“Proof of Citizenship” Is “Voter Suppression” Says Biden’s Left-Wing Judicial Nominee

See folks, this is what OCD does to a person who won't get treatment. Every one of these lies have been shown to OCD mulitple times but he keeps repeating them. Don't let this happen to a loved one. Get them help if at all possible.

Except you didn't refute anything. Those things happened, you claimed they weren't Trump's fault as if someone else was President in 2020.

Another version gang, just like the last one. Not one of these items have anything to do with race or racism. But when you're fucked up in the head, you think they do.
Again, when you are a racist, you probably consider this acceptable. If you were smart enough to have an office job, say shit like that, see how long you have a job.

He was 17 at the time and not allowed in any bar, and still isn't today. When you make these lies up you have to think them out better.

Uh, dude, there's a photograph of him, in a bar, posing with members of the Proud boys...

I never said keep them from voting. If I did, quote me and post number liar. What I said is not making it easy on them. However the same standards apply to everybody else who don't think getting a ID is all that difficult to do.
Actually, you stated you wanted to give voters 'tests" on government before allowing them to vote... you know, like Literacy tests they had in the south.
Except you didn't refute anything. Those things happened, you claimed they weren't Trump's fault as if someone else was President in 2020.

Again, when you are a racist, you probably consider this acceptable. If you were smart enough to have an office job, say shit like that, see how long you have a job.

Uh, dude, there's a photograph of him, in a bar, posing with members of the Proud boys...

Actually, you stated you wanted to give voters 'tests" on government before allowing them to vote... you know, like Literacy tests they had in the south.

I've gone through your lies a half-dozen times already. Do I need to do it again?

Hundreds of thousands that Trump had nothing to do with.
Riots in the street because a dope died in a commie city and other commie cities rioted. Trump had zero to do with it.
Thousands of businesses closed because of Democrat policies in commie cities.
Millions of jobs lost that Trump had nothing to do with.

All lies. Now quit wasting our time telling them.

No OCD, when you're racist, you vote for a President that said the most racist things. Need I post the definition of racism from Dictionary.com again so you understand what the word means? So once again, tell us anything Trump said that was racist, but look up the word first.

So where is this photograph you claim exists? Why wasn't the bar fined for serving minors?

Yes, I would like to see everybody take tests to vote. What does that have to do with race?
You are a ridiculous hypocrite, you filthy bigot.

I honestly hope you get your anger management under control before you get into a classroom.

WHo would that be?
Don't play ignorant. The people of Florida voted to restore the voting rights of Felons, and the GOP legislature passed a law to keep that from happening.
Hundreds of thousands that Trump had nothing to do with.
Except for allowing this disease to ravage the country by refusing to take it seriously, which is why the US STILL leads the world in Covid Cases and deaths.

Riots in the street because a dope died in a commie city and other commie cities rioted. Trump had zero to do with it.

You mean other than his racism causing those frustrations to boil over.

Thousands of businesses closed because of Democrat policies in commie cities.
Because Trump failed to contain covid.

Millions of jobs lost that Trump had nothing to do with.
Because Trump failed to contain covid.

No OCD, when you're racist, you vote for a President that said the most racist things. Need I post the definition of racism from Dictionary.com again so you understand what the word means? So once again, tell us anything Trump said that was racist, but look up the word first.
I've already listed them.... There's a reason why people of color don't vote for you and why you want to keep them from voting.
So where is this photograph you claim exists? Why wasn't the bar fined for serving minors?

It was in the previous post...

Here he is, in a bar, with a member of the Proud Boys, flashing a racist salute.



Here's the fat little fuck grabbing a beer
Except for allowing this disease to ravage the country by refusing to take it seriously, which is why the US STILL leads the world in Covid Cases and deaths.

You mean other than his racism causing those frustrations to boil over.

Because Trump failed to contain covid.

Because Trump failed to contain covid.

I've already listed them.... There's a reason why people of color don't vote for you and why you want to keep them from voting.

