Prosecutor in 2019 Epstein Case Is Maurene Comey, Daughter of Fired FBI Director James Comey

uh-huh. sure.

Federal prosecutors in Miami initially drafted a 53-page indictment against Mr. Epstein. But in 2008, those prosecutors — led by Mr. Acosta, then the region’s United States attorney, and now Mr. Trump’s labor secretary — struck a deal with Mr. Epstein’s lawyers that allowed him to avoid federal charges. Instead, Mr. Epstein pleaded guilty to state charges of soliciting a minor for prostitution.
Prosecutors did not tell the victims about the deal they made with Mr. Epstein until after a judge approved it — even though federal law requires victims to be informed of major developments involving their complaints.
What is the connection to the Trump administration?
Mr. Acosta, whom Mr. Trump nominated as labor secretary in 2017, has faced intense scrutiny for his role in Mr. Epstein’s deal to avoid prosecution, which has been widely criticized as shockingly lenient.

A series of investigative stories by The Herald last year revealed that Mr. Acosta was personally involved in the negotiations. He met privately with one of Mr. Epstein’s lawyers, who was also one of Mr. Acosta’s former colleagues.

In subsequent weeks, prosecutors from Mr. Acosta’s office gave Mr. Epstein’s lawyers an unusual amount of control over the terms of the plea deal, The Herald reported.

“Thank you for the commitment you made to me,’’ Mr. Epstein’s lawyer wrote in a letter to Mr. Acosta after their meeting, noting that Mr. Acosta had assured him that he would not contact “any of the identified individuals, potential witnesses or potential civil claimants,” The Herald reported.
The president’s relationship with Mr. Epstein is less clear.

A lawyer for Mr. Trump has denied that the president and Mr. Epstein had a social relationship, despite Mr. Trump’s comments in 2002 to New York magazine.
Why the Trump White House Is Caught Up in the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal

oh, & as a reminder... your pussy grabbing president, gloated that he would invade the miss teen usa contestants' dressing room... unannounced... to deliberately catch them naked to 'inspect' them. i was a listener of the howard stern show for years back in the day & i remember donny's interviews & ya.... he did that.

miss teen usa were 15 & 16 yr olds.

Dont forget about wild bill flying out to the island with epstein.

why would i forget about slick willy? never voted for him... so there is that. & don't YOU forget about one of donny's cheerleaders, alan dershowitz... oh hell, & donny himself this is from 2002.

Epstein likes to tell people that he’s a loner, a man who’s never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery - Nymag

In other words, Lefty Left Tard here thinks its cool for Bill, Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama to have sex with Children and have homosexual relations with each other and children.

This dumb thread belongs in the flame zone.

Barrack Obama has never been friends with Epstein, and has never visited his island. So you're deliberately lying about him.

There is no evidence that Bill or Hillary every did anything with anyone while on the island. But Trump has been sued for beating and raping a 13 year old girl, and she has a witness who filed a sworn affidavit to that effect. The Clintons know that EVERYTHING they do ends up being investigated so they're pretty careful about doing anything that's illegal.

But Trump has been flouting the law all of his life, and getting away with it. He's already been sued for beating and raping one of Epstein's 13 year old victims. She filed that Affidavit of a witness to the attack.

You call yourself a good Christian but here you are bearing false witness against Obama, make accusations against the Clintons, and standing up for a child rapist.
Obama Bin Sucking ISIS DEEK, accepted money from

I was wondering. Is this the Fat Thread where Fat Girls tell us how much they hate everyone while stuffing their face with pie and complaining about their weight, and while typing dribble about Orange Man Bad on a Message Board?

And why is Mike Obama a man married to Obama Bin Lying a man?


I’m sorry. I failed to understand what you’re blithering about here.

Trump gave the guy who gave Epstein that sweetheart deal, the Secretary of Labour job. Rewarding him for his loyalty to the wealthy and powerful men Epstein provided “services” for and making Donnie the Accused Child Rapist, look like a hero.

