Progressive Greatest Perversion


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Nowhere is the perversion of Progressive ideology greater than in how they handle their greatest successes.

For example, when they win the call their nation the "Peoples Republic" (China, North Korea and Vietnam). Of course, the people in these "People Republics" are nothing but slaves to an all powerful government. Until the governments adopted Free Market reforms, people starved by the million.

In the USA, we are, or were, a genuine People's Republic, our Constitution limited the power and reach of the government. And what do Progressives seek to do here? To undermine the people freedoms in the one genuine Peoples Republic on the planet and have an all-powerful government that will control and direct every human activity, just like the Progressive Peoples Republic of China, Korea and Vietnam

It's perverted.
Progressivism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Progressivism is an umbrella term for a political ideology advocating or favoring social, political, and economic reform or changes through the state. Progressivism is often viewed by its advocates to be in opposition to conservative or reactionary ideologies.
The Progressive Movement began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in cities with settlement workers and reformers who were interested in helping those facing harsh conditions at home and at work. The reformers spoke out about the need for laws regulating tenement housing and child labor. They also called for better working conditions for women.
Nowhere is the perversion of Progressive ideology greater than in how they handle their greatest successes.

For example, when they win the call their nation the "Peoples Republic" (China, North Korea and Vietnam).

CrusaderFrank is a liar.
One of the progressive perversions is subterfuge. Progressives won't even admit to being liberals. They get into the greenie movement and pervert it to the point that the green movement becomes anti-American.
One of the progressive perversions is subterfuge. Progressives won't even admit to being liberals. They get into the greenie movement and pervert it to the point that the green movement becomes anti-American.

Whitehall is not a liar, I think. Just a fool.

Where did you get the idea that progressives have a problem with being called "liberal"?
Why do you think the environmentalist movement has been "infiltrated" by progressives, when it obviously is, itself, progressive? What makes you call it anti-American?
One of the progressive perversions is subterfuge. Progressives won't even admit to being liberals. They get into the greenie movement and pervert it to the point that the green movement becomes anti-American.

Whitehall is not a liar, I think. Just a fool.

Where did you get the idea that progressives have a problem with being called "liberal"?
Why do you think the environmentalist movement has been "infiltrated" by progressives, when it obviously is, itself, progressive? What makes you call it anti-American?

When the politics of the environment is more important than protecting the environment, then, yea.... I'd suggest that is a problem. It sickens me, as someone who cares very much for the environment, that I cannot do so without ascribing to some asinine political views along with it.

Hence the term 'watermelon' is given to those who use the environment for political gain. If those people actually cared about the environment, they would not use it for politics.
One of the progressive perversions is subterfuge. Progressives won't even admit to being liberals. They get into the greenie movement and pervert it to the point that the green movement becomes anti-American.

Whitehall is not a liar, I think. Just a fool.

Where did you get the idea that progressives have a problem with being called "liberal"?

Why do you think the environmentalist movement has been "infiltrated" by progressives, when it obviously is, itself, progressive? What makes you call it anti-American?

Your kidding right??

You guys hate it when your pointed out to be 'liberal'. There was several threads here recently about the fact that you all want to be called 'progressive' now :eusa_eh:

As for the environmental movement, its anti-capitalist and a joke! It has become a religion rather than a science.
Sure we need regulations, but MY GAWD... the red tape and beaurocratic BS you have to wade thru is flat ridiculous.

But you 'libs' love big gov't.
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When the politics of the environment is more important than protecting the environment, then, yea.... I'd suggest that is a problem. It sickens me, as someone who cares very much for the environment, that I cannot do so without ascribing to some asinine political views along with it.

Hence the term 'watermelon' is given to those who use the environment for political gain. If those people actually cared about the environment, they would not use it for politics.

A more specific allegation was made, which was that the environmental movement has been "infiltrated" by "progressives" and has become "anti-American." I won't try to argue that all positions taken by environmentalists make sense in terms of protecting the environment or resource husbandry; there is a range of intelligence and rationality in the movement as there is everywhere.

