Proof That Vaccine Killed UK Man - Astra Zeneca Exposed


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"A coroner has ruled that the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine should be added to the death certificate of a 'fit and healthy' NHS doctor who died ten days after receiving the jab. Dr Stephen Wright, 32, who worked as a clinical psychologist in south-east London, suffered a blood clot to the brain after having his first dose of the jab in January 2021. Senior coroner Andrew Harris today described the case as 'very unusual and deeply tragic'. The frontline health worker was among the earliest groups of people to be given the vaccine during the pandemic.

Regarding the official documents detailing Dr Wright's death, Mr Harris said Dr Wright was a fit and healthy man who had the AstraZeneca vaccine on January 16, 2021, awoke with a headache on January 25 and later developed left arm numbness - Mr Harris also said 'it is very important to record as fact that it is the AstraZeneca vaccine – but that is different from blaming AstraZeneca'.

Anyone at this point who is still in denial that the vaccine has killed far more people than COVID ever has -- is just someone that is bought and sold by big Pharma...everyone else has long been aware that this whole COVID hoax was a smokescreen to bring about this vaccine in order to wipe out a large segment of the world population; at the direction of globalist Jews. This story adds to the mountain of evidence that Fauci and the Dems worked together with China and big Pharma to inflict this deadly toxin on the world and its about time for people to start going to prison and sentenced to death....There are reports that as of this month, approximately 83 million people have been killed by the vaccine. How are we not demanding justice for the lives lost?
I recall The Talking heads on CBC, including medical "experts* ( who probably never conducted research experiments in their lives); all told us empathically that "it is safe, only in very rare occurences have there been problems so you should be confident in getting the Astra Zeneca vacciine today!". Literally 2-3 days later the Canadian government banned it and the same talking Heads came on TV to report the news. This is the world we are living in. Logic and honest data is superseeded by other considerations .
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Anyone at this point who is still in denial that the vaccine has killed far more people than COVID ever has -- is just someone that is bought and sold by big Pharma...everyone else has long been aware that this whole COVID hoax was a smokescreen to bring about this vaccine in order to wipe out a large segment of the world population; at the direction of globalist Jews. This story adds to the mountain of evidence that Fauci and the Dems worked together with China and big Pharma to inflict this deadly toxin on the world and its about time for people to start going to prison and sentenced to death....There are reports that as of this month, approximately 83 million people have been killed by the vaccine. How are we not demanding justice for the lives lost?
Well take out the anti-Semitic rant about globalist Jews & the number of 83 million killed, you got something right Buffy. For once.

Blaming this all on Jews is lazy & a gaslight of the facts. There are plenty from all races with culpability here.
83 million killed by the clot shots is way more than any number I have ever seen.
Millions? Yes
Almost 100 million? Not yet

We'll label post this under the broken clock rule

"A coroner has ruled that the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine should be added to the death certificate of a 'fit and healthy' NHS doctor who died ten days after receiving the jab. Dr Stephen Wright, 32, who worked as a clinical psychologist in south-east London, suffered a blood clot to the brain after having his first dose of the jab in January 2021. Senior coroner Andrew Harris today described the case as 'very unusual and deeply tragic'. The frontline health worker was among the earliest groups of people to be given the vaccine during the pandemic.

Regarding the official documents detailing Dr Wright's death, Mr Harris said Dr Wright was a fit and healthy man who had the AstraZeneca vaccine on January 16, 2021, awoke with a headache on January 25 and later developed left arm numbness - Mr Harris also said 'it is very important to record as fact that it is the AstraZeneca vaccine – but that is different from blaming AstraZeneca'.

Anyone at this point who is still in denial that the vaccine has killed far more people than COVID ever has -- is just someone that is bought and sold by big Pharma...everyone else has long been aware that this whole COVID hoax was a smokescreen to bring about this vaccine in order to wipe out a large segment of the world population; at the direction of globalist Jews. This story adds to the mountain of evidence that Fauci and the Dems worked together with China and big Pharma to inflict this deadly toxin on the world and its about time for people to start going to prison and sentenced to death....There are reports that as of this month, approximately 83 million people have been killed by the vaccine. How are we not demanding justice for the lives lost?
Yup, heard it on the radio and read it on the BBC news site -

After the inquest, Mrs Wright, from Sevenoaks in Kent, said: "It was made clear that Stephen was [previously] fit and healthy and that his death was by vaccination of AstraZeneca. For us, it allows us to be able to continue our litigation against AstraZeneca. This is the written proof."

Anyone that took that vaccine should sue for potential long term uncertainties. The vaccine hadn't gone through the correct trial and procedures.
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Notice how the "it's just a weather balloon" crowd defend the vax?

If you're a good democrat, you need to have had at least 6 jabs. They have plenty in stocks. Go get your booster democrats.
Notice how the "it's just a weather balloon" crowd defend the vax?

If you're a good democrat, you need to have had at least 6 jabs. They have plenty in stocks. Go get your booster democrats.
How was Trump tricked by Biden and the Dems into trying to pushing this deadly dangerous toxin??

He even insisted it be named after is that owning the libs?

If people aren't too careful, one would be forced to conclude that either Trump is involved or too stupid to stop it.....

All he had to do is just refuse to acknowledge COVID was real...or just ignore it altogether.....instead of doing the bidding of Fauci and the Deep State

"A coroner has ruled that the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine should be added to the death certificate of a 'fit and healthy' NHS doctor who died ten days after receiving the jab. Dr Stephen Wright, 32, who worked as a clinical psychologist in south-east London, suffered a blood clot to the brain after having his first dose of the jab in January 2021. Senior coroner Andrew Harris today described the case as 'very unusual and deeply tragic'. The frontline health worker was among the earliest groups of people to be given the vaccine during the pandemic.

Regarding the official documents detailing Dr Wright's death, Mr Harris said Dr Wright was a fit and healthy man who had the AstraZeneca vaccine on January 16, 2021, awoke with a headache on January 25 and later developed left arm numbness - Mr Harris also said 'it is very important to record as fact that it is the AstraZeneca vaccine – but that is different from blaming AstraZeneca'.

Anyone at this point who is still in denial that the vaccine has killed far more people than COVID ever has -- is just someone that is bought and sold by big Pharma...everyone else has long been aware that this whole COVID hoax was a smokescreen to bring about this vaccine in order to wipe out a large segment of the world population; at the direction of globalist Jews. This story adds to the mountain of evidence that Fauci and the Dems worked together with China and big Pharma to inflict this deadly toxin on the world and its about time for people to start going to prison and sentenced to death....There are reports that as of this month, approximately 83 million people have been killed by the vaccine. How are we not demanding justice for the lives lost?
I really doubt the 83M number, got a link? Even if it were true it is still less than 7% of those vaxed.
How was Trump tricked by Biden and the Dems into trying to pushing this deadly dangerous toxin??

He even insisted it be named after is that owning the libs?

If people aren't too careful, one would be forced to conclude that either Trump is involved or too stupid to stop it.....

All he had to do is just refuse to acknowledge COVID was real...or just ignore it altogether.....instead of doing the bidding of Fauci and the Deep State
I feel like trump was the deep state fall guy. The deep state did better in 2020 election Then they thought and now biden will be in charge over the vaccine injuries.

I knew the vaccine was poison the moment Democrats tried to mandate them and give them to children.

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