Proud boys guy gets 22 years in jail and he was not even at the January 6 protest.. BLM leaders get no prison time and their rioters killed 25 people

Remember When?.jpg
Black Lives Matter didn't try to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States of America, they were legally protesting police violence against black people.

No member of Black Lives Matter was arrested for any violent acts. All of the violence at the BLM protests was caused either by the police or the right wing terrorists, calling themselves "patriot militias". Or opportunitistic gangs of looters and anarchists looking to cause trouble and have black people blamed for it.

This is EXACTLY what happened during the 1960's Civil Rights Protests. Police attacked and the marchers, and then blamed the violence on the Civil Rights movements. Called Dr. King a "commie" and and a troublemaker. They tapped his phones and called him a "Communist".

When will you ever learn from your mistakes???? Why do you keep reliving violence against racial minorities every 50 or 60 years?????
What a load of bullshit.

You're a fuckin commie, aintcha?
Those involved in the Floyd riots got some pretty stiff sentences…7, 9, 10 years, 25 for a guy that shot someone. No one plotted or planned for a riot, so who would you arrest?

Maybe your “patriots“ shouldn’t have planned for sedition and to overturn an election. I don’t know what is more stupid - defending them or refusing to comprehend that there is a difference.
Here’s the bottom line something you keep on avoiding. Although some BLM rioters went to jail. (I suspect those who got prison sentences were extraordinarily , violent.)

Ok by the way you just said one the BLM protesters shot somebody. Well, not just that ?’, they murdered 25 people in one summer . This hypocrisy is too much . ….

well not a single one of the January 6 protesters shot anybody , another undeniable massive difference.

It is your side engaging in nonsense like this fantasy that the January 6 protesters had any shot at “overturning the government”, for crying out loud they would’ve needed to have an army with them

It is blatantly obvious the hypocrisy … January 6 protesters who did nothing but illegally walk around the capitol building received multiple years in jail ….that is cruel and unusual punishment that is against the Bill of Rights.

Now the same people who did the same thing the BLM protesters in 2020 who illegally walked around government buildings like police buildings that were eventually burn down by the way. They burn down the Minnesota police station in 2020. But those wearing blm shirts who simply walked around the police station doing nothing but walking around. Why didn’t they get three years in jail?

You are providing your opinion on what you think is the difference between a BLM protester, and a January 6 protester. The law of this country and moral integrity demand justice, sir. And it is blatantly obvious that the January 6 protesters are being mistreated by a left-wing justice system. I believe that these errors will be corrected by higher courts.
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People wearing BLM T-shirts caused absolute chaos they killed people in the summer of 2020. They attacked huge numbers of people caused billions of dollars worth of damage.

The January 6 protesters killed not a single person not a single one. At worst they got into violent fist fights, but that was only a small portion of them. They did not loot the capitol building.

But certainly looking at this type of political violence from both sides(it overwhelmingly comes from the far left,), you really have to think clearly, and what’s best for the future of this country. Looking at how all other countries have handled these issues and how the United States has handled violent labor disputes in the late 19th and early 20th century. One would have to be an absolute monster, an evil satanic beast to believe that somebody who wasn’t even involved in the BLM riots or the January 6 protests but was perhaps a proud boys leader or a BLM leader should have to go to jail for 22 years.

If a BLM rioter or a January 6 rioter punched a cop in the face. There’s no way they should ever get 22 years in jail. That is the definition of cruel and unusual punishment.

BLM riders attempted to attack and they did attack government buildings attempting to overthrow law and order. But neither group had tanks or airplanes with them or had a 1 million man army….. only somebody who is stupid or evil, motivated by the devil would lie and say they could “overthrow the government.”

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I’m a critic of Black Lives Matter, but if I saw a young black man clock a police officer in the face, and I believe he should get 22 years in jail …that would be evil. I don’t think a Black Lives Matter young man, a young man wearing a BLM T-shirt, who viciously attacked police should ever get 22 years in jail. I’m a Catholic. . You see the time doesn’t fit the crime.

For the left-wing people in the US message board …if you think for a moment that a Black Lives Matter protester, who entered a government building and then walked around the Minnesota police building like many of them did, and that they deserve five years in jail like the January 6 protesters got for simply walking around the building …that’s pure evil. We need change in this country country.
What is your point? Are you saying that the BLM protestors were not punished as opposed to J6 protestors? Or, that the BLM were given lighter sentences for the same offense as the J6?

