Proof Republicans are anti American and are NOT patriots



Since WW2, NATO has checked Russian Aggression.

Donald Trump has said of those in NATO don't pay more, America will "leave". NATO exists because of shared values and belief in freedom, not because we blackmail them.

Trump wants to turn us into Mercenaries. Either you pay up or we won't help if you are attacked.

Dangerous, so dangerous
Since WW2, NATO has checked Russian Aggression.

Donald Trump has said of those in NATO don't pay more, America will "leave". NATO exists because of shared values and belief in freedom, not because we blackmail them.

Trump wants to turn us into Mercenaries. Either you pay up or we won't help if you are attacked.

Dangerous, so dangerous

Interesting concept, R-Derp! You on the left constantly whine about how America needs to stop being the world's "policeman" yet when Donald Trump says it's time for our European allies in NATO to pay their fair share of the cost for NATO you accuse him of being "dangerous"! To put it into context...the US pays more than double the amount all the other 27 NATO countries spent between them, even though their combined GDP tops that of the U.S.

So make up your mind, you want us to cut our defense spending? Well a good start to that would be forcing our "allies" to pay more to defend themselves! Duh?
Since WW2, NATO has checked Russian Aggression.

Donald Trump has said of those in NATO don't pay more, America will "leave". NATO exists because of shared values and belief in freedom, not because we blackmail them.

Trump wants to turn us into Mercenaries. Either you pay up or we won't help if you are attacked.

Dangerous, so dangerous
When has Trump ever spoken for all Republicans? He's not one himself, so the answer would be "Never".
Look to your President if you want to know what anti-American looks like. He stopped being my President after he lied his ass off to jam Obamacare down our throats.
Lied about what? I suspect you are going to say "But I wanted to keep my policy". Then we find out that you can keep your policy as long as it meets minimum requirements. That's so you don't get ripped off.
But maybe that's what upsets Republicans. Trump rips off just about everyone who works for him. To the GOP, that's a plus.
So a flame thread created to flame people is left in politics but my ACCURATE flame thrown right back in the op's face is deleted? It was the second post and it was appropriate.
The other day I created a thread and when OTHERS started flaming each other my thread was deleted instead of the posts that flamed others.

So a flame created to flame people is left in politics but my ACCURATE flame thrown right back in the op's face is deleted? It was the second post and it was appropriate.
The other day I created a thread and when OTHERS started flaming each other my thread was deleted instead of the posts that flamed others.

None of your threads are worthy as your continued predilection for irrelevacy demonstrates.
This is a 'cute' thread....liberals, whose members threw urine at one another and CAUGHT THEMSELVES ON FIRE WHILE TRYING TO LIGHT THE AMERICAN FLAG ON FIRE, claiming Republicans are ANTI-American....

These are the people whose President, by his own admission, was mentored for decades, by a racist, hate-spewing, Anti-American 'Pastor' who taught such wonderful biblical sermons as 'GD America'...Now THAT is 'American / Patriotic'!

Since WW2, NATO has checked Russian Aggression.

Donald Trump has said of those in NATO don't pay more, America will "leave". NATO exists because of shared values and belief in freedom, not because we blackmail them.

Trump wants to turn us into Mercenaries. Either you pay up or we won't help if you are attacked.

Dangerous, so dangerous
You do know the Cold War is over....republicans won it for America...
These are the people whose President is so stupid he declared Bush was 'Un-Patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in new debt over 8 years during 9/11/01, its economic fallout, and 2 wars...then added almost $7 trillion in new debt in only 4 years, setting new US records for 'Monthly', 'Annual', and 'Total' DEFICIT Spending....and he thinks THAT is 'patriotic'.

These are the people whose President is so stupid he declared Bush was 'Un-Patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in new debt over 8 years during 9/11/01, its economic fallout, and 2 wars...then added almost $7 trillion in new debt in only 4 years, setting new US records for 'Monthly', 'Annual', and 'Total' DEFICIT Spending....and he thinks THAT is 'patriotic'.

In 7 years, he doubled what took over 200 years to accumulate.
So a flame thread created to flame people is left in politics but my ACCURATE flame thrown right back in the op's face is deleted? It was the second post and it was appropriate.
The other day I created a thread and when OTHERS started flaming each other my thread was deleted instead of the posts that flamed others.

You're the one that does most of the flaming. Besides:

Donald Trump has said of those in NATO don't pay more, America will "leave". NATO exists because of shared values and belief in freedom, not because we blackmail them.

isn't flaming. It's what Trump says. Do you believe what Trump says?
Look to your President if you want to know what anti-American looks like. He stopped being my President after he lied his ass off to jam Obamacare down our throats.
Lied about what? I suspect you are going to say "But I wanted to keep my policy". Then we find out that you can keep your policy as long as it meets minimum requirements. That's so you don't get ripped off.
But maybe that's what upsets Republicans. Trump rips off just about everyone who works for him. To the GOP, that's a plus.

Keep your policy, keep your doctor, $2500/year cheaper.....we all know it's setup to try and get single's a shit program....we all know this.

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