And if your trying to imply that only fat and ugly women object to men like Trump and Epstein’s self-admitted abuse of women of any age, think again asshole!

Three women have credibly accused Trump of violent assault and rape, including his first wife who filed an affidavit that he violently beat her, ripped her hair out of her head and raped her because her plastic surgeon botched his hair transplant.

More than 20 women have credibly accused Trump of sexual assault and Trump admits that if he sees a woman he finds attractive he assaults them without even asking.

While Trump says they “let him do it” because he’s a star, the women tell a far different story. They fought him off, told others it happened, but didn’t press charges because they knew he’d deny it vehemently, and then attack them, and with his wealth and power, nothing would happen to him, but they’d be destroyed just by making the accusation.

Isn’t that exactly what happened to Jean Carroll recently?
Dont forget about wild bill flying out to the island with epstein.

why would i forget about slick willy? never voted for him... so there is that. & don't YOU forget about one of donny's cheerleaders, alan dershowitz... oh hell, & donny himself this is from 2002.

Epstein likes to tell people that he’s a loner, a man who’s never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery - Nymag

In other words, Lefty Left Tard here thinks its cool for Bill, Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama to have sex with Children and have homosexual relations with each other and children.

This dumb thread belongs in the flame zone.

Barrack Obama has never been friends with Epstein, and has never visited his island. So you're deliberately lying about him.

There is no evidence that Bill or Hillary every did anything with anyone while on the island. But Trump has been sued for beating and raping a 13 year old girl, and she has a witness who filed a sworn affidavit to that effect. The Clintons know that EVERYTHING they do ends up being investigated so they're pretty careful about doing anything that's illegal.

But Trump has been flouting the law all of his life, and getting away with it. He's already been sued for beating and raping one of Epstein's 13 year old victims. She filed that Affidavit of a witness to the attack.

You call yourself a good Christian but here you are bearing false witness against Obama, make accusations against the Clintons, and standing up for a child rapist.
Obama Bin Sucking ISIS DEEK, accepted money from

I was wondering. Is this the Fat Thread where Fat Girls tell us how much they hate everyone while stuffing their face with pie and complaining about their weight, and while typing dribble about Orange Man Bad on a Message Board?

And why is Mike Obama a man married to Obama Bin Lying a man?


I’m sorry. I failed to understand what you’re blithering about here.

Trump gave the guy who gave Epstein that sweetheart deal, the Secretary of Labour job. Rewarding him for his loyalty to the wealthy and powerful men Epstein provided “services” for and making Donnie the Accused Child Rapist, look like a hero.

And if your trying to imply that only fat and ugly women object to men like Trump and Epstein’s self-admitted abuse of women of any age, think again asshole!

Three women have credibly accused Trump of violent assault and rape, including his first wife who filed an affidavit that he violently beat her, ripped her hair out of her head and raped her because her plastic surgeon botched his hair transplant.

More than 20 women have credibly accused Trump of sexual assault and Trump admits that if he sees a woman he finds attractive he assaults them without even asking.

While Trump says they “let him do it” because he’s a star, the women tell a far different story. They fought him off, told others it happened, but didn’t press charges because they knew he’d deny it vehemently, and then attack them, and with his wealth and power, nothing would happen to him, but they’d be destroyed just by making the accusation.

Isn’t that exactly what happened to Jean Carroll recently?

You Left out the Magic Muslim's Abuse and Hatred of Women, and his funding of International Terrorism that financed Mass Graves and Sex Slaves. He loved him some Epstein money.

You also forgot to mention The Magic Muslim's Political Support for Child Prostitution, Human Trafficking, and Slave Labor of Women and Children.

But back to you Phatty McPhatty.

Nobody understands what you are Dribbling about. That is the whole point.

You were fat 20 years ago, and you are still fat and stupid today.

