Prosecutor in 2019 Epstein Case Is Maurene Comey, Daughter of Fired FBI Director James Comey

This is the panic of the New York leaders trying to cover up their corruption by trying to stop trump

But trump has the men and ny will lose

lol... the only 'men' trump has are basket dwelling knuckle draggers. nobody in NY is panicking & you are delusional.
This is why they want to De-Criminalize Criminal Trespassing in The US, why they oppose voter ID, and why they want to bribe illegals and stupid unmotivated couch potatoes and millennials with FREE EVERYTHING...

Oh, and lets not forget they want to abolish The Electoral College, still want Trump's Tax Returns, and even want to exclude Trump from being on the ballot in DemoTard run states.

Yah, I'd call that a PANIC.


lol... all one has to do is read your pablum to see what a whackadoodle you are.
I accept your surrender.

After ALL a Left Tard DemNazi like you who really was not in a Panic would never feel so threatened that you'd have to post a Caricature of our President in a Diaper Smearing Your Face on the Wall.

This is the panic of the New York leaders trying to cover up their corruption by trying to stop trump

But trump has the men and ny will lose

lol... the only 'men' trump has are basket dwelling knuckle draggers. nobody in NY is panicking & you are delusional.
This is why they want to De-Criminalize Criminal Trespassing in The US, why they oppose voter ID, and why they want to bribe illegals and stupid unmotivated couch potatoes and millennials with FREE EVERYTHING...

Oh, and lets not forget they want to abolish The Electoral College, still want Trump's Tax Returns, and even want to exclude Trump from being on the ballot in DemoTard run states.

Yah, I'd call that a PANIC.


lol... all one has to do is read your pablum to see what a whackadoodle you are.

Abortion is the worst crime ever.. It has killed more Americans than all of the wars combined

Mother Teresa says the greatest sin ever in humanity was abortion

New York State leaders making abortion legal at 9 months should be charged with the highest crime

mother theresa's greatest sin was preaching no birth control to people so poor they couldn't feed themselves, let alone unwanted babies allowed to starve.
This is the panic of the New York leaders trying to cover up their corruption by trying to stop trump

But trump has the men and ny will lose

lol... the only 'men' trump has are basket dwelling knuckle draggers. nobody in NY is panicking & you are delusional.
This is why they want to De-Criminalize Criminal Trespassing in The US, why they oppose voter ID, and why they want to bribe illegals and stupid unmotivated couch potatoes and millennials with FREE EVERYTHING...

Oh, and lets not forget they want to abolish The Electoral College, still want Trump's Tax Returns, and even want to exclude Trump from being on the ballot in DemoTard run states.

Yah, I'd call that a PANIC.


lol... all one has to do is read your pablum to see what a whackadoodle you are.

Abortion is the worst crime ever.. It has killed more Americans than all of the wars combined

Mother Teresa says the greatest sin ever in humanity was abortion

New York State leaders making abortion legal at 9 months should be charged with the highest crime

mother theresa's greatest sin was preaching no birth control to people so poor they couldn't feed themselves, let alone unwanted babies allowed to starve.
So they should spend their money on condoms and pills instead of food? Or they could eat the abortions! Like scrambled eggs!
Can you say conflict of interest!!!!!...... apparently the fix is already in!....... This is going to be a witch hunt aimed at President Trump by the SDNY DA. They'll ignore the Clinton's involvement with Epstein and focus on Trump who actually helped the prosecutor in the 2009 case against Epstein. Comeys daughter should refuse herself if she focuses on the president due Trump firing her dad.