But this thread is founded on a lie that equates progressives/liberals with Communists. That's just bullshit, always has been, and today it's not even politically sensible bullshit, the Cold War having ended more than twenty years ago. Anyone born in the 1980s who saw that allegation wouldn't even call it a lie, as I do, they'd just go, "Huh? What the fuck are you talking about?"

The same is true of the term "Watermelon" that you so love to use. The implication that environmentalists are really Communists in disguise is nonsense. Unlike most people on this forum I suspect, I've actually studied Marx, Engels, Lenin, etc. and have some understanding of what Communism is about, and I can tell the difference easily. The allegation was always a lie, capitalizing on the irrational fear of Communism that prevailed during the Cold War (irrational not because Communism wasn't a bad system, but because its chances of being implemented here were, and remain, zero). Because of that widespread fear, it was a politically useful lie in those days, a way to smear anything liberal. But with the end of the Cold War, it isn't even that.
When the politics of the environment is more important than protecting the environment, then, yea.... I'd suggest that is a problem. It sickens me, as someone who cares very much for the environment, that I cannot do so without ascribing to some asinine political views along with it.

Hence the term 'watermelon' is given to those who use the environment for political gain. If those people actually cared about the environment, they would not use it for politics.

A more specific allegation was made, which was that the environmental movement has been "infiltrated" by "progressives" and has become "anti-American." I won't try to argue that all positions taken by environmentalists make sense in terms of protecting the environment or resource husbandry; there is a range of intelligence and rationality in the movement as there is everywhere.

But this thread is founded on a lie that equates progressives/liberals with Communists. That's just bullshit, always has been, and today it's not even politically sensible bullshit, the Cold War having ended more than twenty years ago. Anyone born in the 1980s who saw that allegation wouldn't even call it a lie, as I do, they'd just go, "Huh? What the fuck are you talking about?"

The same is true of the term "Watermelon" that you so love to use. The implication that environmentalists are really Communists in disguise is nonsense. Unlike most people on this forum I suspect, I've actually studied Marx, Engels, Lenin, etc. and have some understanding of what Communism is about, and I can tell the difference easily. The allegation was always a lie, capitalizing on the irrational fear of Communism that prevailed during the Cold War (irrational not because Communism wasn't a bad system, but because its chances of being implemented here were, and remain, zero). Because of that widespread fear, it was a politically useful lie in those days, a way to smear anything liberal. But with the end of the Cold War, it isn't even that.

The term is not used to describe ALL environmentalists. It is used to describe those who deliberately use the movement for political gain. Such as Van Jones - classic example of a 'watermelon man'.

I dislike the theft of any just cause for partisan political reasons.... there are things, such as the environment, that should be above hacks abusing it for political gain.

I suspect you accept it, because it does not adversely affect you... but it does me. And that is not right.
Nowhere is the perversion of Progressive ideology greater than in how they handle their greatest successes.

For example, when they win the call their nation the "Peoples Republic" (China, North Korea and Vietnam).

CrusaderFrank is a liar.
.....And, he's runnin'-outta-gas, fast!!

If you'll notice, he's (now) resorted to spinning Absolutes.....with zero supporting-data.

It surely does take a lotta faith to be a "conservative"....

[ame=]Lou Reed Busload Of Faith (HQ) - YouTube[/ame]​
If there is not a Liberal=communist correlation to Godwin's law there ought to be.
When the politics of the environment is more important than protecting the environment, then, yea.... I'd suggest that is a problem. It sickens me, as someone who cares very much for the environment, that I cannot do so without ascribing to some asinine political views along with it.

Hence the term 'watermelon' is given to those who use the environment for political gain. If those people actually cared about the environment, they would not use it for politics.

A more specific allegation was made, which was that the environmental movement has been "infiltrated" by "progressives" and has become "anti-American." I won't try to argue that all positions taken by environmentalists make sense in terms of protecting the environment or resource husbandry; there is a range of intelligence and rationality in the movement as there is everywhere.

