Public sector unions


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010
Public sector unions need to cool it. They are getting physical and all hell will break loose if they don't back off. They are just foaming at the mouth because the country is not behind their pompass over compensated asses.
Public sector unions...the last to fall?

Violence isn't the answer and some public sector employees are responsible for our safety so they must be careful going on strike for sure. Is this getting violent?
Public sector unions need to cool it. They are getting physical and all hell will break loose if they don't back off. They are just foaming at the mouth because the country is not behind their pompass over compensated asses.
"Rambunctious" may wish to insult the collective "asses" of Wisconsin's public sector unions


to say that
"the country is not behind their pompass over compensated asses"
is somewhat
given that
in the English
the word
does not
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if i lived in wisconsin i would go to the capitol building and tell the squatters to leave. i would say loudly "this building doesn't belong just to you, it belongs to us all !"
now you have been asked to leave. stop disrupting everyone because of your own selfish needs and wants. go home.
and then i hope they get arrested, so we could enjoy the capitol again.
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Getting "physical"?


SEIU lynching a black man
WI loon assaulting a female for recording him
Dem calling for "bloody" streets
Violent riots in Greece, Spain, France, England b/c gov't benefits & employees cut

The left's drift towards violence is clear. It's gonna get worse I fear.

Thats a big difference. Right wingers are mostly self-reliant. So we don't get violent when the gov't cuts our benefits. Lefties are solely dependent on other peoples money to survive.

So to a right winger, gov't cuts are an inconvenience. To a lefty, it's a fight for survival.
I've been a union worker for around 30 years. I am not the problem. Teachers, police officers, paramedics, firefighters, road workers, garbage-men etc. are NOT the enemy. We pay taxes, work hard & try to support our families. Your hatred (read "jealous") of teachers, police officers, paramedics, firefighters, road workers and garbage-men blinds you to an obvious truth.

Ever since the creation of labor unions ALL workers have greatly benefitted.

Without unions we would not have a Department of Labor, child labor laws, minimum wage, overtime, 40 hour work week, etc.

U.S. Department of Labor - A Summary of Major DOL Laws
Public sector unions need to cool it. They are getting physical and all hell will break loose if they don't back off. They are just foaming at the mouth because the country is not behind their pompass over compensated asses.

Which cops will shoot the cops in the cops' unions?

Oh yeah, that's right we can call out the national guard to shoot down cops who won't toe the corporatists' line, I forgot.

Its like JP Morgan said:

"I have no fear of the working class because I know I can always hire one worker to murder another"
Did someone say 'violent tendencies of leftists in America'??? Radicals on both sides are pretty idiotic. Guess the question is if you think the skinheads or sheethead(kkk) types are more violent than the hippies and commune lovers.

Unions were the precursor to tons of things. Want to limit how many straight hours your doctor works before he operates on you, get a union involved.

Problem is Americs has sunk faster then union contracts have been rewritten. Of course no one wants to give up money. Hell, teachers probably should be paid more than wall street types come to think of it lol. At least a good teacher produces something besides imaginary worth.
You're in a trade union....Apples and atom bombs.

Hmmm....I work for a PUBLIC utility. So keep paying your electric bill.
Doesn't matter...IBEW is still a trade union.

Y'all want to sell yourselves to the lowest common denominator, that's your problem.

And you're the one who thinks teachers, police officers, paramedics, firefighters, road workers, garbage-men etc are overpaid. :lol:
Hmmm....I work for a PUBLIC utility. So keep paying your electric bill.
Doesn't matter...IBEW is still a trade union.

Y'all want to sell yourselves to the lowest common denominator, that's your problem.

And you're the one who thinks teachers, police officers, paramedics, firefighters, road workers, garbage-men etc are overpaid. :lol:
When did I say that?

BTW, many road crews and trash collectors are private operators.
Doesn't matter...IBEW is still a trade union.

Y'all want to sell yourselves to the lowest common denominator, that's your problem.

