Putin is about to launch the Russian version of Shock & Awe on Ukraine

Interesting, how often ukrainians think, that they are now fighting on credit? That missiles and javlins are not fucking free, that huge tranches of money now are what their children will pay in the future? That they are giving their homeland into slavery... Do they?
Interesting, how often ukrainians think, that they are now fighting on credit? That missiles and javlins are not fucking free, that huge tranches of money now are what their children will pay in the future? That they are giving their homeland into slavery... Do they?

Worth it to kick your stupid ass.
How many Ukrainians were killed and wounded in their latest offensives? Douglas Macgregor has claimed 100,000 dead with 3-4 times that number wounded.
Are you talking about post-September 1? Kherson, Izium, Lyman?

100K is a mind-numbingly stupid number- several times larger than the total number of AFU forces in the northeast offensive, which was 5 Brigades- about 15,000 troops.

I don't know how many casualties the AFU took in the Izium or Kherson advances, neither side publishes the numbers. Estimates based on the visually confirmed equipment losses suggest something like 9.5:1 in Ukraine's favor in Izium. The Russians lost hundreds of pieces of equipment, including brand new T-90M tanks.

Kherson is a little different, the terrain is flat and open. It was probably not so one-sided, the Russians were in defensive positions and had at least some artillery support. But they collapsed quickly, which means they did not inflict heavy damage on the AFU.

The highest casualties are happening around Bakhmut. Those fields are just littered with corpses. Wagner convict recuits and mobiks, they are sent in to occupy trenches and draw AFU artillery fire. Then the Russians target the Yook arty, wait a while, and send another batch of cannon fodder forward to see if the Ukrainians are still there. This has been going on for 4 weeks now with no positional changes. It's just mindless carnage, but the AFU are still taking casualties from the Russian SPG's.

There is a video released a few days ago, you've probably seen it. Russian soldiers under artillery fire, desperately trying to crawl into any hole and curl up, one guy is furiously crossing himself over and over. That's Bakhmut. Those guys are taking 80-90% casualties.
Are you talking about post-September 1? Kherson, Izium, Lyman?

100K is a mind-numbingly stupid number- several times larger than the total number of AFU forces in the northeast offensive, which was 5 Brigades- about 15,000 troops.

I don't know how many casualties the AFU took in the Izium or Kherson advances, neither side publishes the numbers. Estimates based on the visually confirmed equipment losses suggest something like 9.5:1 in Ukraine's favor in Izium. The Russians lost hundreds of pieces of equipment, including brand new T-90M tanks.

Kherson is a little different, the terrain is flat and open. It was probably not so one-sided, the Russians were in defensive positions and had at least some artillery support. But they collapsed quickly, which means they did not inflict heavy damage on the AFU.

The highest casualties are happening around Bakhmut. Those fields are just littered with corpses. Wagner convict recuits and mobiks, they are sent in to occupy trenches and draw AFU artillery fire. Then the Russians target the Yook arty, wait a while, and send another batch of cannon fodder forward to see if the Ukrainians are still there. This has been going on for 4 weeks now with no positional changes. It's just mindless carnage, but the AFU are still taking casualties from the Russian SPG's.

There is a video released a few days ago, you've probably seen it. Russian soldiers under artillery fire, desperately trying to crawl into any hole and curl up, one guy is furiously crossing himself over and over. That's Bakhmut. Those guys are taking 80-90% casualties.
No. MacGregor was talking about Uke casualties since the war began.
The Russian army had already withdrawn most of its soldiers and redeployed them to before the Ukrainian forces staged their pretend counter-offensive.
The large numbers of Russian casualties and destroyed tanks are just fantasy nonsense put out by the lying U.S. media and the Ukraine Ministry of fake propaganda and spin. ... :cuckoo:
So with the Russian army retreating before the Ukrainian army in the eighth month of Putin's three day war, you still have confidence in his judgement?

Good doggie! Good doggie!
Putin Is Playing Three-Dimensional Chess; the Globalists Are Playing Tiddlywinks

Do you realize that ignorant experts were spouting the same thing as the Nazi invasion went through Russia like a hot knife through butter, suckering FDR into provoking Japan enough to get us into the war. But that made perfect sense at the time; Hitler capturing all of Russia's resources would have given him an overwhelming advantage when he would have attacked us pre-emptively immediately after a successful blitzkrieg.

But it was all a draw play by Stalin, and Putin is repeating a version of that. Stalin didn't use his real army until the Germans had far overextended themselves in anticipation of a quick victory long before winter set in. As European civilians get freeze-dried this winter, they'll resemble the ghosts of Nazi soldiers.
Here we go! Escalation leads to further escalations and pretty soon, we’ve got WWIII. You warmongering whores must be so happy.

The perfect red line trifecta

Already, over the weekend, it was clear the ultimate red line had been crossed. Russian public opinion and media were furious. For all its status as an engineering marvel, Krymsky Most represents not only critical infrastructure; it is the visual symbol of the return of Crimea to Russia.