But this thread is founded on a lie that equates progressives/liberals with Communists. That's just bullshit, always has been, and today it's not even politically sensible bullshit, the Cold War having ended more than twenty years ago. Anyone born in the 1980s who saw that allegation wouldn't even call it a lie, as I do, they'd just go, "Huh? What the fuck are you talking about?"

The same is true of the term "Watermelon" that you so love to use. The implication that environmentalists are really Communists in disguise is nonsense. Unlike most people on this forum I suspect, I've actually studied Marx, Engels, Lenin, etc. and have some understanding of what Communism is about, and I can tell the difference easily. The allegation was always a lie, capitalizing on the irrational fear of Communism that prevailed during the Cold War (irrational not because Communism wasn't a bad system, but because its chances of being implemented here were, and remain, zero). Because of that widespread fear, it was a politically useful lie in those days, a way to smear anything liberal. But with the end of the Cold War, it isn't even that.

'The Modern Liberal believes in the supremacy of the state.... For the Modern Liberal, the individual's imperfection and personal pursuits impede the objectives of a utopian state. In this, Modern Liberalism promotes what French Historian Alexis de Tocqueville called soft tyranny, which becomes increasingly more oppressive, partially leading to hard tyranny.... As the word "liberal" is, in its classical meaning, the opposite of authoritarian, it is more accurate, therefore, to characterize the Modern Liberal as a Statist.'

Mark Levin
Nowhere is the perversion of Progressive ideology greater than in how they handle their greatest successes.

For example, when they win the call their nation the "Peoples Republic" (China, North Korea and Vietnam). Of course, the people in these "People Republics" are nothing but slaves to an all powerful government. Until the governments adopted Free Market reforms, people starved by the million.

In the USA, we are, or were, a genuine People's Republic, our Constitution limited the power and reach of the government. And what do Progressives seek to do here? To undermine the people freedoms in the one genuine Peoples Republic on the planet and have an all-powerful government that will control and direct every human activity, just like the Progressive Peoples Republic of China, Korea and Vietnam

It's perverted.

You think China and North Korea are progressive? When they put a policeman in every house? That would be pure conservatism. It's the basis for the right wing "social agenda". No way around that one. Not even you can dodge that pie in the face ---> SMACK!
One of the progressive perversions is subterfuge. Progressives won't even admit to being liberals. They get into the greenie movement and pervert it to the point that the green movement becomes anti-American.

Whitehall is not a liar, I think. Just a fool.

Where did you get the idea that progressives have a problem with being called "liberal"?

Why do you think the environmentalist movement has been "infiltrated" by progressives, when it obviously is, itself, progressive? What makes you call it anti-American?

Your kidding right??

You guys hate it when your pointed out to be 'liberal'. There was several threads here recently about the fact that you all want to be called 'progressive' now :eusa_eh:

As for the environmental movement, its anti-capitalist and a joke! It has become a religion rather than a science.
Sure we need regulations, but MY GAWD... the red tape and beaurocratic BS you have to wade thru is flat ridiculous.

But you 'libs' love big gov't.

The progressive liberals I know are quite proud of the fact, as am I. If I were rw/pub/bag right now, I'd be hanging my head in shame. OTOH, if I were rw (etc), I probably wouldn't know just how dumb that really is.

The op is dumb, makes no sense, inflammatory for the sake of being inflammatory.
Nowhere is the perversion of Progressive ideology greater than in how they handle their greatest successes.

For example, when they win the call their nation the "Peoples Republic" (China, North Korea and Vietnam). Of course, the people in these "People Republics" are nothing but slaves to an all powerful government. Until the governments adopted Free Market reforms, people starved by the million.

In the USA, we are, or were, a genuine People's Republic, our Constitution limited the power and reach of the government. And what do Progressives seek to do here? To undermine the people freedoms in the one genuine Peoples Republic on the planet and have an all-powerful government that will control and direct every human activity, just like the Progressive Peoples Republic of China, Korea and Vietnam

It's perverted.

You think China and North Korea are progressive? When they put a policeman in every house? That would be pure conservatism. It's the basis for the right wing "social agenda". No way around that one. Not even you can dodge that pie in the face ---> SMACK!