Last edited:
The fix is already in! This is going to be a witch hunt aimed at President Trump by the SDNY DA. They'll ignore the Clinton's involvement with Epstein and focus on Trump who actually helped the prosecutor in the 2009 case against Epstein. Comeys daughter should refuse herself if she focuses on the president due Trump firing her dad.

Prosecutor in 2019 Epstein Case Is Maurene Comey, Daughter of Fired FBI Director James Comey -- Who Participated in 2017 Pussy Hat March are worried for Epstein.
No kidding! What is this? The Republicans are now the party of pedophiles?

Gosh I sure hope poor persecuted Jeffrey gets the respect and care he deserves. I'm sure his good friend 'grab em by the pussy' Donnie Trump will do what he can to help.

I hope the man burns in hell. 13 year old girls. He got away with it once. Will the rich white men in charge let him get away with it again?

My guess is that the FBI and Comey Jr. will protect Bill Clinton from any potential crimes just like they protected Hillary from her crimes.
Right...the all powerful Clintons. :71:
Can you say conflict of interest!!!!!...... apparently the fix is already in!....... This is going to be a witch hunt aimed at President Trump by the SDNY DA. They'll ignore the Clinton's involvement with Epstein and focus on Trump who actually helped the prosecutor in the 2009 case against Epstein. Comeys daughter should refuse herself if she focuses on the president due Trump firing her dad.

Prosecutor in 2019 Epstein Case Is Maurene Comey, Daughter of Fired FBI Director James Comey -- Who Participated in 2017 Pussy Hat March

the CONflict of interest is the dude who got epstein a fluff 'sentence' then went to work in donny's administration.
8 years later. You just gotta get one of those crystal balls.
Can you say conflict of interest!!!!!...... apparently the fix is already in!....... This is going to be a witch hunt aimed at President Trump by the SDNY DA. They'll ignore the Clinton's involvement with Epstein and focus on Trump who actually helped the prosecutor in the 2009 case against Epstein. Comeys daughter should refuse herself if she focuses on the president due Trump firing her dad.

Prosecutor in 2019 Epstein Case Is Maurene Comey, Daughter of Fired FBI Director James Comey -- Who Participated in 2017 Pussy Hat March

the CONflict of interest is the dude who got epstein a fluff 'sentence' then went to work in donny's administration.
8 years later. You just gotta get one of those crystal balls.
I bought one of them there Crystal Balls. It kept telling me Hillary in a Landslide.

Totally useless and I use it as a paper weight now.
uh-huh. sure.

Federal prosecutors in Miami initially drafted a 53-page indictment against Mr. Epstein. But in 2008, those prosecutors — led by Mr. Acosta, then the region’s United States attorney, and now Mr. Trump’s labor secretary — struck a deal with Mr. Epstein’s lawyers that allowed him to avoid federal charges. Instead, Mr. Epstein pleaded guilty to state charges of soliciting a minor for prostitution.
Prosecutors did not tell the victims about the deal they made with Mr. Epstein until after a judge approved it — even though federal law requires victims to be informed of major developments involving their complaints.
What is the connection to the Trump administration?
Mr. Acosta, whom Mr. Trump nominated as labor secretary in 2017, has faced intense scrutiny for his role in Mr. Epstein’s deal to avoid prosecution, which has been widely criticized as shockingly lenient.

A series of investigative stories by The Herald last year revealed that Mr. Acosta was personally involved in the negotiations. He met privately with one of Mr. Epstein’s lawyers, who was also one of Mr. Acosta’s former colleagues.

In subsequent weeks, prosecutors from Mr. Acosta’s office gave Mr. Epstein’s lawyers an unusual amount of control over the terms of the plea deal, The Herald reported.

“Thank you for the commitment you made to me,’’ Mr. Epstein’s lawyer wrote in a letter to Mr. Acosta after their meeting, noting that Mr. Acosta had assured him that he would not contact “any of the identified individuals, potential witnesses or potential civil claimants,” The Herald reported.
The president’s relationship with Mr. Epstein is less clear.