All lies again. So what about the new record deaths under Dementia? At least he has three Trump vaccines and advanced therapeutics to work with. Trump didn't have anything. Now listen to your commie leaders like Dementia "Covid is not a federal issue, it's a state issue." If Trump didn't say or do anything racist, how is it the commies in commie cities rioted? The Summer of Love and bailing out rioters were your people--not Trump. But as a racist, what you're telling me is blacks are too stupid to pass a test to vote. Is that what you're admitting now?
I honestly hope you get your anger management under control before you get into a classroom.

Don't play ignorant. The people of Florida voted to restore the voting rights of Felons, and the GOP legislature passed a law to keep that from happening.
Actually, the Supreme Court ruled they can't vote unless and until they pay all fines and restitution.
All lies again. So what about the new record deaths under Dementia? At least he has three Trump vaccines and advanced therapeutics to work with. Trump didn't have anything.
Ray, you are reeking of desperation, buddy. Trump didn't inherit a plague ravaging the country, Biden did thanks to Trump.

And Trump's refusal to firmly tell his cultists to get their damned shots is prolonging the crisis. Yesterday, DiSatan fired a department head for telling his staff to get shots.

Now show us the identification of these proud boys. And give me a site making claim that's who they are.

Prosecutors also told the judge that Rittenhouse's public appearance in January with members of the Proud Boys group, which embraces political violence, was relevant to the case.

"(Rittenhouse's) actions of coming into our community illegally after curfew with a gun at the time of a protest is entirely consistent with what the Proud Boys make it their job to do," said Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger.

Of course, the Jury didn't hear this. They didn't hear how Fatty McFlopsweat beat up a 14 year old girl or stated he wished he had his gun so he could shoot peopel a few weeks before. Heck, they couldn't even call the people he murdered "victims".
Ray, you are reeking of desperation, buddy. Trump didn't inherit a plague ravaging the country, Biden did thanks to Trump.

And Trump's refusal to firmly tell his cultists to get their damned shots is prolonging the crisis. Yesterday, DiSatan fired a department head for telling his staff to get shots.

Prosecutors also told the judge that Rittenhouse's public appearance in January with members of the Proud Boys group, which embraces political violence, was relevant to the case.

"(Rittenhouse's) actions of coming into our community illegally after curfew with a gun at the time of a protest is entirely consistent with what the Proud Boys make it their job to do," said Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger.

Of course, the Jury didn't hear this. They didn't hear how Fatty McFlopsweat beat up a 14 year old girl or stated he wished he had his gun so he could shoot peopel a few weeks before. Heck, they couldn't even call the people he murdered "victims".

All bullshit. Just because they supported him up doesn't mean he had anything to do with it.

Ray, you are reeking of desperation, buddy. Trump didn't inherit a plague ravaging the country, Biden did thanks to Trump.

And Trump's refusal to firmly tell his cultists to get their damned shots is prolonging the crisis. Yesterday, DiSatan fired a department head for telling his staff to get shots.

Prosecutors also told the judge that Rittenhouse's public appearance in January with members of the Proud Boys group, which embraces political violence, was relevant to the case.

"(Rittenhouse's) actions of coming into our community illegally after curfew with a gun at the time of a protest is entirely consistent with what the Proud Boys make it their job to do," said Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger.

Of course, the Jury didn't hear this. They didn't hear how Fatty McFlopsweat beat up a 14 year old girl or stated he wished he had his gun so he could shoot peopel a few weeks before. Heck, they couldn't even call the people he murdered "victims".

Trump didn't inherit a plague ravaging the country, Biden did thanks to Trump.

You misspelled, "thanks to China".

Prosecutors also told the judge that Rittenhouse's public appearance in January with members of the Proud Boys group, which embraces political violence, was relevant to the case.

Prosecutors? You mean those failures who couldn't get him on a single charge? LOL!
Relevant because of all the minorities he shot? DURR

Heck, they couldn't even call the people he murdered "victims".

That's awful!! Let me make it up to you.

I don't feel sorry for the felon "victims" who got shot for their criminal attacks.

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