proof that Republitard Presidents run up deficits and are big govt

That's different.

Compared to the last 30 years of other Presidents, Obama is more like a Republitard than a far left Democrat.

So, you're saying that he sucks?

What I am saying is why are you bashing a President who acts more like the retards in your own party? He lowered taxes on corporate and personal income, the only difference is that during his short time the govt spent more on govt social benefits because of the recession and economic crisis, had he not done that things would be worst.
Compared to the last 30 years of other Presidents, Obama is more like a Republitard than a far left Democrat.

So, you're saying that he sucks?

What I am saying is why are you bashing a President who acts more like the retards in your own party? He lowered taxes on corporate and personal income, the only difference is that during his short time the govt spent more on govt social benefits because of the recession and economic crisis, had he not done that things would be worst.

Dude you're coming unhinged.. why the need for a question mark at the end of sentence 1, and, don't you mean worse, not worst?
AS I said countless times before, there is no difference between parties as far as the growth of government is concerned.

If you compare Clinton to the rest he was the rare exception.

government did not decrease in size under slick willie

More government does cause deficits if sufficient revenue isn't more than what you spend, almost every Republitard president spending increased and less revenue was taken in, if you compare the stats over the last 30 years who has contributed more to increased govt, Repubs or Dems?
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the goal is to increase revenue over spending.

No... the goal is to decrease spending, so you don HAVE to increase revenue.

NO!!!! Everything is solved by raising taxes, on someone else.

Show me one year according to that data where lower taxes reduced the deficit, if any anything the deficit increased with lowered taxes, thats true even under Obama who has not raised taxes despite rabid rightwing lies.
So, you're saying that he sucks?

What I am saying is why are you bashing a President who acts more like the retards in your own party? He lowered taxes on corporate and personal income, the only difference is that during his short time the govt spent more on govt social benefits because of the recession and economic crisis, had he not done that things would be worst.

Dude you're coming unhinged.. why the need for a question mark at the end of sentence 1, and, don't you mean worse, not worst?

The data are right there for you to see, I need not engage in petty arguing, the fact is that the policies of the Republitards and their Teabagger deformed kids will not work, will further damage the country overall and only benefit the rich. GameOver.
No... the goal is to decrease spending, so you don HAVE to increase revenue.

NO!!!! Everything is solved by raising taxes, on someone else.

Show me one year according to that data where lower taxes reduced the deficit, if any anything the deficit increased with lowered taxes, thats true even under Obama who has not raised taxes despite rabid rightwing lies.

You're once again being a simpleton. Taxes receipts automatically rise when GDP increases and when people have more disposable income. The problem arises when that increase is, let's say, 10% but you grow spending by 20%.

That is where we are now. It is a spending problem exacerbated by a President and Congress that doesn't understand basic math.
What I am saying is why are you bashing a President who acts more like the retards in your own party? He lowered taxes on corporate and personal income, the only difference is that during his short time the govt spent more on govt social benefits because of the recession and economic crisis, had he not done that things would be worst.

Dude you're coming unhinged.. why the need for a question mark at the end of sentence 1, and, don't you mean worse, not worst?

The data are right there for you to see, I need not engage in petty arguing, the fact is that the policies of the Republitards and their Teabagger deformed kids will not work, will further damage the country overall and only benefit the rich. GameOver.

Deformed kids? :confused:

Fuck off asshole.
If you compare Clinton to the rest he was the rare exception.

government did not decrease in size under slick willie

More government does cause deficits if sufficient revenue isn't more than what you spend, almost every Republitard president spending increased and less revenue was taken in, if you compare the stats over the last 30 years who has contributed more to increased govt, Repubs or Dems?

It doesn't matter. Every president has increased the size of government for decades now.

And that increase in the size of government always costs us more in the long run.
U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis

Look at line 27 which will tell you whether the govt was running a deficit or surplus, if Republitards are party of less govt please explain why over the last 30 years every Republitard president has run a deficit every year they were in office? If trickle down and tax cuts for the rich are supposed to work find me one year under the Republitard president where generated revenue[receipts] has exceeded government spending[expenditures]? Why is it only in the Clinton years that were see a general reduction in deficit and surpluses?
Tooooooooooooooooooo easy!!!!

Bill Clinton KNEW what-the-fuck He was doing!!!!!

(.....And, Lil' Dumbya proved his reputation, as a fuck-up, was well-founded.)​
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Edit: In all fairness, the deficit under Bush did go down from 2004-2006 but more than quadrupled in his last three years and that since 2007 its been a downward spiral, proof that what Bush started Obama inherited.

