Putin Accuses "Russia"'s Foes Of 'Excessive Demonization' Of Stalin


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
do you agree with Vova? do the " Liberals, humanists , good people " lying about Koba´s crimes against humanity? or Vova himself is one of those Stalinist?

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that the "excessive demonization" of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin "is one means of attacking the Soviet Union and Russia."

Putin made the comments in the last of four installments of a series of interviews that he gave to U.S. filmmaker Oliver Stone, which was aired on June 15.

Putin said Russia's critics use Stalin's legacy "to show that today's Russia carries on itself some kind of birthmarks of Stalinism."

The Russian president did not elaborate on what he considered to be "excessive" criticism of Stalin, who ruled the Soviet Union from the mid-1920s until his death in 1953 and who was responsible for the deaths of 15 million to 30 million Soviet citizens through executions, labor camps, and avoidable famines.

In the past, Putin has praised Stalin as an "effective manager," and Stalin's reputation in Russia has been growing steadily since Putin came to power in 2000.

A poll in April by the independent Levada research center found that 25 percent of Russians consider Stalin's repressions "historically justified," while another 13 percent said they knew "nothing" about Stalin's crimes"

Putin Accuses Russia's Foes Of 'Excessive Demonization' Of Stalin



Imo there's a clear distinction with Stalin and Putin. Not that Putin isn't an enemy of free markets or a intl criminal. Putin's popularity stems from ultra-nationalism in a state that has never fit into the West. Some, perhaps even a maj, approved of Stalin's free educ, healthcare, jobs for all, etc. But there is just not that same fear that they'll come for you in the night for no real reason, torture a fake confession from you, and ship you to Siberia.
The pictures look like the march "Immortal Regiment" (millions of people march all over Russia on Victory Day with portraits of their relatives, WW2 participants). Those two in front of the picture (link article )could be just photo shopped into a real picture. And the picture with Stalin's portraits must be Russian Communist party march. FYI, Russian Communist party is an opposition to Putin.

Stalin is not popular in Russia (only among Communist Party members) and Putin has NEVER been his fan.

As always fake Ukrainian news from OP, a Ukrainian troll.
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You know when you say "I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy"? Stalin, among a list of historical figures, isn't one of them you'd want spared.
The pictures look like the march "Immortal Regiment" (millions of people march all over Russia on Victory Day with portraits of their relatives, WW2 participants). Those two in front of the picture (link article )could be just photo shopped into a real picture. And the picture with Stalin's portraits must be Russian Communist party march. FYI, Russian Communist party is an opposition to Putin.

Stalin is not popular in Russia (only among Communist Party members) and Putin has NEVER been his fan.

As always fake Ukrainian news from OP, a Ukrainian troll.

"Immortal Regiment" (millions of people march all over Russia on Victory Day with portraits of their relatives, WW2 participants)

their relatives, LOL, sell it to useful idiots not for me


is Nikalashka dog-cat killer her relative , a WW2 participant?



Beria ....






Oopps ...relatives again ?

such bumers !!!
The pictures look like the march "Immortal Regiment" (millions of people march all over Russia on Victory Day with portraits of their relatives, WW2 participants). Those two in front of the picture (link article )could be just photo shopped into a real picture. And the picture with Stalin's portraits must be Russian Communist party march. FYI, Russian Communist party is an opposition to Putin.

Stalin is not popular in Russia (only among Communist Party members) and Putin has NEVER been his fan.

this stuff it FAKE ^^^^^^ ??? hey litwin------I am
CONFUSED------did pootie really say people criticize
our dear Stalin too much? -------I IS CONFUSED!!!!
You claim that pOOOTIN "liked" Stalin? -----

As always fake Ukrainian news from OP, a Ukrainian troll.

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