"Pushing Their Values on Us" Republicans


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2013
Lately, I've been encountering a lot of Republicans who have been abandoning conservative ideals. They don't care about civic responsibility and standing up for others who are abused. Instead, they only care about "What's in it for me?" Many of these Republicans believe in might makes right, power politics, war of all against all, and state of nature ideas. They believe people have the right to be abusive, and those in society who aren't willing to be abused or insist that others step in to correct abuse are pushing their values onto the abusive. Obviously, these Republicans are anti-intellectuals who are stuck in their ways. They don't care about principle before practice. They just insist on judging others are impractical, and calling them wise guys for not having "common sense" since they don't fit in with the intimidating and those the intimidating intimidate.

Furthermore, a lot of these Republicans seem to be embracing utilitarian ideas for why we should allow society to tell individuals to conform to popular norms. They believe in popularity contests where people dictate their opinions as normal, making appeals to common sense, and then abusing people in telling them to conform to norms or those people are bullies for making everyone else's life difficult around them. They also believe the definition of words is subjective, and again, telling people what's the right definition of a word "pushes their values on us".

How should these Republicans be dealt with?
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The answer has always been out there. Form a third party. Or for the left a fourth party.

Quite simply put both the Republican Party and the Democrat Party have become parties ruled by old men and women who are so distant from reality in their bubble world of Washington neither truly represents any segment of society.

Bipartisan rant here.

Whether you are talking about Charlie Rangel/Harry Reid/Mitch McConnell/Cochran /McCain and more, these power hungry old bastards refuse to pass the torch to a younger generation and I am dismayed that they keep getting re-elected but not surprised since few alternatives to these ancients ever get a chance to rise in the ranks since the power brokers hold the purse strings.

In Canada we formed a party separate from the Progressive Conservatives in the 90's to offer a clear choice to voters based on conservatism with a heart. We are currently the party in power.

On the left we have what is called the NDP that is a clear chioice to those who are progressives. They are the loyal opposition. They keep the Conservatives in check.

In the middle of all this is the old Liberal Party who always tried to play middle of the road and stood for nothing but their own right to rule and ended up getting wiped out in the last federal election.

I'm a dual citizen and I care deeply what happens politically and socially in both our countries.

How to put it nicely? I watch in horror daily from up here in Manitoba these days at the bullshit that happens in the political ring aka "Inside the Beltway".

It's sheer insanity that I'm witnessing. Whether it's John McCain wanting to start WWIII or old Harry Reid babbling on about the Koch brothers and demanding that an NBA franchise be stripped from an owner it's a horror story of epic proportions of old geezers who have long since lost their way.

You really could name the shenanigans "Nightmare on Capitol Hill".

Until a younger generation wants to seize the power from these relics and do their duty to become civil servants who truly represent their constituencies, I fear the America I have known and loved all my life slipping away from all her greatness and only her shell being left managed by old men and women who have no concept of the real world anymore because they have lived in Washington for so long.

I long to hear the old battle cry of the 60's. Power to the people! Whether one is a conservative or a liberal that cry should be shouted from the roof tops of every house in America.

And although the ruling class no longer resides in Great Britain but instead Washington, DC you have to become patriots and take your country back from your very own Monarchy on the Potomac.
Lately, I've been encountering a lot of Republicans who have been abandoning conservative ideals. They don't care about civic responsibility and standing up for others who are abused. Instead, they only care about "What's in it for me?" Many of these Republicans believe in might makes right, power politics, war of all against all, and state of nature ideas. They believe people have the right to be abusive, and those in society who aren't willing to be abused or insist that others step in to correct abuse are pushing their values onto the abusive. Obviously, these Republicans are anti-intellectuals who are stuck in their ways. They don't care about principle before practice. They just insist on judging others are impractical, and calling them wise guys for not having "common sense" since they don't fit in with the intimidating and those the intimidating intimidate.

Furthermore, a lot of these Republicans seem to be embracing utilitarian ideas for why we should allow society to tell individuals to conform to popular norms. They believe in popularity contests where people dictate their opinions as normal, making appeals to common sense, and then abusing people in telling them to conform to norms or those people are bullies for making everyone else's life difficult around them. They also believe the definition of words is subjective, and again, telling people what's the right definition of a word "pushes their values on us".

How should these Republicans be dealt with?

The way to deal with them is to defeat them. These are the same people who fight women for control over women's bodies in the name of protecting children but send the National Guard to terrorize children who are running away from deadly situations. And, even with all the evidence these children are in danger, these Republicans either refuse to acknowledge that danger or simply don't care.

They have reduced the many ways American help Americans into "it's all socialism". Many even say their evil policies would be approved by Jesus. Can you possibly sink any lower?
Lately, I've been encountering a lot of Republicans who have been abandoning conservative ideals. They don't care about civic responsibility and standing up for others who are abused. Instead, they only care about "What's in it for me?" Many of these Republicans believe in might makes right, power politics, war of all against all, and state of nature ideas. They believe people have the right to be abusive, and those in society who aren't willing to be abused or insist that others step in to correct abuse are pushing their values onto the abusive. Obviously, these Republicans are anti-intellectuals who are stuck in their ways. They don't care about principle before practice. They just insist on judging others are impractical, and calling them wise guys for not having "common sense" since they don't fit in with the intimidating and those the intimidating intimidate.

Furthermore, a lot of these Republicans seem to be embracing utilitarian ideas for why we should allow society to tell individuals to conform to popular norms. They believe in popularity contests where people dictate their opinions as normal, making appeals to common sense, and then abusing people in telling them to conform to norms or those people are bullies for making everyone else's life difficult around them. They also believe the definition of words is subjective, and again, telling people what's the right definition of a word "pushes their values on us".

How should these Republicans be dealt with?

You're lying. You've never encountered a Republican.
Lately, I've been encountering a lot of Republicans who have been abandoning conservative ideals. They don't care about civic responsibility and standing up for others who are abused. Instead, they only care about "What's in it for me?" Many of these Republicans believe in might makes right, power politics, war of all against all, and state of nature ideas. They believe people have the right to be abusive, and those in society who aren't willing to be abused or insist that others step in to correct abuse are pushing their values onto the abusive. Obviously, these Republicans are anti-intellectuals who are stuck in their ways. They don't care about principle before practice. They just insist on judging others are impractical, and calling them wise guys for not having "common sense" since they don't fit in with the intimidating and those the intimidating intimidate.

Furthermore, a lot of these Republicans seem to be embracing utilitarian ideas for why we should allow society to tell individuals to conform to popular norms. They believe in popularity contests where people dictate their opinions as normal, making appeals to common sense, and then abusing people in telling them to conform to norms or those people are bullies for making everyone else's life difficult around them. They also believe the definition of words is subjective, and again, telling people what's the right definition of a word "pushes their values on us".

How should these Republicans be dealt with?

The way to deal with them is to defeat them. These are the same people who fight women for control over women's bodies in the name of protecting children but send the National Guard to terrorize children who are running away from deadly situations. And, even with all the evidence these children are in danger, these Republicans either refuse to acknowledge that danger or simply don't care.

They have reduced the many ways American help Americans into "it's all socialism". Many even say their evil policies would be approved by Jesus. Can you possibly sink any lower?

You stupid brainwashed zombie, go get a job and get off the demorat welfare train , it will crash.

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