Moreover, this was a personal terror attack on Putin and the whole Russian security apparatus.

So we had, in sequence, Ukrainian terrorists blowing up Darya Dugina’s car in a Moscow suburb (they admitted it); US/UK special forces (partially) blowing Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 (they admitted and then retracted); and the terror attack on Krymsky Most (once again: admitted then retracted).

Not to mention the shelling of Russian villages in Belgorod, NATO supplying long-range weapons to Kiev, and the routine execution of Russian soldiers.

Darya Dugina, Nord Streams and Crimea Bridge make it an Act of War trifecta. So this time the response was inevitable – not even waiting for the first meeting since February of the Russian Security Council scheduled for the afternoon of 10 October.
Escobar: Terror On Crimea Bridge Forces Russia To Unleash Shock'n'Awe | ZeroHedge
Your link:

"MI6 also noted 'the next step' will be the complete destruction of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure.

"That’s not a 'next step:' it’s already happening.

"Power supply is completely gone in five regions, including Lviv and Kharkov, and there are serious interruptions in other five, including Kiev.

"Over 60 percent of Ukrainian power grids are already knocked out.

"Over 75 percent of internet traffic is gone.

"Elon Musk’s Starlink netcentric warfare has been 'disconnected' by the Ministry of Defense."

I suspect western print and broadcast media will not mention many of these claims regardless of their accuracy.
No. MacGregor was talking about Uke casualties since the war began.
Oh. Well, 100K total casualties is realistic, 400-500K is not. The worst months for Ukraine were May and June, said to be as high as 20K/month killed or wounded. 500/day was the peak, 100-200 of those were killed. That only adds up to 15K casualties/month, and 3-5K deaths.

Before May it was much lower- the Russians were pulling back from Kiev, and from July on it has been much lower due to the targeting of the Russian artillery logistics.

I look at the condition and morale of the AFU right now, and they do not look anything like a defeated army to me. The Russians are looking pretty thin...
Look at pictures of the AFU today and look at pictures of the Russian conscripts. The AFU are all properly kitted out with new uniforms and body armor and ballistic helmets, they have NVG's and radios, etc.
Who's taxes are paying for all the new uniforms, body armor, ballistic helmets, etc, etc, NATO taxpayers who will be without heat and fuel this winter?
Ukraine Inflation Rate - September 2022 Data - 1995-2021 Historical - October Forecast
Which economy (Ukraine or Russia) will face collapse this winter?
Putin Is Playing Three-Dimensional Chess; the Globalists Are Playing Tiddlywinks

Do you realize that ignorant experts were spouting the same thing as the Nazi invasion went through Russia like a hot knife through butter, suckering FDR into provoking Japan enough to get us into the war. But that made perfect sense at the time; Hitler capturing all of Russia's resources would have given him an overwhelming advantage when he would have attacked us pre-emptively immediately after a successful blitzkrieg.

But it was all a draw play by Stalin, and Putin is repeating a version of that. Stalin didn't use his real army until the Germans had far overextended themselves in anticipation of a quick victory long before winter set in. As European civilians get freeze-dried this winter, they'll resemble the ghosts of Nazi soldiers.

Putin hasn't been using his real army?
Once again, 200,000 are fully trained military reservists much like our national guard. We called up NG reservists during the Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan conflicts.
Even the Term "Selective Service" Is Treason

Not in Vietnam, during which the mission of the National Guard and Reserves was perverted into being hideouts for unpatriotic sissyboys whose Daddies had life-or-death political influence.
Oh. Well, 100K total casualties is realistic, 400-500K is not. The worst months for Ukraine were May and June, said to be as high as 20K/month killed or wounded. 500/day was the peak, 100-200 of those were killed. That only adds up to 15K casualties/month, and 3-5K deaths.

Before May it was much lower- the Russians were pulling back from Kiev, and from July on it has been much lower due to the targeting of the Russian artillery logistics.

I look at the condition and morale of the AFU right now, and they do not look anything like a defeated army to me. The Russians are looking pretty thin...
There is almost no way to know the truth. Thinking you know what’s really going on there is foolish.
Pres. Roosevelt and Pres. Truman plus the entire Democrat party had mad love for Stalin and Russia.
Truman's attitude towards Stalin changed dramatically after he no longer needed Russia to defeat Germany:
The Russian army had already withdrawn most of its soldiers and redeployed them to before the Ukrainian forces staged their pretend counter-offensive.
So what, they just decided they didn't want Izium or Lyman anymore?

Ok boys, let's pack it up, our work here is done! Mission accomplished! Let's redeploy!

Leave all that equipment, we won't be needing it, lol.
There is almost no way to know the truth. Thinking you know what’s really going on there is foolish.
It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know you can't get 500K casualties when you don't even have 200K troops in the fight...
So what, they just decided they didn't want Izium or Lyman anymore?
The Russian generals decided those towns weren't strategically worth occupying or expending soldier's lives to defend the area.
So the Russian army withdrew and redeployed to other areas of the Donbas that were more aligned with the overall Russian battle plan.

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