Putin can't keep Crimea


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
It's highly probably Putin gives both Crimea and another 'new territorials' back to NATO....., sorry, to Ukraine.
Why it's possible?
Do you believe Kremlin will nuke own families ( and money ) in the West?
Who from any high official in Putin's Russia hasn't relatives in USA, EU etc. who had been naturalized and became citizens of their host countries?
Who doesn't live in palaces build with stolen by Russian People money somewhere in London, Munich, Miami or Paris?
How many red lines had declared Putin until now?
I guess more as 457 or more.
All of them had been crossed by NATO and its de facto member Ukraine.
Also, latest in a half year Russia will have a new map because it will be no response from Russia after Ukrainian attack.


Below is a Russian song about Putin's 'patriots'

The people who live in Crimea will blow the entire country up rather than see it overcome by NATO loving Ukrainians. That the Crimeans consider Nazis.
It's highly probably Putin gives both Crimea and another 'new territorials' back to NATO....., sorry, to Ukraine.
Why it's possible?
Do you believe Kremlin will nuke own families ( and money ) in the West?
Who from any high official in Putin's Russia hasn't relatives in USA, EU etc. who had been naturalized and became citizens of their host countries?
Who doesn't live in palaces build with stolen by Russian People money somewhere in London, Munich, Miami or Paris?
How many red lines had declared Putin until now?
I guess more as 457 or more.
All of them had been crossed by NATO and its de facto member Ukraine.
Also, latest in a half year Russia will have a new map because it will be no response from Russia after Ukrainian attack.


Below is a Russian song about Putin's 'patriots'

Russia has been in Crimea since the 1700’s.

It is their main naval port for access to the Mediterranean.

It is full of Russian citizens.

They aren‘t giving it up without a nuclear fight.
Russia has been in Crimea since the 1700’s.

It is their main naval port for access to the Mediterranean.

It is full of Russian citizens.

They aren‘t giving it up without a nuclear fight.
When Crimea voted to return to Russia, I knew a number of people from the region, the Russians of Crimea hate the Ukrainians with a visceral burning hatred born of years of disrespect. There will be snipers at every window.
It's highly probably Putin gives both Crimea and another 'new territorials' back to NATO
and why is this surprise for you ? you produce less than 1% of the world GDP, we - 70%. your papauans with snow have never had a chance ...

you know that you run out of 2023 budget money already ?

Screen shot 2017-04-02 at 3.14.03 PM.png
Russia has been in Crimea since the 1700’s.

It is their main naval port for access to the Mediterranean.

It is full of Russian citizens.

They aren‘t giving it up without a nuclear fight.
Russia has no legitimate claim to Crimea, but it still could be be negotiable.

Russia formally incorporated Crimea on 18 March 2014. Following the annexation, Russia escalated its military presence on the peninsula and made nuclear threats to solidify the new status quo on the ground.​
Ukraine and many other countries condemned the annexation and consider it to be a violation of international law and Russian agreements safeguarding the territorial integrity of Ukraine. The annexation led to the other members of the then-G8 suspending Russia from the group and introducing sanctions. The United Nations General Assembly also rejected the referendum and annexation, adopting a resolution affirming the "territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders".​

Putin's butt boys need an excuse for his disastrous invasion of Ukraine.

How about their savvy genius blaming

Screen Shot 2023-05-05 at 10.10.38 AM.png
Russia has no legitimate claim to Crimea, but it still could be be negotiable.

Russia formally incorporated Crimea on 18 March 2014. Following the annexation, Russia escalated its military presence on the peninsula and made nuclear threats to solidify the new status quo on the ground.​
Ukraine and many other countries condemned the annexation and consider it to be a violation of international law and Russian agreements safeguarding the territorial integrity of Ukraine. The annexation led to the other members of the then-G8 suspending Russia from the group and introducing sanctions. The United Nations General Assembly also rejected the referendum and annexation, adopting a resolution affirming the "territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders".​

Putin's butt boys need an excuse for his disastrous invasion of Ukraine.

