Pro-"Russia" Social Media Takes Aim at Macron as Yellow Vests Rage


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
so putler did again, this time he attacks oldest USA ally, whats gonna Trump this time ? which side he will take?

Pro-"Russia" Social Media Takes Aim at Macron as Yellow Vests Rage

Among 600 Twitter accounts known to promote Kremlin views, the top hashtag now is #giletsjaunes, the French name for the so-called Yellow Vests protest movement, according to the Alliance for Securing Democracy, a unit of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S. that monitors those accounts and other pro-Kremlin activity.

The Twitter accounts monitored by the alliance usually feature U.S. or British news. But the French protests “have been at or near the top” of their activity for at least a week, says Bret Schafer, the alliance’s Washington-based social media analyst. “That’s a pretty strong indication that there is interest in amplifying the conflict” for audiences outside France, he says.

A major theme of recent tweets is that French law enforcement is on the verge of mutiny. That assertion – which doesn’t appear to be supported by facts – resembles other Kremlin-backed disinformation campaigns that have tried to engender mistrust in Western governments and show that liberal democracies are in decline, Schafer says.

Russian State Media
Much of the tweeted material comes from Russian state media outlets including the Sputnik news website, the RT television network, and Ruptly, a German-based video news agency that belongs to RT. These outlets are covering the French crisis closely; RT has said that 12 of its journalists have been injured in the protests, far more than any other news organization.

Sputnik and RT have reported in recent days that most French police no longer support Macron and are siding with the protesters. Their sources: representatives of two small police unions that together won less than 4 percent of votes in nationwide union elections this month. Sputnik and RT also have shown a video – widely shared on French social media -- of police in the southwestern town of Pau removing their helmets in what was described as a sign of solidarity with protesters. Local police and journalists on the scene said the description was untrue. They said some officers had briefly removed their helmets to talk with protesters before putting them back on.

Sputnik and RT didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.

Read here for more on why people in yellow vests are blocking roads
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
so putler did again, this time he attacks oldest USA ally, whats gonna Trump this time ? which side he will take?

Pro-"Russia" Social Media Takes Aim at Macron as Yellow Vests Rage

Among 600 Twitter accounts known to promote Kremlin views, the top hashtag now is #giletsjaunes, the French name for the so-called Yellow Vests protest movement, according to the Alliance for Securing Democracy, a unit of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S. that monitors those accounts and other pro-Kremlin activity.

The Twitter accounts monitored by the alliance usually feature U.S. or British news. But the French protests “have been at or near the top” of their activity for at least a week, says Bret Schafer, the alliance’s Washington-based social media analyst. “That’s a pretty strong indication that there is interest in amplifying the conflict” for audiences outside France, he says.

A major theme of recent tweets is that French law enforcement is on the verge of mutiny. That assertion – which doesn’t appear to be supported by facts – resembles other Kremlin-backed disinformation campaigns that have tried to engender mistrust in Western governments and show that liberal democracies are in decline, Schafer says.

Russian State Media
Much of the tweeted material comes from Russian state media outlets including the Sputnik news website, the RT television network, and Ruptly, a German-based video news agency that belongs to RT. These outlets are covering the French crisis closely; RT has said that 12 of its journalists have been injured in the protests, far more than any other news organization.

Sputnik and RT have reported in recent days that most French police no longer support Macron and are siding with the protesters. Their sources: representatives of two small police unions that together won less than 4 percent of votes in nationwide union elections this month. Sputnik and RT also have shown a video – widely shared on French social media -- of police in the southwestern town of Pau removing their helmets in what was described as a sign of solidarity with protesters. Local police and journalists on the scene said the description was untrue. They said some officers had briefly removed their helmets to talk with protesters before putting them back on.

Sputnik and RT didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.

Read here for more on why people in yellow vests are blocking roads
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

litwit----nothing new-----pro ruskies always support socialist
endeavors and upheavals The cops supporting the yellow vests-----SHEEEESH how Bolshevik!!! -----anyway--probably not true. Do you know the DEMOGRAPHIC of the protesters? So far all I have is Guyanese ?????
Sorry but Putin is supporting right wingers...

Here as well as around the world
Sorry but Putin is supporting right wingers...

