Proclamation on Pledge to America’s Workers Month, 2019


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019

Donald Trump always puts the American worker first,unlike Democrats who put everything else first, including illegal aliens, and raise taxes that hur America's workers. Here is the latest from POTUS:

Proclamation on Pledge to America’s Workers Month, 2019
Proclamation on Pledge to America's Workers Month, 2019

This month, we celebrate Pledge to America’s Workers Month. Last year, I signed an Executive Order establishing the President’s National Council for the American Worker. The Council, made up of 14 Federal agencies, is charged with developing a national strategy for training and reskilling workers for high-demand occupations and the industries of the future. The Federal Government, however, cannot do it alone. That is why we also launched the Pledge to America’s Workers, a call-to-action for States and the private sector to create new education and training opportunities to better serve the American worker and encourage private investment in workforce development. As of today, a strong bipartisan majority of our Nation’s Governors and more than 280 companies and associations have signed the Pledge, committing to create nearly 10 million enhanced career and training opportunities for America’s workforce. On this inaugural Pledge to America’s Workers Month, my Administration calls on more States and employers, both large and small, to sign the Pledge to strengthen the economy and ensure one of America’s greatest assets — its workforce — is prepared for the jobs of today and tomorrow.

As President, I have worked to revitalize our country’s economy and usher in a new era of American prosperity. Since taking office, 5.4 million jobs have been added to our Nation’s economy. This year, wage growth hit its fastest pace in a decade, boosting the buying power of American workers. My Administration has unleashed an economic expansion that has brought a record number of Americans back into the labor market. Not only has the national unemployment rate dropped to 3.6 percent, the lowest rate in half a century, but unemployment has reached historic lows among minorities, veterans, and individuals with disabilities. In May, a record 75 percent of people who started that work had been out of the labor force the previous month rather than unemployed. In other words, we are bringing more people off the sidelines and into the labor force than ever before. We are striving for and achieving inclusive growth, so that all Americans, especially those who have been marginalized, can find meaningful work and the training needed to fill vacant jobs.

Our country’s flourishing job market also poses exciting new opportunities. In each of the past 14 months, the United States has had more job openings than job seekers, meaning there remains room for even more Americans to enter the labor force. My Administration stands ready to help American workers gain the skills needed to fill the approximately 7.4 million open jobs. That is why last month, the Department of Labor launched the new Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship pathway, encouraging companies to offer on-the-job training in new, emerging, and high-growth sectors of our economy.

Throughout Pledge to America’s Workers Month, we applaud the States, employers, and associations who have signed the Pledge. And we encourage those that have not yet signed the Pledge to do so and commit to new education and training opportunities over the next 5 years. Together, with the industrious spirit of the American workforce, we will build a more prosperous future for all generations.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim July 2019 as Pledge to America’s Workers Month.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of July, in the year of our Lord two thousand nineteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-third.

We have a lot of foreign workers here who are on HIB and H2B visas,

Untold Stories: The American Workers Replaced by the H-1B Visa Program

Eleven Americans explain how Big Tech’s cheap foreign labor cost them their livelihoods

By Matthew Sussis on May 4, 2019


The stories above are anecdotal, but they are corroborated by data. In nearly all of the workers' stories, one commonality is that they describe their foreign replacements as under-qualified or unspecialized. Indeed, foreign-educated immigrants significantly underperform on literacy, numeracy, and computer skills relative to native-born Americans. Similarly, the workers said that Americans were often discriminated against. There have in fact been many such cases in the courts, where Americans say that the managers, recruiters, or corporations themselves favored foreign nationals and/or discriminate against women.3 Their stories are not anomalous — they mirror the negative experiences of millions of Americans who either currently or used to work in STEM.

The single most common frustration that all of the people in these stories expressed was the feeling that they simply are not being heard by lawmakers. President Trump campaigned on putting American workers first, and signed an executive order in July 2018 establishing the National Council for the American Worker. The president should bring some of these displaced STEM workers onto his council in order to hear their perspectives and their stories. Doing so would be an important first step toward passing legislation that puts American workers first.

Companies Sweetening H-1B Deals by Offering Green Cards: Study

Nate SwannerMarch 19, 20193 min read

If this sounds alarming, it shouldn’t. The Trump administration has been effective with regard to reforming the H-1B program, but its policies also send mixed signals. Earlier this year, Trump suggested the H-1B visa program may open up a direct path to citizenship to “bring both simplicity and certainty” for foreign-born tech employees staying stateside.
When I apply for a job I have experience for I am told no. I am over 55 and disabled..

old and disabled, it would cost a company tooooo much to put you on their ins. They can always find a healthy young person to pay them less till they become 50 or disabled.
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When I apply for a job I have experience for I am told no. I am over 55 and disabled..