Prosecutor in 2019 Epstein Case Is Maurene Comey, Daughter of Fired FBI Director James Comey -- Who Participated in 2017 Pussy Hat March
I had posted this on another post:
MindWar posted:OH LOOK

And this is what I had posted:
( Oh, I see where they are trying to go with this. Epstein is going to say that Pres.Trump is one of the ones that were involved. And then they will give Epstein 1 years and let him serve his time on house arrest. But the others that they will put the blame on is? That it will be Roger Stone. But they'll give Roger 80 years without conjugal visits., unless he will corporate with them, To reduce his sentences to 1 year with conjugal visits. That is if he bare false witness against Pres.Trump But Pres.Trump will have to fight the case while he is in office. All during his presidential campaign..)
Can you say conflict of interest!!!!!...... apparently the fix is already in!....... This is going to be a witch hunt aimed at President Trump by the SDNY DA. They'll ignore the Clinton's involvement with Epstein and focus on Trump who actually helped the prosecutor in the 2009 case against Epstein. Comeys daughter should refuse herself if she focuses on the president due Trump firing her dad.

Prosecutor in 2019 Epstein Case Is Maurene Comey, Daughter of Fired FBI Director James Comey -- Who Participated in 2017 Pussy Hat March
Guilty conscience?
Crooked New York State commiting many crimes like murdering of us citizens at 9 months with their abortion

Trump may call out the military on New York leaders for their crimes

If congress people or supremes says no Trump can charge them with treason crimes and lock them up

Trump then has the military to set up a new govt with a high logic test for voters which will save the nation
You should get help
Epstein paid a pretty penny to have a hard core democrat prosecutor. She will protect democrats as much as her daddy has.
Barr will have to recuse himself from Epstein deal Seems his father hired Epstein to teach at Dalton school with NO college degree
That's not unusual. Very often college drop outs are the best professors. Bill Gates comes to mind.
Yes and sometimes ,rarely,,idiots lead America down the drain It's what's going on now
True. Democrats want to lead America down the drain.
Crooked New York State commiting many crimes like murdering of us citizens at 9 months with their abortion

Trump may call out the military on New York leaders for their crimes

If congress people or supremes says no Trump can charge them with treason crimes and lock them up

Trump then has the military to set up a new govt with a high logic test for voters which will save the nation
And NY will call out our military and Trump will be #1 Then on to the fn traitorous red states and finish the job Lincoln didn't Burn them all down
Well do something. Lets end this one way or the other.
Crooked New York State commiting many crimes like murdering of us citizens at 9 months with their abortion

Trump may call out the military on New York leaders for their crimes

If congress people or supremes says no Trump can charge them with treason crimes and lock them up

Trump then has the military to set up a new govt with a high logic test for voters which will save the nation
And NY will call out our military and Trump will be #1 Then on to the fn traitorous red states and finish the job Lincoln didn't Burn them all down
Well do something. Lets end this one way or the other.

Men are getting more and more angry but their high logic helps them wait so the unwise and women can catch up to this understanding But they are watching to see who has the ability to vote correctly. Then they will strike and make strict laws against the unwise
Crooked New York State commiting many crimes like murdering of us citizens at 9 months with their abortion

Trump may call out the military on New York leaders for their crimes

If congress people or supremes says no Trump can charge them with treason crimes and lock them up

Trump then has the military to set up a new govt with a high logic test for voters which will save the nation
And NY will call out our military and Trump will be #1 Then on to the fn traitorous red states and finish the job Lincoln didn't Burn them all down

Get some help with knowing who is on each side

It's the white men

Lincoln had more white men than the south and won

This is totally different

The north now does not have the more white men

Trump is supported by a landslide of white men

Get this

This is men against women NOT men against men

The liberal north has NO real power it's all hot air

Look at the stampede out of liberal New York

All this proves the liberals are lying their azze off trying to fool on who has the power

It's over for liberals the dominoes are already falling to bring a total surrender by the crooked left
Crooked New York State commiting many crimes like murdering of us citizens at 9 months with their abortion

Trump may call out the military on New York leaders for their crimes

If congress people or supremes says no Trump can charge them with treason crimes and lock them up

Trump then has the military to set up a new govt with a high logic test for voters which will save the nation
And NY will call out our military and Trump will be #1 Then on to the fn traitorous red states and finish the job Lincoln didn't Burn them all down