A lawyer for Mr. Trump has denied that the president and Mr. Epstein had a social relationship, despite Mr. Trump’s comments in 2002 to New York magazine.
Why the Trump White House Is Caught Up in the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal

oh, & as a reminder... your pussy grabbing president, gloated that he would invade the miss teen usa contestants' dressing room... unannounced... to deliberately catch them naked to 'inspect' them. i was a listener of the howard stern show for years back in the day & i remember donny's interviews & ya.... he did that.

miss teen usa were 15 & 16 yr olds.

Dont forget about wild bill flying out to the island with epstein.

why would i forget about slick willy? never voted for him... so there is that. & don't YOU forget about one of donny's cheerleaders, alan dershowitz... oh hell, & donny himself this is from 2002.

Epstein likes to tell people that he’s a loner, a man who’s never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery - Nymag

In other words, Lefty Left Tard here thinks its cool for Bill, Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama to have sex with Children and have homosexual relations with each other and children.

This dumb thread belongs in the flame zone.

Barrack Obama has never been friends with Epstein, and has never visited his island. So you're deliberately lying about him.

There is no evidence that Bill or Hillary every did anything with anyone while on the island. But Trump has been sued for beating and raping a 13 year old girl, and she has a witness who filed a sworn affidavit to that effect. The Clintons know that EVERYTHING they do ends up being investigated so they're pretty careful about doing anything that's illegal.

But Trump has been flouting the law all of his life, and getting away with it. He's already been sued for beating and raping one of Epstein's 13 year old victims. She filed that Affidavit of a witness to the attack.

You call yourself a good Christian but here you are bearing false witness against Obama, make accusations against the Clintons, and standing up for a child rapist.
Obama Bin Sucking ISIS DEEK, accepted money from

I was wondering. Is this the Fat Thread where Fat Girls tell us how much they hate everyone while stuffing their face with pie and complaining about their weight, and while typing dribble about Orange Man Bad on a Message Board?

And why is Mike Obama a man married to Obama Bin Lying a man?


I’m sorry. I failed to understand what you’re blithering about here.

Trump gave the guy who gave Epstein that sweetheart deal, his of Secretary of Labour. Rewarding him for his loyalty and making Donnie the Accused Child Rapist, look like a hero.
uh-huh. sure.

Federal prosecutors in Miami initially drafted a 53-page indictment against Mr. Epstein. But in 2008, those prosecutors — led by Mr. Acosta, then the region’s United States attorney, and now Mr. Trump’s labor secretary — struck a deal with Mr. Epstein’s lawyers that allowed him to avoid federal charges. Instead, Mr. Epstein pleaded guilty to state charges of soliciting a minor for prostitution.
Prosecutors did not tell the victims about the deal they made with Mr. Epstein until after a judge approved it — even though federal law requires victims to be informed of major developments involving their complaints.
What is the connection to the Trump administration?
Mr. Acosta, whom Mr. Trump nominated as labor secretary in 2017, has faced intense scrutiny for his role in Mr. Epstein’s deal to avoid prosecution, which has been widely criticized as shockingly lenient.

A series of investigative stories by The Herald last year revealed that Mr. Acosta was personally involved in the negotiations. He met privately with one of Mr. Epstein’s lawyers, who was also one of Mr. Acosta’s former colleagues.

In subsequent weeks, prosecutors from Mr. Acosta’s office gave Mr. Epstein’s lawyers an unusual amount of control over the terms of the plea deal, The Herald reported.

“Thank you for the commitment you made to me,’’ Mr. Epstein’s lawyer wrote in a letter to Mr. Acosta after their meeting, noting that Mr. Acosta had assured him that he would not contact “any of the identified individuals, potential witnesses or potential civil claimants,” The Herald reported.
The president’s relationship with Mr. Epstein is less clear.