Well, we have no proof of that here do we. Maybe you just have a lousy resume. Maybe you are a bad interviewer. All we have is your word for it.
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President Trump’s historic jobs achievement

While the media obsess over the latest palace intrigue, President Trump is quietly shaping up to be one of the best economic presidents in modern U.S. history.
Under his watch, the unemployment rate hit 3.9 percent in April, the lowest level this century. At this rate, essentially every American who wants a job could find one. Keep in mind, the unemployment rate was more than double this level as recently as President Obama's second term in office.
Unemployment has dipped below 4 percent only a few times in U.S. history. Yet the underlying figures may be even more remarkable. Unemployment among blacks and Latinos fell to 6.6 percent and 4.8 percent, respectively, their lowest levels in recorded history — and half the rates of five years ago.
I am impressed

Now maybe our president will start standing up for workers over his corporate friends
Trump rolls back worker safety rules

When President Donald Trump came into office pledging to cut regulations “massively,” he made a point of exempting regulations that protected workers’ health.

But almost two years in, the Trump administration has done the opposite, rolling back worker safety protections affecting underground mine safety inspections, offshore oil rigs and line speeds in meat processing plants, among others.

President Trump’s historic jobs achievement

While the media obsess over the latest palace intrigue, President Trump is quietly shaping up to be one of the best economic presidents in modern U.S. history.
Under his watch, the unemployment rate hit 3.9 percent in April, the lowest level this century. At this rate, essentially every American who wants a job could find one. Keep in mind, the unemployment rate was more than double this level as recently as President Obama's second term in office.
Unemployment has dipped below 4 percent only a few times in U.S. history. Yet the underlying figures may be even more remarkable. Unemployment among blacks and Latinos fell to 6.6 percent and 4.8 percent, respectively, their lowest levels in recorded history — and half the rates of five years ago.

I wonder what he would of done if Obama left him the greatest depression since the depression??
Ten actions that hurt workers during Trump’s first year: How Trump and Congress further rigged the economy in favor of the wealthy

President Trump and congressional Republicans have blocked regulations that protect workers’ pay and safety. Two of the blocked regulations are the Workplace Injury and Illness recordkeeping rule, and the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces rule. By blocking these rules, the president and Congress are raising the risks for workers while rewarding companies that put their employees at risk.
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I wonder what he would of done if Obama left him the greatest depression since the depression??

You mean the recession that the Democrats caused while Bush was president? The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. He did not.

Before the Democrats took Congress in 2007 unemployment was 4.1%, gas was $1.70 a gallon, and the economy was expanding.

Then the Democrats took Congress in 2007 and promptly destroyed the economy. When Obama became president in 2009 he made it twice as bad.

Let’s do a little math here:

Bush was president for 8 years, from 2001 to 2009.

As I said, in 2007 unemployment was 4.1% and the economy was expanding. That is SIX years into the Bush presidency mind you - SIX OUT OF EIGHT. (And BTW: 4.1% is almost perfect since there is no such thing as a 0% rate.)

Now, can anyone explain to me why the first six years of the eight-year Bush presidency was just fine, and then magically, when the Democrats took over Congress, the economy tanked? Simple: The Democrats took power. When they took power they pushed their social engineering policy of trying to let minorities who wants to own a house own a house whether they could afford it or not. All the bad loans the banks made, they were browbeat into that by the Left. And THAT was the first domino in line to fall.

As I said: The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. In fact, Democrats did, with policies that can find their genesis in the Clinton years

Fake News bullshit.
Trump has appointed—or tried to appoint—individuals with records of exploiting workers to key posts in the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). DOL is supposed to promote the welfare of job seekers, wage earners, and retirees by, among other things, protecting them from hazards on the job and ensuring they are paid for their work. The NLRB is charged with protecting the rights of most private-sector employees to join together, with or without a union, to improve their wages and working conditions. Nominees to critical roles at DOL and the NLRB have—in word and deed—expressed hostility to the worker rights laws they are in charge of upholding.
I wonder what he would of done if Obama left him the greatest depression since the depression??

You mean the recession that the Democrats caused while Bush was president? The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. He did not.

