PROOF: FBI, DHS release joint report on Russia hacking

The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Thursday released a joint report detailing how federal investigators linked the Russian government to hacks of Democratic Party organizations.

The document makes clear reference to the hacks of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, though it does not mention either by name.

The 13-page report provides technical details regarding tools and infrastructure used by Russian civilian and military intelligence services to “compromise and exploit networks and endpoints associated with the U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private sector entities.” (See the entire report below.)

More: FBI, DHS release report on Russia hacking

Joint Report: GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

This gave President Obama all the proof he needed to launch retaliatory measures against Russia.

It matter not seeing President Obama tenure is ending or did you fail to realize the reality of this mere fact!?!

My point?

Simple, his sanctions are pointless but keep on believing they will matter!

Why would I give a shit whether the sanctions work or not? I'm just happy that credible proof of Putin hacking the DNC to help Trump win has been provided.
Lol, this coming out of the Obama administration. I hope Trump cuts your free booze out of your life.
The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Thursday released a joint report detailing how federal investigators linked the Russian government to hacks of Democratic Party organizations.

The document makes clear reference to the hacks of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, though it does not mention either by name.

The 13-page report provides technical details regarding tools and infrastructure used by Russian civilian and military intelligence services to “compromise and exploit networks and endpoints associated with the U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private sector entities.” (See the entire report below.)

More: FBI, DHS release report on Russia hacking

Joint Report: GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

This gave President Obama all the proof he needed to launch retaliatory measures against Russia.

Is this article a joke? A #fake news title? Because if it isn't, this is a national embarrassment we are talking about here. If this is why Obama expelled bunch of diplomats.... he just made a huge ass-clown out of himself.

The article describes some basic hacking guidelines that a 13-year-old (girl) would be smart enough to put together.

Lakhota, you have made a fool out of yourself, again!
Don't forget about the Democrat party.
The report mentions different techniques the Russians use.

The report does not mention Hillary or Podesta by name for a reason - they can't prove either was hacked by Russians and Assange claims it was an insude job.

The report does not declare the Russians 'hacked the election' or definitively affected the outcome of the election.
I see no proof at all in this report. I see a bunch of coulds, possibilities, and mights. They spend a great deal of time talking about APT 29 and APT 28, but they provide no evidence that these two are russian. Then they spend several pages going over rudimentary computer safety protocols.

All in all, if this is the best that my tax dollars are doing, I am pretty pissed.

Did you expect them to release the code used to the public? The IP addresses they traced? You do realize they aren't going to release exact information so that the Russians don't know what signature the U.S. can define them by? That way Russia either has to write a whole new hacking program, or they have to keep trying to hack the U.S. with the same code with minor changes until the U.S. can no longer stop them... both of which could take a long time. That would be dumb as fuck to do.
The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Thursday released a joint report detailing how federal investigators linked the Russian government to hacks of Democratic Party organizations.

The document makes clear reference to the hacks of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, though it does not mention either by name.

The 13-page report provides technical details regarding tools and infrastructure used by Russian civilian and military intelligence services to “compromise and exploit networks and endpoints associated with the U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private sector entities.” (See the entire report below.)

More: FBI, DHS release report on Russia hacking

Joint Report: GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

This gave President Obama all the proof he needed to launch retaliatory measures against Russia.

It matter not seeing President Obama tenure is ending or did you fail to realize the reality of this mere fact!?!

My point?

Simple, his sanctions are pointless but keep on believing they will matter!

Why would I give a shit whether the sanctions work or not? I'm just happy that credible proof of Putin hacking the DNC to help Trump win has been provided.
Please quote the definitive statement, the specific smoking gun.

The fact is that no evidence has been provided definitively showing any Russian hacking occured that resulted in Hillary losing.

It is an excuse the liberals like you are using to explain why the worst candidate in US history lost the election.
Did you expect them to release the code used to the public? The IP addresses they traced? You do realize they aren't going to release exact information so that the Russians don't know what signature the U.S. can define them by? That way Russia either has to write a whole new hacking program, or they have to keep trying to hack the U.S. with the same code with minor changes until the U.S. can no longer stop them... both of which could take a long time. That would be dumb as fuck to do.
None of that matters - what code they use is no proof they hacked anything, especially 'the election'.

When liberals say, 'the Russians hacked the election' what they really mean is that personal information / e-mails were stolen and released to the public.

No voting machines were hacked. No votes were over-turned. What did happen was embarasding, truthful, honest information about who Democrats are, what they were saying, and what they were doing was exposed. That resulted in the American people got to make an INFORMED choice.

