Put 15 Million Back to Work by November 2012

How about we make individuals responsible for finding or creating their own employment and let the government simply not over tax the worker nor overspend their money and get out of the way?

We need to stop outsourcing our responsibilities to the government. The longer we do this, the longer it will take to fix our nation.
When the Industrial Revolution began it was argued that in some distant future the machine would liberate humanity from the need to work.

For millions of US workers who have seen their jobs given to India and China over the last four decades, that future is yesterday.

How does an individual accept responsibility for corporate decisions?

Capitalism can no longer provide jobs to every worker who needs one because of its obsession with profits over everything else.

Government is the solution to that problem, imo.
How about we make individuals responsible for finding or creating their own employment and let the government simply not over tax the worker nor overspend their money and get out of the way?

We need to stop outsourcing our responsibilities to the government. The longer we do this, the longer it will take to fix our nation.
You may as well be speaking Klingon for all George understands this concept.
How's the job hunting going?

Maybe WPA-II can help?

Job hunt's fine. I'm starting college in three weeks.

Maybe the WPA-II would get you off your lazy ass?

Naah. Never happen.
Only if the richest 1% of humanity are the first fatalities.

But you leftists always want to kill off the Bourgeoisie - the middle 50% - not the top 1%. So when are you going to march Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, Steve Jobs, Algore and Michael Moore off to their deaths? They are all in the top 1% after all?

Expand it to the top 2% and you can add your beloved Messiah® - Barack Obama into the mix.
While you fascists never fail to miss the poetic license.

If it was up to me every elected Republican AND Democrat in DC would be FLUSHED from government and into prison. Along with most of those you mention, I would add the draft-dodging shit birds Dubya and Dick Cheney to the mix.

Killing is too easy.
Take all their money, and start filling US prisons with the richest 1% of Americans.
Hope AND Change.
...says the moron calling OTHER people fascists. :lol:
WPA-II that's how.

Split the entire work force into two divisions, deployed military and able-bodied civilians all overseen by Army Corps of Engineers or Navy Seabees.

"Projects: Roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, ports, waterways, water-sewage and drainage systems, levees, flood control, rail beds, rural electrification systems, fisheries, hospitals, schools, libraries, national/state/local parks and recreation systems, adult literacy programs etcetera.

"New projects would involve finishing repairs from Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf oil spill.

"Others systems would include light- and high-speed rail, solar/wind/water-based energy, erosion control, environmental protection, energy conservation, earthquake-proofing house foundations for the poor and disabled and dismantling/cleaning up decommissioned nuclear energy plants...

"Funding: With the winding down of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a portion of Congressional appropriations to both the DoD and the State Department would be shifted to underwrite WPA-II expenses that previously were dedicated to foreign infrastructure and economic aid.

"This would include salaries of all DoD participants, including payroll for deployed military.

"The State Department would shift funds from most of its foreign-aid programs and much of the $3 billion presently earmarked for the Baghdad Embassy security forces.

"In addition, USAID would turn over its Congressional appropriations to the WPA-II and rely in future upon financial support from US businesses and industry and/or the US Chamber of Commerce to continue its global activities..."

Put 15 Million Back to Work Fixing $2.2 Trillion in Infrastructure: the Works Progress Administration | Truthout
Thank you, Uncle Josef. :rolleyes:


This is as Shovel Ready as the last Stimulus.
"Too much of the ARRA (Obama's Stimulus) money was devoted to tax cuts (to appease Republicans and Bluedogs) which diminished its overall effectiveness. Here's an excerpt from an article by Alec MacGillis in the Washington Post which gives a breakdown of the costs:

"Two-thirds of the stimulus went toward tax cuts, fiscal aid to states, and expanded unemployment benefits and food stamps. These efforts helped cushion the recession’s blow, saved public jobs and, by injecting demand into the economy, bolstered employment indirectly.

