "missile shield" is acknowledged to be a defense against conventional weapons only and not that effective actually. If the shit ever hits the fan everybody is dead.
Obama was a failure when he was elected...

He has been a lame duck president for the past 7 years..

He's turned us into a "sitting duck".

Do you really think, US have to restore agressive politics without Obama? Do you really want to fight for nazi at Ukraine? Or continue crisis with China at South China sea (think - not in South American, in South CHINA sea)? :)

You, Americans, completely forgot, what means war at your own territory... If you really think, Obama makes wrong politics, you'll have a chance to know what is war by your personal skin...
Obama was a failure when he was elected...

He has been a lame duck president for the past 7 years..

He's turned us into a "sitting duck".

Do you really think, US have to restore agressive politics without Obama? Do you really want to fight for nazi at Ukraine? Or continue crisis with China at South China sea (think - not in South American, in South CHINA sea)? :)

You, Americans, completely forgot, what means war at your own territory... If you really think, Obama makes wrong politics, you'll have a chance to know what is war by your personal skin...

Defense spending by country:


Good luck.
someone showed this to me the other day. since we are talking Russia
did anyone hear about this. this video is 2014
Putin just continues to thump Obama at every opportunity

He knows Obama is a joke like we all do.


MOSCOW (AP) -- Russia will counter NATO's U.S.-led missile defense program by deploying new strike weapons capable of piercing the shield, President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday.

Putin told defense officials that by developing defenses against ballistic missiles Washington aims to "neutralize" Russia's strategic nuclear deterrent and gain a "decisive military superiority."

He said that Moscow will respond by developing "strike systems capable of penetrating any missile defenses."

His statement comes amid a severe strain in Russia's relations with the U.S. and its NATO allies, which have plunged to the lowest point since the Cold War over the crisis in Ukraine.

News from The Associated Press

Anyone remember the ABM Treaty? Did I only dream that?
Putin just continues to thump Obama at every opportunity

He knows Obama is a joke like we all do.


MOSCOW (AP) -- Russia will counter NATO's U.S.-led missile defense program by deploying new strike weapons capable of piercing the shield, President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday.

Putin told defense officials that by developing defenses against ballistic missiles Washington aims to "neutralize" Russia's strategic nuclear deterrent and gain a "decisive military superiority."

He said that Moscow will respond by developing "strike systems capable of penetrating any missile defenses."

His statement comes amid a severe strain in Russia's relations with the U.S. and its NATO allies, which have plunged to the lowest point since the Cold War over the crisis in Ukraine.

News from The Associated Press

Anyone remember the ABM Treaty? Did I only dream that?

:) US bypasses SORT by placing "anti-missile" bases near the Russian borders... Russia bypasses restrictions on ground-based missiles by placing them at water.... Any treaty shouldn't work, if one side will want the war.
someone showed this to me the other day. since we are talking Russia
did anyone hear about this. this video is 2014

3/4 of Earth surface - is ocean, free to visit any ships, including US Navy. But what mission Donald Cook had in small Black Sea, historically fully divided by Russia and Turkey (and no one more)?
Russian general says their new missiles will neutralize our missile shield...

Russian General Says New Weapons Will 'Neutralize' US Shield
Dec 17, 2015 -- Russia's strategic nuclear forces chief says its new weapons will be capable of "neutralizing" any potential missile defenses.
Col. Gen. Sergei Karakayev, the Strategic Missile Forces' commander, said Wednesday in remarks carried by Russian news agencies that the nation's military planners have taken into account the emerging potential of NATO's U.S.-led missile defenses.


A ground-based missile interceptor is lowered into its missile silo during a recent emplacement at the Missile Defense Complex at Fort Greely, Alaska.​

The Kremlin long has described the U.S. missile shield as a top threat to Russia, dismissing Washington's claim that it is intended to fend off an Iranian missile threat.

Karakayev said that while the existing U.S. missile defense isn't capable of deflecting a missile attack Russia is capable of launching, the American missile shield will become more advanced in the future. He added that Russia already has taken steps that would "guarantee neutralizing" any prospective missile defense.

Russian General Says New Weapons Will 'Neutralize' US Shield | Military.com
Obama was a failure when he was elected...

He has been a lame duck president for the past 7 years..

He's turned us into a "sitting duck".

Do you really think, US have to restore agressive politics without Obama? Do you really want to fight for nazi at Ukraine? Or continue crisis with China at South China sea (think - not in South American, in South CHINA sea)? :)

You, Americans, completely forgot, what means war at your own territory... If you really think, Obama makes wrong politics, you'll have a chance to know what is war by your personal skin...

Defense spending by country:


Good luck.

If we go to war on that scale against superpowers then spending is irrelevant - win or lose we ALL lose and lose BIG TIME.
Missile shield goes up in Romania...

Protecting Europe from ballistic missiles
Thu, 12 May 2016 - Nato's new missile shield in Romania is designed to identify, track and shoot down ballistic missiles fired towards Europe - but military leaders deny they see Russia as the likely threat.
America's latest addition to its Ballistic Missile Defence System looks out of place surrounded by mile after mile of flat Romanian farmland. The building at Devesulu, which houses radar and 12 interceptor missile tubes, appears remarkably similar to the "sensors and shooters" that have already been placed on US Aegis warships. It has even been painted in the same battleship grey and is manned and operated by US Navy personnel who will rotate on six-month tours as if they were at sea. They might as well be, because there are few signs of human life nearby. Devesulu is the first land-based ballistic interceptor system to be set up in Europe. At a ceremony attended by Romanian, US and Nato leaders on Thursday it was declared "operational".


