Zone1 Putin and trapped in the 20th century......?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Everything that putin and xi want could be achieved without firing a shot, without taking one inch of land from peaceful countries....but they are men trapped in the 20th century, when the left went on a rampage after 1917 that left 200 million and more innocent men, women and children murdered....and Europe, Russia and Asia in rubble........

Taking land is a silly concept today...isn't it? Everything can be had through technology and well as political and educational means......

putin wants a great Russian empire again, and he sees this as taking back land...when in truth, all he would have to do to make Russia a power house instead of a 3rd World backwater with a big army, is change tax rates and the commercial climate in Russia to draw investments and innovation.....

Dittos Xi......if he wants Taiwan, policies that encourage a brain drain into china would give them all the money, technology and power they want, and eventually Taiwan would likely happily rejoin mainland China.....

Too bad their mind set will likely wreck the world again........

Is it possible that they would both die before they can destroy everything?
It's hard not to argue that the 21st century way of doing has made societies and nations shittier. Especially in the past 10 years. Pretty much everything we do today makes things worse than how they were just 20 years ago.

Sometimes the classics are a classic for a reason.

Occasionally progress is really regress.
Interesting to see US Deniers desperately rationalising their totally failed position--- with US now only third most powerful country , scorned and laughed at by everybody except Nazi Israel , and humiliated time after time on the battle field .
Run by a pervert with dementia and best known for Pants Pissing .

Only success was weaponising the corona virus at Chapel Hill and then blaming China for their evil .
Wow .
We, your forebears, have become ashamed of you .

The Land of the Fatty
Now quite batty .

From Auntie Luiza who thinks you are a very naughty and wicked relation .
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Everything that putin and xi want could be achieved without firing a shot, without taking one inch of land from peaceful countries....but they are men trapped in the 20th century, when the left went on a rampage after 1917 that left 200 million and more innocent men, women and children murdered....and Europe, Russia and Asia in rubble........

Taking land is a silly concept today...isn't it? Everything can be had through technology and well as political and educational means......

putin wants a great Russian empire again, and he sees this as taking back land...when in truth, all he would have to do to make Russia a power house instead of a 3rd World backwater with a big army, is change tax rates and the commercial climate in Russia to draw investments and innovation.....

Dittos Xi......if he wants Taiwan, policies that encourage a brain drain into china would give them all the money, technology and power they want, and eventually Taiwan would likely happily rejoin mainland China.....

Too bad their mind set will likely wreck the world again........

Is it possible that they would both die before they can destroy everything?
This is a very libertarian way of thinking of things but at the end of the day libertarianism is a slave morality. No great nation, including the US, was ever created by men with slave morality. Xi and Putin have the will to power. Those without power are always at the mercy of those with power and they know full well that the people running Western countries have the will to power.

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