Pulitzer Prize Journalist:The Osama binLaden raid was a work of fiction, Hussein Obama should resign

Should Obama stand trial for this heinous crime?

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    Votes: 10 41.7%
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    Votes: 14 58.3%

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
This demon should resign immediately (or be impeached) and then be put before Jury.

This is the same reporter that exposed Bush's overseas torture! Shall we let yet another tyrant escape impeachment and conviction?

Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has uncovered one of the biggest lies in modern American history

Seymour M. Hersh The Killing of Osama bin Laden LRB 21 May 2015

Here are the MSM talking points from CNN defending the Dear Leader Obama:
Was there a cover-up in bin Laden killing Opinion - CNN.com

There is so much more in Hersh’s article, and you can read the rest of it right here. The following is how Business Insider summarized some of the main points…

    • The White House’s “most blatant” lie was that Pakistan’s two most senior military officials were never informed of the mission, Hersh says.
    • While US officials say they found bin Laden by tracking his trusted courier, Hersh says they discovered his whereabouts from a former Pakistani intelligence officer who wanted the $25 million reward the US was offering.
    • The government claimed bin Laden was hiding out, but Hersh says the Pakistani intelligence agency had actually been holding him captive since 2006 to use him as leverage against Taliban and Al Qaeda activities in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
    • While the White House has said it would have taken bin Laden alive if it could have and that he was killed in a firefight, Hersh says that wasn’t the case. “There was no firefight as they moved into the compound; the ISI guards had gone,” Hersh wrote.
    • The article also takes issue with the White House’s claim that bin Laden was buried at sea in aservice that followed Islamic practices. “The remains, including his head, which had only a few bullet holes in it, were thrown into a body bag and, during the helicopter flight back to Jalalabad, some body parts were tossed out over the Hindu Kush mountains — or so the Seals claimed,” Hersh reported, citing his senior US intelligence official.


It turns out that much of what the American public was told about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden was a blatant lie.

According to Hersh, Osama bin Laden had been captured by Pakistan all the way back in 2006, and he was being held by the ISI as a prisoner at the Abbottabad compound that the Seals ultimately raided in 2011. In addition, Hersh says that the ISI and Pakistan’s military knew about the Seal raid in advance. Arrangements were made so that the Black Hawk helicopters could travel through Pakistani airspace safely, and the ISI guards at Osama bin Laden’s compound were pulled away before the Seals got there. And by that time, Osama bin Laden was reportedly in such bad health that he was essentially a cripple. There was no “firefight” at all – only a turkey shoot. Afterwards, Osama bin Laden’s body never made it to the USS Carl Vinson for a “burial at sea”. That was all just part of the cover story according to Hersh. Of course the White House and Obama’s lackeys at CNN are strongly denying all of this, and they will continue to deny the truth for as long as they possibly can. But there are individuals in the U.S. military and in the U.S. intelligence community that can come forward and tell us what really happened. Let us hope that at least some of those individuals still care enough about this country to do that.

Here is more from Hersh

At the Abbottabad compound ISI guards were posted around the clock to keep watch over bin Laden and his wives and children. They were under orders to leave as soon as they heard the rotors of the US helicopters. The town was dark: the electricity supply had been cut off on the orders of the ISI hours before the raid began. One of the Black Hawks crashed inside the walls of the compound, injuring many on board. ‘The guys knew the TOT [time on target] had to be tight because they would wake up the whole town going in,’ the retired official said. The cockpit of the crashed Black Hawk, with its communication and navigational gear, had to be destroyed by concussion grenades, and this would create a series of explosions and a fire visible for miles. Two Chinook helicopters had flown from Afghanistan to a nearby Pakistani intelligence base to provide logistical support, and one of them was immediately dispatched to Abbottabad. But because the helicopter had been equipped with a bladder loaded with extra fuel for the two Black Hawks, it first had to be reconfigured as a troop carrier. The crash of the Black Hawk and the need to fly in a replacement were nerve-wracking and time-consuming setbacks, but the Seals continued with their mission. There was no firefight as they moved into the compound; the ISI guards had gone. ‘Everyone in Pakistan has a gun and high-profile, wealthy folks like those who live in Abbottabad have armed bodyguards, and yet there were no weapons in the compound,’ the retired official pointed out. Had there been any opposition, the team would have been highly vulnerable. Instead, the retired official said, an ISI liaison officer flying with the Seals guided them into the darkened house and up a staircase to bin Laden’s quarters. The Seals had been warned by the Pakistanis that heavy steel doors blocked the stairwell on the first and second-floor landings; bin Laden’s rooms were on the third floor. The Seal squad used explosives to blow the doors open, without injuring anyone. One of bin Laden’s wives was screaming hysterically and a bullet – perhaps a stray round – struck her knee. Aside from those that hit bin Laden, no other shots were fired. (The Obama administration’s account would hold otherwise.)