"The remaining third of the stimulus, however, was expected to be the real jobs generator: $250 billion for infrastructure — roads, transit, water treatment — and for investments in energy efficiency, broadband access and other areas. But it is becoming clear that much of that spending is not producing many new jobs." ('Unlike the New Deal, Obama’s plan does not put people on the public payroll'", Alec MacGillis, Washington Post)

There's your answer.

"Unlike the New Deal, Obama's plan does not put people on the public payroll."

Mike Whitney: Let's Get Fiscal
Care to refute any of her assertions?

"Then, there's the mother lode of foreign-aid outlays delivered almost unquestioningly to Iraq and Afghanistan.

"By April, the wars/occupations alone had cost taxpayers over $806 billion and $444 billion, respectively, according to the Congressional Service Report.

"Unaccounted billions of that $1.3 trillion have been spent, allegedly, to win the hearts and minds of the locals for repair and replacement of infrastructure destroyed by American air and ground power.

Put 15 Million Back to Work Fixing $2.2 Trillion in Infrastructure: the Works Progress Administration | Truthout

Give us your "thoughts" on using taxpayer dollars to bomb infrastructure to rubble, and then turning to the same taxpayers for the money to "rebuild" said infrastructure, all the while winning hearts and minds of human beings we are murdering for money and market share.
She's an ignorant leftist. No wonder you think she's swell.
Someone care to point to the part of the Constitution that gives the Government the authority to force people to undertake a job?

It's right after the part that guarantees them an acceptable standard of living if they choose to not work.
How about we make individuals responsible for finding or creating their own employment and let the government simply not over tax the worker nor overspend their money and get out of the way?

We need to stop outsourcing our responsibilities to the government. The longer we do this, the longer it will take to fix our nation.
You may as well be speaking Klingon for all George understands this concept.

George pagh val.

(English translation: George isn't very smart).
You may as well be speaking Klingon for all George understands this concept.
How's the job hunting going?

Maybe WPA-II can help?

Job hunt's fine. I'm starting college in three weeks.

Maybe the WPA-II would get you off your lazy ass?

Naah. Never happen.
Congratulations, D-Man.

I'm going back to Community College in 5 weeks.
Just finished a five week pre-Algebra course.

Did you know Algebra comes from the Arabic al-jabr meaning "the reduction"?

How about we make individuals responsible for finding or creating their own employment and let the government simply not over tax the worker nor overspend their money and get out of the way?

We need to stop outsourcing our responsibilities to the government. The longer we do this, the longer it will take to fix our nation.
When the Industrial Revolution began it was argued that in some distant future the machine would liberate humanity from the need to work.

For millions of US workers who have seen their jobs given to India and China over the last four decades, that future is yesterday.

How does an individual accept responsibility for corporate decisions?

Capitalism can no longer provide jobs to every worker who needs one because of its obsession with profits over everything else.

Government is the solution to that problem, imo.


Communists are stupid.
How about we make individuals responsible for finding or creating their own employment and let the government simply not over tax the worker nor overspend their money and get out of the way?

We need to stop outsourcing our responsibilities to the government. The longer we do this, the longer it will take to fix our nation.
You may as well be speaking Klingon for all George understands this concept.

George pagh val.

(English translation: George isn't very smart).

Indeed. If George were smart, he wouldn't be such a failure.
How's the job hunting going?

Maybe WPA-II can help?

Job hunt's fine. I'm starting college in three weeks.

Maybe the WPA-II would get you off your lazy ass?

Naah. Never happen.
Congratulations, D-Man.

I'm going back to Community College in 5 weeks.
Just finished a five week pre-Algebra course.

Did you know Algebra comes from the Arabic al-jabr meaning "the reduction"?

What classes are you going to take? Something that will help you get a job, or some feel-good leftist crap that qualifies you only for a job in the food service industry?
For millions of US workers who have seen their jobs given to India and China over the last four decades, that future is yesterday.

How does an individual accept responsibility for corporate decisions?

