Putin and Trump could save the world


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Do you think Vladimir Putin has forgotten the Bolshevik revolution or the Rothschild hand that was behind it? Under his rule, Christianity has spread throughout Russia like wild fire. What we are now facing is a war that's spiritual in nature. In a recent speech Putin noted, "Without the moral values that are rooted in Christianity... people will inevitably lose their human dignity." He may have been referring to the global issue of pedophilia, a problem he went on to speak about. Vladimir Putin has not forgotten Russian history. If he and President Trump both stood together against the Zionist agenda for World War 3, Putin and Trump could save the world.



LOL I can see it all coming now.....................

This video was put together rather well, still have to finish it to the end but history is needed and a need to know.
If the sheep could connect why the Gov. controlled schools are being told to strip away history or focus on certain issues only it might become a reality of " you kids are being dumbed down based on pure bs lies".
Trump said the other day: those who objects US/Russia good relationship are haters and fools. I would also add: and crooks. There is a certain group of people in USA who make lots of money from "Russia the aggressor" and will lose a lot of money if Russia is a partner. Those people are NOT patriots of this country, they are patriots of their own pockets, so to say. McCain is just one of them.

McCain released his own new defense budget: five years – five trillion dollar defense budget; a lot of that is aimed at Russia. It is great for the American military-industrial complex, which is what keeps John McCain in office. If anyone is hurting American democracy, it’s people like John McCain
‘John McCain passed dossier to make Trump look bad; now he’s trying to save his hide’

If Trump moves to heal ties with Russia, establishment will oppose him fiercely – Stephen Cohen

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