It's actually really easy to 'dodge'... since it is entirely bullshit.

When the politics of the environment is more important than protecting the environment, then, yea.... I'd suggest that is a problem. It sickens me, as someone who cares very much for the environment, that I cannot do so without ascribing to some asinine political views along with it.

Hence the term 'watermelon' is given to those who use the environment for political gain. If those people actually cared about the environment, they would not use it for politics.

A more specific allegation was made, which was that the environmental movement has been "infiltrated" by "progressives" and has become "anti-American." I won't try to argue that all positions taken by environmentalists make sense in terms of protecting the environment or resource husbandry; there is a range of intelligence and rationality in the movement as there is everywhere.

But this thread is founded on a lie that equates progressives/liberals with Communists. That's just bullshit, always has been, and today it's not even politically sensible bullshit, the Cold War having ended more than twenty years ago. Anyone born in the 1980s who saw that allegation wouldn't even call it a lie, as I do, they'd just go, "Huh? What the fuck are you talking about?"

The same is true of the term "Watermelon" that you so love to use. The implication that environmentalists are really Communists in disguise is nonsense. Unlike most people on this forum I suspect, I've actually studied Marx, Engels, Lenin, etc. and have some understanding of what Communism is about, and I can tell the difference easily. The allegation was always a lie, capitalizing on the irrational fear of Communism that prevailed during the Cold War (irrational not because Communism wasn't a bad system, but because its chances of being implemented here were, and remain, zero). Because of that widespread fear, it was a politically useful lie in those days, a way to smear anything liberal. But with the end of the Cold War, it isn't even that.

'The Modern Liberal believes in the supremacy of the state.... For the Modern Liberal, the individual's imperfection and personal pursuits impede the objectives of a utopian state. In this, Modern Liberalism promotes what French Historian Alexis de Tocqueville called soft tyranny, which becomes increasingly more oppressive, partially leading to hard tyranny.... As the word "liberal" is, in its classical meaning, the opposite of authoritarian, it is more accurate, therefore, to characterize the Modern Liberal as a Statist.'

Mark Levin

Okay, now I see the problem.

rw's have no clue what "The Modern Liberal" believes.
Whitehall is not a liar, I think. Just a fool.

Where did you get the idea that progressives have a problem with being called "liberal"?

Why do you think the environmentalist movement has been "infiltrated" by progressives, when it obviously is, itself, progressive? What makes you call it anti-American?

Your kidding right??

You guys hate it when your pointed out to be 'liberal'. There was several threads here recently about the fact that you all want to be called 'progressive' now :eusa_eh:

As for the environmental movement, its anti-capitalist and a joke! It has become a religion rather than a science.
Sure we need regulations, but MY GAWD... the red tape and beaurocratic BS you have to wade thru is flat ridiculous.

But you 'libs' love big gov't.

The progressive liberals I know are quite proud of the fact, as am I. If I were rw/pub/bag right now, I'd be hanging my head in shame. OTOH, if I were rw (etc), I probably wouldn't know just how dumb that really is.

The op is dumb, makes no sense, inflammatory for the sake of being inflammatory.

Another 'we're right and you're totally wrong' argument...classic.

Both parties and their members embedded in the establishment love big corporate-welfare government.

The proof is in the pudding. When was the last time the size of the Federal Government decreased?
Your kidding right??

You guys hate it when your pointed out to be 'liberal'. There was several threads here recently about the fact that you all want to be called 'progressive' now :eusa_eh:

As for the environmental movement, its anti-capitalist and a joke! It has become a religion rather than a science.
Sure we need regulations, but MY GAWD... the red tape and beaurocratic BS you have to wade thru is flat ridiculous.

But you 'libs' love big gov't.

The progressive liberals I know are quite proud of the fact, as am I. If I were rw/pub/bag right now, I'd be hanging my head in shame. OTOH, if I were rw (etc), I probably wouldn't know just how dumb that really is.

The op is dumb, makes no sense, inflammatory for the sake of being inflammatory.


Party till you puke bro......

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