And you're the one who thinks teachers, police officers, paramedics, firefighters, road workers, garbage-men etc are overpaid. :lol:
When did I say that?

BTW, many road crews and trash collectors are private operators.

Road crews are not "private operators" unless they have been sub-contracted to do major road repairs. I know since I have hired them from sealed bids when I was a county official.

Trash collectors are only private operators in unincorporated areas. All municipal trash collectors are either public employees or sub-contracted with certain employment contract obligations.

And if you are NOT saying that teachers, police officers, paramedics, firefighters, road workers, garbage-men etc are overpaid then what are you bitching about? :confused:
And you're the one who thinks teachers, police officers, paramedics, firefighters, road workers, garbage-men etc are overpaid. :lol:
When did I say that?

BTW, many road crews and trash collectors are private operators.

Road crews are not "private operators" unless they have been sub-contracted to do major road repairs. I know since I have hired them from sealed bids when I was a county official.

Trash collectors are only private operators in unincorporated areas. All municipal trash collectors are either public employees or sub-contracted with certain employment contract obligations.

And if you are NOT saying that teachers, police officers, paramedics, firefighters, road workers, garbage-men etc are overpaid then what are you bitching about? :confused:
Many of those road crews and builders are in fact private operations and have been contracted to do the work.

Trash collectors are private contractors in lots of incorporated areas, like my brother's home in Savage, MN....Never heard of Waste Management or BFI, have you?

My problem with bureaucrat unions is that they've become defacto taxpayer-funded money laundering operations in support of one political party...I'll bet a c-note to a dog turd that if said party were the GOP, LP or CP you'd be shitting yourself.
When did I say that?

BTW, many road crews and trash collectors are private operators.

Road crews are not "private operators" unless they have been sub-contracted to do major road repairs. I know since I have hired them from sealed bids when I was a county official.

Trash collectors are only private operators in unincorporated areas. All municipal trash collectors are either public employees or sub-contracted with certain employment contract obligations.

And if you are NOT saying that teachers, police officers, paramedics, firefighters, road workers, garbage-men etc are overpaid then what are you bitching about? :confused:
Many of those road crews and builders are in fact private operations and have been contracted to do the work.

Trash collectors are private contractors in lots of incorporated areas, like my brother's home in Savage, MN....Never heard of Waste Management or BFI, have you?

My problem with bureaucrat unions is that they've become defacto taxpayer-funded money laundering operations in support of one political party...I'll bet a c-note to a dog turd that if said party were the GOP, LP or CP you'd be shitting yourself.

Your so right.

Waste Mangement does pick up down here in Melbourne Fl and did so in Raleigh NC when I lived there. They are one big operation and work all over the country.
Was watching Stossel the other day and he was talking about Sand Point, GA. They privatized all their public works. They now get it done faster, better and cheaper. The taxpayers are quite happy.
Road crews are not "private operators" unless they have been sub-contracted to do major road repairs. I know since I have hired them from sealed bids when I was a county official.

Trash collectors are only private operators in unincorporated areas. All municipal trash collectors are either public employees or sub-contracted with certain employment contract obligations.

And if you are NOT saying that teachers, police officers, paramedics, firefighters, road workers, garbage-men etc are overpaid then what are you bitching about? :confused:
Many of those road crews and builders are in fact private operations and have been contracted to do the work.

Trash collectors are private contractors in lots of incorporated areas, like my brother's home in Savage, MN....Never heard of Waste Management or BFI, have you?

My problem with bureaucrat unions is that they've become defacto taxpayer-funded money laundering operations in support of one political party...I'll bet a c-note to a dog turd that if said party were the GOP, LP or CP you'd be shitting yourself.

Your so right.

Waste Mangement does pick up down here in Melbourne Fl and did so in Raleigh NC when I lived there. They are one big operation and work all over the country.
Was watching Stossel the other day and he was talking about Sand Point, GA. They privatized all their public works. They now get it done faster, better and cheaper. The taxpayers are quite happy.

And yet Waste Management is UNION. :clap2:

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