How about their savvy genius blaming


^^ map of Russia from 1800.

Notice Crimea?

But during the Soviet Union a dictator drew a line on a map and included that land in “the Ukraine”. Why are we still trying to enforce such a border? After the fall of the USSR, Russia agreed it would remain a part of Ukraine, under the condition Ukraine never becomes NATO.

NATO and the US of course broke this promise, and NATO expanded East.

Ukraine leased Crimea directly to Russia, since it is full of Russians and has one of their primary naval ports. But when the US and Euro powers meddled in Ukraine’s affairs and helped overthrow the Ukrainian government in 2014, Russia decided to just annex it back when the new Ukrainian government said it would not lease it again.

This is basically a civil war, we should not be involved in any of this. But our stupid government has meddled in their affairs for so long, now you have to defend their mistakes.
View attachment 782402

^^ map of Russia from 1800.

Notice Crimea?

But during the Soviet Union a dictator drew a line on a map and included that land in “the Ukraine”. Why are we still trying to enforce such a border? After the fall of the USSR, Russia agreed it would remain a part of Ukraine, under the condition Ukraine never becomes NATO.

NATO and the US of course broke this promise, and NATO expanded East.

Ukraine leased Crimea directly to Russia, since it is full of Russians and has one of their primary naval ports. But when the US and Euro powers meddled in Ukraine’s affairs and helped overthrow the Ukrainian government in 2014, Russia decided to just annex it back when the new Ukrainian government said it would not lease it again.

This is basically a civil war, we should not be involved in any of this. But our stupid government has meddled in their affairs for so long, now you have to defend their mistakes.
There is nothing legitimate about Putin's invasion and annexation of Crimea under international law.
... Putin dispatched his army to Ukraine’s borders for an unexpected military exercise, and fighter jets along Russia’s western borders were put on high alert. Then on Thursday Feb. 27, 2014, gunmen with no insignia on their uniforms seized government buildings in Crimea, and then took control of two Crimean airports the day after.
The Russian president initially denied that the unbadged soldiers in Crimea — now known as Putin’s “little green men” — were Russian troops, before an admission the following month.
stop sucking ivan´s dicks for a second, and read this official document :

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262 was adopted on 27 March 2014 by the sixty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly in response to the Russian annexation of Crimea and entitled "territorial integrity of Ukraine". ...affirmed the General Assembly's commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders and underscored the invalidity of the 2014 Crimean referendum.
There is nothing legitimate about Putin's invasion and annexation of Crimea under international law.
... Putin dispatched his army to Ukraine’s borders for an unexpected military exercise, and fighter jets along Russia’s western borders were put on high alert. Then on Thursday Feb. 27, 2014, gunmen with no insignia on their uniforms seized government buildings in Crimea, and then took control of two Crimean airports the day after.
The Russian president initially denied that the unbadged soldiers in Crimea — now known as Putin’s “little green men” — were Russian troops, before an admission the following month.
”International law” is a joke as there is no law enforcement for such matters. The matter is between the two countries disputing the border.
stop sucking ivan´s dicks for a second, and read this official document :

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262 was adopted on 27 March 2014 by the sixty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly in response to the Russian annexation of Crimea and entitled "territorial integrity of Ukraine". ...affirmed the General Assembly's commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders and underscored the invalidity of the 2014 Crimean referendum.
What a surprise, the West cried like little babies when Russia declared it was staying in Crimea, so they passed a useless resolution in the UN.

Did that magically remove Russia from Crimea? Nope.

Did Litwin do anything about it in 2014 or any of the following years? Nope.
”International law” is a joke as there is no law enforcement for such matters. The matter is between the two countries disputing the border.
It's a question of one's political affiliation.

North Korea, Belarus, Myanmar, Syria, and Cuba have accepted Putin's invasion and take-over of Crimea.