Before the Democrats took Congress in 2007 unemployment was 4.1%, gas was $1.70 a gallon, and the economy was expanding.

Then the Democrats took Congress in 2007 and promptly destroyed the economy. When Obama became president in 2009 he made it twice as bad.

Let’s do a little math here:

Bush was president for 8 years, from 2001 to 2009.

As I said, in 2007 unemployment was 4.1% and the economy was expanding. That is SIX years into the Bush presidency mind you - SIX OUT OF EIGHT. (And BTW: 4.1% is almost perfect since there is no such thing as a 0% rate.)

Now, can anyone explain to me why the first six years of the eight-year Bush presidency was just fine, and then magically, when the Democrats took over Congress, the economy tanked? Simple: The Democrats took power. When they took power they pushed their social engineering policy of trying to let minorities who wants to own a house own a house whether they could afford it or not. All the bad loans the banks made, they were browbeat into that by the Left. And THAT was the first domino in line to fall.

As I said: The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. In fact, Democrats did, with policies that can find their genesis in the Clinton years

Fake News bullshit.

Bush and his admin caused the biggest recession , just like after Reagan. It fell like a free fall. Do you not remember the housing bubble and drop, the preying on people to get roped into ARMS or The fake war in Iraq.

I remember the prices of houses tripled and the realtors loved it and the ins people. Unbridled capitalism is what Reagan and Bush Jr did and now it tramps turn to ruin the economy.

Tramp was left a decent and thriving economy and tramp will ruin it.
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Donald Trump always puts the American worker first,unlike Democrats who put everything else first, including illegal aliens, and raise taxes that hur America's workers. Here is the latest from POTUS:

Proclamation on Pledge to America’s Workers Month, 2019
Proclamation on Pledge to America's Workers Month, 2019

This month, we celebrate Pledge to America’s Workers Month. Last year, I signed an Executive Order establishing the President’s National Council for the American Worker. The Council, made up of 14 Federal agencies, is charged with developing a national strategy for training and reskilling workers for high-demand occupations and the industries of the future. The Federal Government, however, cannot do it alone. That is why we also launched the Pledge to America’s Workers, a call-to-action for States and the private sector to create new education and training opportunities to better serve the American worker and encourage private investment in workforce development. As of today, a strong bipartisan majority of our Nation’s Governors and more than 280 companies and associations have signed the Pledge, committing to create nearly 10 million enhanced career and training opportunities for America’s workforce. On this inaugural Pledge to America’s Workers Month, my Administration calls on more States and employers, both large and small, to sign the Pledge to strengthen the economy and ensure one of America’s greatest assets — its workforce — is prepared for the jobs of today and tomorrow.

As President, I have worked to revitalize our country’s economy and usher in a new era of American prosperity. Since taking office, 5.4 million jobs have been added to our Nation’s economy. This year, wage growth hit its fastest pace in a decade, boosting the buying power of American workers. My Administration has unleashed an economic expansion that has brought a record number of Americans back into the labor market. Not only has the national unemployment rate dropped to 3.6 percent, the lowest rate in half a century, but unemployment has reached historic lows among minorities, veterans, and individuals with disabilities. In May, a record 75 percent of people who started that work had been out of the labor force the previous month rather than unemployed. In other words, we are bringing more people off the sidelines and into the labor force than ever before. We are striving for and achieving inclusive growth, so that all Americans, especially those who have been marginalized, can find meaningful work and the training needed to fill vacant jobs.

Our country’s flourishing job market also poses exciting new opportunities. In each of the past 14 months, the United States has had more job openings than job seekers, meaning there remains room for even more Americans to enter the labor force. My Administration stands ready to help American workers gain the skills needed to fill the approximately 7.4 million open jobs. That is why last month, the Department of Labor launched the new Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship pathway, encouraging companies to offer on-the-job training in new, emerging, and high-growth sectors of our economy.

Throughout Pledge to America’s Workers Month, we applaud the States, employers, and associations who have signed the Pledge. And we encourage those that have not yet signed the Pledge to do so and commit to new education and training opportunities over the next 5 years. Together, with the industrious spirit of the American workforce, we will build a more prosperous future for all generations.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim July 2019 as Pledge to America’s Workers Month.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of July, in the year of our Lord two thousand nineteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-third.

I wonder what he would of done if Obama left him the greatest depression since the depression??

You mean the recession that the Democrats caused while Bush was president? The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. He did not.

