*A Big (FU!) To Moving Goal Posts On SS*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. We have some GOPers saying they want to move the retirement age to 70 folks, and everyone who is presently 56, they won't have to wait till then, to apply to Social Security.
2. Rand Paul and his flunkies.
3. I say they can stuff it!
4. They claim SS isn't safe, well no shit!, you freaking political snakes have been robbing my SS for 60 years, even before I was born, now I say, put the freaking money back in SS and keep your grubbing hands off it now, stop sucking on it like a pig on a tit.
5. You bastards make me wanna freaking puke!!!!!
6. Any questions?
7. I will take a few questions, but don't push it.
8. Ron Paul & Rand Paul,.....:fu:

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Of all the idiotic, no common sense, stupid policies and programs of government social security might be #1.

The fact that both parties fully support this program is enough evidence for me to give neither of them any support.
Sorry bout that,

1. What these freaking morons propose is eliminating people from ever getting on it as a solution.
2. Why not just go out and start killing 62 year olds then???
3. That way they wouldn't be able to get on it!
4. This whole deal with pushing the age further away is just a death sentence, to people unable to work, and relax, I think its insane even to propose such a thing.
5. If the damed political snakes would repay SS, then everything would be fine.
6. This is a death sentence to millions of people, why not just come out and say it, "When you reach 62 we are just going to have to come over to your house and kill you."
7. At least that would be honest.:confused:

We should raise the retirement age to 120. That way we'd have plenty of money for the retirees.
Sorry bout that,

1. What these freaking morons propose is eliminating people from ever getting on it as a solution.
2. Why not just go out and start killing 62 year olds then???
3. That way they wouldn't be able to get on it!
4. This whole deal with pushing the age further away is just a death sentence, to people unable to work, and relax, I think its insane even to propose such a thing.
5. If the damed political snakes would repay SS, then everything would be fine.
6. This is a death sentence to millions of people, why not just come out and say it, "When you reach 62 we are just going to have to come over to your house and kill you."
7. At least that would be honest.:confused:


You do understand that a large segment of the population has been screaming for quite some time that SS needs to be fixed right? How many people here really think that SS will be there for them when the time comes.......Damn few
If you don't want to fix it, fine. Let's abolish it then. You can take care of yourself.

Or you can fix the program.

Doesn't really matter to me which one is done as long as one of them is because we are going to bankrupt otherwise.
SS, Medicare and the Welfare programs to include Medicaid are programs that never, ever should have been instituted in this country. They are bankrupting us as surely as the wars we are now paying billions to fight.

The Clowns in Congress never imagined the growth in the cost of these programs when they were first instituted. The Govt always manages to mismanage and underevaluate everything and we taxpayers get hosed time after time.

Too bad I can't get every dime I have in SS and Medicare back. I can take care of myself and my money better than any Govt Clown. You betcha.
Sorry bout that,

We should raise the retirement age to 120. That way we'd have plenty of money for the retirees.

1. That might work!
2. Perhaps we can push it further, say, double it to 240.
3. That way they can say they saved it, by not ending it, and then save it by never having to pay out one penny.
4. Yeah that could work.:eek:

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. What these freaking morons propose is eliminating people from ever getting on it as a solution.
2. Why not just go out and start killing 62 year olds then???
3. That way they wouldn't be able to get on it!
4. This whole deal with pushing the age further away is just a death sentence, to people unable to work, and relax, I think its insane even to propose such a thing.
5. If the damed political snakes would repay SS, then everything would be fine.
6. This is a death sentence to millions of people, why not just come out and say it, "When you reach 62 we are just going to have to come over to your house and kill you."
7. At least that would be honest.:confused:


You do understand that a large segment of the population has been screaming for quite some time that SS needs to be fixed right? How many people here really think that SS will be there for them when the time comes.......Damn few

1. I understand lots of people wanted healthcare fixed too.
2. Look how that got fixed, it got so screwed up its ridiculous.
3. What they need to do is repay whats been taken out of SS.
4. That will FIX it.
5. Anything else will just screw people.:evil:

SS, Medicare and the Welfare programs to include Medicaid are programs that never, ever should have been instituted in this country. They are bankrupting us as surely as the wars we are now paying billions to fight.

