Proof for the pro abortion crowd

One could only wonder how someone could come to that conclusion. With no egg, the seed doesn't create anything.

Perhaps he is asking where does life begin? Does a fertilized embryo that can't possibly develop into a baby because of a structural defect count as a human life? This comes into play more when talking about stem cells than abortion though.

Bern80 said:
and vis versa
There are some caveats actually. There is proof of concept of somatic cell nuclear transfer, where the DNA in an egg is replaced by DNA from a cell in the body. This can lead to possibilities like therapeutic drug treatments, organs grown in a dish, or reproductively cloned human beings.
No, actually - I wasn’t asking anything. It was an attempt at humor. Young boys wanking - the church condemning them to burning in Hell for Eternity? You know - men getting blamed for everything?

Pro-abortion?? Talk about spinning, manipulating and being just plain irrational and illogical....I don't think anyone is pro-abortion, try pro-choice or it-doesn't-concern-me-so-I'll-mind-my-own-business spin.

What a woman (especially a woman you have no connection to whatsoever) does with HER body, is not anyone else's business but her's and her partner's...even then, the ultimate decision should be HERS.

If its part of her body, then why can a person be charged for manslaughter or murder if one causes that part of her body to cease to exist? Can I be charged for murder if I cut her hands off?
Living cells? Yes, definitely. But no more important than a living cell in a wart. (Yet)

AHhh, cmon, you're beyond that silly arguement by now arent you?

Warts dont have a seperate and unique DNA, and respitory system from the body its attatched to.
I never said if I was pro abortion or know why? Because it doesn't concern me, at least not at this point and if it did, I wouldn't want anyone preaching to me about their opinions on the matter. Another woman getting an abortion IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS and it' s not yours either.

Yea, same concept was used during the halocaust.

And the irony is that pro abortionists defend one who is guilty of murder, and wish to condemn to death those who are innocent and guilty of nothing.

Missle man, so, are you saying that people shouldnt be opposed to murder unless they are willing to rectify the situation that is causing a person to consider murdering another?
Originally Posted by glockmail
So if you are on life support then I can kill you and I won't be prosecuted for murder?

To answer this question, "YES, AND IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE STOMACH FOR IT, AT LEAST BRING ME A GUN"!!!! And if you like, you can stand there and watch. Quantity of life don't make diddley squat. Its quality. People put too much emphasis on life. If my Mom would have aborted me I wouldn't have known anything about it.

Actually, the question should include, "so you dont mind if I crush the skull of someone you love who is on life support?"

Fact is, life is not defined by if a person is breathing, but by heart activity or lack of.

If you think quality of life determines if someone should be able to continue to live, then, who decides? Yep, you do speak as a true Nazi.
Missle man, so, are you saying that people shouldnt be opposed to murder unless they are willing to rectify the situation that is causing a person to consider murdering another?

Explain how reducing unwanted pregnancies is NOT the most effective way to prevent abortions. If those opposed to abortion aren't willing to employ any and all available methods of preventing unwanted pregnancies, IMO it demonstrates that they are more concerned with sexual morality, not preventing abortion. In such cases, they should just STFU.
Explain how reducing unwanted pregnancies is NOT the most effective way to prevent abortions. If those opposed to abortion aren't willing to employ any and all available methods of preventing unwanted pregnancies, IMO it demonstrates that they are more concerned with sexual morality, not preventing abortion. In such cases, they should just STFU.

Nice dodge.
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