Before the Democrats took Congress in 2007 unemployment was 4.1%, gas was $1.70 a gallon, and the economy was expanding.

Then the Democrats took Congress in 2007 and promptly destroyed the economy. When Obama became president in 2009 he made it twice as bad.

Let’s do a little math here:

Bush was president for 8 years, from 2001 to 2009.

As I said, in 2007 unemployment was 4.1% and the economy was expanding. That is SIX years into the Bush presidency mind you - SIX OUT OF EIGHT. (And BTW: 4.1% is almost perfect since there is no such thing as a 0% rate.)

Now, can anyone explain to me why the first six years of the eight-year Bush presidency was just fine, and then magically, when the Democrats took over Congress, the economy tanked? Simple: The Democrats took power. When they took power they pushed their social engineering policy of trying to let minorities who wants to own a house own a house whether they could afford it or not. All the bad loans the banks made, they were browbeat into that by the Left. And THAT was the first domino in line to fall.

As I said: The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. In fact, Democrats did, with policies that can find their genesis in the Clinton years

Fake News bullshit.

Bush and his admin caused the biggest recession , just like after Reagan. It fell like a free fall. Do you not remember the housing bubble and drop, the preying on people to get roped into ARMS or The fake war in Iraq.

I remember the prices of houses tripled and the realtors loved it and the ins people. Unbridled capitalism is what Reagan and Bush Jr did and now it tramps turn to ruin the economy.

Tramp was left a decent and thriving economy and tramp will ruin it.
As poorly suited as Trump is to be President, he will never match the carnage we saw under Bush

Donald Trump always puts the American worker first,unlike Democrats who put everything else first, including illegal aliens, and raise taxes that hur America's workers. Here is the latest from POTUS:

Proclamation on Pledge to America’s Workers Month, 2019
Proclamation on Pledge to America's Workers Month, 2019

This month, we celebrate Pledge to America’s Workers Month. Last year, I signed an Executive Order establishing the President’s National Council for the American Worker. The Council, made up of 14 Federal agencies, is charged with developing a national strategy for training and reskilling workers for high-demand occupations and the industries of the future. The Federal Government, however, cannot do it alone. That is why we also launched the Pledge to America’s Workers, a call-to-action for States and the private sector to create new education and training opportunities to better serve the American worker and encourage private investment in workforce development. As of today, a strong bipartisan majority of our Nation’s Governors and more than 280 companies and associations have signed the Pledge, committing to create nearly 10 million enhanced career and training opportunities for America’s workforce. On this inaugural Pledge to America’s Workers Month, my Administration calls on more States and employers, both large and small, to sign the Pledge to strengthen the economy and ensure one of America’s greatest assets — its workforce — is prepared for the jobs of today and tomorrow.

As President, I have worked to revitalize our country’s economy and usher in a new era of American prosperity. Since taking office, 5.4 million jobs have been added to our Nation’s economy. This year, wage growth hit its fastest pace in a decade, boosting the buying power of American workers. My Administration has unleashed an economic expansion that has brought a record number of Americans back into the labor market. Not only has the national unemployment rate dropped to 3.6 percent, the lowest rate in half a century, but unemployment has reached historic lows among minorities, veterans, and individuals with disabilities. In May, a record 75 percent of people who started that work had been out of the labor force the previous month rather than unemployed. In other words, we are bringing more people off the sidelines and into the labor force than ever before. We are striving for and achieving inclusive growth, so that all Americans, especially those who have been marginalized, can find meaningful work and the training needed to fill vacant jobs.

Our country’s flourishing job market also poses exciting new opportunities. In each of the past 14 months, the United States has had more job openings than job seekers, meaning there remains room for even more Americans to enter the labor force. My Administration stands ready to help American workers gain the skills needed to fill the approximately 7.4 million open jobs. That is why last month, the Department of Labor launched the new Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship pathway, encouraging companies to offer on-the-job training in new, emerging, and high-growth sectors of our economy.

Throughout Pledge to America’s Workers Month, we applaud the States, employers, and associations who have signed the Pledge. And we encourage those that have not yet signed the Pledge to do so and commit to new education and training opportunities over the next 5 years. Together, with the industrious spirit of the American workforce, we will build a more prosperous future for all generations.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim July 2019 as Pledge to America’s Workers Month.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of July, in the year of our Lord two thousand nineteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-third.


Dow celebrates best June in 81 years, S&P best in 64 years

Dow celebrates best June in 81 years, S&P best in 64 years

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