Puerto Rico....Ummm, President Trump Was Right...AGAIN!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Puerto Rico Disaster Relief Supplies Found In HIDDEN WAREHOUSE!


"A hidden warehouse in Puerto Rico was discovered containing massive amounts of disaster relief aid sent by the United States in between 2017-2018 as part of the effort to assist the victims of Hurricane Maria.

The survival aid, which included water and medicine, was hidden and unused for nearly two years to make President Trump look bad, until recent earthquakes in Puerto Rico prompted investigators to look into structural damages."

Chalk this up as MORE evidence of Democrats attempting to undermine the President of the United States.

It is even more despicable that the Democrats were willing to withhold water / medicine, to let the people of Puerto Rico continue to suffer, just to hurt the President!

CORRUPT DEMOCRATS: Puerto Rico Disaster Relief Supplies Found In HIDDEN WAREHOUSE! (VIDEO).
"Carmen Yulín Cruz, the far-left Democrat Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, previously stated that President Trump didn’t care about restoring the lives of Puerto Rican disaster victims.

“The President doesn’t care,” Mayor Cruz said in April 2019. “He has proven time and time again that he’s in this to look good. You know, he thinks this is about him. He never got it. When I pleaded and I asked him for help, he never got that this was about saving lives.”


This guy should be tarred, feathered, and 'run out' of the country 'on a rail'


President Trump has the guts to speak out (albeit sometimes in rather undiplomatic language) about dysfunctional people and places (such as the Associated State of Puerto Rico).

That's why "woke" people really, really, really "dislike" him. He bursts their bubbles about many people and places. They can never forgive him for destroying their illusions.
Leftists being leftists... no one should be surprised.

Can't wait to get to vote these idiots out.

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