A lawyer for Mr. Trump has denied that the president and Mr. Epstein had a social relationship, despite Mr. Trump’s comments in 2002 to New York magazine.
Why the Trump White House Is Caught Up in the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal

oh, & as a reminder... your pussy grabbing president, gloated that he would invade the miss teen usa contestants' dressing room... unannounced... to deliberately catch them naked to 'inspect' them. i was a listener of the howard stern show for years back in the day & i remember donny's interviews & ya.... he did that.

miss teen usa were 15 & 16 yr olds.

Dont forget about wild bill flying out to the island with epstein.

why would i forget about slick willy? never voted for him... so there is that. & don't YOU forget about one of donny's cheerleaders, alan dershowitz... oh hell, & donny himself.

Epstein likes to tell people that he’s a loner, a man who’s never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery - Nymag

What did orange man do?

The same thing Bill did, he was friends with Epstein.

Sent from my iPhone using
In Trump’s world, art of the deal, everyone is a ‘friend’, until they aren’t.
At the time he said he was a ‘friend’, he was an acquaintance only. Once a visitor to the Club BEFORE any court case came against Epstein, for trying to approach a young girl at the club, Trump had him thrown out and barred from the Club. He was a cooperative witness for the prosecutor in Epstein’s case. And it was the very same players and firm that pushed the dossier collusion nonsense that tried to push the Epstein/Trump connection, without any evidence. He was nothing more than a casual acquaintance, due to living on the same small social island.

Epstein was Trump's NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR, and they shared a mutual affinity for very young girls. He has publically stated that Epstein was a "great guy", who lived a really "fun life", and with whom he shared an affinity for young women.
the CONflict of interest is the dude who got epstein a fluff 'sentence' then went to work in donny's administration.
He didn’t. The prosecutors down here did.

Oh, and a reminder Trump banned Epstein from his club.

uh-huh. sure.

Federal prosecutors in Miami initially drafted a 53-page indictment against Mr. Epstein. But in 2008, those prosecutors — led by Mr. Acosta, then the region’s United States attorney, and now Mr. Trump’s labor secretary — struck a deal with Mr. Epstein’s lawyers that allowed him to avoid federal charges. Instead, Mr. Epstein pleaded guilty to state charges of soliciting a minor for prostitution.
Prosecutors did not tell the victims about the deal they made with Mr. Epstein until after a judge approved it — even though federal law requires victims to be informed of major developments involving their complaints.
What is the connection to the Trump administration?
Mr. Acosta, whom Mr. Trump nominated as labor secretary in 2017, has faced intense scrutiny for his role in Mr. Epstein’s deal to avoid prosecution, which has been widely criticized as shockingly lenient.

A series of investigative stories by The Herald last year revealed that Mr. Acosta was personally involved in the negotiations. He met privately with one of Mr. Epstein’s lawyers, who was also one of Mr. Acosta’s former colleagues.

In subsequent weeks, prosecutors from Mr. Acosta’s office gave Mr. Epstein’s lawyers an unusual amount of control over the terms of the plea deal, The Herald reported.

“Thank you for the commitment you made to me,’’ Mr. Epstein’s lawyer wrote in a letter to Mr. Acosta after their meeting, noting that Mr. Acosta had assured him that he would not contact “any of the identified individuals, potential witnesses or potential civil claimants,” The Herald reported.
The president’s relationship with Mr. Epstein is less clear.

A lawyer for Mr. Trump has denied that the president and Mr. Epstein had a social relationship, despite Mr. Trump’s comments in 2002 to New York magazine.
Why the Trump White House Is Caught Up in the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal

oh, & as a reminder... your pussy grabbing president, gloated that he would invade the miss teen usa contestants' dressing room... unannounced... to deliberately catch them naked to 'inspect' them. i was a listener of the howard stern show for years back in the day & i remember donny's interviews & ya.... he did that.

miss teen usa were 15 & 16 yr olds.