An INFORMED choice is the last thing Democrats want anyone to have.

If it were up to liberals Americans would not know their leadership are a bunch of racist, sexist, anti-Catholic, homophobic Anti-Semites. They would not know the DNC rigged it's own Primary so Hillary would win...and could not have done so without their help. They would not know Hillary was fed debate questions in advance.

Snowflakes are pissed Hillary lost the election when she shouldn't have even won the Democratic Party Nomination!
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Did you expect them to release the code used to the public? The IP addresses they traced? You do realize they aren't going to release exact information so that the Russians don't know what signature the U.S. can define them by? That way Russia either has to write a whole new hacking program, or they have to keep trying to hack the U.S. with the same code with minor changes until the U.S. can no longer stop them... both of which could take a long time. That would be dumb as fuck to do.
None of that matters - what code they use is no proof they hacked anything, especially 'the election'.

When liberals say, 'the Russians hacked the election' what they really mean is that personal information / e-mails were stolen and released to the public.

No voting machines were hacked. No votes were over-turned. What did happen was embarasding, truthful, honest information about who Democrats are, what they were saying, and what they were doing was exposed. That resulted in the American people got to make an INFORMED choice.

An INFORMED choice is the last thing Democrats want anyone to have.

If it were ip to liberals Americans would not know their leadership are a bunch of racist, sexist, anti-Catholic, homophobic Anti-Semites. They would not know the DNC rigged it's own Primary so Hillary would win...and could not have done so without their help. They would not know Hillary was fed debate questions in advance.

Snowflakes are pissed Hillary lost the election when she shouldn't have even won the Democratic Party Nomination!

No, do you honestly think that Trump and the RNC doesn't have dirty laundry? Do you even understand what a fair and balanced election means? For fuck's sake, these emails... were very damaging, though some have been proven to have been altered before their release. Yet here we are, and Trump NEVER released his taxes. And what do Trump supporters say about that? Oh, why would he? It might have hurt him in the election like it did Romney! Well yeah that's the point. How can you support the hacking of the DNC because it brought out bad shit about Hillary, but at the same time you think it was ok for Trump not to release his taxes because stuff in it might hurt him?!!?

That's as fucking partisan as it gets, and why what the Russians did hacked the elections.
At least our soon-to-be President is using his brain -

“And I know a lot about hacking. And hacking is a very hard thing to prove. So it could be somebody else. And I also know things that other people don’t know, and so they cannot be sure of the situation.”


Mr. Trump, who does not use email, also advised people to avoid computers when dealing with delicate material. “It’s very important, if you have something really important, write it out and have it delivered by courier, the old-fashioned way, because I’ll tell you what, no computer is safe,” Mr. Trump said.

No wonder the hackers didn't get anything on him! I didn't know that he didn't use email, silly Trump - though I suppose its served him well lol
No, do you honestly think that Trump and the RNC doesn't have dirty laundry? Do you even understand what a fair and balanced election means?
1. Yes, I understand The Republicans have dirty laundry, but I also read the report that stated someone is believed to have tried to hack the GOP's information as well and failed. They moved on to the DNC where they succeeded. That's not the GOP's fault.

2. If there had not been anything to hack there would have been no problem.
- If the Democratswould have exercised greater cyber security...If Hillary had not used an Un-Authorized, UN-Encrypted server...IF Hillary had not shared her passwords and not given the MAID and others access to her classified e-mails.

- If Democrats had not been stupid enough to express themselves / make racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic comments in e-mails...which can be hacked...they were not only all those things (racist, sexist, etc) they were stupid as well, thinking it would never get out so it was ok to do so in email.

3. Life is not fair, snowflake. Whaaaaa, the Democrsts got hacked but the GOP didn't. Again, if the info would not have been there to begin with there would have been nothing to hack. Sorry, I don't feel sorry for you that 'your' racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic behavior/jokes, the fact 'you' rigged the Primary, etc was exposed. The people deserved to know anyway.
At least our soon-to-be President is using his brain -

“And I know a lot about hacking. And hacking is a very hard thing to prove. So it could be somebody else. And I also know things that other people don’t know, and so they cannot be sure of the situation.”


Mr. Trump, who does not use email, also advised people to avoid computers when dealing with delicate material. “It’s very important, if you have something really important, write it out and have it delivered by courier, the old-fashioned way, because I’ll tell you what, no computer is safe,” Mr. Trump said.

