Pure Politics


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2010
Fuck Y'all I'm From Texas!
What a bunch of CRAP!!!! Houston is not going to get one of the space shuttles.
The decision was based on who had the most involvement in the shuttle program and them being placed where the most people could see them.......Oh really ?
Who had more involvement then Houston? And the reasoning for NY? The USS Intrepid served as the recovery vehicle for astronauts on the Mercury 7 and the Gemini 3 missions.....and that has what to do with the shuttle program?
And whata you know the latest head at NASA is an Obama appointee. All of the astronauts that died on the Columbia and Challenger worked at the Johnson space center and lived in the surrounding area. The space shuttle program was based in Hou. The shuttle concept was conceived in Hou. as was the design.
I can understand Florida getting one and the smithsonian and possibly California.But NY?
There will be hearings!!!!
Oh and go FUCK YOURSELF Bolden!!!!!!
i agree.. government oversite, the writing is on the wall for american technology.
part of the socialist charge is to make creativity and intellectual property of the state.
obama's metropolis.
I wouldn't let Houston have a shuttle either.

I'm from Florida where all the Space Program was until LBJ highjacked it and moved the majority of it to his home State. Texas.

Kiss off Houston.

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