.....And, when Republicans thought they'd suckered Obama into their firing-squad's (i.e. lynch-mob's) bull's-eye.....He rubbed-their-collective-noses IN IT!!!!!

[ame=]‪Obama Dismantles Republican Caucus Part 1 of 7‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

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Edit: In all fairness, the deficit under Bush did go down from 2004-2006 but more than quadrupled in his last three years and that since 2007 its been a downward spiral, proof that what Bush started Obama inherited.

Yeah.......but its 2011 and this is a POLITICS forum. Nobody cares about George Bush except the internet k00ks who have been deluded into thinking it matters in the real world in 2011.

I never get why threads like this go up on here, except for the cause of casual debate with the small % of us who are drawn to this kind of stuff. MIght even get some fierce debate going on here but to the population at large, they dont give a rats ass........partuicularly to the voting segment that decides elections, none of whom are hyper-partisan either way. They look out at the landscape and assess whether or not things suck or dont suck IN THE PRESENT time. None of these people are sitting at home at night blogging and rading links on philosophy from 5 or 10 years ago. Only the k00ks think that. These people see the headlines and see a 0.4% growth rate and say to themselves, "WTF is going on here?". Lets face it......right now the country ( ie: majority) see that in the past two years things are falling further and further into the shitter? The k00ks imply in these gay threads that the independent voter next year is going to go into the voting booth and say, "Fcukk Bush.......Im sticking with Hope and Change!!!".

No further elaboration necessary..................:fu::boobies::fu::boobies::fu::boobies::fu::boobies::fu:

The dulls like Shaman think they will change the political dynamic with colorful fonts and rolling smilies.:oops:
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U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis

Look at line 27 which will tell you whether the govt was running a deficit or surplus, if Republitards are party of less govt please explain why over the last 30 years every Republitard president has run a deficit every year they were in office? If trickle down and tax cuts for the rich are supposed to work find me one year under the Republitard president where generated revenue[receipts] has exceeded government spending[expenditures]? Why is it only in the Clinton years that were see a general reduction in deficit and surpluses? Why is it under Republitard presidents that deficits grew year after year?

Who committed to and authorized 3.5 trillion in spending?

Who spent the most in one term in US history?

Who managed to triple the deficit in 4 years?

Who is threatening to overstep the American people in order to get a new credit card using a tyrannical clause in the Fourteenth Amendment?

Now, I find it highly ironic you're accusing republicans of being big spenders while your communist whores are in congress right now attempting to get a new credit card so they can attempt to spend more and justify tax increases..

Who the fuck do you think you're trying to fool?
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Isn't Obama a democrat running up the deficit?
Only if you consider paying-off DEBT.....WAY-past-due.....running up the deficit.


Not to worry. We Dems are USED-to cleaning-up after Republicans' over-spending.....but, our patience is running-OUT!!!!!

"During times of economic trouble, governments should borrow and spend to boost industrial activity, he suggested.

In most capitalist countries, governments took up this idea, but conveniently ignored Mr Keynes second piece of advice: they were supposed to pay back the debt, when the economy was nicely chugging along."


Now, we're lookin' at.....The Teabaggers' Answer :cuckoo: the Dems' attempt at one-MORE clean-up job!!
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AS I said countless times before, there is no difference between parties as far as the growth of government is concerned.
ooooooooooooooooooo......that's quite the bold statement!


.....But, go-ahead and give yourself a nice, big "Atta boy!!" It sounds like you need one.

(Think of it as one o' those trophies, for participating.)

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Isn't Obama a democrat running up the deficit?
Only if you consider paying-off DEBT.....WAY-past-due.....running up the deficit.


Not to worry. We Dems are USED-to cleaning-up after Republicans' over-spending.....but, our patience is running-OUT!!!!!

"During times of economic trouble, governments should borrow and spend to boost industrial activity, he suggested.

In most capitalist countries, governments took up this idea, but conveniently ignored Mr Keynes second piece of advice: they were supposed to pay back the debt, when the economy was nicely chugging along."


Now, we're lookin' at.....The Teabaggers' Answer :cuckoo: the Dems' attempt at one-MORE clean-up job!!

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Do you just make shit up as you go along?

Are you just a stubborn asshole who is content with justifying your dumb move with defending Obama or are you just delusional?

So now Obama is paying off debt??

Democrats don't pay shit off - which is why many lost their homes in this mess - not only their homes but their toys too.

Yeah, I bet some tea party member is riding your repossessed bike right now, and it makes you feel salty doesn't it??

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