No wonder the hackers didn't get anything on him! I didn't know that he didn't use email, silly Trump - though I suppose its served him well lol
Why would Trump use email - he TWEETS everything. :p
No, do you honestly think that Trump and the RNC doesn't have dirty laundry? Do you even understand what a fair and balanced election means?
1. Yes, I understand The Republicans have dirty laundry, but I also read the report that stated someone is believed to have tried to hack the GOP's information as well and failed. They moved on to the DNC where they succeeded. That's not the GOP's fault.

2. If there had not been anything to hack there would have been no problem.
- If the Democratswould have exercised greater cyber security...If Hillary had not used an Un-Authorized, UN-Encrypted server...IF Hillary had not shared her passwords and not given the MAID and others access to her classified e-mails.

- If Democrats had not been stupid enough to express themselves / make racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic comments in e-mails...which can be hacked...they were not only all those things (racist, sexist, etc) they were stupid as well, thinking it would never get out so it was pk to do so in email.

3. Life is not fair, snowflake. Whaaaaa, the Democrsts got hacked but the GOP didn't. Again, if the info would not have been there to begin with there would have been nothing to hack. Sorry, don't feel sorry for you that your racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic behavior, the fact 'you' rigged the Primary, etc was exposed. The people deserved to know anyway.

Wrong. The hackers also hacked several DNC campaign headquarters and not RNC ones. They hacked Lyndsey Graham, but not Trump.
Ya'll on the left are absolutely clueless and when folks the world over explain it, you just stick your fingers in your ears. ~sigh~
Ya'll on the left are absolutely clueless and when folks the world over explain it, you just stick your fingers in your ears. ~sigh~

You people on the right, like those that say they have over a 200 IQ, don't get it. You think you know more than all the intelligence agencies in the federal government and some of the top private internet security firms in the country?
The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Thursday released a joint report detailing how federal investigators linked the Russian government to hacks of Democratic Party organizations.

The document makes clear reference to the hacks of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, though it does not mention either by name.

The 13-page report provides technical details regarding tools and infrastructure used by Russian civilian and military intelligence services to “compromise and exploit networks and endpoints associated with the U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private sector entities.” (See the entire report below.)

More: FBI, DHS release report on Russia hacking

Joint Report: GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

This gave President Obama all the proof he needed to launch retaliatory measures against Russia.
Washington Redskin, you really need to stay out of the fire water.
Why don't you blame the DNC and the Hildabeast for their incompetency and for having material they were trying to cover up that was damaging to their camp? A 12-year-old could've hacked their systems..
Their loss weeded out incompetency… fact
I'm on the side of right yes. Though not "on the right."

No, I'm saying they have zero proof and they just told the world that with that cobbled together story release. I'm embarrassed if you want the truth of it. If we're going ot jump on the world stage and throw around "proof" and "evidence" then "well we think maybe" ain't fucking good enough...
The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Thursday released a joint report detailing how federal investigators linked the Russian government to hacks of Democratic Party organizations.

The document makes clear reference to the hacks of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, though it does not mention either by name.

The 13-page report provides technical details regarding tools and infrastructure used by Russian civilian and military intelligence services to “compromise and exploit networks and endpoints associated with the U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private sector entities.” (See the entire report below.)

More: FBI, DHS release report on Russia hacking

Joint Report: GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

This gave President Obama all the proof he needed to launch retaliatory measures against Russia.

It matter not seeing President Obama tenure is ending or did you fail to realize the reality of this mere fact!?!

My point?

Simple, his sanctions are pointless but keep on believing they will matter!

Why would I give a shit whether the sanctions work or not? I'm just happy that credible proof of Putin hacking the DNC to help Trump win has been provided.
...just say no to the fire water
Here you go LewDog, get the password off the Darkweb (they require you to prove you're not working for the gov) and you too can join the billions of "Russian" hackers!

US Govt Data Shows Russia Used Outdated Ukrainian PHP Malware

By viewing the source code, we could find the name of the malware and the version. It is P.A.S. 3.1.0.

We googled it and found a website that makes this malware. You can find the site at this address: Download P.A.S. v.3.1.7

They even offer help to use it :)


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Ya'll on the left are absolutely clueless and when folks the world over explain it, you just stick your fingers in your ears. ~sigh~

You people on the right, like those that say they have over a 200 IQ, don't get it. You think you know more than all the intelligence agencies in the federal government and some of the top private internet security firms in the country?
You still have not answered the question, what about the incompetency of the DNC and the Hildabeast?

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