Putin likes Trump


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
"Very talented, no doubt about that."

Russian President Vladimir Putin praised Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Thursday, but declined to weigh in on whether the real estate mogul would be a good president.

"He is a very flamboyant man, very talented, no doubt about that... He is an absolute leader of the presidential race, as we see it today. He says that he wants to move to another level of relations, to a deeper level of relations with Russia. How can we not welcome that? Of course we welcome it," Putin told reporters in Moscow, according to Reuters.

But the Russian president declined to weigh in on Trump's controversial language and proposals, such as banning all Muslims from entering the United States.

"It's not our affair to determine his worthiness. That's up to the United States voters," he said, according to ABC. "As for his internal political issues and his turns of speech which he uses to raise his popularity, I repeat, it’s not our job to judge them."

Trump has said that he would aim to work with Putin if he were elected president, saying he got to know him when they both appeared on "60 Minutes," even though the two men appeared on the show in different cities. Trump has also praised Russia's military intervention in Syria.

Putin has had a frosty relationship with President Barack Obama.

Vladimir Putin Praises Donald Trump: 'He Is A Very Flamboyant Man'

Like that old saying: "It takes one to know one"...
NaziCons must be thrilled that one of the worst tyrants in the world likes Trump. Interesting...
NaziCons must be thrilled that one of the worst tyrants in the world likes Trump. Interesting...
What does the West know about Putin? Western leaders along with all Western propaganda wanted us to believe that:

- Russia and ISIS are the main threats to the world;
- Russian planes are trying to intimidate NATO;
- Putin invaded Ukraine;
- Putin suppresses gays,
.. and so on and on. Aggressor, invader, dictator, monster… As a result of such propaganda mainly all Western taxpayers hated Putin. Only few were still enjoying Putin’s pictures on the Internet, pictures of a real man…

The trick Western propaganda has been using is telling half of the truth mixed up with enough lies to achieve the goals. Rarely it’s been bothering Western auditorium with publishing Putin’s opinion and the reasons behind it (!). However the people who were watching Russian news and were familiar with what Putin really does and why, they were able to see a deeper picture of events happening in the world. Also he always does what he says. For years Putin was trying to explain to the West: its geopolitical irresponsible games were dangerous. And recent events are just proving how much he was right.

Here is just one example of publishing Putin’s interview with Charlie Rose on Sep 29. Just a day before Russia started bombing ISIS. You can see by yourself: almost half of the interview was left out.

Sott Exclusive: Full unedited text of Vladimir Putin's interview with Charlie Rose: What CBS left out -- Sott.net

The interview contains Putin’s answers about ME, Syrian conflict, ISIS, USA role in all three above, relationship between USA and Russia, situation in Ukraine, Russian gays rights and many other things.

At the end of the interview Charlie Rose said:
CHARLIE ROSE:I enjoyed your speech.
VLADIMIR PUTIN:In fact, I am telling you the truth.
CHARLIE ROSE:Americans are going to see you the way they have never seen you. You are more conversational and expressive. It is good, indeed.

And after the world started watching Putin blowing the sh*t out of ISIS, the world has learned another thing about Putin: unlike US led coalition he really wants to destroy ISIS. and probably will do it
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Looks like a universal love affair between Republicans and Putin

"Vote for Trump...make Putin happy"
Overall, it would be a good thing for major world leaders to like and respect each other.

This is a check mark in the "plus" column for Trump.
"Very talented, no doubt about that."

Russian President Vladimir Putin praised Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Thursday, but declined to weigh in on whether the real estate mogul would be a good president.

"He is a very flamboyant man, very talented, no doubt about that... He is an absolute leader of the presidential race, as we see it today. He says that he wants to move to another level of relations, to a deeper level of relations with Russia. How can we not welcome that? Of course we welcome it," Putin told reporters in Moscow, according to Reuters.

But the Russian president declined to weigh in on Trump's controversial language and proposals, such as banning all Muslims from entering the United States.

"It's not our affair to determine his worthiness. That's up to the United States voters," he said, according to ABC. "As for his internal political issues and his turns of speech which he uses to raise his popularity, I repeat, it’s not our job to judge them."

Trump has said that he would aim to work with Putin if he were elected president, saying he got to know him when they both appeared on "60 Minutes," even though the two men appeared on the show in different cities. Trump has also praised Russia's military intervention in Syria.