The Clowns in Congress never imagined the growth in the cost of these programs when they were first instituted. The Govt always manages to mismanage and underevaluate everything and we taxpayers get hosed time after time.

Too bad I can't get every dime I have in SS and Medicare back. I can take care of myself and my money better than any Govt Clown. You betcha.

You don't believe in the economy of scale that can be achieved when humans form a 'group'? What better group to belong to than We, The People? Is Social Security perfect? No. Is it a reasonable start? I think so. It runs efficiently at 97 cents of each dollar put into the program being saved or paid in benefits. No insurance company on the planet can boast a 3% cost of running the bureaucracy - the biggest and most efficient insurance companies run at a 25% cost, such is the power of economies of scale and a bureaucracy that is owned by the people it serves instead of a private interest.

Here's one of my favorite Social Security questions:

Think about the data base that the employees of Social Security maintain and protect... The lifetime earnings records of every American who has worked here legally since 1933...

Now... who do you want in control of that data base, We, The People, or a private bureaucracy that can be sold to a Swedish conglomerate at the whim of its owner? What private interest would be able to resist the billion$ that the SSA data base would be worth on the open market?
Sorry bout that,

1. We have some GOPers saying they want to move the retirement age to 70 folks, and everyone who is presently 56, they won't have to wait till then, to apply to Social Security.
2. Rand Paul and his flunkies.
3. I say they can stuff it!
4. They claim SS isn't safe, well no shit!, you freaking political snakes have been robbing my SS for 60 years, even before I was born, now I say, put the freaking money back in SS and keep your grubbing hands off it now, stop sucking on it like a pig on a tit.
5. You bastards make me wanna freaking puke!!!!!
6. Any questions?
7. I will take a few questions, but don't push it.
8. Ron Paul & Rand Paul,.....:fu:


As a former Republican, and current Independent, there is no doubt that the retirement age for collecting SS and Medicare benefits must be raised, if we want to keep those programs operating and paying full benefits. And I do believe these are good programs worth saving. A large percentage of the population relies on these for a good percentage or all of their retirement. However, these programs were never meant to cover people for an average of 15 years. We are living longer, so now we must work longer; it really is quite that simple. I've been saying this for a long time. And SS is not the biggest problem. Projected spending on Medicare is going to surpass that of SS. That is not sustainable in any form. So the choice is to raise the retirement age gradually, but not too gradually, or dump the whole program and see where that leaves us.

It's funny, but I rarely find myself supporting the right these days, but on this issue, I want to see the programs saved and properly funded, but not at a cost that will break us.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. What these freaking morons propose is eliminating people from ever getting on it as a solution.
2. Why not just go out and start killing 62 year olds then???
3. That way they wouldn't be able to get on it!
4. This whole deal with pushing the age further away is just a death sentence, to people unable to work, and relax, I think its insane even to propose such a thing.
5. If the damed political snakes would repay SS, then everything would be fine.
6. This is a death sentence to millions of people, why not just come out and say it, "When you reach 62 we are just going to have to come over to your house and kill you."
7. At least that would be honest.:confused:


You do understand that a large segment of the population has been screaming for quite some time that SS needs to be fixed right? How many people here really think that SS will be there for them when the time comes.......Damn few

1. I understand lots of people wanted healthcare fixed too.
2. Look how that got fixed, it got so screwed up its ridiculous.
3. What they need to do is repay whats been taken out of SS.
4. That will FIX it.
5. Anything else will just screw people.:evil:


The Social Security trust funds are creditors to the US, just like China, India and a host of private and public organizations. Do we really want our representatives to go down the road of demanding our SSA Trust Fund cash in total?