After the raid, Obama was never supposed to go public with what had happened. Instead, about a week later a cover story about how bin Laden had been killed in a drone strike was supposed to be released to the public. Obama betrayed the Pakistanis for his own political gain. And the highly touted “burial at sea” of bin Laden never took place either

The Bin Laden Raid Was A Work Of Fiction And Barack Obama Should Immediately Resign Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind
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After exposing the widespread torture, by same reporter, did anyone in the Bush administration resign?

Speaking of torture, doesn't this also expose the previous administrations lies about how the torture of certain individuals led to the whereabouts of BinnyBoy?
After exposing the widespread torture, by same reporter, did anyone in the Bush administration resign?

Speaking of torture, doesn't this also expose the previous administrations lies about how the torture of certain individuals led to the whereabouts of BinnyBoy?

We're talking about the Tyrant and Decider Bush? You missed your chance to impeach and convict a mad tyrant (bush). That doens't mean we must miss our chance to impeach and convict another rabid tyrant.

Stay on topic. Stop deflecting. I even added your comment to the OP. Consider it an honor.
Someone should stand trial every time a politician lies, but it will never happen. Every politician in America would be on trial.
I never believed that bullshit story about burying him at sea. How convenient.
After exposing the widespread torture, by same reporter, did anyone in the Bush administration resign?

Speaking of torture, doesn't this also expose the previous administrations lies about how the torture of certain individuals led to the whereabouts of BinnyBoy?

We're talking about the Tyrant and Decider Bush? You missed your chance to impeach and convict a mad tyrant (bush). That doens't mean we must miss our chance to impeach and convict another rabid tyrant.

Stay on topic. Stop deflecting. I even added your comment to the OP. Consider it an honor.

Your title called for him to resign. Neither man was a rabid tyrant. Impeachment/Removal should be saved for real criminals, like Nixon.
This demon should resign immediately (or be impeached) and then be put before Jury.

This is the same reporter that exposed Bush's overseas torture! Shall we let yet another tyrant escape impeachment and conviction?

Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has uncovered one of the biggest lies in modern American history

Seymour M. Hersh The Killing of Osama bin Laden LRB 21 May 2015

Here are the MSM talking points from CNN defending the Dear Leader Obama:
Was there a cover-up in bin Laden killing Opinion - CNN.com

There is so much more in Hersh’s article, and you can read the rest of it right here. The following is how Business Insider summarized some of the main points…

    • The White House’s “most blatant” lie was that Pakistan’s two most senior military officials were never informed of the mission, Hersh says.
    • While US officials say they found bin Laden by tracking his trusted courier, Hersh says they discovered his whereabouts from a former Pakistani intelligence officer who wanted the $25 million reward the US was offering.
    • The government claimed bin Laden was hiding out, but Hersh says the Pakistani intelligence agency had actually been holding him captive since 2006 to use him as leverage against Taliban and Al Qaeda activities in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
    • While the White House has said it would have taken bin Laden alive if it could have and that he was killed in a firefight, Hersh says that wasn’t the case. “There was no firefight as they moved into the compound; the ISI guards had gone,” Hersh wrote.
    • The article also takes issue with the White House’s claim that bin Laden was buried at sea in aservice that followed Islamic practices. “The remains, including his head, which had only a few bullet holes in it, were thrown into a body bag and, during the helicopter flight back to Jalalabad, some body parts were tossed out over the Hindu Kush mountains — or so the Seals claimed,” Hersh reported, citing his senior US intelligence official.


It turns out that much of what the American public was told about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden was a blatant lie.