Dont forget about wild bill flying out to the island with epstein.

why would i forget about slick willy? never voted for him... so there is that. & don't YOU forget about one of donny's cheerleaders, alan dershowitz... oh hell, & donny himself this is from 2002.

Epstein likes to tell people that he’s a loner, a man who’s never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery - Nymag
wasn't Dershowitz one of Epsteins lawyers

yep - along with ken starr. however, dershowitz is also being sued by a victim of epstein's, claiming he slandered her as part of the cover up & is also claiming he was an active participant in the sex trafficking.
Can you say conflict of interest!!!!!...... apparently the fix is already in!....... This is going to be a witch hunt aimed at President Trump by the SDNY DA. They'll ignore the Clinton's involvement with Epstein and focus on Trump who actually helped the prosecutor in the 2009 case against Epstein. Comeys daughter should refuse herself if she focuses on the president due Trump firing her dad.

Prosecutor in 2019 Epstein Case Is Maurene Comey, Daughter of Fired FBI Director James Comey -- Who Participated in 2017 Pussy Hat March

the CONflict of interest is the dude who got epstein a fluff 'sentence' then went to work in donny's administration.
He didn’t. The prosecutors down here did.

Oh, and a reminder Trump banned Epstein from his club.

uh-huh. sure.

Federal prosecutors in Miami initially drafted a 53-page indictment against Mr. Epstein. But in 2008, those prosecutors — led by Mr. Acosta, then the region’s United States attorney, and now Mr. Trump’s labor secretary — struck a deal with Mr. Epstein’s lawyers that allowed him to avoid federal charges. Instead, Mr. Epstein pleaded guilty to state charges of soliciting a minor for prostitution.
Prosecutors did not tell the victims about the deal they made with Mr. Epstein until after a judge approved it — even though federal law requires victims to be informed of major developments involving their complaints.
What is the connection to the Trump administration?
Mr. Acosta, whom Mr. Trump nominated as labor secretary in 2017, has faced intense scrutiny for his role in Mr. Epstein’s deal to avoid prosecution, which has been widely criticized as shockingly lenient.

A series of investigative stories by The Herald last year revealed that Mr. Acosta was personally involved in the negotiations. He met privately with one of Mr. Epstein’s lawyers, who was also one of Mr. Acosta’s former colleagues.

In subsequent weeks, prosecutors from Mr. Acosta’s office gave Mr. Epstein’s lawyers an unusual amount of control over the terms of the plea deal, The Herald reported.

“Thank you for the commitment you made to me,’’ Mr. Epstein’s lawyer wrote in a letter to Mr. Acosta after their meeting, noting that Mr. Acosta had assured him that he would not contact “any of the identified individuals, potential witnesses or potential civil claimants,” The Herald reported.
The president’s relationship with Mr. Epstein is less clear.

A lawyer for Mr. Trump has denied that the president and Mr. Epstein had a social relationship, despite Mr. Trump’s comments in 2002 to New York magazine.
Why the Trump White House Is Caught Up in the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal

i am sure donny barred him because of the bad PR it would bring....

oh, & as a reminder... your pussy grabbing president, gloated that he would invade the miss teen usa contestants' dressing room... unannounced... to deliberately catch them naked to 'inspect' them. i was a listener of the howard stern show for years back in the day & i remember donny's interviews & ya.... he did that.

miss teen usa were 15 & 16 yr olds.

Bull crap. It was anonymous sources to buzzfeed. People being paid to make fake accusations or writers trying to push an agenda. Even Mueller called them out. Over and over they have made accusations they can’t back up with facts and been found out, through evidence, to be bogus, multiple times.

Miami Herald’s Julie Brown receives Polk Award for ‘Perversion of Justice’ stories | Miami Herald
Miami Herald’s Julie Brown receives Polk Award for ‘Perversion of Justice’ stories
By David J. Neal
February 19, 2019 03:36 PM

Miami Herald investigative reporter Julie K. Brown has received a prestigious George Polk Award for Perversion of Justice, a series of stories and videos examining the plea deal given to affluent Palm Beach sex abuser Jeffrey Epstein.