Get some help with knowing who is on each side

It's the white men

Lincoln had more white men than the south and won

This is totally different

The north now does not have the more white men

Trump is supported by a landslide of white men

Get this

This is men against women NOT men against men

The liberal north has NO real power it's all hot air

Look at the stampede out of liberal New York

All this proves the liberals are lying their azze off trying to fool on who has the power

It's over for liberals the dominoes are already falling to bring a total surrender by the crooked left
Whoever has the money has the power NY ,,greatest financial area in the world
Can you say conflict of interest!!!!!...... apparently the fix is already in!....... This is going to be a witch hunt aimed at President Trump by the SDNY DA. They'll ignore the Clinton's involvement with Epstein and focus on Trump who actually helped the prosecutor in the 2009 case against Epstein. Comeys daughter should refuse herself if she focuses on the president due Trump firing her dad.

Prosecutor in 2019 Epstein Case Is Maurene Comey, Daughter of Fired FBI Director James Comey -- Who Participated in 2017 Pussy Hat March

the CONflict of interest is the dude who got epstein a fluff 'sentence' then went to work in donny's administration.

Wrong...that deal was created by the democrats....

it was Democrats who gave Epstein the sweet plea deal as well as the near no-show jail term, not Acosta. Acosta had merely had the whole mess thrown into his hands and tried to get something out of it for Epstein anyway after all this obfuscation. She wrote:

Epstein had given more than $145,000 to Democratic candidates and causes, including Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and Chuck Schumer. He was a big Israel backer. Bill Clinton and Democratic activist Ron Burkle were frequent guests on Epstein's private plane, dubbed the "Lolita Express." And Krischer was a hero for his dogged pursuit of Rush Limbaugh! Why bring up all this unpleasantness?

Thanks to Chief Reiter, President Bush's U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida, Alex Acosta, did take the case, despite the fact that only Epstein's child rapes on his plane, on his private island, or with girls brought across state lines would make it a federal case.

As a result of the (Republican-led) federal investigation, Epstein was finally required to plead guilty to two state felony charges, accept a sentence of two years in prison, register as a sex offender, and pay restitution to his victims.

Still no coverage by MSNBC or CNN.

Inasmuch as Epstein was pleading guilty to a state charge, the matter of his confinement was out of the U.S. attorney's hands. It was Democratic county prison officials — not the feds — who placed Epstein in a private wing of the county jail and allowed him to spend 12 hours a day, six days a week at his Palm Beach mansion throughout his 13-month "imprisonment."

In 2014, the brilliant conservative lawyer Paul Cassell and Bradley Edwards brought suit against the federal prosecutors for violating the Crime Victims' Rights Act in the Epstein case.

As bad as the U.S. attorney's office was, at least it did something. Democrat Krischer gave Epstein a walk. But no matter how appalling Krischer's behavior was, the Crime Victims' Rights Act only applies to federal prosecutions.

This rather doesn't suggest that Acosta was the problem here. The protection racket extended deep into blue-city politics, run exclusively by Democrats. The Times writers and the other reporters don't bring that up.
Can you say conflict of interest!!!!!...... apparently the fix is already in!....... This is going to be a witch hunt aimed at President Trump by the SDNY DA. They'll ignore the Clinton's involvement with Epstein and focus on Trump who actually helped the prosecutor in the 2009 case against Epstein. Comeys daughter should refuse herself if she focuses on the president due Trump firing her dad.

Prosecutor in 2019 Epstein Case Is Maurene Comey, Daughter of Fired FBI Director James Comey -- Who Participated in 2017 Pussy Hat March

the CONflict of interest is the dude who got epstein a fluff 'sentence' then went to work in donny's administration.

