Pro-immigration reform is anti-american


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

It rewards those who consciously disrespect and break the law and punish those who respect and abide by the law.

Those who are pro-Immigration Reform cannot be pro-American because it takes jobs away from Americans, make American children compete for education and jobs and does nothing to stop illegal immigration and secure the border. All which is a threat to all Americans. Lives and American dreams. None of those who advocate Immigration Reform has asked Americans how they feel about it but they have listened to Latinos and Hispanics how they fell.

Schuler claim if we make legal immigration more accessible it will stop illegal immigration and that a nonsense. 1986 amnesty did nothing to curb illegal immigration or to secure the border and let to 20 million more Illegal Aliens in expecting amnesty. We have a more than generous immigration system that allows almost a million to enter the country legally each year.

Immigration Reform must include securing the border and stopping business from hiring Illegal Aliens that displace American workers. And then and not until then should we even be thinking of Immigration Reform with legalization and a path to citizenship for the 20 million that are here. Going after business must be a priority and that will cause some to self-deport and that is not an offensive word because millions have already self-deported with their anchor babies when the economy failed.

Allowing those here illegal to be ahead of those who have been waiting to enter legally is like rewarding criminals and punishing those who abide by the law.

Anti-illegal immigrant cannot be used in the same sentence a anti-immigrant because they are totally different in meaning. An “immigrant” can be “legal” or “illegal” and illegal immigrants which Americans hate is because of their arrogant and disrespect for our laws that we have to abide by ourselves and teach our chidden to respect and abide by. I wonder how Obama explains Immigration Reform to Tasha and Malia? That Immigration Reform today is Immigration Reform in 1986 and Immigration Reform again in 2032.
If Romney had stood by "self deportaton" he would have got my vote no matter the other issues.
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Nowhere in that quote does it say "please enter queue line". Amnesty for those that are here and a fast track to citizenship for those still waiting is the most humane and practical thing to do in my opinion.
The most humane thing to do and the most kindly thing to do for a pack of wild hyenas is to let them tear you apart too. After all, don't they have to eat?

When those words were written, there was no such thing as welfare, or free medical care, or laws to protect immigrants from vigilantes. There was no section 8 or free education. There was no such thing as any kind of social safety net. So let them come, under the same circumstances as existed when that phrase was inscribed.
Nobody is going to self-deport, nobody is going to round up all of the illegals and forcibly deport them, and nobody is going to turn away a sick or dying "illegal" at the hospital if they are even remotely human. They are here, most of them work and contribute, and they are not leaving. Amnesty for those that are here and a fast track to citizenship for the everybody else is the only realistic and moral option in my opinion. You can criticize my stance all you'd like but the reality remains.

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