Probably a dumb question, but.......


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Gonna ask anyway.

Jihad has been called because we are over there bombing the fuck out muslims and they want us out of their countries. is the dumb question.
What if our government had a sit down with their government, and said ok..we will pull out. We will not pull a hiroshima on your sorry asses. Do your thang. Kill each other over whatever the fuck you are warring about and we in the USA will just mind our own business and watch from afar. IN RETURN for us not ever stepping foot in your stinky smelly dry ugly fucking countries, you will call all your muslims pals home..including those who moved here and are now "citizens" and send us back our own citizens over there (if any still have their heads)....we will not nuke you to smithereens. No more Jihad. We leave, you fight yer own battles.

I suppose that probably won't work since we have to stick with our allies if they get attacked. But what if our allies said the same thing? Call off Jihad, we (and our allies agreed) to not blow y'all up for good.

Whatcha think?
Its a thought Ms. Gracie, but theres some downsides there Id have to really sit and think about in order to iterate.
That wouldn't make our oil industry happy. We want their oil, which is why we won't leave the Middle East alone.
gracie-----you are very naïve If I told you that muslims have been making a concerted effort to BRING ISLAM to the Americas (from the middle east) since
before the 1930s would you believe it? The program has been heavily funded
by eager muslim proselytizers
Anyone know WHY Jihad has been called? How about you, Sunni Man? Do you know why?

Well Obama says it is because they do not have jobs and it is due to the climate changing..

But like anything you can go back thousands of years and see that Jihad has been on going..

Each of the 164 Jihad verses in this list was selected based on how clearly and directly it spoke about Jihad, at least when considered in its immediate context. Most of the listed passages mention a military expedition, fighting, or distributing war spoils. Verses NOT generally listed are those that speak about aspects of Jihad other than the raiding, fighting and looting, such as:

  • Muhammad's poor opinion of those who did not go on Jihad, even though they were able-bodied and able financially (for instance, some verses in K 009:081-096),
  • The heavenly rewards for Jihadists, and
  • The many generic mentions of "victory" found in the Koran.
"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan
Gonna ask anyway.

Jihad has been called because we are over there bombing the fuck out muslims and they want us out of their countries. is the dumb question.
What if our government had a sit down with their government, and said ok..we will pull out. We will not pull a hiroshima on your sorry asses. Do your thang. Kill each other over whatever the fuck you are warring about and we in the USA will just mind our own business and watch from afar. IN RETURN for us not ever stepping foot in your stinky smelly dry ugly fucking countries, you will call all your muslims pals home..including those who moved here and are now "citizens" and send us back our own citizens over there (if any still have their heads)....we will not nuke you to smithereens. No more Jihad. We leave, you fight yer own battles.

I suppose that probably won't work since we have to stick with our allies if they get attacked. But what if our allies said the same thing? Call off Jihad, we (and our allies agreed) to not blow y'all up for good.

Whatcha think?

I think there's a lot of people with a vested interest in war with the ME.
Gonna ask anyway.

Jihad has been called because we are over there bombing the fuck out muslims and they want us out of their countries. is the dumb question.
What if our government had a sit down with their government, and said ok..we will pull out. We will not pull a hiroshima on your sorry asses. Do your thang. Kill each other over whatever the fuck you are warring about and we in the USA will just mind our own business and watch from afar. IN RETURN for us not ever stepping foot in your stinky smelly dry ugly fucking countries, you will call all your muslims pals home..including those who moved here and are now "citizens" and send us back our own citizens over there (if any still have their heads)....we will not nuke you to smithereens. No more Jihad. We leave, you fight yer own battles.

I suppose that probably won't work since we have to stick with our allies if they get attacked. But what if our allies said the same thing? Call off Jihad, we (and our allies agreed) to not blow y'all up for good.

Whatcha think?
According to the Quran; If your enemy asks for a truce and wants to make peace.

Muslims are to cease fighting and sit down with him and work out the details. ..... :cool:

Quran 8:61 "If the enemy is inclined towards peace, do make peace with them, and put your trust in Allah. He is the One Who hears all , knows all."
That genie is not going back in the bottle...the infidels must convert or die. Period.
Gonna ask anyway.