Wrong...that deal was created by the democrats....

it was Democrats who gave Epstein the sweet plea deal as well as the near no-show jail term, not Acosta. Acosta had merely had the whole mess thrown into his hands and tried to get something out of it for Epstein anyway after all this obfuscation. She wrote:

Epstein had given more than $145,000 to Democratic candidates and causes, including Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and Chuck Schumer. He was a big Israel backer. Bill Clinton and Democratic activist Ron Burkle were frequent guests on Epstein's private plane, dubbed the "Lolita Express." And Krischer was a hero for his dogged pursuit of Rush Limbaugh! Why bring up all this unpleasantness?

Thanks to Chief Reiter, President Bush's U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida, Alex Acosta, did take the case, despite the fact that only Epstein's child rapes on his plane, on his private island, or with girls brought across state lines would make it a federal case.

As a result of the (Republican-led) federal investigation, Epstein was finally required to plead guilty to two state felony charges, accept a sentence of two years in prison, register as a sex offender, and pay restitution to his victims.

Still no coverage by MSNBC or CNN.

Inasmuch as Epstein was pleading guilty to a state charge, the matter of his confinement was out of the U.S. attorney's hands. It was Democratic county prison officials — not the feds — who placed Epstein in a private wing of the county jail and allowed him to spend 12 hours a day, six days a week at his Palm Beach mansion throughout his 13-month "imprisonment."

In 2014, the brilliant conservative lawyer Paul Cassell and Bradley Edwards brought suit against the federal prosecutors for violating the Crime Victims' Rights Act in the Epstein case.

As bad as the U.S. attorney's office was, at least it did something. Democrat Krischer gave Epstein a walk. But no matter how appalling Krischer's behavior was, the Crime Victims' Rights Act only applies to federal prosecutions.

This rather doesn't suggest that Acosta was the problem here. The protection racket extended deep into blue-city politics, run exclusively by Democrats. The Times writers and the other reporters don't bring that up.
You and your repub friends Epstein Acosta etc etc are filthy
Can you say conflict of interest!!!!!...... apparently the fix is already in!....... This is going to be a witch hunt aimed at President Trump by the SDNY DA. They'll ignore the Clinton's involvement with Epstein and focus on Trump who actually helped the prosecutor in the 2009 case against Epstein. Comeys daughter should refuse herself if she focuses on the president due Trump firing her dad.

Prosecutor in 2019 Epstein Case Is Maurene Comey, Daughter of Fired FBI Director James Comey -- Who Participated in 2017 Pussy Hat March

the CONflict of interest is the dude who got epstein a fluff 'sentence' then went to work in donny's administration.

Wrong...that deal was created by the democrats....

it was Democrats who gave Epstein the sweet plea deal as well as the near no-show jail term, not Acosta. Acosta had merely had the whole mess thrown into his hands and tried to get something out of it for Epstein anyway after all this obfuscation. She wrote:

Epstein had given more than $145,000 to Democratic candidates and causes, including Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and Chuck Schumer. He was a big Israel backer. Bill Clinton and Democratic activist Ron Burkle were frequent guests on Epstein's private plane, dubbed the "Lolita Express." And Krischer was a hero for his dogged pursuit of Rush Limbaugh! Why bring up all this unpleasantness?

Thanks to Chief Reiter, President Bush's U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida, Alex Acosta, did take the case, despite the fact that only Epstein's child rapes on his plane, on his private island, or with girls brought across state lines would make it a federal case.

As a result of the (Republican-led) federal investigation, Epstein was finally required to plead guilty to two state felony charges, accept a sentence of two years in prison, register as a sex offender, and pay restitution to his victims.

Still no coverage by MSNBC or CNN.

Inasmuch as Epstein was pleading guilty to a state charge, the matter of his confinement was out of the U.S. attorney's hands. It was Democratic county prison officials — not the feds — who placed Epstein in a private wing of the county jail and allowed him to spend 12 hours a day, six days a week at his Palm Beach mansion throughout his 13-month "imprisonment."