I think we're chumps for investing our entire national retirement fund in T-bills, but that's the subject of another thread. Right now we need to focus on stabilizing the funds to projected payments ratio and make sure any changes include enough liquidity to pay benefits earned.
The problem is the retirement age was not set as a percentage of life expectancy. Guess the previous generation worked until closer to their death than we do. Oops. We should have tried harder if we wanted an easier life.

Is that earnings cap tax a fixed number also? If so: As our currency is devalued more and more folks earn more and more deflated money less and less of which is taxed for social security.

At the very least, imagine if tomorrow I found an anti mcdonalds drug and we all started living to be ninety. We would probably have to raise the retirement age further.
Sorry bout that,

1. We have some GOPers saying they want to move the retirement age to 70 folks, and everyone who is presently 56, they won't have to wait till then, to apply to Social Security.
2. Rand Paul and his flunkies.
3. I say they can stuff it!
4. They claim SS isn't safe, well no shit!, you freaking political snakes have been robbing my SS for 60 years, even before I was born, now I say, put the freaking money back in SS and keep your grubbing hands off it now, stop sucking on it like a pig on a tit.
5. You bastards make me wanna freaking puke!!!!!
6. Any questions?
7. I will take a few questions, but don't push it.
8. Ron Paul & Rand Paul,.....:fu:


The whole point of the thing is that there is no money to pay it back. At the time it was instated, life expectancy was about 1 year greater than the start up age. Despite what the Dems refer to as the worst medical care in the world, the life expectancy has risen by about 30 years.

Go figure.

You're living in a dream world.
Sorry bout that,

1. Independents are like atheists, while liberals are like satanists.
2. I've worked for my retirement, I expect to get it when I was told I would get it, thats the bottom line.
3. Now if they want to tell eighteen year olds today, that,"Hey you have to work till your 70 to collect your benefits, then fine, if they are willing to work till then okay fine.
4. I didn't sign up for this change, and if it gets changed I will sue the fucks.

So because you believed lies from politicians, you are opposing any fix to the problem?
Tell you what. We'll pay off all you greedy geezers with your share or the cash in the trust fund.

You can't complain you're being ripped off then, right?

Sorry bout that,

1. We have some GOPers saying they want to move the retirement age to 70 folks, and everyone who is presently 56, they won't have to wait till then, to apply to Social Security.
2. Rand Paul and his flunkies.
3. I say they can stuff it!
4. They claim SS isn't safe, well no shit!, you freaking political snakes have been robbing my SS for 60 years, even before I was born, now I say, put the freaking money back in SS and keep your grubbing hands off it now, stop sucking on it like a pig on a tit.
5. You bastards make me wanna freaking puke!!!!!
6. Any questions?
7. I will take a few questions, but don't push it.
8. Ron Paul & Rand Paul,.....:fu:

When did I sign up to support a bunch of greedy geezers who spend all day on the golf course while I slave away working 60 hours a week?

Sorry bout that,

1. Independents are like atheists, while liberals are like satanists.
2. I've worked for my retirement, I expect to get it when I was told I would get it, thats the bottom line.
3. Now if they want to tell eighteen year olds today, that,"Hey you have to work till your 70 to collect your benefits, then fine, if they are willing to work till then okay fine.
4. I didn't sign up for this change, and if it gets changed I will sue the fucks.

When did I sign up to support a bunch of greedy geezers who spend all day on the golf course while I slave away working 60 hours a week?

Sorry bout that,

1. Independents are like atheists, while liberals are like satanists.
2. I've worked for my retirement, I expect to get it when I was told I would get it, thats the bottom line.
3. Now if they want to tell eighteen year olds today, that,"Hey you have to work till your 70 to collect your benefits, then fine, if they are willing to work till then okay fine.
4. I didn't sign up for this change, and if it gets changed I will sue the fucks.


When you were born as a citizen of this nation. Of course you can move to another nation if you like. However, until you do, I suggest you up your hours to 70 hours a week. I like my SS checks, and don't much like you. So just keep on working long hours for me, it makes me feel so good.:lol:

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