Jihad has been called because we are over there bombing the fuck out muslims and they want us out of their countries. is the dumb question.
What if our government had a sit down with their government, and said ok..we will pull out. We will not pull a hiroshima on your sorry asses. Do your thang. Kill each other over whatever the fuck you are warring about and we in the USA will just mind our own business and watch from afar. IN RETURN for us not ever stepping foot in your stinky smelly dry ugly fucking countries, you will call all your muslims pals home..including those who moved here and are now "citizens" and send us back our own citizens over there (if any still have their heads)....we will not nuke you to smithereens. No more Jihad. We leave, you fight yer own battles.

I suppose that probably won't work since we have to stick with our allies if they get attacked. But what if our allies said the same thing? Call off Jihad, we (and our allies agreed) to not blow y'all up for good.

Whatcha think?
According to the Quran; If your enemy asks for a truce and wants to make peace.

Muslims are to cease fighting and sit down with him and work out the details. ..... :cool:

Quran 8:61 "If the enemy is inclined towards peace, do make peace with them, and put your trust in Allah. He is the One Who hears all , knows all."
In your opinion, Sunniman, why was Jihad called for in the first place against the USA?
That is not really what their goal is. Your OP is more Al-Qaeda than ISIS. Al-Qaeda has politically oriented objectives. Americans out of the Middle East, end Western support of Israel and Middle Eastern dictators and such. ISIS believes they are fighting the war that will eventually lead to the battle where, surrounded by the anti-messiah or Dajjal and his forces, the caliphate's greatly reduced fighters are saved by the return of Jesus. A really apocalyptic, end times kind of objective.
Gonna ask anyway.

Jihad has been called because we are over there bombing the fuck out muslims and they want us out of their countries. is the dumb question.
What if our government had a sit down with their government, and said ok..we will pull out. We will not pull a hiroshima on your sorry asses. Do your thang. Kill each other over whatever the fuck you are warring about and we in the USA will just mind our own business and watch from afar. IN RETURN for us not ever stepping foot in your stinky smelly dry ugly fucking countries, you will call all your muslims pals home..including those who moved here and are now "citizens" and send us back our own citizens over there (if any still have their heads)....we will not nuke you to smithereens. No more Jihad. We leave, you fight yer own battles.

I suppose that probably won't work since we have to stick with our allies if they get attacked. But what if our allies said the same thing? Call off Jihad, we (and our allies agreed) to not blow y'all up for good.

Whatcha think?
According to the Quran; If your enemy asks for a truce and wants to make peace.

Muslims are to cease fighting and sit down with him and work out the details. ..... :cool:

Quran 8:61 "If the enemy is inclined towards peace, do make peace with them, and put your trust in Allah. He is the One Who hears all , knows all."

right-----the details are the acceptance of an enslaved status to the filth of Islamic rule.-----to wit DHIMMIA Great idea----the details of DHIMMIA ------since sunni is so enthusiastic about the program SHOULD be offered to muslims living in the USA. Anyone interested in the details------feel free to ask questions----my own husband was born into that stink and filth----he was rescued from the Islamic cesspit as a child-----but his older relatives CERTAINLY REMEMBER the filth in DETAIL
That is not really what their goal is. Your OP is more Al-Qaeda than ISIS. Al-Qaeda has politically oriented objectives. Americans out of the Middle East, end Western support of Israel and Middle Eastern dictators and such. ISIS believes they are fighting the war that will eventually lead to the battle where, surrounded by the anti-messiah or Dajjal and his forces, the caliphate's greatly reduced fighters are saved by the return of Jesus. A really apocalyptic, end times kind of objective.


ISIS - The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (Syria) - is aiming to create a territorial presence, stable, large, self sustaining and constant,
which will be based on a rule whose principles shall not waver from governing precepts that were embedded in Islam by the Prophet Muhammad and his earliest followers.

This is no different that AQ or the Taliban..

ISIS is the new terrorist brand that the radicals are latching on to because the horrid policies of Obama allowed them to become very powerful in a short amount of time..

It could be called unicorns for Islam and the goal would be the same..

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