Putin has had a frosty relationship with President Barack Obama.

Vladimir Putin Praises Donald Trump: 'He Is A Very Flamboyant Man'

Like that old saying: "It takes one to know one"...

he likes your pal ASSAD-----a lot better
Looks like a universal love affair between Republicans and Putin

"Vote for Trump...make Putin happy"

Beats the shit out of loving the fool in the White House who has now completely fucked up the ME with his regime change mandates. It was bad enough before. Now Obama's added the icing on the cake.
Funny, when the worst tyrant the earth has ever seen ruled russia from the 1920-the 1950's bed wetting democrooks loved him.
Lakoturd, you are a complete imbecile.

You call them "worst tyrant" only because he made a good shield fot Russia against your "Little boys" and "Fat boys".

Now is a 17th of December - a day of Soviet & Russian ICBM forces. May the God bless them for their difficult mission to prevent a global US aggression!
LMAO...can't wait to see how the fucking teapers react to this. 2 months ago, Putin was the great evil in the world. Now I bet he is the hero of the 'free' world.

What a bunch of hypocrites.

Wait, I forgot...teapers loved Putin a year ago, demonized him 6 months ago...so if their idiocy remains constant....Putin is now the greatest man on earth...only second to Rump!!!!

Fucking teapers....llooney hypocritical bastards that have destroyed true conservatism with their hate.
LMAO...can't wait to see how the fucking teapers react to this. 2 months ago, Putin was the great evil in the world. Now I bet he is the hero of the 'free' world.

What a bunch of hypocrites.

Wait, I forgot...teapers loved Putin a year ago, demonized him 6 months ago...so if their idiocy remains constant....Putin is now the greatest man on earth...only second to Rump!!!!

Fucking teapers....llooney hypocritical bastards that have destroyed true conservatism with their hate.

PUTIN is a major threat to the planet earth
Funny, when the worst tyrant the earth has ever seen ruled russia from the 1920-the 1950's bed wetting democrooks loved him.
Lakoturd, you are a complete imbecile.

You call them "worst tyrant" only because he made a good shield fot Russia against your "Little boys" and "Fat boys".

Now is a 17th of December - a day of Soviet & Russian ICBM forces. May the God bless them for their difficult mission to prevent a global US aggression!

Actually Khrushchev called him a tyrant.

Khrushchev denounced Stalin, the cult of personality he had fostered and the crimes he had perpetrated, including the execution, torture and imprisonment of loyal party members on false charges. He blamed Stalin for foreign policy errors, for the failings of Soviet agriculture, for ordering mass terror and for mistakes that had led to appalling loss of life in the Second World War and the German occupation of huge areas of Soviet territory.

- See more at: Stalin Denounced by Nikita Khrushchev | History Today

Khrushchev’s audience heard him in almost complete silence, broken only by astonished murmurs. The delegates did not dare even to look at each other as the party secretary piled one horrifying accusation on another for four solid hours. At the end there was no applause and the audience left in a state of shock.

LMAO...can't wait to see how the fucking teapers react to this. 2 months ago, Putin was the great evil in the world. Now I bet he is the hero of the 'free' world.

What a bunch of hypocrites.

Wait, I forgot...teapers loved Putin a year ago, demonized him 6 months ago...so if their idiocy remains constant....Putin is now the greatest man on earth...only second to Rump!!!!

Fucking teapers....llooney hypocritical bastards that have destroyed true conservatism with their hate.

PUTIN is a major threat to the planet earth

No. The major threat to the Earth is your madness :)

Why you so hate Russians? Which bad thing Russians did for you?
LMAO...can't wait to see how the fucking teapers react to this. 2 months ago, Putin was the great evil in the world. Now I bet he is the hero of the 'free' world.

What a bunch of hypocrites.

Wait, I forgot...teapers loved Putin a year ago, demonized him 6 months ago...so if their idiocy remains constant....Putin is now the greatest man on earth...only second to Rump!!!!

Fucking teapers....llooney hypocritical bastards that have destroyed true conservatism with their hate.

PUTIN is a major threat to the planet earth

No. The major threat to the Earth is your madness :)

Why you so hate Russians? Which bad thing Russians did for you?

I have ancestry from Russia------I do not HATE Russians------I hate the soviet and post soviet governments.

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