Here as well as around the world

depends on how you define "right wing" Putin is a
virulent IMPERIALIST and supports all national
movements upon which he can MAKE A MOVE.
It is for that reason that he supports Iranian
Imperialism and anything associated with
Baasthism, which I have no doubt seems "leftist"
to you.
Sorry but Putin is supporting right wingers...

Here as well as around the world

no, putler supports all kind of radicals
Why Russia cultivates fringe groups on the far-right and far-left.

May 4, 2017 - And Moscow, via both funding and proxies, has been only too eager to return the ... Meanwhile, just as Russian support for Europe's far-right ... Anti-globalization advocates and hard-left socialists have gravitated toward an ...
so putler did again, this time he attacks oldest USA ally, whats gonna Trump this time ? which side he will take?

Pro-"Russia" Social Media Takes Aim at Macron as Yellow Vests Rage

Among 600 Twitter accounts known to promote Kremlin views, the top hashtag now is #giletsjaunes, the French name for the so-called Yellow Vests protest movement, according to the Alliance for Securing Democracy, a unit of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S. that monitors those accounts and other pro-Kremlin activity.

The Twitter accounts monitored by the alliance usually feature U.S. or British news. But the French protests “have been at or near the top” of their activity for at least a week, says Bret Schafer, the alliance’s Washington-based social media analyst. “That’s a pretty strong indication that there is interest in amplifying the conflict” for audiences outside France, he says.

A major theme of recent tweets is that French law enforcement is on the verge of mutiny. That assertion – which doesn’t appear to be supported by facts – resembles other Kremlin-backed disinformation campaigns that have tried to engender mistrust in Western governments and show that liberal democracies are in decline, Schafer says.

Russian State Media
Much of the tweeted material comes from Russian state media outlets including the Sputnik news website, the RT television network, and Ruptly, a German-based video news agency that belongs to RT. These outlets are covering the French crisis closely; RT has said that 12 of its journalists have been injured in the protests, far more than any other news organization.

Sputnik and RT have reported in recent days that most French police no longer support Macron and are siding with the protesters. Their sources: representatives of two small police unions that together won less than 4 percent of votes in nationwide union elections this month. Sputnik and RT also have shown a video – widely shared on French social media -- of police in the southwestern town of Pau removing their helmets in what was described as a sign of solidarity with protesters. Local police and journalists on the scene said the description was untrue. They said some officers had briefly removed their helmets to talk with protesters before putting them back on.

Sputnik and RT didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.

Read here for more on why people in yellow vests are blocking roads
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

litwit----nothing new-----pro ruskies always support socialist
endeavors and upheavals The cops supporting the yellow vests-----SHEEEESH how Bolshevik!!! -----anyway--probably not true. Do you know the DEMOGRAPHIC of the protesters? So far all I have is Guyanese ?????

socialist in France ? no, putler supports all kind of radicals
Why Russia cultivates fringe groups on the far-right and far-left.

May 4, 2017 - And Moscow, via both funding and proxies, has been only too eager to return the ... Meanwhile, just as Russian support for Europe's far-right ... Anti-globalization advocates and hard-left socialists have gravitated toward an ...
weird religions and Russians -----love the fringe. HOW TO BUILD A CULT
weird religions and Russians -----love the fringe. HOW TO BUILD A CULT
in putlerstan everything goes , as long as its not against vova putler . Koba attacks French police, in 2018 madness . we must stop grandad Botox

weird religions and Russians -----love the fringe. HOW TO BUILD A CULT
in putlerstan everything goes , as long as its not against vova putler . Koba attacks French police, in 2018 madness . we must stop grandad Botox

you lost me who is BOTOX ----Botox is a poison---it blocks the release of acetyl choline----which is the necessary neural function in MUSCULAR function ----thus it causes paralysis
weird religions and Russians -----love the fringe. HOW TO BUILD A CULT
in putlerstan everything goes , as long as its not against vova putler . Koba attacks French police, in 2018 madness . we must stop grandad Botox

you lost me who is BOTOX ----Botox is a poison---it blocks the release of acetyl choline----which is the necessary neural function in MUSCULAR function ----thus it causes paralysis


weird religions and Russians -----love the fringe. HOW TO BUILD A CULT
in putlerstan everything goes , as long as its not against vova putler . Koba attacks French police, in 2018 madness . we must stop grandad Botox

you lost me who is BOTOX ----Botox is a poison---it blocks the release of acetyl choline----which is the necessary neural function in MUSCULAR function ----thus it causes paralysis



Lit-----the pretty picture of Poootin is the result of airbrushing
make-up artistry. Even I can look 16 using an airbrush
Same photos of tourists and their flag. Big whoop.
" leader of the ultra-right organization Dies Irae ("Judgment Day") and a fan of the "RuSSian World.""