And, who are you blaming for BLM not getting punished? Biden? The Dems? Do you remember who the president was in the summer of 2020? Why didn't the orange douchebag's attorney general Barr not prosecute them?

Are you saying...gasp!.... Barr was secretly pro-BLM?
Those involved in the Floyd riots got some pretty stiff sentences…7, 9, 10 years, 25 for a guy that shot someone. No one plotted or planned for a riot, so who would you arrest?

Maybe your “patriots“ shouldn’t have planned for sedition and to overturn an election. I don’t know what is more stupid - defending them or refusing to comprehend that there is a difference.
There was no "sedition" or "insurrection", that is the fake narrative that you and all the other minions have swallowed hook link and sinker. We are losing this country, America is a concept and the Democrats are corrupting that concept.
Only if you're a MAGA loon living in an alternative reality echo chamber media bubble where reality is optional and barely relevant.
Excuse me for laughing at leftards talking about reality.
Just curious. Why has this thread been moved to current events? J6 trials and results are as political as it gets.
Maybe you should ask why the original thread by Synthaholic was closed as was the OP you copied.

Some mod must have had 100 report button pushing MAGAtards flooding their inbox and that mod caved in to the OP moron of this thread..
Here’s the bottom line something you keep on avoiding. Although some BLM rioters went to jail. (I suspect those who got prison sentences were extraordinarily , violent.)

Ok by the way you just said one the BLM protesters shot somebody. Well, not just that ?’, they murdered 25 people in one summer . This hypocrisy is too much . ….

well not a single one of the January 6 protesters shot anybody , another undeniable massive difference.

It is your side engaging in nonsense like this fantasy that the January 6 protesters had any shot at “overturning the government”, for crying out loud they would’ve needed to have an army with them

It is blatantly obvious the hypocrisy … January 6 protesters who did nothing but illegally walk around the capitol building received multiple years in jail ….that is cruel and unusual punishment that is against the Bill of Rights.

Now the same people who did the same thing the BLM protesters in 2020 who illegally walked around government buildings like police buildings that were eventually burn down by the way. They burn down the Minnesota police station in 2020. But those wearing blm shirts who simply walked around the police station doing nothing but walking around. Why didn’t they get three years in jail?

You are providing your opinion on what you think is the difference between a BLM protester, and a January 6 protester. The law of this country and moral integrity demand justice, sir. And it is blatantly obvious that the January 6 protesters are being mistreated by a left-wing justice system. I believe that these errors will be corrected by higher courts.
So, who are you blaming for for the BLM protesters not getting stiffer sentences? Biden who was not president or Trump, who was?
There was no "sedition" or "insurrection", that is the fake narrative that you and all the other minions have swallowed hook link and sinker. We are losing this country, America is a concept and the Democrats are corrupting that concept.
There is PROOF of this Attempted Interruption of a Peaceful Transfer of Power.
And you deny it.

There is NO PROOF of Fraud in the 2020 election, Yet you buy into that Big Lie without exception.

You are fucked.
Memes “ intellectual dishonesty”, personal attacks, evil, off-topic post, ignoring murders by BLM , ignoring the billions of dollars of damage Black Lives Matter cause of the summer of 2020 alone, ignoring the blatantly, obvious fact that BLM protesters shot people while the January 6 protesters shot nobody, and word games all a part of the demented viewpoints of far left-wing Democrats that support Joe Biden, and that support the January 6 Showtrial…

And far lefties ignoring of the original post that said a young black man who punched a cop in the face shd not get 10 years in jail. A January 6 protester who punched a cop should not get 10 years in jail, ignoring the original post which said a young black man who broke the law and illegally walked around the government building just like the January 6 processors did you not get three years in jail like the shaman did. .. and that’s where the word play comes in the “intellectual” dishonesty(apparently Biden supporters aren’t very smart though) itt

This is completely insane what is happening in America just some years ago we allowed the KKK , Neo Nazis and the Jewish defense league to march and protest . I disagree with those groups but it is there a right to hold a protest. What happened to free speech in this country.????
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