Capitalism can no longer provide jobs to every worker who needs one because of its obsession with profits over everything else.

Government is the solution to that problem, imo.

What we need are lines for toilet paper!


George has a dream for America!
Congratulations, D-Man.

I'm going back to Community College in 5 weeks.
Just finished a five week pre-Algebra course.

Did you know Algebra comes from the Arabic al-jabr meaning "the reduction"?


Did you know that the Arabs got Algebra from China? Did you know that it was the trade of goods that led to the trade of information, which gave the Arabs Algebra?
Job hunt's fine. I'm starting college in three weeks.

Maybe the WPA-II would get you off your lazy ass?

Naah. Never happen.
Congratulations, D-Man.

I'm going back to Community College in 5 weeks.
Just finished a five week pre-Algebra course.

Did you know Algebra comes from the Arabic al-jabr meaning "the reduction"?

What classes are you going to take? Something that will help you get a job, or some feel-good leftist crap that qualifies you only for a job in the food service industry?

George's dream list of college courses to take.

Lady Gaga 101: Crazy College Classes That Cost Big Bucks
Job hunt's fine. I'm starting college in three weeks.

Maybe the WPA-II would get you off your lazy ass?

Naah. Never happen.
Congratulations, D-Man.

I'm going back to Community College in 5 weeks.
Just finished a five week pre-Algebra course.

Did you know Algebra comes from the Arabic al-jabr meaning "the reduction"?

What classes are you going to take? Something that will help you get a job, or some feel-good leftist crap that qualifies you only for a job in the food service industry?
"education (plural educations)

"The process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment

"A good teacher is essential for a good education...

"The educations our children receive depend on their economic status."

I feel like I've done my time as a wage slave.

Right now, I'm registered in Beginning Algebra (did you know the Arabs got Algebra from the Communists?), English 101, Political Science and Economics.

What about you?

Last edited:
"education (plural educations)

"The process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment

"A good teacher is essential for a good education...

"The educations our children receive depend on their economic status."

I feel like I've done my time as a wage slave.

Right now, I'm registered in Beginning Algebra (did you know the Arabs got Algebra from the Communists?), English 101, Political Science and Economics.

What about you?

Education is a good thing.

I teach an introduction to economics course for the University of Phoenix. (This is in addition to my full time job.) This is UOP, so I'm not doing it for the money. I highly encourage people to learn more, gain more education.

Good luck on your classes.
"education (plural educations)

"The process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment

"A good teacher is essential for a good education...

"The educations our children receive depend on their economic status."

I feel like I've done my time as a wage slave.

Right now, I'm registered in Beginning Algebra (did you know the Arabs got Algebra from the Communists?), English 101, Political Science and Economics.

What about you?

Education is a good thing.

I teach an introduction to economics course for the University of Phoenix. (This is in addition to my full time job.) This is UOP, so I'm not doing it for the money. I highly encourage people to learn more, gain more education.

Good luck on your classes.
What's your professional opinion of "Michael Hudson... former Wall Street economist.

"A Distinguished Research Professor at University of Missouri, Kansas City (UMKC), he is the author of many books, including Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire (new ed., Pluto Press, 2002) and Trade, Development and Foreign Debt: A History of Theories of Polarization v. Convergence in the World Economy. He can be reached via his website, [email protected]."

Specifically, does the following quote from Hudson sound accurate to you:

"When governments are run by the rich, it is called oligarchy. Plato’s dialogues made clear that rather than viewing societies as democracies or oligarchies, it was best to view them in motion.

"Democracies tended to polarize economically (mainly between creditors and debtors) into oligarchies.

"These in turn tended to make themselves into hereditary aristocracies.

"In time, leading families would fight among themselves, and one group (such as Kleisthenes in Athens in 507 BC) would 'take the people into his party' and create a democracy. And so the eternal political triangle would go on."

Michael Hudson: Obama's Ambush on Entitlements

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