Presidential election 2017: Macron targeted by Russia


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
Bonsoir, Russia is looking and maybe more for the next French élection in May.

François Fillon is not doing very well...a real crook a money lovers like never before coming from the right.

Macron ...


Is campaign

Funded by a "very rich gay lobby"

But the deputy of the Aube does not just talk about the candidate's past professional career and also attacks the man: "Regarding his private life, it begins to be known at the time we are talking. Macron is someone we call the darling or darling of the French media, which is held by a small number of people, as everyone knows. "

"In addition, one of his supporters is the famous businessman Pierre Bergé, a longtime associate and lover of Yves Saint Laurent, who is openly homosexual and defends marriage for all. "Insinuations already denied by the candidate of En marche! Himself in November in Mediapart when he was targeted by rumors giving him a double life. Nicolas Dhuicq then concludes his demonstration by claiming that a "very rich gay lobby" financially supports the former Minister of Economy

WikiLeaks gets involved

But the French parliamentarian is not the only one who has targeted Emmanuel Macron. In an interview titled "Assange is going to throw oil on the fire of the presidential campaign in France," Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks said on 3 February in Izvstia, Russian state news agency, able to provide Russia Incriminating information about Emmanuel Macron, contained in the emails of Hillary Clinton. In 2015, Sputnik France and RT sites in French, Russian media frequently pinned for their proximity to the Kremlin, have installed antennas in the Hexagon.

Présidentielle 2017 : Macron visé par la Russie

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