According to Hersh, Osama bin Laden had been captured by Pakistan all the way back in 2006, and he was being held by the ISI as a prisoner at the Abbottabad compound that the Seals ultimately raided in 2011. In addition, Hersh says that the ISI and Pakistan’s military knew about the Seal raid in advance. Arrangements were made so that the Black Hawk helicopters could travel through Pakistani airspace safely, and the ISI guards at Osama bin Laden’s compound were pulled away before the Seals got there. And by that time, Osama bin Laden was reportedly in such bad health that he was essentially a cripple. There was no “firefight” at all – only a turkey shoot. Afterwards, Osama bin Laden’s body never made it to the USS Carl Vinson for a “burial at sea”. That was all just part of the cover story according to Hersh. Of course the White House and Obama’s lackeys at CNN are strongly denying all of this, and they will continue to deny the truth for as long as they possibly can. But there are individuals in the U.S. military and in the U.S. intelligence community that can come forward and tell us what really happened. Let us hope that at least some of those individuals still care enough about this country to do that.

Here is more from Hersh

At the Abbottabad compound ISI guards were posted around the clock to keep watch over bin Laden and his wives and children. They were under orders to leave as soon as they heard the rotors of the US helicopters. The town was dark: the electricity supply had been cut off on the orders of the ISI hours before the raid began. One of the Black Hawks crashed inside the walls of the compound, injuring many on board. ‘The guys knew the TOT [time on target] had to be tight because they would wake up the whole town going in,’ the retired official said. The cockpit of the crashed Black Hawk, with its communication and navigational gear, had to be destroyed by concussion grenades, and this would create a series of explosions and a fire visible for miles. Two Chinook helicopters had flown from Afghanistan to a nearby Pakistani intelligence base to provide logistical support, and one of them was immediately dispatched to Abbottabad. But because the helicopter had been equipped with a bladder loaded with extra fuel for the two Black Hawks, it first had to be reconfigured as a troop carrier. The crash of the Black Hawk and the need to fly in a replacement were nerve-wracking and time-consuming setbacks, but the Seals continued with their mission. There was no firefight as they moved into the compound; the ISI guards had gone. ‘Everyone in Pakistan has a gun and high-profile, wealthy folks like those who live in Abbottabad have armed bodyguards, and yet there were no weapons in the compound,’ the retired official pointed out. Had there been any opposition, the team would have been highly vulnerable. Instead, the retired official said, an ISI liaison officer flying with the Seals guided them into the darkened house and up a staircase to bin Laden’s quarters. The Seals had been warned by the Pakistanis that heavy steel doors blocked the stairwell on the first and second-floor landings; bin Laden’s rooms were on the third floor. The Seal squad used explosives to blow the doors open, without injuring anyone. One of bin Laden’s wives was screaming hysterically and a bullet – perhaps a stray round – struck her knee. Aside from those that hit bin Laden, no other shots were fired. (The Obama administration’s account would hold otherwise.)

After the raid, Obama was never supposed to go public with what had happened. Instead, about a week later a cover story about how bin Laden had been killed in a drone strike was supposed to be released to the public. Obama betrayed the Pakistanis for his own political gain. And the highly touted “burial at sea” of bin Laden never took place either

The Bin Laden Raid Was A Work Of Fiction And Barack Obama Should Immediately Resign Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind [/QUOTE]
Who was the unnamed retired official? A lot of people said maybe and probably.
Lying and fabricating to make Obama look good has been a hallmark of this administration. Recall how they described Bergdahl as having "served with honor." At least before the Army charged him with desertion.
Only a fool would buy what Obungle's is selling. He's been caught lying time after time after time after....
Never fails, when a lib is flummoxed they start screaming BBbbbuuuuutttttttt Booooooosh!!!!!!!!! Everytime

Let me refresh your memory, many members of the Bush Administration spoke out after Bin Laden was killed about how it was made possible because of the information they gleaned by torturing suspects. This story, if true, destroys them as well.
Never fails, when a lib is flummoxed they start screaming BBbbbuuuuutttttttt Booooooosh!!!!!!!!! Everytime

Let me refresh your memory, many members of the Bush Administration spoke out after Bin Laden was killed about how it was made possible because of the information they gleaned by torturing suspects. This story, if true, destroys them as well.

There ya go again with Bbbbbbbbbbbbuuuuuutttttttt Booooooooooosh!!!!!!!
Never fails, when a lib is flummoxed they start screaming BBbbbuuuuutttttttt Booooooosh!!!!!!!!! Everytime

Let me refresh your memory, many members of the Bush Administration spoke out after Bin Laden was killed about how it was made possible because of the information they gleaned by torturing suspects. This story, if true, destroys them as well.
Not necessarily. BUt even if so, so what? WHo cares? At this point what difference does it make?
Arent you otraged that Obama deliberately and blatantly lied about one of the most important military operations in order to bolster his reputation and and chances for re-election?

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