The series by Brown and visual journalist Emily Michot was honored in the Justice Reporting category, the same category in which Brown was honored in 2014 for stories on the brutal, sometimes fatal mistreatment of Florida prison inmates with mental illnesses.

Perversion of Justice included on-the-record interviews with some of Epstein’s previously unidentified victims, their accounts of serial sexual abuse in Epstein’s waterfront mansion a decade earlier and their reactions to a plea deal that saw Epstein do no prison time. The stories revealed behind-the-scenes communications between Epstein’s legal team and the South Florida U.S. attorney’s office, led at the time by Alexander Acosta, who is now President Donald Trump’s secretary of labor.

Emails and other communications showed a concerted effort to dispose of the case without alerting victims — or the public — until it was too late to object. The federal Crime Victims Rights Act stipulates that victims are entitled to be informed about plea negotiations and upcoming court hearings.

Suck it up liberal people are the absolute worst in our country!

The lawyer for one of the victims of Jeffrey Epstein said President Trump was the “only” high powered person to help him with his investigation, contradicting claims by some that Trump is implicated in Epstein’s crimes.

Epstein was arrested on Saturday night on charges of sex trafficking of minors.

Speculation is now raging as to which of Epstein’s influential friends will be caught up in the scandal, with Nancy Pelosi’s daughter tweeting, “It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated.”

Others have claimed that Trump is implicated because he was socially connected to Epstein at one time and was pictured with him in 2000.

However, Florida attorney Bradley Edwards, who represented one of Epstein’s accusers, said that Trump was the only important person to go out of his way to help Edwards with his investigation back in 2009.

“The only thing that I can say about President Trump is that he is the only person who, in 2009 when I served a lot of subpoenas on a lot of people, or at least gave notice to some pretty connected people, that I want to talk to them, is the only person who picked up the phone and said, let’s just talk,” said Edwards.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

You are aware that many of the lawyers who represented the victims in this case, were in cahoots with the cover-up of this crime and the sentence that Epstein ultimately received. Doing favours for their rich clients by pretending to represent Epstein's victims, so that the entire case flew under the radar and nobody who mattered ever got hurt. The victims were irrelevant because they were teenage hookers. They were not about to have their rich and powerful clients destroyed by a bunch of teenage hookers, now were they?
This is the panic of the New York leaders trying to cover up their corruption by trying to stop trump

But trump has the men and ny will lose
This is the panic of the New York leaders trying to cover up their corruption by trying to stop trump

But trump has the men and ny will lose

lol... the only 'men' trump has are basket dwelling knuckle draggers. nobody in NY is panicking & you are delusional.
Convicted before a trial, imagine that. Then you have those that want it to be true! How freakin crazy people are.
This is the deep state in a panic

This is about ny killing us citizens with abortion and stopping trump from stopping the New York crooks

But it's too late trump has increased his majority of the men who has the real power
Convicted before a trial, imagine that. Then you have those that want it to be true! How freakin crazy people are.

this is a court of public opinion & i would rather it be true only for the fact that when someone accuses another of sexual assault, it's better for true victims all around to be believed in a general sense rather than not because of false accusations that do occur from time 2 time.

given that, the sick facts about the 'cover up' & the prosecutors' abuse & neglect of protocol cannot be overlooked; nor can the appointment of acosta, by trump. it's just way too much of a coinky dinky, don'tcha think?
This is the deep state in a panic

This is about ny killing us citizens with abortion and stopping trump from stopping the New York crooks

But it's too late trump has increased his majority of the men who has the real power

change the needle, aqua.
New Yorks killing of us babies is what this is all about and ny will lose because trump has the men on his side
Amazing now they are claiming conspiracy on a guy who got caught trafficking Minors and are claiming that they are out to get Trump

The problem with Trump is the people he hangs around with. They all seem to be going to jail

While the King sits on the throne nervous that they will be going after him soon.

