Zone1 Professor's Theory: Only two positions can be held logically: Catholicism or Agnosticism


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
My father is a professor in mathematics and computer science. He is a devout Catholic who believes the Earth is billions of years old and that Darwin's theory of evolution is the way God created life.

He told me there are only two religious positions that can be believed by a person who applies logic: Catholicism or Agnosticism.

All other faiths and creeds requires one to ignore logic and provable facts to believe in.

My father is a professor in mathematics and computer science. He is a devout Catholic who believes the Earth is billions of years old and that Darwin's theory of evolution is the way God created life.

He told me there are only two religious positions that can be believed by a person who applies logic: Catholicism or Agnosticism.

All other faiths and creeds requires one to ignore logic and provable facts to believe in.

The bible proves Catholicism is false. He should be a professor of the bible then he could see clear.
The Protestants are wrong about almost everything they believe in. Of course, that's hard to nail down because the Protestants are splintered into 41,000 denominations worldwide.
The Episcopalians allow anyone who walks into their church to take Communion.

The Baptists believe that one can be "saved" by a single call at the altar.

The Lutherans believe that sin is irrelevant to salvation.
The Protestants are wrong about almost everything they believe in. Of course, that's hard to nail down because the Protestants are splintered into 41,000 denominations worldwide.
You are correct, the protestants fixed little-- Jesus isn't with Catholicism or the protestants, they all teach a false god created at the councils of Catholicism-Catholicism = 2 Thess 2:3 and all her branches.
The Jews reject Jesus of Nazarath as the Messiah.

The Hindus believe in a pantheon of Gods.

Muslims believe in a prophet who brought warfare and suffering to the world.
The Book of Mormon describes North America as having crops that didn't exist until the Europeans brought them over.
Reincarnation is the belief that you can come back as an animal.
The Jews reject Jesus of Nazarath as the Messiah.

The Hindus believe in a pantheon of Gods.

Muslims believe in a prophet who brought warfare and suffering to the world.
Jews and Muslims are destroying the homeland of Jesus.
Jesus founded the Catholic Church on the Apostles with Peter being the leader of the Church.
The Protestant churches were founded by men and women who died and did not rise from the dead.
The Church of England was founded by King Henry VIII who murdered two of his wives and divorced another two.
Agnosticism is the belief that one can't know whether or not there is a God. This position is logically defensible if you take the position that all stories of miracles must not be true.

In this way, it is logical but it is less logical than Catholicism. Many people witnessed the miracles of Christ, and saw him after the Resurrection.
Jesus didn't found any of the Protestant denominations. Even the Protestants will admit that.
King Henry VIII, perhaps one of the most evil men who ever lived, founded the Church of England.
Martin Luther said he could commit adultery multiple times and still be justified.
The Mormons believe Jesus and Satan are brothers.

Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe Jesus is God.

Episcopalians have women priests and openly gay bishops.

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