Aegis Ashore Missile Defense Facility in Deveselu, Romania​

It is now able to fire "a bullet at a bullet": the interceptor missile tries to hit a ballistic missile on re-entry into the earth's atmosphere. Work is now starting on building a second base in northern Poland. Together with four US Aegis warships, these Aegis Ashore sites will provide a network that can identify, track and shoot down ballistic missiles fired towards Europe. Turkey already has an early warning radar that activates the Aegis system and will eventually be joined by one in the UK. Dutch and Danish warships are also being fitted with sensors that will plug into the system. It will all be controlled from the US base in Ramstein, Germany. Ostensibly under Nato control, in reality it is the US that is largely driving and funding this programme.

Where is the threat?

So where does the threat come from? Nato's Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, says "many countries are seeking to develop or acquire their own ballistic missiles". The Middle East region is often mentioned but US officials have been more specific in naming Iran as a potential aggressor. Despite the recent agreement on Tehran's nuclear programme, it is pressing ahead with its own ballistic missile programme. Still, it seems odd to ramp up the pressure on Iran so soon after it's made concessions to the West. As for other "threats from the Middle East" it is all rather vague. Strangely, the clearest language from both Nato and US officials is about what the system is not. "It's not about Russia" is the prefix to any description of the system. At the Deveselu ceremony the US Deputy Defence Secretary, Robert Work, said: "I want to make clear - this site, nor the site going into Poland - will have the capacity to undermine Russia's strategic (nuclear) deterrent." Mr Stoltenberg insisted: "The interceptors are too few and located too far south to intercept Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles." The language, though, appears to be deliberately precise. There is no mention of Russian short and medium range ballistic missiles.

Nor is there any denial that the sensors will be able to look into Russian territory. Few would argue the two nations housing the land-based interceptors, Romania and Poland, are more worried about say Iran or North Korea's actions than their biggest and nearest neighbour. There are, of course, plenty of good reasons to play down any potential impact on Russia as tensions are already high. Russia has been flexing its military muscle near to Nato's borders and the Alliance has responded by stepping up its own military exercises. It is easy to see why the reassurances have not worked. Moscow says the system is a threat to its own security, even if it is a defensive measure. And given recent history it is hard to see how this system, which will be upgraded through its lifetime, has "nothing to do with Russia''. Russia has a track record of being misleading and worse - not least over its intervention in both Ukraine and Syria. But on missile defence, Nato and the US may also risk being accused of not telling the whole truth.

Protecting Europe from ballistic missiles - BBC News

See also:

US missile shield opens in Romania, Russia sees threat
Fri, May 13, 2016 - A US missile defense site in Romania aimed at protecting Europe from ballistic missile threats became operational yesterday, angering Russia, which opposes having the advanced military system in its former area of influence.
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg tried to reassure Russia as he spoke at a ceremony attended by US, NATO and Romanian officials at the Soviet-built base, 180km southwest of Bucharest. The NATO missile defense site “in no way undermines or weakens Russia’s strategic nuclear deterrent. This site in Romania, as well as the one in Poland, are not directed against Russia,” Stoltenberg said at the opening ceremony. “The interceptors are too few, and located too far south or too close to Russia, to be able to intercept Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles.”

Stoltenberg said the interceptors were designed “instead to tackle the potential threat posed by short and medium-range attacks from outside the Euro-Atlantic area.” US officials say the Romanian missile shield, which cost US$800 million, is intended to fend off missile threats from Iran and is not aimed at Russia. Stoltenberg added that Moscow had unilaterally terminated cooperative dialogue about missile defense in 2013. However, the alliance would continue to try and engage Russia in dialogue where possible, he said. “In times of tension, keeping channels of communication open is even more important,” he said.


US Marines carrying flags, march past the Command Center building, prior to the inauguration ceremony at a military anti-ballistic missile defense facility in Deveselu, Romania​

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said Moscow was already taking measures for “securing the necessary level of security in Russia.” Russian Admiral Vladimir Komoyedov, chairman of the State Duma’s defense committee, called the missile defense site a threat to Russia. “This is a direct threat to us,” Komoyedov, the former commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, told the Interfax news agency. “They are moving to the firing line. This is not just 100; it’s 200, 300, 1,000 percent aimed against us.” “This is not about Iran, but about Russia with its nuclear capabilities,” he said.

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said Bucharest wanted NATO to have a “permanent naval presence” in the Black Sea that respected international conventions, and called for increased security for NATO members in the south and east, which border Russia and the Middle East. “It is important that a credible and predictable presence can be assured of the allied forces on the eastern flank, to balance the northern dimension with the southern and eastern flank,” Iohannis said after meeting Stoltenberg yesterday. Polish and US officials are to break ground today at a planned missile defense site in the Polish village of Redzikowo, near the Baltic Sea.

US missile shield opens in Romania, Russia sees threat - Taipei Times
Putin just continues to thump Obama at every opportunity

He knows Obama is a joke like we all do.


MOSCOW (AP) -- Russia will counter NATO's U.S.-led missile defense program by deploying new strike weapons capable of piercing the shield, President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday.

Putin told defense officials that by developing defenses against ballistic missiles Washington aims to "neutralize" Russia's strategic nuclear deterrent and gain a "decisive military superiority."

He said that Moscow will respond by developing "strike systems capable of penetrating any missile defenses."

His statement comes amid a severe strain in Russia's relations with the U.S. and its NATO allies, which have plunged to the lowest point since the Cold War over the crisis in Ukraine.

News from The Associated Press
huzzah for your hero Putin....

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