Still he is innocent until proven guilty but it is hard for repubs to understand that prosecutor can do their job while having a political opinion

A jury of his peers will determine guilt and of course the public will defend him or say get the guy off the streets

He probably has money but the case will boil down to proof and who has it.

Child trafficking is a problem, so let the prosecutors do their job.

It sounds like some would let him get away with it because he is a friend of Trump.

It really is nice to have friends in high places, it almost makes you feel you can get away with anything.

I know repubs must be conflicted as he was a friend of Trump and Clinton

Still if repub sources would put out the whole story then they would know that he had a plea deal years ago where he plead guilty but got a plea deal with no jail time. So you are defending a convicted child molester

Still the problem is he likes what he does and continuous down that path

Another example how if your rich , you can buy your way out of almost anything
Last edited:
Dont forget about wild bill flying out to the island with epstein.

why would i forget about slick willy? never voted for him... so there is that. & don't YOU forget about one of donny's cheerleaders, alan dershowitz... oh hell, & donny himself this is from 2002.

Epstein likes to tell people that he’s a loner, a man who’s never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery - Nymag

In other words, Lefty Left Tard here thinks its cool for Bill, Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama to have sex with Children and have homosexual relations with each other and children.

This dumb thread belongs in the flame zone.

Barrack Obama has never been friends with Epstein, and has never visited his island. So you're deliberately lying about him.

There is no evidence that Bill or Hillary every did anything with anyone while on the island. But Trump has been sued for beating and raping a 13 year old girl, and she has a witness who filed a sworn affidavit to that effect. The Clintons know that EVERYTHING they do ends up being investigated so they're pretty careful about doing anything that's illegal.

But Trump has been flouting the law all of his life, and getting away with it. He's already been sued for beating and raping one of Epstein's 13 year old victims. She filed that Affidavit of a witness to the attack.

You call yourself a good Christian but here you are bearing false witness against Obama, make accusations against the Clintons, and standing up for a child rapist.
Obama Bin Sucking ISIS DEEK, accepted money from

I was wondering. Is this the Fat Thread where Fat Girls tell us how much they hate everyone while stuffing their face with pie and complaining about their weight, and while typing dribble about Orange Man Bad on a Message Board?

And why is Mike Obama a man married to Obama Bin Lying a man?


I’m sorry. I failed to understand what you’re blithering about here.

Trump gave the guy who gave Epstein that sweetheart deal, his of Secretary of Labour. Rewarding him for his loyalty and making Donnie the Accused Child Rapist, look like a hero.
Dont forget about wild bill flying out to the island with epstein.

why would i forget about slick willy? never voted for him... so there is that. & don't YOU forget about one of donny's cheerleaders, alan dershowitz... oh hell, & donny himself.

Epstein likes to tell people that he’s a loner, a man who’s never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery - Nymag

What did orange man do?

The same thing Bill did, he was friends with Epstein.

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In Trump’s world, art of the deal, everyone is a ‘friend’, until they aren’t.
At the time he said he was a ‘friend’, he was an acquaintance only. Once a visitor to the Club BEFORE any court case came against Epstein, for trying to approach a young girl at the club, Trump had him thrown out and barred from the Club. He was a cooperative witness for the prosecutor in Epstein’s case. And it was the very same players and firm that pushed the dossier collusion nonsense that tried to push the Epstein/Trump connection, without any evidence. He was nothing more than a casual acquaintance, due to living on the same small social island.

Epstein was Trump's NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR, and they shared a mutual affinity for very young girls. He has publically stated that Epstein was a "great guy", who lived a really "fun life", and with whom he shared an affinity for young women.
You Fail to understand The English Language or what a Democratic Republic is, so no surprise that you are confused by other concepts.

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