Germany, France, Sweden, Iceland, Portugal, Canada, Estonia, Mexico, Norway, Latvia, Japan, Denmark, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States recognize Ukraine's sovereignty over Crimea.
It's a question of one's political affiliation.

North Korea, Belarus, Myanmar, Syria, and Cuba have accepted Putin's invasion and take-over of Crimea.

Germany, France, Sweden, Iceland, Portugal, Canada, Estonia, Mexico, Norway, Latvia, Japan, Denmark, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States recognize Ukraine's sovereignty over Crimea.
And none of their opinions really matter. It is whether or not the Russians and Ukrainians want to fight for the land.

Are you willing to fight for it? Are you going to join Zelensky’s foreign legion to kick the Russians out? Do you want to kill the Russian people that have lived there for generations?

Nope, you are too much of a coward to join the fight, but you will lecture us that we need to support this stupid war and drop bombs on the people living there.
And none of their opinions really matter. It is whether or not the Russians and Ukrainians want to fight for the land.

Are you willing to fight for it? Are you going to join Zelensky’s foreign legion to kick the Russians out? Do you want to kill the Russian people that have lived there for generations?

Nope, you are too much of a coward to join the fight, but you will lecture us that we need to support this stupid war and drop bombs on the people living there.
To you, probably not. If you want to volunteer to champion the position of North Korea, Belarus, Myanmar, Syria, and Cuba in Crimea, be very careful.
Putin's lapdogs align with anti-democratic nations is supporting the murderous thug's covert invasion and confiscation of what remains Ukrainian territory under law.

Ukraine’s Maidan Revolution ended in late February 2014, when President Victor Yanukovych fled Kyiv — later to turn up in Russia — and the Rada (Ukraine’s parliament) appointed an acting president and acting prime minister to take charge. They made clear their intention to draw Ukraine closer to Europe by signing an association agreement with the European Union.
Almost immediately thereafter, armed men began occupying key facilities and checkpoints on the Crimean peninsula. Clearly professional soldiers by the way they handled themselves and their weapons, they wore Russian combat fatigues but with no identifying insignia. Ukrainians called them “little green men.” President Vladimir Putin at first flatly denied these were Russian soldiers, only to later admit that they were and award commendations to their commanders...
A bogus "referendum"by the Putin toadies did not allow Crimeans who wished to remain Ukrainian to express their loyalty.
By early March, Russian troops had secured the entire peninsula. On March 6, the Crimean Supreme Council voted to ask to accede to Russia. The council scheduled a referendum for March 16, which offered two choices: join Russia or return to Crimea’s 1992 constitution, which gave the peninsula significant autonomy. Those who favored Crimea remaining part of Ukraine under the current constitution had no box to check.
Putin's lapdogs align with anti-democratic nations is supporting the murderous thug's covert invasion and confiscation of what remains Ukrainian territory under law.

Ukraine’s Maidan Revolution ended in late February 2014, when President Victor Yanukovych fled Kyiv — later to turn up in Russia — and the Rada (Ukraine’s parliament) appointed an acting president and acting prime minister to take charge. They made clear their intention to draw Ukraine closer to Europe by signing an association agreement with the European Union.
Almost immediately thereafter, armed men began occupying key facilities and checkpoints on the Crimean peninsula. Clearly professional soldiers by the way they handled themselves and their weapons, they wore Russian combat fatigues but with no identifying insignia. Ukrainians called them “little green men.” President Vladimir Putin at first flatly denied these were Russian soldiers, only to later admit that they were and award commendations to their commanders...
A bogus "referendum"by the Putin toadies did not allow Crimeans who wished to remain Ukrainian to express their loyalty.
By early March, Russian troops had secured the entire peninsula. On March 6, the Crimean Supreme Council voted to ask to accede to Russia. The council scheduled a referendum for March 16, which offered two choices: join Russia or return to Crimea’s 1992 constitution, which gave the peninsula significant autonomy. Those who favored Crimea remaining part of Ukraine under the current constitution had no box to check.
"Give." Putin won't have much choice once his forces in Crimea are blown to pieces.

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