The two men holding the flag were identified as French nationals Fabrice Sorlin and Xavier Moreau – both supporters of Russia-backed militants in the occupied Donbas.

During a yellow vest rally in Paris, two Frenchmen were photographed boasting the flag of the so-called "Donetsk People's Republic" terrorist organization. The photo was posted on the WarGonzo Telegram channel. The men were identified as supporters of Russia-backed Donbas militants, Fabrice Sorlin and Xavier Moreau. According to the information published on the “Peacemaker” website, Xavier Moreau visited the occupied Donbas as an "observer" at the pseudo-elections of November 11 this year.

Fabrice Sorlin is the leader of the ultra-right organization Dies Irae ("Judgment Day") and a fan of the "Russian World." He also illegally visited the occupied territories of Donbas, after which he wrote a number of pro-Russian columns in French media. As UNIAN reported earlier, another wave of yellow vest protests has swept through France on Saturday. Police vans and armored vehicles are seen along Paris streets. A total of 89,000 police officers have been deployed to ensure public order. Ahead of the rally, law enforcers detained more than 300 people they believed could cause trouble."
Lit----this is a REAL QUESTION (from curious rose) Does
Iran support the DIES IRAE persons? ?? Why do
you style them "ultra right"? because of their nationalism?
Why the excitement? The yellow vest folks have, so far, not displayed any of those Nazi leanings that the OP is so eager to support.

yes-----so far----little rose (me) cannot discern just who
are the yellow vests------what is the content of their chants
and limericks?
weird religions and Russians -----love the fringe. HOW TO BUILD A CULT
in putlerstan everything goes , as long as its not against vova putler . Koba attacks French police, in 2018 madness . we must stop grandad Botox

you lost me who is BOTOX ----Botox is a poison---it blocks the release of acetyl choline----which is the necessary neural function in MUSCULAR function ----thus it causes paralysis



Lit-----the pretty picture of Poootin is the result of airbrushing
make-up artistry. Even I can look 16 using an airbrush

no, its about operations and botox

Has Putin had plastic surgery? Top cosmetic surgeon reveals exactly ...

Mar 14, 2018 - VLADIMIR Putin sells himself as the ultimate, no-nonsense Russian hard man ... Well rumours of Putin's use of Botox - and maybe even plastic ...
Don't Look Like Vladimir Putin: When Powerful Men's Obsession with ...

Aug 16, 2017 - Powerful men are increasingly seeking out cosmetic procedures like military-grade Botox and fillers, and it rarely looks good. Exhibit A: Vladimir ...
weird religions and Russians -----love the fringe. HOW TO BUILD A CULT
in putlerstan everything goes , as long as its not against vova putler . Koba attacks French police, in 2018 madness . we must stop grandad Botox

you lost me who is BOTOX ----Botox is a poison---it blocks the release of acetyl choline----which is the necessary neural function in MUSCULAR function ----thus it causes paralysis



Lit-----the pretty picture of Poootin is the result of airbrushing
make-up artistry. Even I can look 16 using an airbrush

no, its about operations and botox

Has Putin had plastic surgery? Top cosmetic surgeon reveals exactly ...

Mar 14, 2018 - VLADIMIR Putin sells himself as the ultimate, no-nonsense Russian hard man ... Well rumours of Putin's use of Botox - and maybe even plastic ...
Don't Look Like Vladimir Putin: When Powerful Men's Obsession with ...

Aug 16, 2017 - Powerful men are increasingly seeking out cosmetic procedures like military-grade Botox and fillers, and it rarely looks good. Exhibit A: Vladimir ...

"Military grade 'botox' " SHEEEESH dats botulinin toxin---
placed in colorful balloons and blown over the country side--
it could kill millions

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