In 2014, the brilliant conservative lawyer Paul Cassell and Bradley Edwards brought suit against the federal prosecutors for violating the Crime Victims' Rights Act in the Epstein case.

As bad as the U.S. attorney's office was, at least it did something. Democrat Krischer gave Epstein a walk. But no matter how appalling Krischer's behavior was, the Crime Victims' Rights Act only applies to federal prosecutions.

This rather doesn't suggest that Acosta was the problem here. The protection racket extended deep into blue-city politics, run exclusively by Democrats. The Times writers and the other reporters don't bring that up.
You and your repub friends Epstein Acosta etc etc are filthy

Moron....epstein is a democrat....has always been a democrat......

The lie machine is in full cover mode for the long list of democrats who are now likely to be indicted.....
Crooked New York State commiting many crimes like murdering of us citizens at 9 months with their abortion

Trump may call out the military on New York leaders for their crimes

If congress people or supremes says no Trump can charge them with treason crimes and lock them up

Trump then has the military to set up a new govt with a high logic test for voters which will save the nation
And NY will call out our military and Trump will be #1 Then on to the fn traitorous red states and finish the job Lincoln didn't Burn them all down
Well do something. Lets end this one way or the other.

Men are getting more and more angry but their high logic helps them wait so the unwise and women can catch up to this understanding But they are watching to see who has the ability to vote correctly. Then they will strike and make strict laws against the unwise

your russian to english translator sucks.
Can you say conflict of interest!!!!!...... apparently the fix is already in!....... This is going to be a witch hunt aimed at President Trump by the SDNY DA. They'll ignore the Clinton's involvement with Epstein and focus on Trump who actually helped the prosecutor in the 2009 case against Epstein. Comeys daughter should refuse herself if she focuses on the president due Trump firing her dad.

Prosecutor in 2019 Epstein Case Is Maurene Comey, Daughter of Fired FBI Director James Comey -- Who Participated in 2017 Pussy Hat March

the CONflict of interest is the dude who got epstein a fluff 'sentence' then went to work in donny's administration.

Wrong...that deal was created by the democrats....

it was Democrats who gave Epstein the sweet plea deal as well as the near no-show jail term, not Acosta. Acosta had merely had the whole mess thrown into his hands and tried to get something out of it for Epstein anyway after all this obfuscation. She wrote:

Epstein had given more than $145,000 to Democratic candidates and causes, including Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and Chuck Schumer. He was a big Israel backer. Bill Clinton and Democratic activist Ron Burkle were frequent guests on Epstein's private plane, dubbed the "Lolita Express." And Krischer was a hero for his dogged pursuit of Rush Limbaugh! Why bring up all this unpleasantness?

Thanks to Chief Reiter, President Bush's U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida, Alex Acosta, did take the case, despite the fact that only Epstein's child rapes on his plane, on his private island, or with girls brought across state lines would make it a federal case.

As a result of the (Republican-led) federal investigation, Epstein was finally required to plead guilty to two state felony charges, accept a sentence of two years in prison, register as a sex offender, and pay restitution to his victims.

Still no coverage by MSNBC or CNN.

Inasmuch as Epstein was pleading guilty to a state charge, the matter of his confinement was out of the U.S. attorney's hands. It was Democratic county prison officials — not the feds — who placed Epstein in a private wing of the county jail and allowed him to spend 12 hours a day, six days a week at his Palm Beach mansion throughout his 13-month "imprisonment."

In 2014, the brilliant conservative lawyer Paul Cassell and Bradley Edwards brought suit against the federal prosecutors for violating the Crime Victims' Rights Act in the Epstein case.

As bad as the U.S. attorney's office was, at least it did something. Democrat Krischer gave Epstein a walk. But no matter how appalling Krischer's behavior was, the Crime Victims' Rights Act only applies to federal prosecutions.

This rather doesn't suggest that Acosta was the problem here. The protection racket extended deep into blue-city politics, run exclusively by Democrats. The Times writers and the other reporters don't bring that up.

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